Veterans: not only nukes . very mun garnish but with its fresh peppery narttttr it adds Beat to my and. Curly anon muster, lhredded â€on, We. and shallots all look and tub good Inn» and bowl. In» at celery are' crunch: diced *raBtret1#tnaaituiatratnde ttttoat- 't‘-uun defy curl. or mud to use a u tarnish. Celery - may lilo to used right In the and: to garnish Mere m . low tips worth following In tho homo economists ot the Comma section, for making . dun, crisp tossed and. Tear rather than out the men: into medium all“ pieces. Always combine a wooed and lightly, using two lath, fo keep to green. froth and crisp. ma tau, hover " or. mix. the only a mu mount ot droning and add tt pist More carving the “M. For n morn filling and to serve “It cold moot why not try potato combined with diced fresh, crisp cu- We cucumber ls needed and it is H to Mid It shortly before serving - and so that the cucumber will Mum tta crispness This I: s‘most nt.. hsotlve also to serve with the green d the tender cucumber akin sad the red of the rumba peeping out from the cresmy white diced potato. When it comm to dreming it I; on“: aid that it In the dressing that We! the and. no the clear homo. maker keep. Ranch arc-Inc. mayon- ulle and cooked and drawn; on hand. All three hep very well m 'ers' jars In the refrigerator. With hue hula dressing: on hand A dif- tenant one cen be made every tine A different salad is made [or there ere e whole hoet or things that can to added to timings. To mm e in tr" I- shopped pickle, catnip, ur- ' cottage cheeee end whipped eeeem. lame people like to rub the bowl with girlie but it is de- an added right to the dream. it tt ie done with discretion. (In: whole effect. When and: are curved as a separate course what is toned with them |l important. Crisp suckers covered generously with cheese, sprlnkled with paprika and W "ndeihe broiler tor I minute - . very good tsccompstnirnent. a can. other cool pm. Devon! type. of [new an be comms bl-ed for detteattt amour tnd colour contrast. Menu, both leaf and head. in probsbly the best known green. It: up whole lave- make perfect nut. Ne salad mixture. attd shrouded let- â€on is a fine foundation for moulded The garnish la the 'tnal touch to " uttrnctlve and but to be wanna wtth it for over cumming can spoil ah very handy for storing and was either In the retrtttemtor or "ethettettertheaitxrittt_ Aaattmt-thea.lotmuimmare broucht Into tho kitchen trim nu thatm-tttattstatomttteminn - covered vegetable crisper. It I: -ttorraahttsnmHdmnkimim Just befoexrmirtgttsern. Plum: luau-e o'.ourC-tiaat-saamt-oe, 'ut"rtht.uth.timetok-tetr "taaiMmakingnoettsnmt.Tti.not “Mk, however, to keep than too mun [ALAIN mm does It to nuke A sum- - dinner or trs I success? For thetumgry-ittaustoodtttati. ABtaag but not bony with Ippetldn‘ colour. naTour Ind texture. For the mm of the funny health tt takes nutritiou- nnd well-balanced not]: Incl tor the keeper of the puns tt “has economy. Green- er. the but ot most ' end it h important to always use PAGE TEN PINEAPPLE AND STRAWBIIII l JAII , 4 cups prepared fruit l , can. mt _ % home liquid fruit pectin _xore-thtottut.r'trr.1meditam- oied fully ripe pineapple. Grind or COOKING TIPS POR THE BRIDE Theft once VII a charming young bride. Bo nervous she Just could have cried. A friend said, "Now look, It's my to cook. Then on: end skim by tum for tr minutes to cool slightly, to prevent tionting imit. Ladle quickly Into llama. Cover " once with 1-3 inch hot paraffin. Yield: about to medium glasses. LEMON SLICE SAUCE 1 cup brown augu- 1 cup water 1 unpeeletriemon, cut in thin slices 1 Moon cornstarch 2 tablespoons cold water _ Blend together brown mgr and l pup water," add lemon slices ind boil lo niinutee. Blend together the porn- March and 2 tablespoon: cold water. Add Null, to lemon Knuth. stir- ring may. and cook. nth-ring until thickened and smooth. ThoIe ideal Ire tested and tried." Of ooune the friend mum. the idea from the home economists. Very iew women Ire born good cook but Inyone can become one and one ot the moot important steps in mm"- tag this is the [Interim of I collec- tion of good recipes. A collection of recipes is rather like I net of line silver; the longer it is used the more it is cherished. A name when collect- ing her first Iet of recipes will. no doubt, include some of her oln mother'I Ind Iome of her new moth- er's " well, because ahe will certain- ly nut to prepare some ot the diahes thnt "mother med to mIke.†She will Ibo find that I ttood cook book in really I Mt)! to fill In the (In. Cooking for "just two†does line it. problem- but " they Ire {Iced sound! mat of them will turn out to be problems of planning Ind shop- ping. TIke recipe tor example. “out recipes Ire written to serve four or Bis people In for two in order to avoid eervlnc the “me thing two days in I row, it my be neceIIIry to divide I recipe in half or even I third. The bride will atart ott with chop very fine. Crush thoroughly about 1 quert fully ripe strawberries. Combine fruit; Measure 4 cup: Into a very urge sweep-n. To nah the ha. Add sugar to fruit in “woven and mix well. Place over night, and bring to e lull roiling boil, and boil hard 1 minute, stirring oonetently. Remove from heat and " once stir in liquid fruit pectin. Skim oft loam with metal spoon. . good set ot me.aurtng spoon: and . mmurlnu cup and she wlll ttnd that them nu that level tow in one level ablcapoon and " level tublupoom In one cup. about good cooking that often our- To lake ma ha: Add sugar to fruit m saucepan and mix wall. Place over ttitrttheatamtttrinetoaftuiroitinq troiknndttot.lturd1minute,attrxine may. Remove (tom heat and at coca ant tp liquid fruit paella. Bum ottttmmartttsmstatapomt.'Tsttatir nmtAimttrtumator6rrtiatutmto cool dumb. to prevent mm. fruit. Ladle qulckly into [la-ea. Cover at once with 1-. Inch hot 'mmftta. Yield: about " medium (lama. To m tho in“: Chub com- pletely, one tarer " I time, About I cum fully up. rod m. (If desired. new halt of pulp to move some of the m.) Menu" ' cups no Mullâ€! JAI 4 cup- pnpu'd fruit 6-H. cup. nun! % bottle liquid trutt pectin THE WATERLOO (Ontario) CW It ll who to check several atom for their prlou and to buy where food- ot the but quality m round. For economy tt In heat to purchase fresh Gunmen produce web " fruits and vegetables during the season In which they are most plentiful. Buy foods In quuntlty it there ls storage - tor them and buy by grade to suit the Kenny’s needs. _ when selecting armed foods the beat Mtrtngguideiattte hive: d clear picture of what is In- side the eagt--tor example on I mat the! will be found the in ot the Gut, kind of‘eymp and the quality bl Att well a ottyer details. It ls oood Idea. for the new home- - to find out which that. uri- ties, or - of different foods Are but for her purpose-tor she mil-u the more the known about buying foods the Better shopper she will he. equlppod kitchen, author m or un- der lucked with on mph apply of staple, dairy products, menu, ttsts, In". end -tata. In -. It is ‘bythehlondlncot that products in- to attain. mods that the bride will gain neocnltlon u o good cook. To shop to haunt“. mutton cere- tut plenum; and It In pom-hep. this part of cooling for two that - the beginner more concern than uny- thing elee. To be a thrifty hopper in todoy’s nerve-your." food stores it is important to declde what In to bettouqhtattdtopr-tstiattse- fore starting out to nhop. It the week's moul- hmre been planned attend the staple- cnn be bought It one time but u wand or oven thtrd trtp to the More they be necessary for the perishable. Per-om hoping to live to . ripe old we can find food for thought tn the mention ot tive Detroit. are: men and women whose bot-l use is MS â€an. Only one of the live drinks at when but ull agree a perm should - happy. Ilert Ind uvoid over- All through my life I hue uno- chud with good people, Ind tried to be cheerful md my to live with. If ovoryone method this form ot living they would nu live " long as " think a mun should keep busy "tttettraattee.n.mattouidttetn- tern-ted In work of - kind. In. Mary Pulmor 101. credits I temperate Ind inquiring mind tor her mun] years. live this Irma, but I've been co- operating with him by keeping any hour: and staying curious about whnt'n some mr" “chad Lolhnoc. 101 up: "Good Inhaler h the scent I've worked turd nearly - day " my ttte. I -tohet a um. and drink . little, but that war hurt anyone." Thy nil - hoop bully, an I'M flit mpif 'Mill 505 YEARS fllll upmttheitmgatowoo_Btttluat eooktanom.ibnarttr-ttttng.tse muutottmdooetnttte-nttm.. cook hm an ennui-navel, manta» tve.Mtaettotthegood-ottNt- ouch u but! new nod - tor undo! the bride‘s mum. (ovum the kitchen. Ono iattuteoohing In nereat time mamansnduuothct, tttattnttrdertortootttotteeootltt and. be ow". Neither at that: Idea is met. thtmeotourNvmar.. ttefood,ata9ror-leattartte eotAmtigtatrke.nttqtttergattett" David Jones 103 up: " guns the lord wanted me to life. you tit to dnw . ring.†Tommy drew I aunt. draw . ring, ma you have drum n sum. Why?" My: “line's . 239 KING sr. N. WAmtLO0 PHONE 3-4321 “AWAY.†livingroom thbon Diningroom a King 'troot South WATERLOO mophon. 2-6262 Romanian . . . clean clothes pack oosior and look much better when removal from your havouing bog. wedding albums bridal "studies Kr". [Lr0iITri lCr1Jif'ii Before You Furnish That New Home DRY CLEANED NOW Then have your clothes WI ALWAYS CARRY A LARGE or AU PURNIYUR! K-W FURNITURE MARKET TELEPHONE 3-4321 SWAN CLEANERS FOR YOUR CANDID LOTS or m: PARKING sum "Drive Out And Save" N E’y'ég. a m. IN CENTIEVILLI SEE mm mm It!" 'tMmroeltlr, “ and†Infant mortality nu tell to u: .ll-time low at u per 1,000 live birth: tn an and hm tuned buttons-yak). fortwomm remnant: I two-tttmt reduction duos 1’21. Baby Crib: Lamps Tabla: