J 20 KING ST. E. _ PHONE SH. 23523 CHILDREN WILL LOVE THE ASSORTâ€" MENT OF GAMES AND PUZZLES WE HAVE IN STOCK * Hiâ€"Q ® Ligâ€"Saw Puzzle Distinctive and Different ® Personalized! * Relivious! f /g 1A\ f\‘{.?‘lijl_\- t"-:?/ PP‘ Th ya® * a2 i +.i FX SEE OUR MINIATURE CHRISTMAS TREES IN GREEN AND ARTISTI CALLY â€" SPRAYED SILVER OSWALD‘S GOOD GLASSES DECORATIVE TREES Phone 2â€"423)7 1 ecup butter or margarine 1 cup granulated sugar â€" Grated rind or Â¥ lemon 1 tablespoon lemon juice 5 eggs, unbeaten 1 cup glaceed cherries (red green) 2% cups sifted aliâ€"pur; flour |Enten’ng Our 50th Year Of Service I 225 King St. W. KITCHENER Phone SH. 2â€"8381 â€" Use Lippert‘s purpose or K Now "Watertall" Design! J Avtematic Oven Controle! J Neow 7â€"Heat M-l-, $A FRER Aluminum Reabter! i wPile | _ 44 Princess . Waterlce . Phone 209002 :â€" Waterloo Bowling Lanes Modern lanes, courteous staff and efficient management all around toâ€"gether to make _ One of the finest recreation Centres in Waterloo county Friday Night Opening Still Available Waterloo Bowling Lanes piegeiae\ Note: This cake may be baked | in loaf pan 9 x 5 x %% inches.