Q mayor of this city for " ion. u be vented, this la quite , untamed, for dedinito1, Mr. Whitney has lost. none of his predige or hsfhtetyee thee retiring from office last year. This of course is a piece d equipment that will rot be railed out too many times in I yea-r, but the Atet is that when it is needed, its usually in a harry, Waterloo might consider obtaining it for their m fire awn-hunt. Dew this, we, like "any WAN! WAI- m IAN. (on. - Loo My Add “by h it so convinced M Print Miaiater Menuhin II the can†to the "out. Oun- dim prayer, that he will our " political NW on the aide of the Generating he you’d sweep the voting his port the my who mam: In our, my be an. Despite the Wateeioo riding having been A trenchold. of Lib-dim for may you; it is our feeling that should Mi. My can to come oqt of " political NW on the my a clearly u the proverb- ial planer. ' It. Whitney alto thought that in Prime Kismet Dieter» baker, Gen-dieing bed en "f portunity not matched in' a long time, to have e true peoples petty in ointment. IRS. Vim. THANK commas: the has integration effort has gone the my “all other: and Waterloo and Widener fire' deqterrtmeettrs will remain Probes," could In" been We ere "ttgrin" any type of integration unless it is woven without . indov of a doubt that Waterloo citizens ma to benefit to e huge and out- Wu degree. Snob-up I“ m «to with we use: can,“ “one the flrtr (legal-menu and frankly, tee don' think it will be in the future. beau; More than likely,. it would worh the other my and too much 'Anhgonism would creep into joint efforts. qetarm m not eo,tkueed that Wax-loo and Kitchenef have any. worked together on some things. There is noth- ing wrong with this, in Net there are many thtngas good about cogopention of the two eitien. Because we work to- wer doe. not mean that ltr. tegration would make it my An example is when Carl.. im ntehouu roof and fire. The "titehetter ladder truck had to be called so thtt men could'get to the roof without entering the building. None 0f the Waterloo ladders would reach high enough. One thing that did come oat of the integration effort which is worth thinking about, is a deterrent mde by Sam Wambol, hard working man from Kitchener eonncii. Harry pointed out that while some of Waterloo', the fight- ing equipment was very mod. em. they Md' not posses n aerial ladder for reaching those cupped during 3 fire in high 1ruHdingrr. -» Goes, there are actually few bonding: d present in Waters Too arhieh would require such a hum of men " the occasion the: "be. wa the Geerttone of several of the imunnce of- 1llliilmlli6llltAtt,ttllil" fr,hl'lllt-/llli0llt $llltr1tI,.,'_' aim Bond. White: "Peo" "art-e. II If M. Illtihllgert-hllklilL1rir 1hste1thirdhtlltistrtet. on the K-W "bis-a PH» Kitchener Man New Fire thitf Lloyd Rata m uppoimd to succeed Mr. Stuck! u on. Smeeds , I Gifford Snider i Mr. Adlington said the architects for the new college buildings have comidered hiv- ing the and run between the proposed new building nod the railway tracks. nuke it unmet-t. Bond lumber, Deon Howl Schaus, aid the college governors m not in m of Durham street going through the new campus. Plans for the street have it go across the proposed ali- varsity site. it ia hoped by the Pinning Board the development com- mittee will be able to waged a possible new route for Dene born street. "In liquor served in cock. tnil bars and dining lounges. oi the" liquoc question, the m in in dbttiet in lean than I nu, April ttth. Britt-rt clerk, Hon"! J. Hoilimr, aid the villagers till vote on whether they persons. It. Hailing" said this list as pared to 252 because of ineligible signatures. May wen ineligible Medusa they Bond members were told of the possibility that Iearhorn street might be renamed Uni- versity boulevard once build- ing. ere contracted on pro- perty owned by the Waterloo College Anode“ Funnies. Waterloo College business new, A. K. Adlington, we: present at the meeting. m acid the eo11ege governors would he forming . special development committee and it we hoped the committee would include the city engine- er and rmtivce of council and the Flemming to iyeeatt the tnamtue The vote was prompted by a petition presented end: but week. It was signed by 458 Chairman of the Waterloo Planning Board for the past " yeti", Clifford Snider. was succeeded by Leo Remureffer " a meeting of the Board Jan. 89. AM. James Bauer ttiiGdis coed! Mr. Benhoaffer. Secret- ary-Wis W. C Gildner 3nd teeuii,ut consultant E. W. J. Blown m gunpoint“ Bridgeport vii bold is vote i,, 10min om Elll.ltYlllillil 0mm , luvs mom wumoo _ â€a, " “ennui I“ gag-3g up my; ell-b I. In Waterloo Assessment Double That 0f I956 The committee hnd worked hard interviewing and cheek- ing all applicants. and the five men from the Waterloo de- partment who had applied for the position were just as ,thoroumhly interviewed as those from outside. in 1967, " eeueasokt ion. The to†_nat'ettottetttt was '89,t29.028. 'N The increase our the 1966 total is the lar- ged ever registered by the city of _IOMN. _ pentlrmred by 820544.460 The new Chief's satay-was set at $5,434.50, plus I Mm my holidny pay of 3150 His tout income will be $5,584.50. He will be muted alumni] hr, creme!!!- of 8210 until hi when a maximum inmi of $0,060. These fmtresmedtiil did not wit to m on tttt 1965 woviuiul election roll. , The tttit' an): "prone“ 38.11 percent at the deem: ate. Twenty-five pegeoat in a. required uncut tie 'actioa Mr. Hotiinqrer ail. Alderman Peter Stewart. chairman of the Fife and Light Committee stated that because the members of tlie Waterloo fire department were mostly young men in their 20’s end 30': that a man with Rood taint: as need- ed. This man oould then brain 1 younger man to take over when he retired. The mmpgen of the vote naked Bridgeport Councii Jae. 6 to all a Tate. They were advised to formulate . poti- tion. . Waterloo, Waterloo Tm- ship and Kitchener have Bold liquor votes since In, " of last year. i,'t'g,%iutMtt1sti'irgttr a: was chosen over " applicants who were interviewed by the Fire and Light Committee. Among these was the Deputy Chief of the Wate'ploo depart- ment, Charles Wautechen. was named Chief of the thrloo Fire anrtment by Council on Monday night His appointment will "become tr- feotive Much I. GUrton Bulk, a Kitchener will be subject to negotiations fire department platoon chief.! by the Waterloo Staff Assoc- who has been a member of iation. . the department for 29 years,; Because the new Chief is The 49-year old Mr. Baulk Till replace Fire Chief Albeit Water-100'- taxatrte we. tonal to Present A 'tmidi'" i', ii'ti','i'i'i'i' Within Two' Years "rr"::, i' Because the new Chief ia, " he is not eligible for a pen» i sion plan. These are available; gonly for those who join the, staff of the City at the age of 46. Itueroeetedth- of Mr. Baulk’s uhrz will go Inward tet!" up a min“; .--a, - -... . . , Tho' Mod 1mm): of Wink» an! [inhaler In" L'l'lTl'dli' will not an Noes - at but not right mow'. The docidon to shelve rii In â€and nunimon-ly at hound] muting loud-y night. . A upon-t presented by AW Jun-n PM Mn, Chair- }uwn of the Fin And Light Committee, who up in that“ {or the study, stated that it Since 1942, Wnterloo's total taxable lament. has climb- ed from $7,215,817 to the pre- sent $89,129,028. Fifteen years no there were 9,384 people in the town which shortly “to: been“ a city. Lat. you’: ftttrtreq than the sessmenlt commissioner. Pour new members were in, trodueed: R. Y. (Bobby) Bauer, Thom" Ritchie, Wil- liam 'Timmia and Peter Fleis- $15,000 To Club ehmanat. The K-W Rotary club has been awarded $15,000 by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children for in new child- ren', Centre. Mr. F. cur B. Hall, president, made the au- nouncement Monday. rug stating the money receiv- ed tsir given to children less fortunate than themselves. lt was turned over to-the cripp- led children’s fund. The official opening of the centre will take piece the middle of March, but the building will be ready for use about the third week in Feb- wary. Grade 6 pupils of Sheppard School made a hooked mg as a class project nod sold the trained by both mics. it any advantage; woul'd be It altso- and that it In the opinion of the Fire and Light Committee that the door ". ti "ti a Mowâ€. private: im'i-kop. ttlit: “Ne-vet Lg“... L, in _ In: ' . any ______,'or fluid! that on!!!“ lint-0...} " :‘Ah.-‘ - Thi. second part of the - port ceased quite I stir. JUB. emu Vince Alvieno, end " Batman unlined the id. in no uncertain» term.. Mel'- main Alviano we: of t. epil- , ion that it Water!†in: id big enough to steal on WU. own feet, then the City then“, throw in the sponge. If th A fire deqtartmoett. were - . lapel-sting efficiently. end I ‘ineumnce we were high. _ than they are at present, the. ‘there .might be some er!!- I menu in hymn: of any†Inn. Aa i was, he conic! at. Aida-mun Vernon Mum aid that he felt the III: had sown the seed- of nation, Ind'tlut if they good teeth they would F However. he to! that the Alderman Funk Dome! felt that count“ had not deb ved far enouch “the the quit- tdontoetvore.esrms-. - at this time While I. did not deny that be h IN“ it, he felt that he could In" say '.No" right now. Alderman It: Bauer In" that the present report m what the Fire and Light Co.- mibtee found in 1955. Ha “I. tint further studies would come up with no other Mr ties than were available now. These statistics showed M iotegmtion holds no Mn.- tare for Waterloo m. - sentetivee, we ire charged with the responsibilin of find. 'me my: and means of pro- viding essential services " economically as We. 1 felt that the time was ripe to consider integration, while to were Need with the appoint- ment of a new fire (mid. Some council had to deal vi“ this problem in the beat inun- est: of the citizens, and he. decreed that it should be this 1968 Council.†“Jar-e- Expreu View possible Integration." M - digiid’ be â€BM quiet', Ind . that mrt b "The only thing I do! for", he said, “Was a Study " put-lent be imputed m Kitchener." “I did not bum. Inâ€! in order to preside " tbt break-up of the City of Waterloo," he acid. _ "I an us aware' Is “not. of the. traditions, and tho Civic Pride that we hnve " made within 2 you“. Alderman Roy Balm claimed that this [Marathi . oropbul waithe thin edie of the "is. for Anus-nation. He firmly believed that Coun- eil should stop the stud! ritthB, now. He fen that if the Chat- ber of Commute, mt! oetr- outside individuals were “f interested in the idea, that mould continue on their 0". and bring any findings that have to Council at I tate. Ind vised the quedion " - may, and Jefore the I†P-FU'. View! Mayor Jrarold hikin, II. (COIMQPQO. "“05 for