Wp" den. The Viceroy variety is largo, meaty and with attract- ive flavor. Vinered is a very early variety, and has even better color than Viceroy. How- ever, like alt other early var- ieties the yield per slant af Although both varieties were developed as early varieties for the processing industry, they can be grown in the home gar- The two new'varieties are named Vinered and Viceroy. Vinered is the earlier of the two. It was developed from a cross between the smatrfriut. ed, very early variety Early Chatham and the late. high. duality variety Rutgers. Vice- roy came from a cross between Bounty and Rutgers. Most of our present early var- ieties of tomatoes in Ontario were .developed for the fresh market and are rather pale in color for processing. states Dr. E. A. Kerr, who is in charge of plant breeding at the Hor- ticultural Experiment Station. The two new varieties not only have good color but they are able to set fruit at lower tem- peratures than most other var- ieties. Vernal alfalfa should be the Anost widely sown variety of alfalfa in 1959, says Dr. Hunt- ley. DuPuits alfalfa, introduced to Ontario a few years ago, has different characteristics .from Vérnal and other typically northern-type alfalfa varieties in that it grows much more vigorously in the spring and fall, and after cutting. In short rotations & where the crop can be cut early for grass silage or very early cut hay, this variety can be used to advantage through a large part of old Two new tomato varieties for I both of Ontario have been announced lower tl by the Horticultural Experi- varieties mental Station of the Ontario iage, Vi Department of Agriculture at ible to s Vineland. m" “A New Tomato Can any recommendations be made now for Ontario‘growers of field crops in 1959? Yes, states Dr. D. N. Hunt.. ley, Head of the Department of Field Husbandry, Ontario Agricultural College. In forage crops, for instance, the most important steeies continues to be the legumes, alfalfa and red clover, and the grasses, brome and timothy. In these species, varieties are becoming more available and in many cases should be used. Association Paul Schintdus. Donal. Farm. South was. New York. has established a world recon! for production of milk on twice aday milking over all breeds and ages in INS days. Her of. ficial name is King View Francy Allegra. In 365 days she gave a total of 38,672 lbs. of milk containing 1,239 lbs. of butterfat. This record m made on _tstieewday milking new Champion’t mifk' record. in the tiers! 1tsqttovejnent an: Field Crop Recommendation Canadian Brad Holstein 1naiiHoAteigrhi-artr Dates To Remember far Wat. Bounty Junior Farmers . School " be held'in tiiriiGFi United Clturett, Brampton. If Unfortunately for home gar- deners, Viceroy and Vinered were so promising last year that processing companies have bought almost the entire seed supply. However, the Horticul- tural Experiment Station at Vineland still has a few trial packets which will be distri- buted as long as they last. Both Vinered and Viceroy will be available from seed companies next fall. Saturday, February " Leadership Training School lower than the yield of u] varieties. Owing to sparse fol- iage, Viceroy may be suscept- ible to sunscald in thahot sea- son, and 130th varieties should be sprayed earetuiifio Fag}; all their foliage. Additional recommendations for all field crops in Ontario for 1959, including the inereas, ingly popular birdsfoot trefoil, appear in Ontario Department of Agriculture circular 296, "Field Crop Recommendations for Qntario in 1969". It is ob tainable at the office of we Sf,',',',? agricultural represent- a ve. Varieties A new variety of spring bar. ley, called York, appears on the recommended list for the first time this year. This var- iety was distributed to elite seed growers last year and sev- eral thousand bushels are avail- able for needing M1959. York is a high-yielding feed barley, somewhat similar to Brant, but much stronger strawed and witAyltyih hetter threshability. Ontario. A short time ago, a new variety of the same type as DuPuils was licensed in Can- ada. This variety is called Alta. Since seed of DuPuits may be in short supply, it is fortunate that seed supplier are avail- able of Alfa, which is of sim- ilar type and, performance. 'hea11timoteomeeiiof ",806tttcrrsitknrurnnason tlteeetrnitMnttaadarttrGrasem Miadm.LitrPatt.tinthetherxt 'da,','.'""""""'"""" - m. The previous U.S.A. Charm pion formi1kpeoduetion on "rieewdayrni1htitt-tmar etQueenProepector,ownedhy Archie Meek, Norwich, New York, with her production of 35,5651hs. .'5BMe",asthenmrC1tntat. iatueaBed-tuttettir- tatmfamrs,aert"Mreatrtai- 'trtsAirrrqttt_atrtirs1srtnr, 'tshreteMtiiqeatt.,'aV mmumum mm’mâ€'"i 2hea1tttmrteaqmeeid the new varieties is HAVE YOU GOT YOUR 19w MEMBERSHIP, If not. an Everyone is getting ready for the Drama Festival to be held at the Kitchener-Waterloo Col- legiate Auditorium. / Monday, March 9 Junior Farmers' Annual Curling Bonspiel This will be held at the Phy- sical Education Building, OAC, Guelph. If you are interested, check with George Barrie, No. 7, Gait. Tuesday and Wednesday, March 10 ' " Wateloo County Seed Fair Junior Farmers’ Seed and Forage Judging Competition, Junior Farmers' exhibit andl March 6 a 7 check with your township dir- ectors. This will be a full day A: :_£-____A37 - - -.. __ - of informaiidrraa' iiiCiisiiii,'. Friday and Saturday, considered ways and means to help apple growers out of their difficulties. One offer was a season's end deficiency payment for apples if each grower's IPs could not be established. The growers wanted no sub. sidy, preferring sales stimulat- Apples are low in price and in plentiful supply, so that few imports have entered the Can- adian market. The result is that, particular- ly in Ontario, there is insuf- ficient demand and a large part of the crop will spoil if it can- not be sold in the next few months. with federal government as- sistance, to help move a large surplus crop. Promotion ends April IS. Ontario and Quebec, with crops last fall of 5,000,000 bus- hels each, had the biggest ap- ple harvest in 40 years. The Nova Scotia crop was small, but British Columbia had a near record crop. A $35,000 apple promotion has been launched by the Can- anen " 1.rort.ieu1tura1 Council, Apple Crisis Met $25,000 Promotion pecuniary at "ttGie assistance â€Iâ€, f6ur "aiu 7‘ Tak, grown on the farm: Katahdin, was to} £on iiiAiiGiii%iii. I load you. Since the: he Soil and car, linirrGGrGi Association just concluded. A"MaaerSmsdPotatatGemr tft-tteen-tod for the Mills, Dutrerin"cmiiitv,airii"e" neglved the award at the am Master Seed Potato Grower Everyone i fed_eral government has will be an to out". first 9W. Winn-â€i V Festival in IT PAYS TO READ THE CHRONICLE FARM PAGE Montreal, at the International Apple Convention. All apple producing provinces were in favor of the scheme and, with federal assistance, funds were raised for its execution. ion ion that would help develop a stronger industry in future. A national promotion flrset tteta an mp1s for " those frtet.rtdttlterrttattoinaasiiv" in: Ontario to follow.†mm R. B. MAI-imam 't.attcthuruht Crops arm. WM Flint? recon at 'tttttr-dr-sehr-el, All passed as {amnion seed. A tubes unit Not at each var- iety ls maintained (or his own seed, and the incidence of du. ease is kept to a minimum. He has built an up-to-date storage, which not only keeps potatoes in excellent condition, but provides good housing for pot- ato equipment and supplies. An early scab problem was overcome by long-term product- E. B. mime Highland ltd. W. mane Tm Availa' was}: ht. Open Eve. by Appoint-lent coggruig - iii" Eaiiili& $219.00 up " Mai mug “can. "concur autumn iii“ ---, Itmmemt" I...“ I." PM"! The flavour and colour of butter is Nature's secret FOR MORE PItorais Per, JrraLor. started Mulch ost'? Frey’s “Itchy been used extenii'weiriil iii; man medicine shows promise " a treatment for bovine ket- ible tu"grtsGi"theTiiaiiii :r-e a general loss of weight and condition, ind a drop in both quality and quantity of milk production. Veterinary practitioners re- Pr' that.. a drug which has Ketosis, a disease of dairy cows is most likely to min during the winter months. Ae cording to the Ontario Veter- inary College, ketoois is moot commonly found’in cows which up {opt in global-n most at the tithe, and "uriaaraa often during the early lactation .ryyiod.. Usually the first m- Kttosisintatthi held on Thursday evening, ?farths.utt+ttsmitoiiaa H; speaker. a color fihn - In , Mn, and there will be In“ it? and tsinging included ill (h meeting. trio Agricultural Colloao. Guelph: Dr. W. W. B. Gun. Ontario Naturalist; lotto Parks Commissioner Thump.» on; and RmW.F01iver. Cal.“ WI) arm. n will show a new color mm on Prtttunyeapine. A question s~,_ “but.†_ J hummus! A: 9ttetatitm,oamttCiii"d _.2fstir_Lakimr,hireetardVG Jar. 'Téylor. mama: E133; Jriaibii - _iii yr "li fytgWtll2t,r4 iiho' ’5 a. exhibit; a --'-iHe iiaiiii; do not call until "iiaai'r' morning. The quality is high and the cost low. bet - Waterloo' SH 2-839]. For service or more inform. ation, call between:- 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. week days; 6:00 and 8:00 PM. Saturday evenings. For cows noticed l? heat on _§unday morning, Waterloo can. Breeding Association Where Better Bulls Are Used" Ipply artificial breeding ser- yice tor _all breeds of cattle. Ztriitit “450$ it it iiTiiGii It phoning tair" E55132; gimp}; Aslrfor, . Waterloo W.“ when will]: (Continued on you“ 1-2291 Anne) Mint will he CHICKS Page 16) I. Gain; t; lotto Thump. Central own