w. PAGE TWELVI ‘Adelg'IoI-thcpurpuoolnodvhï¬tmmdvmmwmbothathmmmdmnmuemflmmm“ iehmMtr,wNhartseMemt_r.mteresm' 'ra,taterroNtoemtiat1mr-bmriuHohaaC.-8titeBoeshP.M.nnano3er-r. 'trrtmuCgmtgntmtgcoMttggtgggotmIlttgwh-t-+--- Barnum-1mm IatrhrmaCtKntMMMsrrgtmmtrttg-h-r8-ettdrtttAes-r, ____77______ - ------- - - h - -.---- -H'aiCiria7nGaTi" iGiaa 'E'Iiit'iiu. “was. “may, In: In: wad. Dun- 'h-bas 63hero-rlh-tM.tatdt.raeM-rhetraM= ______,__.,_ iir"iEri"iia on, of Waterloo has?“ any of DWWTMTH f - E , my 7 For the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office of Mayor, Aldermen, Public Utilities Commissioners and Public School Trustees for the City of Waterloo of which all electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and if a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices are nominated, and make the required declarations, polls will be opened in the following places: . v.31). No. mug Dehu- Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the City of Waterloo in the County of Waterloo that in compliance with the Statutes in that behalf I require the presence of the said Electors at the in the said City of Waterloo, at the hour of Tao o’clock p.m., on the Hospitals are people-- citizens who contribute to help build the hospital, govern- ments who assist with the people’s money, those who serve in the hospital, and, lut- Ir, that large group, which includes all of the others, the people who are cared for by " «I'm People point with under- standable pride to the well- equipped hospital which they have helped to build. But bricks and mortar end the most modern equipment do not make a homital. Prom this total revenue. be. tween 60 and 70 per cent must first be paid out for salaries and ages, leaving only a small portion of revenue for all other expenses. Hospitals therefore. usually depend on donations and bequests to purchase new or renovate old equipment. Hospitsls do not create the economic sud social conditions which surround them. Shorter hours, increased wages, rising costs for equipment and sup- plies-theme are tdl controlled by forces outside the hospital. Except in a few csses where 5 hospital is endowed, to meet these inereasing demands the hospital has only the revenue which comes from the' patients they serve, with small sddition- al aasistanee from government grants mainly toward the coat of indigent patient care. of the most difficult problem. which your hospital has to taes On the one hand, from the people, comes the cry that hospitalization costs no too high. On the other hand, those responsible for the hospital'l operation reputedly nsk how con we meet the incrensing cost of providing the best in patient are. IT. u. " (Continued from Page T) NOMINATION llMillliiylliy'llllTllliilG COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL Ella sniffer Muriel Hines Lavina But: Darlene Eu Once Patch Collette Soblsch Edith Conrad Mary Lang 129“! â€My!!! Doris Dye! Boy Baum Bernice Schendel Knthleen Ban-behel- 25th DAY olllil' NOVEMBER, 1955 SHORTAGE lit , RENA FUNDS the hospital. It is when all the" groups work continually together that the hospital real- Ir becomes 1 vital part of the community. It's your hospital-cherish it well. A dafteft of $1,995 " the SEVILLE COLOR SHOP IO ENHANCE m BEAUTY or Yom., noun All loans AT THRIFT! PRICES. 011008! A QM! "AME, “WHOM! sum TO SUIT YOUR INDIVIDUAL PAINTING on PHOTO- 'Atl? CONSULT OUR mars. NO OBLIGA- "Aamandeesftw%hounatriteaoraNau'stmae' 328 KingSt. w. Phone 4-4715 Mme: School, Central Street Charles Millie’s Balance, " Meter Ann-o Duran Elmer's Residence. 114 It!» strut Welt "hr Neuteld’a Radiance, 351 King Street North _ City mu - B. C. We: ml MieNehs Le- “INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATE)" PICTURE FRAMES Canadian Legion MAM, " Regina Street North Joseph troMntsh's Residence, :45 Bridgeport Raoul George strnh'l Residence, " Penn:- Street Mend: Restaurant, 238 King Street North Mrs. Natl-lid: - Residence, " William St. I. like. more Matter Residence, " George Street Bba.Aaannqnnnhrgtesuenexs,88TrntogsBteeetE. Edward MeGoey’e leddenee, 184 Irh Street East Mrs. Kethryn Troyen’e Residence, 11!! John St. I}. Leopold We Incidence, 91 Weber Street South Fred McAvoy'I Residence, " Roger Street Mrs. Elizabeth MiehWttrer's Residence. " Almndn Avenue ItHMArree'.aMMt%merer,2Waehtrtmsetwerat In. Merklinger'e Residence, " Dunbar St. B. new: merr- Residence, 94 Dunbar St. tr. Frank [angel's lleddenee, " Km Street W. W. Leonard'- lleeldenee, 91 Allen Street West Empire School, Empire Street THE WATEBLOO (Ontario) CW CITY 'dji WATERLOO night. Mayor Funk Bauer who revealed the emount that is missing my not be the Conv plete sum. The defieiener we: only found from the year: 1964-65. Aid Prank Doernet aid "that I further inventi~ tration. should be made, so that the public any be entitled to know the whole issue." No unmet were mentioned throughout the whole discus- non. to the Wannabe Council kn Waterloo Aron In duelo.od Polling In: I.“ ' 0‘1:le PM i,, qii,oomiftiiirriuuit Superb Men in deep snow or mtad--on tteactteeot= CuryeS--ttp steep hills and driveways-away from slippery curb. 1t'stettpsttndboundsatteadorotherwintertirest Rum quietly too. Come in and let‘us show you how its 1856 gripping. biting edges grab the toad. We'd be glad to tell you-Nair' and 'intrty--tMty the Suhrbanite gives unequalled tratctiott-e outsells " other winter tiles. Joan Fetch Lune Klan Hope nutter Bun-ban Clair Mirjorlo Brier Helen Garner Mildred McCoey Ruth Bald Connie leekahlnk Begun McAvoy Ada Shim Monaco [new litter Haulage: Ruby Leno Kathleen Yanke Realm Nettle Selma: Ethel Glaser Normn Jhschenttrhan ' Thur-dâ€. Poll Clem DUIWAID .. mam Nretber If, I'", / Bodenn Weppler Shirley Ellen Nettie Bellma- Dorothy 11mm Creed: DIeboll Leon Wehert Myrtle Koch Elsie Becker Rely]; Fraser H1115: Schmidt Marcella Kroetscll Robert Gardiner Kathryn Troy“: Evelyn Butler Dorothea Schlou Gladys Weller Mathilda stub Mary Manta; Vera Thomas Constables