is. Sam tlt-ttttr 1litru,Utdlrttati,,,rr, . My. In, " ms Pretty Peggy Brooks gets some help in tuning n fiddle (mm two who we obvioust happy and met tor the time for the old-time fiddler-r content to roll around. Min Brooks. popular CBC-TV Ind radio eons-tron, doesn't. pin to enter the fifth "mun! Canadian champion-hip iiddhn’ content. but she will make I personal appumnce " the contest in ahelhurne, Out., on Saturday. Aug. 0. Don remain: (right), editbr oi CBC". "Neighborly News" program. will min be muster of ceremonies ot the Saturday night festivities when the contest mule in broadcast over the Tune-Canada network. Reid Ponce (left). one producer, will be in crime of the broadcast. |rarWa;HUG,BCUAl.9o.l TMHmaortthf-orait-tr_tugnmr.thrth+ unMgWhhmvaC-um’l 'tor.tNtriimr-ts uaadm.Attth.atrhaeeh-th.rr-d'ts beanehetSr4tahfbemwr.t-+r,dueeearh_rm- 'fir-ttut-a-Amo-tttahh-i'-. BLUE GOAL DON'T MISS THE Summer Sale of BUDGET PLAN BUY I0“! PAY "too-a+ can 11W noun 12:00 at an Tin Tin "t8tr-..Sttet of “to 't0tN--dhtgrtn8n 8-30 W.4lb--Rtmqtm Room MP.tttF9'hth, In Itr.a.-aiehett - In- f ':00--Wtid Bill Mock ".80--Disnerund ':6b--Weattter nnd 5 "tlr-Wee. ':8th--'The "t)---Anter_ Orat- est Hands W.tt9--Btgtrmttttt Plu- not. A:ttF-auet. at tho m IV.tNF-Rtmttrmnn with 0:25 All Sign On '.#--mmtpm Room ':49.--N- q:g..-attt-tt- V '1:wa t and moo-wad an mebeh tV.81F-E3hnevttustt Chm-d 13- (CKCO-TV KM) 8:Mb.-4Nerttt. may , ".--aeefee, an g:atb--oUks New ':s.-arM- In: W.i.-mrmgtneMt- hm“ . "b-MN But m 'a-ttit an: new t:8.----e 1205-“ Dual In! hm d C. and): . (cues-1v was.) SATURDAY can no. (cu-um lulu) an.“ 2-(WGR-1'V W) 1’13ka Chum-l tt - (CELT-Tomato) ':39--Prtmouq Him: " 'MF-CBC Television u ne--Wrmtttng Prom Maple Led 1t:8iF-aante Wolf ":tt0--ai-uur'o " to..--. with ".--a+ cum W..-Mrmttr Dunn“ "MF-me" The - "t8.--re- my Thu Itt0.--Neqm with Dun M NM 1t:W--Sporta Reel with 11:ka our Inuit- . an: ":Sth-MtM. m. tthi-em and "tutr-a-ttr- 0n 21P.8tb--The m 11 :m, In! 11:1 W.0tF--JttgtR With 1.le um {um tt.-43tgn 01'! 1:00 AM Sign on ".--v can. JIM W.8.--R-t Mun . can IMO-ODD an: [mom m ':gt)--Htte Edda: $r:00--Wntt Dunn's 2t8tF-4Ntfet, m ':l.--'a'V Bttatittatt 1%tt MN.- nrtttt am 'tttlb-Ng. Wtth ".--a_" mut- " Quid Stud Tohplon. 2-440. mdiiiiii'ii"'iiiii"iiiiiian. ic. aid Jim galoTe'l tun-Church “no. ans-mm Wt. 'tt.--dttmtur Human-c tt8_dtatt. All ':09--Tt* In The me 'ab-S- cm ':09--NMte Guitar Inn-look Op 8 Lin llzm " Thu: "t.-_gttt -tttee If†I.“ at Btu-m 05min! 1 -..-Mtrr- Arm-noon ".-4hmntry cum: 6:StF-mttteet . new T:01b--4htr m- Brooks 0:00- -Toait of the 10:» Ind an mebtek ":8.--on+ Jerry’s 'NF-Newt, $P.tNF--Ptmr Bur IV.0.--'rhh 1tt the Lite I Plum T:MF-otrr In. Brook: T.aF-atthB Product I.†in†an: 10:34!!!- uno aux. uto.-Mhgt Pam Irc-SN'.""""' M 12%“ an mtAoe* 1:30-11“ Johnny 8.a.--Mit. Mutt. ':gF-ahat the Clout cm and Alba-t ':80--V und greatttetr , 1“ an m umr - am 0 an: mm m an» ttti.--XT Ounce! the Chan-d 13- (CKCO-TV Kitchener) ' _ SATURDAY au-t q. (WW 3-3110) human: Tho big one: that got away lost your or. still there. " handy to no after them by bus. Chang! 9 - (CELT-Tomato) MIDLAND . . . $9.60 COLLINGWOOD $830 WASAGA BEACH $8 90 (mu m. by In) tat “JG-This Week " t8ib--rttmq Prom (Vancouver tine) 102W Yard tttoo-Ame Televmol ':Mr--Puttting Word! " :01F-Eteagtttr HIM-off Mt:0tF--Nnitr That" IU.8tF-Req" trm-Three star Atorta " :a)--Bievegt-' "t8t5-wtmt't, my my. M:0.-ut.. Nm and tum-Juan Bttttrta 10:00- tt.ab-iturdrr my. tr.0tF--Pugr Star $00-va at the It :lt.--N-, Wanna " tres.--" Are Thu. Om's Glut- .:0.--x- In tho '.a9--Dttmt You Go T:8tr-Artrt-ttr ot m. mun).