PACBR TEN |_CALL#H. 3â€"4441 RELIABLE BOY ABOUT 12 YEARS OLDb wWIHHD WANTS TO EARN HUus Stevens Motors Ltd. "ONE OP MY SONS WILL SERVE YOU® 71 KING ST. N. WATERLOO 471 KING THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE a 6t WANTED THE WATERLOO (Ontario) CHRONICLA Thurpfay, December 22, 1958 "~â€"â€" Cor King & Young Waterloo Ph SH 2â€"5041 PEEE PELIVERY EASY PARKING SEE THE BEST IN JR. "B" HOCKEY HELP THE MEKN WHO NEVER STOP TO PUT THE SISKINS RGHNT ON TOP 471 KING ST. E. KITCHENER Why Santa Clause mas derives from a Germsarâ€" Dutch corruption of the name of Saint Nicholas, wheo lived in the fourth century, Lengend was that this good saint learnâ€" ed that three young womes for the patron saint of Christ» | their room one night, and they lived happily ever after. "Bas Niklaus" of the German be came "Sinteklass" of the Dutch, and those who settled New . York wound up with * provide a dowry. St Nick toss« ed threée bags of gold inte AH persons having Cclaims against the Estate of PIMâ€" IJTRO ROGA, late of Kitchâ€" DATED at Kitchener, this 15th dey of Decenmfber, 1965. ta Claus". Creditors Kitchener, Ontario Solicitor for the 30 Spetz Street, To