P‘GI MIPWO Hm. which is currently â€I. mouth on. of to m blood-huh. in history. I. - Duluth. ital! m all] for tht and. fee tr..- do- for my you! Christin people have boon rising " 5:00 uni 6:00 A.M. for may Bible Study before going out n their daily work in on in- cnasinxiy hostile ntmoarhere. Interest in Bible reading In. ranked in inereaaed h- tmst h Bible distribution. The Hungarian Bible Council, in: I!†TODAY Follow a: ?« . To . MlrriI Illtst ilt illl A" "d y 1iislllltt Mlllllt'li (Ili, a ' ~ ~ ll i'rjiii:it' F . w». 3 = ‘ Ill, Mil KING AND "L, G4 PNlllll r, . , g “moo F t) in a wide selection sizes and colors --ruao.tiraavnntaeeeeest--lt-ee-- aru.easees-aaEemrttrmea.mrurbee1aat.-r-u-areeh-ati. 'rHEBESTmsTYLE TTaEBEtrrliNPRNat 4.95 to . 23.50 4.91) to 1.5.30 \ 37.77 m I. DOLL FOLDERS \ ' 2.95 up - an and.- _ 'lat w {aim/l ' ‘ " III " Itigi' if.†'lt','? m - fiieiiBlil,. C", 1:. m" ieiBiifitlilliSi 1tdiisarltXeE 5 , “r: '__.' 'LI",L,,T..,N,, F1"'% own exclusiv- noqrat-rHroftUthtitod Btu-Mothsbokwch- tho Britt-h “(I Ionic: Bibi. Britt-i eatd Youan mu. Witty ttad worked h “I. - in. "II. Shoo the Huntin- Boom mined direction ot Bible printing ad distribution . you†gift of so tons " Bible paper Ito-1)... (in- by the British and Pomien Bible Society and the American Bib“ Society jointly, This not an quantity was increased to " Jewelkry for today and $imr- aua-aFiftt CCM, Raleigh Bicycles in Sidewalk, Junior, Juvenile, Standard ‘tnd Spetet model with 3 speed ' Goldunithing Art Ltd. BICYCLE m wanna (M) emu""?", mu. 't-.tr-t-'ae'- Boe"sotiU for â€button in M Allm New Inn land. gal the Tha.A. So it b trtrtuthtm.r tad on 0..- tt,uttgrt'gt lumba- Kite] “do-4M3 Hockey ' Finn Skating Outfits â€mu-“blunt: "enritbmtaBttrie. Waning-ht†m T"" .2 H. h - 'iaNtu't1u'tt THE CANADIAN WAY The Bai, - Ever a Source of Help Miss ,tstqgt-ttrrordkottc IttNtettittsEttt-rmtt'e8, ASArgdAS arm “Wm†35mm ro "s atNs0VrtttotS, mast mud: £001- um mm “at†W} -.B-t-6.8'" - John h "at U“ -.,.-nh. 8: 1-80,Q%remdnr-- John At ros. Pride-- J.- attthebemtmrtherrfneh.. â€MRI-60.8w “WM for everyone iGiriaa Em, ,