y' no: new 1.3%: '.t 'itA/iialrWrsaui'iikiriiiiLaG (mm: saw _ , o- $5950 “Wt » "rs"iiairiiiuniiG MACHINE or“. Every Evening 1 99 King Sn. wetorilloo 'Til Christmuw “mains†my tool maho- "asottneeiotatmeit at (names. Bet with Jane PsrueBreadthert'ymtmsa"e' WWW ", no need td--- ouitioorrattheee? " The date-ths wane h 308: guaranteed “m‘ -ttmh'"tiavxae._impoee" became who†dadq Btasm. fades. itutdttg NilN PAYMENTS ' --- 1531313159} WEEK FAMILY was qr BUYING mir-aa-oo-et-ffl.,?.). i Their 1i. met I I at "a" (“Chm iin the “Eu is, 'Iegnd. whiéh surrounds the eustd", is hisâ€! I. have Mod in " TI- - maul-“Ev. 1 blue adieu-burned with add to dad out only by out“ Mary. " the his) putt: “mt-own. on“: China)- _ â€Insulin! and I†my eons attain, m to Palestine, bot to m Holy He at. the‘fm'thest an of Europe? Their M use toe Christ... is not recorded in the nnnnh okay Iuioo, bet that the "christ Child Candle," burned in the window of Christmas Even, lccor . 'ptCott' old legend. Jgirfitii'd. td 'titrht 9n l Did-(“Clâ€an of “walla-Ibo-“ -it.tiuqui-et"tf" a. night " " birth up I-.. Wim. _ "I. mu 'iii'ite,iiiit ALS,- iane. The but. of the ugh-y shut will eerered with "aa-aiviaw bg- the. task at uttering berries when candles had to mde no that the uni-d . , could, be conserved. 2 letprding to tradition, who-hunted . Wherry cug od Christan Eve or Christ Dny would have long life "' a happy one. 5 An old verse reads: i "To lam your luck for , year they any. ., Burn . buyberry dip on Christ mu day. If the flame bums bright "d the light dines clear. COM} luck will be yo“ throng“ the rear." , Police Ask For Safe Holiday Driving Viking the citizens of W.- terloo the e-li-ts of the “on. Chief Constable Lloyd Otto toduy ,tanted especially top-sonh'udnnluhantho pedestrian and drivers of Wa.. terloo who have stayed out of traffic accidents. "This season of the year. with its many happy distrac- tions, requires a special effort to remember to be safe," the Chief pointed out. "With more people at the streets later in the evening, shopping and visit- ing, the chances of a pedestrian accident increase many times. It is an unhappy fact that the final ten days of the year, when thoughful goodwill is un- doubtedly at its best, is the most dangerous period of the year for traffie accidents. "It has often been said that if you could warn a driver or pedestrfart in time that an accident was about to happen the aeeideett'wotsid never occur. It is my hope that all our people will accept a warning that inattention and careless- ness are the two greatest causes of traffic accidents. "When you are driving, drive alertly. Consider what you are doing and leave dis- tracting thoughts for better you are doing and leave dis-' traeting thoughts for better oeeasions. When you are walk- ing, remerber that there is ar. ways ' good deal of traffic about at this season of the year. Stay an the sidewalk un- til you are are you can cross on intersection in safety. Fol- low the traftie signals. And don't try to cross the street in the middle of the block. No matter how good you think your chancu are of doing this wee-fully, just remember that nearly . mud people were killed or injured in Otte uric but yet: attempting to “I'm sure We all tgree that Christan in the children" nn Will occasion. It is surely very easy to under- land that in all their excite- meat they and to forget safety lemon- letrud in school and " hone. Washer toe, that they will be on holiday for seven] dsrs, tad more ex- posed to tulle dangers than the school m. Just ms n special Jon in made to bring happiness to ali,of the young- sters of Watedtoo, aid 1 Ipecinl effort to keep them from harm. What in more tragic than the death of I child at this season? "Again and again it has been “castrated that with the co- operation of evvryone in I can-unity, “cunts an be prevented. Let uI all remember that each of us is responsible for our own Ind and safe- ' "irel feta 'T',