pockets. Red, green, wine, grey or navy colours. Sizes 2 to 6X © Only At EATONS! Little Boy‘s or Girls‘ . . . douh le or single breasted blazers with white piping. Three patch Supplies and three strong heavy duty zipper. Extra pocket inside .Ziggered Ring Binders Tidy, for Efficient Study Blazers Dress Smart This Term! Boys‘ and Young Men‘s Blazers and ï¬l@.‘g %CORRECT SCHOOL UNIFORMS romke I sities Ballâ€"Point and Cartridge Filled Pens, Typeâ€" ronaries. .Buy on your EATON Charge Account! Top grain cowhide in an assortment of "Backâ€"Toâ€"School" Wear for the Younger Set! Sines 32 to 34, each .................... Yourg Meu‘s Wool and Cotton Blazers Suzes 4 to 9. Regulars and Tallnh EBoch Yourg Men‘s Blackburn English Al Wool Fiannel Blazress Sizes 34 to 9B, @20 ..............»seeeeeeee2ea0002022... Boys‘ Blackburn English All Wool Flannel Flaxess Sizes 32 to 14, each .......... Sizres 1 to 4. front. FHink, maize, grey, navy, powd an assortment of plaids. Sizes 1 to 6EX w&zmum&a Sizes to apes 12 to 18. Kach __ Young Men‘s Grey Wool and Rayon Slacks Waist sires 33 to 34. Kach ............. Sizes to fit ages 12 to 18. Kach ............ Young Men‘s Grey All Wool Worsted Slacks Boy‘s Grey Melbourne Fiannel (Viscose Acetate) Slacks Sires 12 to 12 EKach .-.__----(.Y:-_._.-f....-_...-!--..._. ««@@@sccceccesc0cccsscca0cca00sse00e0ese0e00e000000 000 «ee@acccssccsceccesaceuacersesesesesesescss0se0 eewe«ceec«escueccesecucecsecsseesssess0e0sse we«ace«eacceseecscessesess es s » scesasececaseeansesessessesssss s seeaeesesseesacees css s s s â€" : dock where boats are moored , Play safe for more fwnm afliost bqughvecqulï¬g&ho-(ku- explesives â€" will set and fire &ï¬lâ€"-h-du eue of whom has Tess Ih-i mest AX firing i clectric and there sre four different eonâ€" trol centres Firing will be at 30 and 60 serands Imteorz=ls will alB rise bhundreds of feet into the sir from the front of H T. Hand, grandson of the fm‘edï¬emï¬l bears kis name, said the deâ€" cenirstion of fireworks in a time period ever shown in the :fl_mguilalï¬- space â€"searchers, â€" silver MADE OF FIREWORKS A 60Ofoot loug pertrait of the Roysl Femily made from bundreds of fireworks wil be the finale this year for each evening performunce of the CGrandstend show at the Camm dian Nationsl Ephibition. Very fow people rvealine &, but exacily ten years ago this woeek the greatest piicher in + mouth old Linda Dinune ;; idw-oï¬ NeE At presestk in 1958 Wskirsine residerts in the vicinity of Laurd Crock swem to be hbew ing the smme kind # t euliy. I wunder i# five years whut has been deome. Five years ago today con~ version to 60 cycies was begun in Waterilss Retidents of the fnit on this snd tel w other borts or on the chen