tia' Yield - 2 dozen rolls 1 cup milk V1 cup granulated sugar 2% teaspoons salt 4% tablespoons shortening % cup lukewarm water 1 teaspoon granulated sugar 1 envelope active dry yeast 4 cups (about) once-sifted all-purpose flour ' 34 cup better or margarine, melted rt Solid milk; stir in the Ya cup ranger, salt nnd shorten- “ing‘ Cool to lukewarm. Mean- 'ti'rte,oteastfre lukewarm water into a large mixing bowl; stir in the 1 teaspoon sugar. Sprinkle with yew. Let stand 10 minutes, then stir well. Stir in lukewarm milk mixture and “a. in he can. and to" in. it has invaded in Japan around Cttt A.D. But in the food vol-Id ity n diner-out distinguished in)! and it bu never {out out of “than sznce. It in the Fan Tun, that elegant union " a dinner roll that is and. in Jill! I way that it in poaible to peel off buttery byâ€: of ftuffr, downy roll, has by one, The hfructionl for making this "9‘in for Fun Tun no so 10.1 Cu. Ft. LEONARD REFRIGERATOR MODEL: uqr r) A BUY YOU CAN'TsiAFFORD TO MISS Factkwry to 3mm: 4!hpeellall You PAY out! 249.95 REGULAR. "mtii'i. ..... $419.95 mun-m ALLOWANCE 170.00 IWAPAI FAN TANS IF YOU HAVE NO TRADE, COME IN AND SEE us ELECTRIC 5mm: manic OFFERS A STOCKIE io Interés’t" To~ Wm“; FASHION A "'AN and APPLIANCES Punch down dough, Turn, out on lightly-floured board) or canvas and knead until-! smooth. Divide ~dough into It, equal portions and shape tsth) portion into a smooth bull; Cover with a tea towel and let i rest 15 minutes. Roll out one ball of dough into a 9 x iii) inch rectangle and brush with) on version of the dinner roll. tea Inch " any way to (in " elegant touch to M mum. Then delicious. dinner rolls with tho “in, under, criq) and .nd the mid, fluffy texture m I delightful â€complainant to u luncheon and or foe that matter to cook "ho h- um: baton W with ye†will have I. 2 cups of the flour; boat smooth. Stir in sufficient additional flour to make I soft dong-h - about 2 cups more Turn out on floured board or canvas and knead until smooth. Place in greased bowl; grease top. Cover. Let rise in a warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk - about 1 hour. dink-m mind... this align. brenkia'u. Like acct quell. they’re at their boat mod warm or re-h-tod. the Ytt' "Am - until ad let the in I vain free (no. Mt. until dabbled in but - about a minute: “a in a hot ovo- (400 Dune. ro " to no ninjas mm Psa, a cut tide up. 'ee" mil-mining 2 baits tNoeth.s-tudutte. "oaartrae.ortd.rmhusritb. 'raueir'to0ahrt..tt6ts.ea- THEY KNOW DRESSES AND SUITS WILL LOOK ' r i LIKE NEW I I . o ' H _ . " I. . , 14 tf , " . O s0Ml8lllSlll'lltAT'Ell)? MT YES! Ann 'PARIICULAR too: They're Sending Their Party Clothes . AUTHORIZED mnmc - smug - cue DEALER VICTORIA SOUTH AT CHARLES KITCHEN FORBES MOTORS LIMITED Gov" lj mi “SI- m as... ti, Lï¬zé I.“ -ditiee. an“ it the and». hat. but, night m "rortedtr a - tributon (actor to a no]. at with“ in which u add“ $250 in property (but. it; “and, but 1mnnuoly_no poms! injuriu uphill-d. Driving out onlingtbtrqot Keith A, Cubic. of Waterloo Celloâ€, but eortrot myth; hoary. not on m â€uncut ivhen be rounded tht bend gt the GR! #6011 to enter the King Street bridtre, the at Tm) ' ' may; a me at]. at-ireeA'trt S A lit -