FAG. "I." Look who's wearing her 'immediate cash adjustment'! FOR EXAMPLE: a 8500 8th series Victory Bond exchanged for a 8500 Conversion Bond paying 41AR, will give you $8.75 in cash immediately. The higher interest will yield 822.50 per year instead of the present 815; See your investment dealers stockbroker, bank, trust or loan company today. Offer applies only to wartime Victory Bonds. Gracious! What next? A body can hardly keep up with things these days. What with dogs spinning around in the sky and all. And now all this excitement about changing over your Victory Bonds. I was sorry to see mine go. Had it so long you know. But when m WA%lttltuMt (Oink) 13ml!†CANADA CONVERSION BONDS Convert your 3% Victory Bonds. Earn up to 41/2% on the new the young man at the bank explained that these new bonds paid more interest. Well! I know a good thing when I see it. And besides, he gave me a nice cash ndjturtmmn--whicts I straightaway spent on a new bonnet. Like it?