mnmnmumnmm.uw ï¬d}n-tho majority seem to be having leusy luck or just none at Don‘t think I have ever heard such a chorus of discourâ€" agment from fishermen as 1 have se far this year. Could be that the weather is mainly responsible, with the cold nights we have been experiencing putting the finny ones off their feed. s o _ This lack of fishing would be a matter of some concern if I did not feel it was a temporary situation and that when, and if we start getting some real warm weather, the fish will start hitting as they should do. Then everyone will be HAD THE PRIVILEGE as speaking to the Grand VaNley and Orangeville Rod and Gan Clubs last week. My very good friend and fiy fishing companion, Bud Landsborough of the Grand Valley Star and Vidette inâ€" troduced me and flubbed his lines. Tch, Tch. You gotta get your mind off those trout when you are at a meeting my friend. Just to show there is no hard feelings Bud, I‘m going to allow you to row the boat the next time we go to Shooâ€" Fly. IS A WHITEFISH A GAME FISH? Not according to the way he is classified at the preâ€" sent time. Yet thousands fish for him through the ice durâ€" ing the winter months and no one can deny he is a fine table fish. Even though the whitefish furnishes sport for thomsand: during the winter, he is seldom sought or caught by regulatr angling methods. _ _Now we‘ll admit to not knrowing too much . about whitefish or their habits, but any we have seen taken were, so far as weight is concerned, between one and four or five pounds. Brighton of 2 Delroy St., in Kitchener, took a tenâ€"pound whitefish while trolling at McGregor Bay with spinning tackle for lake trout. The lure spoon which the fish evidently tried to swallow. Possibly one of the main reasons why Del was able to boat it It was nearly thirty inches long when fresh caught. Can you figure out all the contradictions in the above? Here is a fish that is seldom taken on an artificial lure. One of the reasons being that the mouth is so soft, even the ice fishermen attack an elas tic between line and hook so the strike will mot tear the hook loose. The other possibly i3 that it is rather a sluggish. deep water fish that seldom stirs himself enough to catch up to a moving artificial Then too, there is the size of the brute. Imagine if you can a tenâ€"pound whitefish. Personally, I have never seen one even approaching that weight before, but I suppose there is a first time for ~verything. I don‘t know what Del inâ€" tonds doing with this fish, but if it was mine I‘d be tempted to have it mounted and hung on the wall It may not be the lâ€"rgest fish he will catch, but I‘m willing to bet it will be the most unusual. RETREIVER TRIALS, feat, uring some of the best Canaâ€" dian and American dogs, will 1+ held at Allanburg next Saturday and Sunday. Live ducka and dead vbheaâ€" once more. by Herb Simih Canada sants are used as game for the retreivers to work on . . . and this is where one of the stupid regulations enters the picture. Every conservation body that is worth the name, inâ€" cluding the Department of Lands and Forests, constantly drom on the necessity for retâ€" reivers being used if we are to have shooting â€" without of the retreiver _ training, THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE LIVE PHEASANTS TO BE SHOT UNDER NATâ€" URAL CONDITIONS _ FOR THE RETREIVER TO WORK ON Did you ever hear of anyâ€" thing so stupid? where penâ€"raised birds are reâ€" leased in the field and shot by the hunter. What‘s the dif ference? To use pheasants for retâ€" reiving, the retreiver boys must first kill them BY HAND and then throw them for the We understand this stupid regulation was brought about throuzh pressure by a woâ€" men‘s orgamization, on the Department of Lands and Forests. This is supposed to be humane? ~ We‘ll admit there is one heck of a lot of difference between the retreiving by a dog of a pheasant and a duck. An old mallard will let a hunâ€" steamed up, it would probably die of heart failure if he was used live. But, what‘s the matâ€" beautiful?" Sure he is. He‘s also about the meanest bird on two legs. The person that can tame a pheasant is either feeding him liquor or the phea sant is one of the few halfâ€" witted ones hatched in one _ If we are to have good retâ€" reivers, they must be tniagd away from such asinine reguâ€" lations as these and operate a few things in this ceuntry Wke intelligent adults. Our club members are askâ€" ed to plcase note, that the next meeting of the United Sportsmen‘s Association, will be held at our own club house on â€" Tuesday evening, June 24th. BR is hoped that there will be a good representation of our own members present, come along and bring a friend. YET, here in the very heart On Friday night, June 27th, there is a bang up stag at our club house, with plenty of Probably some fat member: _ this women‘s organization ok onme look at a cock pheaâ€" WATERLOO ROD AND by Freddie Shanks Member Outdeor Wr THE WATERLOO (Ontarie) CHRONICLER Thursday, June 19, are legalized This year‘s family picric will be held at the club house P tend this evening of entertain wenrt, a good time is assured rangements for this azsmusadl games and fun for all, as as tasty lunch Be sure t for all those that attend. events, so remember the datg, Seturday, July 1#th. Plan to bring along the whote funrily for a full day‘s outing. Bob Fellbaum, Geerge Coyâ€" ne, and Wilf Koch and their wives returned from a week‘s fishing in the MacGregors Bay district over the weekend, and theypreported quite good fish ing. They had several nice sitze pickerel, and Mre. Koch A Personal Note to Parents...(as B of M Studext Passbooks ! WORKING WITH CANADIANS â€" YOUNG AND OLD ALlIKE â€" SINCE One of these colourfual passbooks, showing a nice little balance inside, is bound to get you high marks with the younger set. ‘This extra swprne gift, with a place on the cover for the younpster‘s name, is the practical way to help children develop the habits of thrift and selfâ€"reliance . . . to help them make the grade in the years ahead. And B of M Student Passbooks make excelâ€" lent gifts for all kinds of special occasions such asbinhdzy:.Ou'istuas,andasamndi- extra effort. You can pick them up at your neighbourhood B of M branch in a matter of only a few minutes. these attractive blue or pink B of M passbooks have become first choice with a growing N m number of farâ€"sighted & Saite eurenat parcats and r m e c or MonTREAL Ganadas Fort Cach MICHAEL TOWNSEND, Manager Waterloo Branch, Cor. King & Erb Streets: had one pike weighing over the lurgest Jabe trout snd it too went over thirteen pounds, This is the only fishing trip Let them know you‘re glad they passed WATERLOO COUNTY SUPPLIES ‘bot Iet us hear about them. we have had any reports 0B of lnte, how ubout the resst of 181;