i Thursaday, September 25, 1958 hoars of soadhine. two wins, plus 19; J. R. Deceâ€" ton, Al Page, G. K. Lamwrence, ro wins, plus 11. plus 24; Tom Lumb, Fred Fiphick, R. McHardy, Preston, Uvher winners were, Wave Taylor, J. Beauchop, Dr. J. Welland, Galt, three wins, plus 18; Ted Sim, W C. Devemny, A. Badly, Waterloo, two wins. of Waterioo partnered to win the Mike Mullan Memorial trophy, and also claim first prize at the annual trebles tournament of the Preston Lawn Bowling club. The troâ€" ghy â€" tournament, postponed from July, was run ceincident with the annual fowi tournsâ€" ment and attracted 19 entries. It marked the last open tourâ€" mament of the 1958 season for the Preston club. Waterloo trie win M. . Muilin Trophy, Preston of Waterioo will be constrorted on the site where the Windsor Hote! Building permits taken out during August of 1957 totallâ€" ed $1,044,728.50, in compariâ€" son with this year‘s fisures. To date this year, 247 perâ€" mits valued at $4,123,500 have been taken out feor residence €onstruction â€" By the end of August, last year, only 235 permits, valued at $2,507,%00 bkad been issued. Mr. Wrightson‘s repor showed two permits taken ou* last month fer â€" commercial buildings. One is a gasoline A large store on the ground floor of the twoâ€"story buildâ€" ing will be occupied by a chain by ed the Lourman GoÂ¥ Supply Company wifl move its golf ball tnufxcuring division fro ted quarters at 14%§ Park St., Waterloo to Kitchâ€" ener. A spokesman for the comâ€" pany, said about four fullâ€" time workers and a dozen partâ€" time employees now work at the plant. HK is empected the work force will be enlarged slizhtly after the move. Building inspector, W. R Wright, said the $9,009 perâ€" mit for the factory broucht last month‘s value of all buildâ€" ing permits im Kitchermer to $1,503,945. The â€" construction _ of _ a $9,000 building on Leawrsence avenue seon will mark the transfer of a smal manufacâ€" turing company from Waterâ€" loo to Kitchemer. fer of a Waterieose firm to Kitâ€" which â€" shows the â€" building trade in Kitchener and Waterâ€" WATERLOO BUILDING In The pouring of a sepermarâ€" When the plant is constructâ€" "A good listencer is not only popular everywhere, but after awhile he knows something." Peomits nummbering 165 were Jacob‘s Tractor zow crop and special utility models. Powermaster Yes, Ford has a great new line of 4Plow power for _ tractors for ‘S8â€"and they‘re here! :‘:‘; ;’::'f;’;‘m‘:fc‘:; Ava‘ilab{eb in new, :pmved models, These new, more ‘re finest most powerful 5‘,'""“.:".'."3."'5‘; *.:'%o._w. history. If you‘re interâ€" fos aemaidminntoks soils. Alâ€"purpose, AND EQUIMENT SALZS Wilson Migner ST. IE WATEELAOC Before you buy ... demonstrate the model of your choice, on your own farm. Drive it a few rounds and see for yourself how its performance can bring new speed and efficiency to your farm vieus morth, and $120,630 sbove that of August, 1957. $206,000, 2 figure which push es ralue of the city‘s construcâ€" August building is $216,315§ more than estimated value of insued last month for additions and repairs to industrial, comâ€" the permits totalled $310,830â€" See us and compare! The }$i591,1% Credit terms available. ener, at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Pusâ€" linch, at Aberfoyle, and at the offices of the Department of Highways, in Room 2627, East Block, Parliament Buildâ€" ings, Toronto, and at Stratferd and Hamilton, during reguiar office hours, up to October 17th, 19§8. DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this 17th day of September, | THE HONOURABLE FRED M. CASS, QC. By order of the said Beard all persons objecting to the said closings or claiming that their land will be inâ€" juriously affected by the said closings must FILE PARâ€" TICULARS OF SUCH OBJECTIONS OR CLAIMS with the Ontario Municipal Board, 14§ Queen Street West, Toronto. referring to File number P.F.M. 7856â€"S58 and with The Land Survey Section of the Department of Highways, Parliament Buildings, Toronte. Attention: Mr. J.E. Jackson, ON OR BEFORE THE 7TH DAY OF OCT. Plans Pâ€"3092â€"28 and Pâ€"3156â€"53 showing the portâ€" ions of road proposed to be closed may be seen at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Waterloo St Kitchâ€" OBER, 1958. The hearing to determine the amount of such claims will take place at such time and place as may be subsequently fixed by the said Board. AT THE HOUR OF 10:30 O‘CLOCK IN THE FORENOON, at which time and place all persons claiming to ested or affected may attend and be heard. Such Application will be heard by the said Board at the City Hall. Guelph on the 17th day of October. 1958, B. Tewaship of Pousiinch as Highway No. 401L A. Towuship of Wateries L. The Forced BRoad between Lots 6 and 7, Beasley‘s Broken Frent Concession. 2. The Old Prestonâ€"Kitchener Road. NOTE:â€" Access to Highway No. 8 will contmue. _ Township of Puslinch, County of Wellington, that imnâ€" tersect or run into the controlledâ€"access highway knowA IS HEREBY GIVEN fhat pursuant to the Highway Imâ€" provement Act, 1957, an Application will be made by the Minister of Highways to the Ontario Municipal Board for the approval of the closing of the fellowing roads in the Township of Waterloo, County of Wateriooc, in the HOLDER OF DRAW CERTIFICATES ARE ENTITLED TO $25.00 DISCOUNT JN PURCHASE OP A NEW FREEZER THIg OPFEZ EXKPRES OCT. 11, 198 $50.00 FREE DRAW OF FOOD OF TYOUR OWN CHOICE highway from the Service BRoad will be provided. 11. The Road AHowance between Lots 25 and 26. Conâ€" 6. The Road Allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 at Lot 1. NOTE:â€" The above road will be realigned to avoid the highway. & T. The Road Allowance between Lots 10 ard 11. Conâ€" 9. The Road Allowance between Lots 25 ard 26, Conâ€" cession 2. 10. The Road Allowance between Concessions 2 and T 3. The Read Allowance between the Townshiqp of Watâ€" structure over the highway. 4. The Road between Lots 6 and 7. DEPARTMENT oF MGHWAYSs THE HIGCHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT GILMORE FOOD FREEZERS PHONE SH 3â€"8091 cession i. NOTE:â€" This road to connect with the above mentâ€" NOTE:â€" There will be a Service Road north of the highway to connect with the Road Allowance betweetr NOTE:â€" The above road will be realigned with a structure over the highway. NOTE:â€" The above road will be realigned with a The Road Allowance between Lots 20 C. R. NIMMO TENT TH PUBLIC Road in Lot 24, Beasley‘s Broken Front ONTaARIO@ PHONE SsB 2â€"1971 21,