He arrived REFRESHED ..by I:.?..!.:,!..!,?., Ottawa - 16.85 Washington - 24.80 Atlantic City - 26.35 Tickets and Information " Sightseeing all the way is another of the many en- ioyoble features of bus travel. Also, you may or- range stop-overs en route for brief or extended visits. Regarding hunting during the pheasant season, they state specifically that no rifles may even be carried in the vicinity where these birds may be found. Now pheasant: ordin- LOOKS AS THOUGH the Departments of Lands and Forests have set up a. real prize package for their game overseers to unravel, by open- ing the squirrel season at the same time the pheasant is on. (Continued from Pug. " hand or whethe; he “wally VI: wounded. A: he _fiew a are distance before landing again, I am almost cohviced I never will find out what was different nbout him. Hunting ir/om Toronto) RETURN FARE Hotel Room (Double) 2 Night: Sightseeing-d Meals Thu-thy, Ask your Agen' for details of this or other Package Tours Low ROUND TRIP FARES KENTUCKY CAVES Package Your s 'tervs--tsf.ss KITCHENER Phone 2-44†1955 A cordless electric clock operates on electro-magnetic impluses from the air, needs no connection to a power out- let, reports The Financial Post. Its electronic circuit uses the impluses on the principle of radio amplification to eon- trol the clock and keep it in synchronism. Canadian makers expect to begin expensive mo- dels for specialized use. Considering that the phen- sant season is of only two or three days duration, it would seem to us that the squirrel season could have sensibly been delayed that much longer. On top of all this, the squirrel hunter may have to pass through considerable pheasant cover to get tn the bush he wants to hunt. What is the overseer to do about that? wily do no indium the lun- type of cover as squirrels, but “I, pinata! hunter him: they 'will take to mach - when being hinted. AIR-POWERED CLOCK gnaw lb. 25: Beef Kidneys lb. lt t Fresh Fruit and Vegetables YOUNG Beef Tongues lb. 30t YOUNG 92 King Street South Mincemeat 2 lbs. 5h F RllEB0RCER's IEREEDELWNERY~_â€"PH0NE 3-3641: FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNERS WE HAVE . . . . m vumwo (01.160) cmttttm3" 0 CAPONS ' , ROASTERS o TURKEYS ' FOOD MARKET PORK siiiii"iiiiiiir'"" 2h ib. SLICED COOKED SMOKED HIND HAMS WHOLE OR 43c SHANK HALF lb. iiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiii 'riiiiiiiii ii F" " and SATURDAY j ft'o'kriiiit8aa . 39c lb. . HOME MADE Summer Sausage RK lb. LIVER SAUSAGE 49e lb. fhfircitiiiia .. 25e lb. . Home Made Fresh Pure TULIP PORK SAUSAGE . Sk "L! Margarine 2 lbs. 4h PORK SAUSAGE . 65c lb. Hall or Whole ., mule Maglg "Smoked 9 Home Made "Smoked" SPECIALS [mum FRIDAY NIGHTS ONLY 6 RM. TO 9 RM. FRESH, SHANKLESS - A AT lb. 79c DIAL S-s266 fiettWcCNtegirP, . '0‘." '.'.‘:'~'.~.'.-:6 . 8.PAtteP. 6%?" - --' “V " . '5'." " 42%.:z:.:;s::;;:::.‘::.-.-‘.-.-.:::ï¬S:::-:-:-r&:.-};£-.‘-3:-:~:~:~.‘-33‘~;=~.2$55323: ROUND, SIRLOIN, WING PHONE ORDERS EARLY LOAF Eheese 2 lbs. 51h F armer's Cooked Cheese WE NOW HAVE TOI- gum BEEF STEAKS ROASTS FEW LOCKERS STILL AVAILABLE SScn, Waterloo Fg _.,‘ -- .... . .I"O-’ , .. . .ol. .' ,o-!o‘0-°-noo‘. PAGE "VI