8Fq,T.T""'r?r"'"P""' ' W‘ 1 "'V::--"-- any" "WWWMFWWVF’W _ " g‘ _ , I '. . _ I . t _ . ., ,. r, "T, {I ' - _ . _ ' ' - -. . ' .. T _ . ' I _ ' M. Blish-rd. " l. ggtil .AlTtrllllrWto Ghih-b9llltn-t" ------------=-----.--, - - PREVENTION & Cure of Sex Diseases. This informative booklet sent FREE on re- quest - along with our latest catalogue of Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) for ditrerimMhlBntt men nu. women. Write in confidence to: Aladdin-Book 00.. " York th., Toronto, Ont. Mull-lain: HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (rub- ber good!) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelopes with price list, 6 samples 25e: 24 We! $1.00. Mail order Dept. W.34, Nov. Robber Co., Box 'M. Homil- ton, Ont. MAKE MORE MONEY than you thought possible. Sell to your friends and others, in a protected territory, our guaranteed necessities in- cluding toilet preparations, farm specialties, barge as- sortment of gift boxes, cosmetics. “may: experien-' ce unnecessu-y. Big commis- sion and tste chance of ea- tablishing ,a business of your own.',Write for frde details and cdtalozue to: M T. Gardner Dept, 106. 1600 Detortlttier, Station C. Montreal. During his stay here he has become very active in com- munity work. He is a member of the Waterloo flyyntyt,ot Commerce and K-W Rotary Club, and served as chair-min of both organization, is . member of the Granite Club, A we. tmvetUd Waterloo u." m:- who has had I. new in " you: will "the atthr-doftttinartoottt.Mis new day at call - In. about be your», eight moMhs. His m have takeat Mr. Allen, his wife, and only - ghter, In. Inn B. Paddock of Guelph, to cities and towns from Newfoundland to Wind- oor. Mr. Alle- conmenetcd on the - chase in business Mr. AHen smiles when he reed]: the how wage ates prevalent when he first joined the bank. He was paid n starting salary of $1550 a month. In his 46 years spent in banks, Mr. Allen has never been in one that was robbed. During the First World War Mr. Mien went overseas as a gunner with the artillery, and later transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. days " - ago when he Joined the bunk as u junior. There were no business mach- has like that that no. crowd his omee It E16 and King streets, erioo. “If there waaogtegirloatthestafftheo she In. Italy I atenotrragrh- er" he aid. ADULTS ONLY Val-out - and (but! glib-15%. lulu. a! MieWeicIIel h Gti‘y, nth! I. "it“ licks] W. In an- oint)! w: of the Bruc- Mr. A. I. lashing†“alth'ntthoh‘,†tented Mr. Alla. will a at- Nth" m 'ttaitarub toe, and has“ the “but!" at he - Kohl. A bou- qua! fol Men In: pro-cum ford brunch Bank of Hon-I treat. win succeed the retiring} manager Inch lat. I “magi-Iota!“ by III. III" M d the bank staff, to Me. Atua'a (Co-m tron ha " vetenm’ diam-urea bane†have also been that to 60,000 was, their widows and orphans. It was the Commtivu he said, who made good on elec- Mr. ion. tli-mid an the “Want to fix up your house? The BNS can help you.†Arty Roman“ knows what she’s talking about, M because she and her husband have gone to their local BNS manager for friendly, practical help. Your BNS manager can do more than just lend you money under a low-cost Home Improvement Loan. He’ll help tailor the terms to your own situa- tion, whether you’ve got your heart set on re- decorating . . . adding a room . ' . or repairing the roof. This means getting the most for your money without unduly straining your budget. Of course, you can consult your neighbourhood BNS manager on many other matters besides home improvement. For uneful advice, whether you are planning for your child's education or this summer'. vacation, you’ll find he’s a good man to see. And hi. friendtremmtret iii-tone ofmany BNS services. The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA thafta-tworld-,':,,.-' u_h"tug'ehtue.rua- 'sarohet.xrottirhoigiar. ibis-Hint“ Mr. Weight! is A v‘om od 9919-!de an. BN8 people as friendly pop to know then at that branches, Wanton, J','rah,'l'd Hun-get; your partner in prograsa Want your 1958 Christ-ma shopping money ready ahead of time? Tuck away a few dollars every payday in a aeparato BNS (III-inning Gift Account. Building a new bone? Talk to your BNS manager about an NRA loan. Planning n trip? You can’t lone your money with BNS Travellers (Jacques. Wondering where your money goes? With the exclusive BNS Personal Security Programme-the gunman-rd way to “VO-you can phn your spending by planning your saving. Are you paying bills by cash? Save time and keep a record of major ptareUsetr--ey by mail with a BNS Personal Chcquing Account. H h tho dun-“ML; d- a.“ In (but. M.haae-t.eaetterr-qr “bacon-tic.“ Is your banking service complete? M'MO’W “MM?â€