no: mu A mended untance was - three 16 year old youths *0 pleaded guilty last week h chutes arising out of the OPEN '3. a... Pay BI Money Goudies of Kitchener no: CHARTERED WATERLOO COUNTY - of on - In 10in; Pacific MW in Kitchener. A one yet: 3|:de urn VII given to one of tin bore who pleaded guilty to the theft. Convicth of during in the ptococcb, “the other two :- ,raeimutttteet,tLellPe1e.1,t.e BANKS SERVING an- - and than ah “ “I“ hm Ther and. make " mm maintain steady wo, nut of nookoom " The, and. mask. actuation. maintain My work. to" out of poohoonu and attend church. They in. warned that violation of may of than “not of probation could will. in t jail alliance. Jim's cheque is one of two miIIion Jim's cheque is only one of two million '.i. "written every ar by Canadians) paying each other fot goods and services. They represent . 90 per cent of ell transactions involving money. and speedy. skilled handling of '" oequesi,rthecharteredunksise"entu1 E.- to the smooth functioning of the economy. giro: customers who write cheques frequently. €23; there is . mt account; for people whose I I main purpose is to sue, a savings account. H Your local bunch ptovida then and i-?. other health; services of "he to everyone. r dar-and in one quick trip to the bank Jim will hue his cheque cashed, a deposit made; his bank book written up. He likes this safes convenient way of handling money.- YOUR CMMUNII’Y For h was revealed loud-y light " City Council that a can on the buying of down- town parking area properties bu been nude by the Kitchen- a Parking Authority_ The cost and location of the pro-1 perties Were not mentioned. Aid. Bert Page however, lu- advertently indicated the pro- perties lie somewhere between Francis and Watt Streets, just north of King Stret West. f The slim was made when a reii,iiitiiii' Gl, presented finamte committee by Pred Breithaupt. Wally Koater ana 10,6: lI-lu nuv- ."'ie'-----" weekly spectacular “Cross-Canada Hit Parade". The two vocalists had a busy and interesting summer, touring many parts, of the cm making guest appearances and filimg night club wearing. Pm Resolutio- Council passed the resom-l tion, which reads as follows! Tint we aeeede to and adopt the reeoanmendulors of the Parking Authority set forth on trGie"iuoet.iethat we nequire properties referred to in the letter, all subject to resohr. whining my required - prom and order of the m- tario Municipal Boyd, 'Ne City clerk, Charles Lira, aid the letter referred to had been read in a caucus preced- ing council. This was the first move taken since the nuthoe- ity got. underway in January. Mr. Lips said also that he authority for action and now it budgnade a recommendation. it should be supported. Al- though he had some reserva- tions about the location an! prices, the project apparently was "sett-1iquidatintr" and would not cost the Wyatt. Railway nnd traffic com- mittee chairman, Ald. Sid Me- Lennan, said he welcomed the authority's recommendation. Not To Adlreet Tux “do It had been made clear. " outed, that the purchase of properties for parking would not place I charge " the trem" cal tax rate. The clue to the location of the property was given when Aid. Bert Paige indicated an extension of n shred: to Edward street was involved. Trained Help Still Sought In K-W Area According to 1 report from the Kitchener-Waterloo e m- ployme-M advisory committee, about.†of skilled workers continues in the Twin City Managerial and secretarial workers, engineers, draught.- men, loggers, miners and cer- tain groups of metal trades- men along with farm workers, waitresses and domestic work- ers are in demand. The committee released figures showing that there were 149 less unplaced ap- lpHcants than in 1955. The Unemployment Insuran- ce Commission, at the end of September, had 350 male and 212 female names on the list of The present employment pic- ture it expected to our! through to the end of the new 290 female. Color Bar Free Colour Scheme Service Available At .1 Km St w., IO SH 3-4931 present employment pie- unemployed. as were 481 ' I“. from