J Pm Returns To Itaiitla m oaiotithAhrtior'C Team mmwmwu qgnoeo-rdmtio.hoelnareo- milieu i0. 'bat Auditorium, iq rotnning to the nah at tho o-ru - Minion. Decision has been Aeeuitttr Boaehed to enter Preston tt .- ill-lot Nr will?!" thi Shin with Am'm. Hem!- “ Goo-towa, Milton, Bent- “was. Wen-sofwnamandhowah- ikLGitrts-1t.ty.mrel iririiri.TiarFoitd think of looking for aluminum in the stomach of a Zululand croco- dir: ' lt seem! when this croc was emptied, whom nah-m- iiiGisaiicensea-roundAt itsstmwhhwm Zulu dogs In might! am But it iaveatututrsieytls JG,G,eventothrformtdtt8e digestive juice- in thin may: insides. .. ' In St. Wesr. Industry mm oct this mm quality of “mm Graiuaitrufrumeondeteher corrosive conditions 're u problem: one of avail will why iiisAodemmetaiisinIoch l ravy demand-and why M , again anaemia: In nlready large swim capacity. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA. um. (AWN) PHONE SH. 5-8352 NIGHTS SH. 2-3455 Expo-c youmu m u- rigors of mm"? Not likely. 1ht you may be e!- posing yoorstK to bsnn. cial ruin by being ball- insuredl Make sure you're not left out In the cold it disaster strikes. Call at today! Wouldyou "ee'"'- . no the elements l, IOIII 1m mas Memorial 'iii/f (Mon Waterloo ,rou.5tisruautedtofu- mama-Nut- â€was“ "dciitrG-t-edaftve - executive, and that vi! “.bmwudl plum inn 3 " mile main} ground in town, excepting Kittieâ€: which has been placed out od bounds. The town is elm limited to two players from Gen. There must be six hon. ride Preston phy- ers on the club mm. Youths under 20 u of Aug- ast 1, who seek . berth on the club, are to cannot Cliff Gabel. Opening practices m to be held within two or three week, and it is expected that the sea- son will open NoVombet to. sure you eheaterfield or claim to be surenooasetsaahrftnhe" ing eigarette. The mutation my save you We. HHS ORIGINAL DOCUMHN'I Othwa V Richmond “Cum “0 B I. ' TIAVI l INFOIIA'I'ION " Kitchener Bud Terminal " calm at mum an 2-4409 Everyone knows that women are keen shop- pers - and that they are always on the look- out for a real bargain. That is why so many bus passengers are women. They know a travel bargain when they see one. the knows .... 100.70 , re..... 27.70 1 .ur'"'" 16.90 I ', that shop- ? they . m- Who-Paco†trooaeittodi-e-brt" oomInggmcM elated shower! to do their II.“ in Wm to the two thousand dollar ex- penditnre OK’d gone time no for improvement and develop- ment od " the meet. puking. Perkin: moo behind the market building will receive most of the attention and pro- bahly the money. There as numerous other places that could be develop- ed and publicized. Parking to- dar is one of the biggeot et- tnctiom to people wanting to shop in 1 community. Lack of itenndomaehtosUwtrre- tail section down to a “it. 1.11.8. _ Might princbal causes of fires in Canadian homes are: Careless smoking and handling of matches; misuse of elec- tricity; defective " overheat- M and cooking equipment; im- roper disposal of rubbish; -areless handling of kerosene and other flammable liquids; ligMningz defective or over- ‘reated chimneys; children and 113th 1H1. HAW COUNCIL ",aiigiiitaee-r-'- . a _ _ r e-e--iNiiltflttitl0 A ' ‘ - _ - ----- ' - ' . I h' l "_, .. ‘ M A teCC..Wr., ‘ tl “A -""rt ---- TCL' F, , 1ltl , V. - ‘ r 2 ---- "Ill a '9; 't 1e9r it - ...v‘.\._ 0 , .2 M10 22. I ', .-‘w.‘- Matt" MI AI Mlty8tMiRlMil --- --- ' lllh' ' a 'i5 Illllgllgllli%l K, , u L' = , MIM Ili 'l Mt , an" ‘ W', ‘ m. u \ W', = I V.’ ' ' ', - ,.. ' _ h' I' r Y, ' Eh' iilllRil, Xlflall MlBlililtl Mt g / Y. 'i2=oiEiia - sl JtlNllillBlilm IMlNiltltMltl01 -~»‘~ pee g . m - ( MI., BlNlllRflalil " AlqtXat" . . dittiitr I ‘ I ‘0 'tl '.' “ ' “‘ 'il8MI o - '" I O MIMflf O . w o " "thih Ta ANI ' c' . h' J Bl I " P, “. $llXBllttilt ' a Mmllalllll . ‘2 . ‘,._...“’ o H‘ ' I. vl V "s b Il r m, " m O, a Illliillg8l8Rill iitleWlilli MRt . v' .5." " -tirMtitiil5, My = .' ' , ‘ , ' iM # M itlilillgliillllllB!WM o c, & cl "ifllN 1iBMliBltBMltltl who " L r' - 'iNtiMY! \noy‘, , h llh' 'r_. 1lBli1 1lllililtll A i 'C1ChN! = e ; v . r...-ec..a p I IN I . I T, v N gl I. ‘ - , ee:7t " l a“ J '" CaiiaeWazStreSee r I lf "9’ _eitlli= "NEW. - ‘ r less ‘2'" $As L, Ni . a 'etsEW t M a; s 'e "v' tN ' / n Mi “R? TM L' O " ' t IN VERY POOR CONDITION 1llllllilln WEE?" mum 42KirnrSt.W. . CANDY BAGS , TABLE NAl’KlNS MAKE YOUR HALLOWE'EN FESTIVITIES GAY AND COMPLETE BY PURCHASING ALL YOUR NEEDS THE CHILDREN FOR YOUR PARTY COSTUMES q DECORATIONS MASKS q FAVOURS CANDY mas q TABLE NAPKIN: a Ontario St. 8. 691 King St. The Color Bar FREE COLOUR SCHEME SERVICE AVAILABLE AT soap GLASSES The-ttttii-u-e. EYES EXAMINED