. iChrzstmasx _ §VM34150 t ‘Mowing Wotan!†Bond it Hula "rromt of n pro- booed bylnw yew}, Meta "gruntiot" governing Water loo nursing to.“ my noon so Into effect. _ following n resent applica- tion for n new pnivnto nursing home prompted Board of Hunt otrieU1s to investigate nonunion: used in other citiee. Toronto's bthtpmvod molt oloctive, and will be nupplo- mated with o clause covering fire prevention. Medieial health officers, Dr. P. A. Voelker, said the fire chief should have authority to inspect nursing home: for par tgr-s-ttees.?, Nursing. , Home: Sparkling Oiridndt it» In! held: June Geranium or Ito. Gross Both soo..-......" .25 Ibo Great both Was lob sum and Fluffy Mlllathino spewing Wot..-....$3.75 the Gross no- 'eye. Ming Powder-..... Seeded Tissues-MOO GM! . . . fitted Into “WW with can to com): te - Mow hold: to In.» but. but In an. W....................$I.23 1:213! .25 Wand. .- mama-W" and in tho â€with; - In- oos“ would to hono- to no that 'ueeing gun-ton. toilet Woo old almost moo on may nail-hind. (lo-“rod “on. for M I According to Toronto bth, Dr. Voelkor odd oo-cdlod nursing homo: no considered honoo for used mp1. if the mjority d tho occupants on over 60. This clam will " it.“ aevera1 Inning homo: in Waterloo. li- Ernna Piece: and In} lurid Heinbeeker, a e h o 01 nurses, and [in Mary Wrineh. VON nurse reponed 1,860 of an estimated totat 2,300 pro- school age Waterloo children were given polio vaccinations during recent elinica.‘ . Commenting on the so per cent response to the free in- munization Dr. Voelker said, "now, with no polio and luckily none for some time, people are ureleee about mnklng use of the free clinics. -if ianuary and February Clinics‘ for second and third do“. win be held. $TlliMliilllilS mamas 1,,'rll1. 71 k mum "GK auiu - mud-r may“ Lt) To MERRY CHRISTMAS M" ", staff here all a Very Very s,-,.,,,,-------'---.'?"'"" 2"riULuL-n-m--r-'-"""""" x THE BEST m STYLE _ . "mama-4km- many friends and customers, IN in Waterloo and at Kitchener, p ' -tenrattetterq"tPfh1f'trh'= Ir“ t1'h"aTTG"1ufi'.liafiCFuiittcet,,? u- -»mw,,fw cxclusivc Jail"- . " im- raid-1| Adi; ‘41."..- i Gotaum1thue THE BEST mm you kt,iitklcrc' WA‘I'ERLN