mom-had. Splendid meant W. $18.00 nseaea.Mooerre%ttnsmedineaaeof tuna, m curl. 01.75 cub. Carlin 31.x.muumuoosmmx Kitchener, Dbl 24121. pmducu: 'rytthtne., Cumm- M30 R. bt-oer.B-eagttoDHtd eambxtrn8MktotTE pawn AGBNTBWANhD 'aBgtRTSToTmcMANCBtoggtnh. PAGE 'outmm It'aqreetttte-tmetttatttt- .OIKIN. Wtrtt CANADIAN! II IVIIY 'All I. [IVA SOICI III, 99‘th a, It your herd outgrowth; your "can; bun? Have you enough space to not: (In products of you: farm? If not, pumps you need a new burn, or“ extension to your prelim one. owtietotsonageotreadreashtsotd heck your plane foe a bake: farm - whether " a new ham or the mention of your building, genenlly. You an get money from the BofM through . Parm Improvement Loan - " low interest rates and 00': "payment plan . suit your individual circumstances Why not see your B of M manager this week? You will q†IIIllIl' like his helpful approach to your plum. BANK or MONTREAL WEWM. Waterloo Branch, Cor. King and Erb Sts. HENRY ALLAN, Manager a1te'itrnnheagrtodnratqriftttt- aie:Wttetwetaehenottghotnatd “numb-hut tttmtatgttoPhoo.W.terltttt 2-091 col- hct. um T:80 and 10:00 I... on 'ree.daraatdT:89-10i8ttaart.oet "0am on in, the "an the." ArtineutXgt-ttrtatietes-ieetora11 CATTLE BREEDENG wamwo um “some Aswan-Ion his full no: is Farm Improve. help " up your hm . . . he's ato- mical. conven- ieunremdk. He an do nlnou ink "sir fun . better hm. i. Give THE WATHOO (Quirk) CMetONtC1E so Ontario B. bu 3-1149 Washing Machines Repaired APPLIANCES, REPAIRS The Waterloo Chronicle CttrmtiM.Mtmettaeztm. us above spam). Froormneartrtertittqt..S% M 'roe8tfp"tenahtMtntmumesttame The Watcrlbo Chronicle Want Ads -tiomun1-teaatortseresrsitis- tmugnqrttttte8Smmta. v AUTO INSTRUCTIONS FOR BINDING mmmmtmu Wrttept.intyoesooeaMeoep-r wvmmm Btateeirtrinwhietteditimsttte BtatentmttterMtn-ttttqtqdit1. ELMER FILSINGER "I In. trt. E. RADIO and T-V SERVICE Phone 4-4223 " King at. B. - Waterloo CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION "WE BUY AND SELL USED curs" For the but buy I- ind an, don‘t “not to no BHertHo a Aunt-m " King B. (Next to PILC. Phone 4-1116 - Waterloo SALES and SERVICE So. our new home ole-nu FOR YOUR NEXT RADIO REPAIRS 5.. . . . STOCKIE R. A. HENDRY EDDY'S AUTO ELECTROLUX mimic sum Onmnd Main, Prop. " In; St. Him. for Four “vermin: donut. PHONE 8-8119 WATEIIIJOO CHRONICLE ACCESSORIES “I!†I... 1-4“: PHONE 3-4441 APPLIANCES parts tttr und remit Hairdressing Special 1" I†North. Waterloo Phone 2-70.! MARIE HEIMPEL WWW 52% King St. N. " Prince-s WATCH REPAIRS wsmnmc or ClOTHES' Invisible Weaving and ' BA., C.P.A. cameo PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT “Home! laudâ€! â€an.†n In; " B. wash. Phone 5-5071 Mending Service " Kill; Int - Indiana Phone 2-t1N In... 1-7511 " " lib W. unm‘mm “(mm rm In. N. - I'm J. GEO. STREBEL HAIR STLYING . Cold Wave Permanent: PHONE 2-6262 " Inn; tu. s. - Wntcrloo IlYMOID’S PHOTOGRAPHS I. "HELL l c. JOYCE ACCOUNTANT Commercial Ind mam: Photography Photographic Supplies HAIRDRESSERS MIRIAY’S 8-! GI: It. WATCH mun PHONE 2-5973 TAI LORS STUDIO LOCKS G. L. Broun 27. I]!!! St. E. Phone 2-219‘ TWIN CITY CAB Co. 130 Park St. V. B. YIRKA & SON «nun. K. was. TESS'S Beauty Salon M " OCH $6efrtr-- an In huh; can; scorl2, CABS WATERFOO TAXI Radio “notched " IOU. SIIVICE 4 If!) at. B. - Waterloo UPHOLSTERI NG UPHOLSTERING AND MATCHING DRAPERIES DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC " wnuun Bt. .Watcrloo Phone 2-1357 MiLCEit'S TAXI FOR A CAI AT YOUR DOOR-PHONE 4-4764 Hm It A an m mam "" um snout» mole: “um um on mum name. " In“, no on td sucnem E. G. FRY, D.C. 'ttatrtaM.Dtr.+ no] N“. m _ 7-73" rm lu- re: rho "Mt Years Experience" [TEE]! CHRISTN ER con co. TAXI CABS PHONE 4-4148 PHONE 6-6151 Phones-5M“ For Quality kitch-