... .. . iFEharodey, September 25, 1958 , Open seasons and bag limits throughout Ontario vary according to area, county and townships Before you go hunting be sure you know the local hunting regulations. CARLING‘S RED CAP ALE @2, Male: browr, fomskoped ol wi SHARPâ€"TAILED GROUSE Sexes simalar: poler thor rufed, with short pointed white toil. Maile: lorge size, greea kead, white wirg with white. Female: lorge size, mottled brown, wirg poich bordered with white. Male: white body, chesinut head, toil. Female: groyish, dark breast, Hi;elq-““ * ihâ€"brown bead ond reck. _ d tol with block Sm ‘or, but less UPLAND GAME BIRDS sexes similar: snoll, chunky, groy, with short, conspicuously reddish, rounded tail, HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGE sweeping pointed toil, white ring, redpolcho.bce.hndubtowq,lo-g silvery wing Einings, purplish wing poich. Bright red legs and feet. Sexes simalur: lorge size, Muale: very slim neck, head; neck ond head DUKCK GOIDE BREWERY LIMITED Male: slote body, white benecth with heavy black splotches, red comb over eye, orange bar ot tip of toil. Female: browner, mo black beneath, barred above. SPRUCE GROUSE Bexes semelar: greot size, slow wingbect. Block head ond neck, white cheekâ€"patch, Mule: smoll size, groy body, brown head with green potch, verticol while stripe in front of wing. Female: smoll sire, dork -hgs.whï¬-lomubrmudboly. GREENâ€"WINGED TEAL Male: spectoculor facial pottern with white bars, dork body, white breast and belly, :