rtrituattmmneinmatum1t1mttr ,betateoonadoetere-etrhrtttttee- ttttrd-master-it-form- 'AGE TWO When the next “summit" oonierence ought to be held depends on how the Big Pour Foreign Ministers get slang at their meeting-Oo in Oenei- next October. The Foreign Ministers will be turning last week's generalities into details. They will find that no easy task. But if the reasonable spirit of last week’s conference persists. it will be easier than it he: been for the but ten years. And if that spirit does not persist. then their superiors must meet again to restore it. Frail and timid " the flower any be tint bloomed " Geneva last week, it is all the world hu. It cannot be snowed to perish.-- Globe & Mail. This time next you the Republican Ind Democratic conventions wlll be choosing undldnm tor the president!“ elections, and Washington In wondering whether President Eisenhower will run ugnln. He himself has KEEP " ALIVE _ . Whatever dii'ierencee made themselves ielt " the Gene" Conierence, tttere-tet-tl-tpant-nd/tttservers-agreed/here-ts I new spirit in the ctr. Prime Minister It: spoke cheerfully, es the corner- - closed. of the "tone and temper" in w ch the We! Britain. hence. Rumi- end the United States had carried on their gxmregBgtttoatt. "We got to know each other better here." aid MAnthat Bulgenin, some on to commend the "honest atmosphere" which had prevailed. Premier Fame praised "the spirit which has goverencd our debetes". And President Eisenhower. on his return to Washington. saw evidence or " new iriendline. in the world". This one ttttng-ttse testontion ot qurteous, civilized diam-ion between East and Weg6--w" enough to ennui-h the Geneva Contereneis u a suc- cess. The conference might, oonceivnbiy, have momplished something more. But it did not need to, tad few expected it to. Many observers were, indeed. ogreeabu surprised " how well everything had turned out/nt how carefully everybody had conducted himself. . There must be more tntett.emtfeg---Bttd not in the distant future. We may take it for granted that the prime concern of both East and West is to stall off a nuclear war between them which neither could win, which both would catastrophically lose. We may take it equAlly tor granted that' because of the many rivalries and resentments between them, the possibility of them stumbling into such a war will exist tor a very long time. Frequent and regular meetings at the highest level are surely the beat preventive. Their ultimate aim should, of course. be the making of an honorable peace. But their immediate. year-to-year aim should be the avoidance of a dishonorable and immensely destructive Connict. I Other 6. Medicines should never be left in an_unmarked bottle or container. No guesses should be made u to what it might be. Such medicines should immediately be discarded. T. Medicine: which have been kept in the house for any length of time should not be used because my 1te.intte1ied "tttttatm". Therahoult1tte hepttnttott1esooistimrtlornmt sttapeandatsou1dttekettt-tttum ottsermettietnm,prefemtrtrundertt" 5. A change In color, consistency or odour ot my medicine should be re- ported to the doctor before the next dose itt given and a new truppty ob- tained if necessary. tanextemaumedteimsattouttttre kept on . separate shell 1mm than corked and clearly hbelled. _ 4.011: and ointment. which spoil easily should be stored tn a cool tttetmpmvert-etfmediet-e- .urveuinertumtgroeNtnttt"e"tt -eamrenpotntaBt.0ohnAme truuneereemnmemlsfoetheeiare- 10 CA“ Pon mime Tuw-ru-ttri-rio-ttneu-tEnd" tt--r,d-dtotui-tsotrtatruwosdeko aetdwerteriooCo_mtr.)tMudertt6thqtoettSt.East woterloo,-orrTh_r.TuCttronieulses-turd tlteCanadiatt woehtrN--A-dtrtittetemd,efttt. ontorioA_Nme-rAmtdtr'ims. J. H. SMITH, Managing Editor and Publisher. Authotizod a: second class mail, AO. 0.9L, Ohmic. EISENHOWEB WILL LIKELY RUN THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE Editors Say . . . 'stt'tterhmmr"trL, Mts-tteotesomNntetsofttttmtand tmroea-exettattleandtntuttm, The pulse in! end any displace: “together st the wrist. _ The patient has "air-hunger"-- there ere distressed effort- to breathe awn; far air. It Is important to recognize Internal bieedimrmsttntrrothatnotitnewi1t be wasted getting the patient to hoe~ pital where, he can be treated. The oretrinestutuittttettNeutotttepn- that and the patient should be kept mmmmmm mmmdrmorboemdm- qerxntrtratrmt..P-htthooorhtte- qrtnt-gttetutttttet1t-det1. Botae6ieaterunttttet1in-r-t t-tanttonmtettNrtnaatraerei- can give is to upply an Ice has or cold compresses (cloths soaked In cold water and then wrung dry) over The-alkali": mummuhunledmdhb- POI mu. BIRDING " It clothing THE WATERLOO (Onutio) CHRONICLE Governmental power in the hsnds of cabinet ministers at Ottawa to control esoentisl supplies and property. in the interests of national defense. us Mr. Howe told Pun-meat lsst week. has existed in Cumin since 1939. Reasons why the Government is reluctant to phee n limit on this power In obecure. Prime Minister St Laurent is ready to promise that the Defense Production Act will be reviewed within three years, but he apparently is not retutrto'rrtteeuettapextmuetntothetor. But this is no time to erect monuments to the Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe. Posterity will look after that. The basic disagreement in the present debate is on the question of vesting permanent powers in the minister, end on that point, Mr. Howe has failed to links s convincing case. Everythin'z he has sold in the debate proves the case for s deadline for renewal of his defenn production powers. Just as much as for sn indefinite extension. which he is seeking. Having made some concessions. he suggested he would consider s five-year limit. But he dropped this idea. The not, that stands out in the debate is that Mr. Howe's progrsm of supersonic planes and encines. plus guided missiles snd ttuper-e1ectronie devices in the Arctic, would be in exsctly the same position if he sccepted s three-yesr'desdline as it will be if he dies in his heels and insists on no deadline at " The long debate, for which the Opposition, it seems, in now prepared to dig in for the summer. clarine- seven! points. Pint the points on which there is no (immanent. The necessity for the Act is accepted. Further, the um to which Mr. Hove he: put his extraordinary powen is not in question. He has. tn met, done an exeepttormltr good job. He has delivered the goods whether it in Jet nireraft, new gnu-circuit gum, or euentid mettle. Bil neeountofutesemnttem,gtvent4t ttteHouaeaweekngo,eommnodsthe highest make from the Canadian people. Pew cabinet ministers, in our en- tire history, hue I liner record of nchievelnent. 'hmrtttiatttis-itrtttattttst.ttrntttstseganntsnottttn. 'mf-ent-tnts-tttMat-ttea-tttect-tr-tse- tmtadtstntatttnth-ttriteoene-1.mmittttuto-tstooettrmte -totttedettgtttaofthettnuand-tttnee alumnus e'h-tteretrthebetter.aono1ommrrtt-rttraeestmrttsrsn.miv. -doetttttnterrtrrmmoeratuhettaatasarttannattrtvortemts 1W "'"rr.m-ttreort'htmtttrtoettieinn-1steosattaatteit-ttsenatr. "etthertererite-rtmtnttVr-attermtutttrreatt-.ttsattt- "eedotmtoqrtn"hemursooesettreumramtsustattsretnrttrtst,-snoone ,'tththapitea1tottsenoes-rart- Ate-ret-ttsome-tatt-neue-em-tsn-t "tties-tOrt-foreign 1xttteBtmttttemtsagrmrinetrpprmttattoetatttts veutuntnndgettrriutesute-auttshisr,nndttteeeirnoitnttrernatr-tson thnttteoameheu-emtheutheeetoretnettnedtommr.msattttuatn intemntitmn1"ratmh-edttmtt-eonettonotgeinttt-ttmto pe"e.Thenritramtorttunrmandunrteianeextumettaurtteenvrovedtr, themettttuttseoommuntau-enmrpeeaettimrpeaceru1eoerotenee. 'at in.conceiveble that the prompt ection taken my save the citizens quite e few tax doilere . . . It points up the met eleo that municipal Beauty is not e luxury but thet it on pey dividends not only in civic enjoyment end pride but in the‘herder coin of dolien and eenu." Toronto would.“ well to follow Hamilton's example and eppoint en erborist ot its own. Had it had on expert on tree- end shrubs on it: mu it is probable that the maple tree mm ms" University evenue would never heve occurred. This is one inntence when on erboriet might have eeved tex- peyerc’ money end spend City Council esrttnrmtmnent. Thee. mete e boutiml contribution to e city’s eppeerence. In e city of '"m1t""ethetreauttvuionmetresttteesmertservieea-tneut. And oncetheyeppolntone.00uncilou¢bttoencourwehimtoceteblilhen erboretum for the public exhibition end My ot ditterent kind. of tree- end ehrube. The present leek dicta-edit: e city which otherwise bee prone-ed in the pursuit ot the erte end Beienesea.--Tetettram ' Backed by the government majority, Mr. Howe will have little trouble in obtaining a. permanent delegation of emergency power. No one will doubt his capacity to stay with it all summer; nor should anyone doubt the ltay~ in: power of the Opposition. He can force the Opposition, in time, to throw in the towel, and his final cord could be to apply closure to the debate, per- haps. But is it worth it? Mons. Ptrrthet-oemhetrtnreteemtttsioutrtottternrtrtuurthe country, to seek a second term.--Tuegram Hamilton recently appointed n city arbortst end the appointment, in the opinion ot the amnion MW, "bu been more than Justified by ttteeartydueo-uaouttsreaeotDutctt ettttdueaaetuntmg-etrees" in the west end of the city. The newspaper adds: Bhmtseimrrto-ttrstit-tatether-rtttttuttt-tt-tnto. m'inte"h't'httitt-t'tsortrutrersrot.trttenaemrtrtestnttt T2teresuttotnntheseaeve1o.meutatattsnttsetsmoreattsomeinttse THE OLD HOME IOWN "'"'"""""'e tr$tAhUt DIGGING m ron TME sum: FOR THE CARE OF TIRES progrun tor the opening at the waterworks, in drove two specie] vili- tom MP. end Mn. mm Louie Bois- eevain, formerly of Holland end lint member- of the Boil-em “mil: to Mt there; they come unheralded. * The Bowmanville (Ont) Cm- dim Newman mu tint “may- be politicians, on well In turn mine, who are worried uncut price spreads iniood productloughttoconl’tor the middlemen. climbed lobar." * Delhi (Ont) News Record: "Even "n'ttttrdforee'1npotittes theOCl" eppenn to be lithe twilight ot it. tnnuegtee in Common attain." it Hmover (Ont) Poet: "Ducting five percent of the profits oi the liquor tax income to education on the evils of the use of alcohol seems like insuring the property after it bu visiting the Chapman farm a Revel- stoke. B.C., found two tour-led dov- dence a Boll-cum. Dun, while load dam were concluding the day's * Fort Erie (Ont) Times-Review: “In politics Canedn needs men and women who will not drift with the tide, who have the come ot their convictions. who will brand 50¢ko legislation as what it is and fight against it because they know it in wrong tor Cmnda. Such politicians will get the support ot voten." it Autniboln (an!) Times to!†plain: "Ptrenta:' Mop thinking no much ghoul. your oo-called duty to your children in terms of modern phynchology. ond start' to think n little more nbout your duty to your- selves. For goodness sake, why doel your neighbor think ot your children in terms ot those 'unnmnageatrtet brut- next doorl ... "tero,ttisymtr fault it the neighbors think your child is n 'silnker'." â€whammy-them“ theTmitedCtmres.Utmtu...tht "httturtM-t.tHak.,ttaert-h" ttteetattemttttodmtrrtratt- 'nttset5qutrretmmdrtratnmatt" trtduatHomanima1tsnatteatat-tttr attmttrthotomrretttttrnter...dtn 'svtatttorr+tBe (Out) - tttm1aehttoCJttheta.Mtst%eBNt' .au-1eafe1trtrontmeoethebmts ...ThearenNetmnmgrtteN- dertHNtrtrthsttnettsert-th. mmmddendent “M 'rttrdtdrtttatsotttyourhmttitttx nttmr-1-oqrt"egttlttte-gt upâ€. "tgBttn'tWaatttoqrittge 'nouttt.Na,retxmtedtheatheedw ttrT0AftxmtMt1tmarrttavtrt.+ mono-nyln 1834â€:me walked trmn 8.30 an. to I pm. all enjoyed the experience ot â€In. friettdirantrttteermmtiide,tsemH ...1nldmonwn.AItc..uve§amM turppy www.mmondelh Wart. ss. She Is now mantra tutttrunt,-ttttatMatter88ttttn " â€an; she believes she'sony new tteatrietofindmtrtMnge1atrtomter- theoutanoeueu.m-tttrno"" CttehettofPtmtrpotR,tntsl_r, "tta-tnear-and-tttoe-t ttisttaBtttttr-marettnSettt- 'atr,MmStegtttenBt-ttet,M5,tteebmd Mammary-alumni TrtttrtgeasatNettothetttsNttM. ,mm-diat'tatx...Themm. ortcttseronoeeittntr-,tt-tert tom-tstat-ttmth-th..- a-tm-ttttttttatt-tro-tner- Country Editor" . soeu",tmtmaqetsott-,ei- "m'"airvtutttotherrsx-tql-t. Thad-u. My " I955 Th.