PAC .1 0. Fall PM of Fashion includes one“ that are fitted, Ind and long wen- -tweeds.Futteoke range. Sizes totoat "iced from ma)jltiNirllmlllln])i..MG, 31 KING ST. N. 1 OPEN runny m TO mm 39.95 to 69.95 i Helping you is part of his jobl I "Chiba... Kauai-unfit“ Wallar’s hefouMlnb- 16.50.24.“ CROWD: GATIEI Therewasatimewhenyotmg men,eentintottartkingmerely totretsomebusine-erunas. However. today at The Tortmto.DominioetBartk ,reiooktbriuniorswhowant tomake banking their career. The-bright-tttttten ,rhdreaiizethatthe1ocainnd internationalaspecuoftoday'c tnnirtngotreruniirnitat-e Mrhraintsandexperienea. Wettttnkyou%rtotketlte atrerenaskhenrmtdettisMth therountrrpeoCTheToemtto- DoeninionBank.They'" 'tudsingtotxshankett- "tdittir'tastntaeetrtedAtrmt amtrmirttankintrprxthkm. SH 2a0tm .. 30mm, Ian-oat W900i“. -or.aa--qe!lillllql!qlr!La, Rid-.thPpl ton-ii RFW- 0" “C nation h strictly in tht modern mood for it involve 'au.., mood for "st invokes no fun, no hot minute pre- Paratioas HY! benign {was hu . m with 5 My fiuintrl of brown not, cinnamon nnd -ta. It's deliciom and dif- f.“ and it look: no festive and VI. .- lei-s we" top- - .4 d-rated whh eturp- pol III a M charita- iean-init-fteafter- tlMNm or “can: paid when mmdvith cup-ofhotuaor ' This recipe In. II ndd- 3M" - ' in' that It yua- in mean Id we“ to- Ma- U rm “A“ 9 k Earp know? We - 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2/8 cup curl-ants 1/8 cup soft butter I-% cups sifted icing - lh teaspoon vanilla 4 teaspoons milk R's-Witch. pecans or walnuts Combine scalded milk, shor- tening or margarine, % cup gnnulated sugar and salt in a large bowl. Blend thoroughly. Lot cool to lukewarm. Mean- while in % cup lukewum wa- tor thoroughly dissolve 2 tea- spoons granulated sugar. Sprinkle yeast on top of wa- ter. Let stand 10 minutes. Then stir well. Add well-stirred yeast to lukewarm milk mix- ture nnd blend thoroughly. Add welldbeaten eggs and (and lemon rind. Finally stir in sifted all-purpose flour and when dough is stiff enough to be easily handled turn onto lightly floured board. Knead Boar man “A It'l I Interest To " chopped -tta-ahat_eraboy, ia, be and h} funding, . required. Pho_bogh An 3 clean towel and let the in u warm place, free from draft, foe about 1-% has]. or - Wed in bulk. - To Lake filling - eon-bite brown sugar, cinnamon and curtains. Mia â€can!" well. Punch down dough m pal aide. into centre. Tm out» n floured board and knead about , minus. Divide dough into two equal portions Ind knead cull portion htto a lull. 00v- ernetitsneunastowe4andht stand for " minus. lon- while new m " x " inch Roll each ban of bong-h into a mound. wproxiutely 18 x 11 inches in nice. tbroad tN cup soft butter on and "e- We. Thea aprinkh - the t,roim gag-u, cinnamon and cum fiiTittg on out ne- mgle. (loll MI, â€climb {Shiny who. an». inn rings and place on (re-ed hlv ing new, Using t hi3 of ihroEgh out: this " I'M In- tenth. Turn slices aeleutr. Covor with a do!!! to“ - 1etrtseina-pueeftee from draft for about " ninntes or Ind doubled in bulk. Meanwhile preheat 0'9! £5375 deg. r.-oroderater. Duke risen rings in mehegieq on wire cake mks. Combine sifted icing sugar, “will: and milk. Blend te. gether well. Spread over Artes while they are still warm ma sprinkle each ring with Ya cup coarsely chopped pecans or walnuts. Makes 2 Swedish Tea Breslau Now Has Street I A 'new street lighting sys- tom set the community of Bres- lau ablaze with lights Friday night. Started about three weeks ago, the job Wu com- pleted sooner than was er. pected. The town in m lighted from the old school, now a shirt factory, to the tenth end of the community, ht the dir- ection of Preston. thy-lint! Women BIG'I‘OSTM HWW.M-m Tho new has been p... nentod with the first produc- tion cu made in Kitchener - and Canada - an LeRoy by Mr. M. I". W h it: headquarters in the buo- ment d thte Kitchener Library, Unforhuuly, the at, hit in 1899 by “to. M C.†nun, Dr. Hilton B. Good, 3 brother Nekon, 3nd Alex Well- or, is too big ti, get through the narrow doom-ya, window: or aaa- " to Snot; “a museum in tho mndrywip ed Homer Watson Hemorid Park at Doon next summer. hitrttton. Mr. Schmidt would upro- ciate my suggestion- as to where the vehicle could I). km mrttl tbe than of the ox- New C. “newâ€, II. Drapes - Slip Cover: AL. WIGOOD smvrcn ITA‘I'ION 105 Kip; Bt,A, _W__a_terloo Tina“ Rags " an was " lb; at N WATERLOO Upholdorin. & A“ Canton-Built Fur-3hr. EDTE%, Wax-Wan; Esau-in In Waterloo m ,ustat M (,/j,,ii!l,l,,,).