“into. iii-W“. from St. "eu. .3» Lucy: metrt.td to: "tse patties ‘blonde in - hpâ€, otnee, futon, village aid town is elected . “Luis" a! visits the sick. loads cm W and procession- und st- and! Magnets Ind has - nhpanied by her up.» awash 'J'imrua‘ was“ " wma the The ancient custom coin- aid. with the winter solstice, when the sun swings toward the enrth once more and the by: begin to lengthen. qetqteCvrattt'rstr5ral it tt hi 804P AD," tnd "'? SEASONS m BUTTER .60c lb GREETINGS o)eg,,trr1iiigg?iidl?hgi _ . r a '95... V, " a. c 'd " I, -'.\‘\.....'O " 18. i'ii,"d,ii-:it Bl, 'ir: J v& fpii,?,'.ilii: L GEESE - DOCK - moms HERB FoRESTER'S Christin as Eve Sgecials ED BERGMAN Jeweller's Cain-31MB..- ,r-qraetmtoertetts-eBlmet"t'ra, a... you an aura-3‘ is“? 000305†road nnd bum " Pe ROASTED PIG TAILS ROASTED RIBS Itm"ml -50ch BREAD .17c _'7llllIiiifffflii'?, MAY WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF WISHING ALL OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS A VERY MERRY XMAS AND THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN THE NEW YEAR wmmoo su 5-7475 MEAT MARKET