4 . Nari.“ is can“ " direct or hind my. on the nu- ves invoked. II ai-e, if no! corrected, tho norm begin to degenerate "ttowed by i.- paired -iaq of the m area. In such cases, Chiropractic {human-unawi; 'r-tuit-thir-tie The term “neuritis†new inflammation of a nerve or ner ves. It may occur in any part of the body, the moat common locations being the neqk, shout. ders, arms, hip or leg. n ap pears as pain and tenderness of an intense, butting nature along the course of the nerve and is increased by pressure at motion. Sciatica, for example, is an inflammation of the scia- ticnerveinthetegsamotstditr tressing condition. 1tttriirsaegrgtg!y::ePiiririfutirie FREE 3 Piece Carving Set 1lNilliiihih"ilillll. Come in! See why " EASIEST to install . . EASIEST to can far. . . EASIESTon your budsreh..antfattrmcpztttg, tout See the solid color going through and through every Amtico Care-Free" Vinyl tile. Remember, it’s all-vinyl . . . finest 'flooring of it: kind at the lowest all-vinyl price ever. We'll help you plan your own design from lovely colors in Carousel, Wood Grain or Cork pattern} Amtieo Cue-Fm in ftaxittist and resilient, resists grout nnd adds, won't rot or mildew. our: - 'q'"'"' 3.00" same: man .. . Amtico Care-Free in impregnated with ail) Permuhem, exclusive went antiseptic which kills or inhibits rial Cuta with scissors for installing .'. . occasional mopping keep. it gleaming .'. . record low-priced! 4CASES ftattSQ.FT09"x9" Mum cm - In: In: “gm SPECIAL 19 EACH . Wm 85 . 1" : Llrtrt, __._.n_ " I]. m BE. . " 3-533 um Null no WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF ...amiststtasrutrnrltV. can cite. brings quick nub: however, the length " time it ukes to recover depends on various factors such as the ex- tent of damage to the nerve, durum. and Ile agent ttea- 1th minim CAUSE oi the in- flammation. Yon- Chiropractor locates this promo in "I! Consult your Chiropractor early so that dam to the nerve can be minimized and repair take place quickly. wind Published in the public in- terest ht the Waterloo-Welt- ington District Chiropractic Council. The importantlhinq is. tkaritis (valued at 7.95) m and moves 3 " wind "iusts GTG- 'tsue' wearing heavy clothing. A. Watch the weather by ob. serving the dry. and: and - bk. m up oaiekiy " 5. Neveraetoatftte atrium rough weather. 6. Never use boats that are not in to. duo; and Gully and conimon sense" quipped Wal- ly's Dad, “and - to apply mainly to tiaaktg trips." "Are, we Dad, but you would be surprised how hat common - W5 when a large fish is on the end of the line!†"Pine son, they seem to have! taught you something at Sea Cadets" "A couple more Do's and Don'ta are with remembering Dad" continued Wally. "If you are in (power boat, Do give sail boats and other small eratt the right ot way: Do watch carefully for swimmers and floating object: Don’t try toswisntoshasreifyourhoat ldumps, Hang On!" We are happy to report that another "Warsriter" has been selected for a seven-week trad-l es training course. Leading Cadet Peter Baldwin will be attending - communication course at H.M.C.S. Cornwallis, Digby, Nova Scotia, in July and August. Annual impaction and Open than. Thuâ€, May Mth at It p.n. The public is more than ‘welcome to offend. twaniupicaboat. “an those rules are just DECORATE FOR THE DECORA TE YOUR HOME AND PREMISES FOR THE VISIT OF THE QUEEN.. ooo on DECORATE YOUR comer. ONE, THE OTHER, 0R BOTH WILL ADD TO YOUR OWN SUMMER woman. 41/, FT. J. t. .IAIMET & co. no. Conn. with NYLON FLAGS CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE SIZES: COME IN AND SEE THEM 1ttariaiilgttlellrtaliat9sstr. Canadian insignia . Union Jack " SSI ‘ :5. q ‘ ‘ GE; -iiTgsg%iiis ready Sun- gt 12Cr,dll RI day morning and sun spenfl gs Mil] "dl L' " most ot the day with their . E ' EE ', families. For cows in heat on Sunday morning. " not can for service until My morning This Sunday schedule has been very well received and the results are excellent. Artificial weeding Means More Profit to You Why not try it as many others have For service or more information phone Waterloo SH 2-tt39T or for long distance Waterloo , enith 4-4450 or for Izmir: members and St. Jacobs MO 4-2722 between 7:30 and r." mm. week days 6:00 and 8:“ M. Saturday evenings BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING 8.75 “ 12.00 4.95 "Where Both! H: Arre Had" my m" aaa op; slat; test ml“ must reqyeast lhit KITCHENER 7.85 11.00 4.25