PAGE HEARTH RADIO 10m Damned RADIANT camom uniform toast iutyttyttddu' I' 2t/itglt, or fresh, B.voesd Belief. I would like to..e 'preciauop .to me. and in partWu1ar to than: u... assisted me in my campaign effon. I will make every effort to justify your confidence in me. Compliment! a! the Only the Sunbeam 090nm: with Radiant Comm]. That's why " makes BOTH per- tect waffles Ind grilled sandwiches. u Ratepayers Of Waterloo 83 King St. No end to in Wine». no..." COOK-GUIDE todicates temperature and tTiriseGarulainsoetrrutrne"" 'ii"iriiod'aa" MS Wm mm & sun 'iriiii,hdaulite. Auto. in whims. Exclusive. Fm Bauer HHS ()RHIINAI. |)()( AND APPLIANCES SH 5-4537 THE WATERLOO (Onturlo) CHRONICLE Best Junior Mixer made. Full-Ink bum produce greater volume in let! time. Anna». in White, Pink, Tun-win- Yellow or Chrome. Exclusive "Stem Plow Vents" let you iron on all-over cushion of rolling “can for foster. better ironing than ever before. FRVPAN You simply not the dint and you not oomoum HEAT' for perfect each In; 1nd frying malts. No [unavai- Marvelous water-mica elem: lot can A - TIC by land: will but to (hm mean-g! runs on betia which owe their tuneftai- nm and bounty to n "loat art". Ancient craftsmen knew the scent of true harmonic tuning, bet for n long period, She " formula was lost. anledge of it had died with the WW men. Inch experiment vu made to rediscover the skill of “curate tuning, but not until shoot " rears ago we: the lost at finally found again In lou, -rrnowledee DRY IRON Waterloo K )NIH the hen foundries of Britain. Thin explains the supremncy which bells from Britain hare gained throughout the world. One ton-wiry done in London has made bells for Cnnndn, Australia, New Zenlnnd, Union of south Africa, Palestine, Argentine, the West Indies, Egypt, Persia, Holland, Bel- gium and Malta. Old bells hare been sent to Britain from my lands to be re-tuned necordin; to the rediscovered tomb, which has been improved upon since first it yielded " in ancient secret. The costing of belle has not changed besieeny since Inedievnl den, though it has advanced technically. Tun- ing iq etill the most importent process in bell-making. Your eonfidenee in me is truly appreciated. A Merry Christmas and The Very Best For The Harold Paiken I wish to thank you for the con- fidence you have placed in me and to assure you that I will do my utmost to serve the best interests of the city and its citizens. to those elected to guide the affairs of the May they successfully do a mod admin- istration job during the coming 3-0:â€: My sincere thanks to the many people who supported me during this election. Ron Buddell City Congratulations Thur-why, December It, I" Of Waterloo (Hunk) leiskuu of Waterloo " D. ll. StllllEll To The Voter. Of Waterloo And Mr Campuin Commitâ€. Waterloo My