PAGE .6111!!! McGOWAN APPLIANCES 1957 Automatic Completely Auto- matic only one dial to set. D o " S a f e t y Switch Porcelain Protec. tion where it real- ly counts on the 334 KING WEST Cilf3tiiriT2EEiiil] A Very to all the people who sup- ported me at the polls on Mon- day. The best wishes to newly elected City Council, and com- plements of the season to every- Vince Alviano rit 'rt It doesn't COST you l? _ltt1t. CLOTHES 1DRYllERS PRE INVENTORY SALE F R I G ll D A ll R Ilit II to buy hum us - it PAYS PAYMENTS TILL NEXT YEAR m 'A‘I'IILOO (OI-b) mom PHONE SH tb.AS41 ",,y?htf,ietttel 2Sc Admission Good For no Cine; Extra Cud- 10: SPECIALS h 3 Turkey: Me $25.00 Cash PM outt'tse A PRIZE FOR EVERY'BINGO‘ Thursday, Dec. 13th,, MS FOWL BINGO whee] Waterloo Met Bull-lg: Building Comfortably Hated Remember the Date Dec. 13th one!!! for purchase od hospital beds. Mn and Community Service Work ttre-rg-oe-al, atc-un-bv-of APPLIANCES TELEVISION Pridar Nights muututtiaa"theeat.te. hmumym "aa-tma-tui' cad-munitmghtho'o‘ In; (rooting eardn ll on which in Britain employ. thou-Ids " men and women duo-*1“ the year. One typical firm Mailing in this typo of work, founded in Dani-c, BeotUnd in 1825, hu a sh! of more than 1,200 and po- dnca in the region of " lib lion cards . rear. r' Preston Now l The Cnnadin Army has an- nounced that Our. S. A. Piotr.' man, of Preston, is one of I new clnss of 32 jumpers who graduated IS qualified pan- ehutista from the Joint Air Training Centre at Riven, Mnniton. They had taken 1 month's intensive instruction, concluded by six qualifying jumps under varying condid tions. In the first three weeks of instruction they went through a rigid physical training Pro", gram, orientation and practico in landing. Jumps were mud. from the training towers at Rivers & Camp Shilo. In the Cnai stage of training the jumpers went through day and night descents from aircraft, with various equipment and weapons. From all corps in the armn, they are now entitled to wear the jumper's wings on their left breast and will draw an additional $30 monthly risk allowance while actually on- gaged in jumping, on the strength of a unit assigned to parachutist duties or station- ed at CJATC. Another mark of distinction is wearing of the maroon beret while with n parachutist unit. Io'rki The tank " "0439- l’lal yonr asphalt driven! NOW _ Imperial Paving Co. " King St. W., Kitchener Days SI]. 5-8597 Nights SB. 2-19.. The best In Asphalt smac- Color Service Drapes - Slip Covers Tinuwn Rug: " sn 2-7635 21g King at I WATanoo Upholnlori-g & Av-h'o Ch"tom-Boat [unit-f. ADAM'S King St. iolour SH 3-4931 Parachutist Free Available Scheme Bar Kitchens At