n €Oontinuiad from Page 1) ‘to control the tims of gurked Â¥vehicles and vw them cars Awould remain in tha.szame loea~ mnickels from now â€"#h. The Parking Authvrity urg~ es motorivts to at cither Uhe rear of the , MaXl, at lUthe Queen Street Bouth lot or (1) Shift iito neutral and| _ depress the accolecator step on the clutch bo free z"'“' "'“"""‘w‘ the transmission and case choke throeequartere of the ongine turnover. the way tw Give the eceld wiater meraiags yeau‘l feollev starter and try again (Â¥ When the cengine steacts, .___â€"~ ~Â¥OUNG‘s BEYTER VISSON vexe P 1e