ment while walking along the roadside to Bee first a ten dol- hr bill, then a five, another five which had evidenhlly been cut in two by the town. Ihip mower as they cut a with on the side of the road. and fhm11r on looking wound in did find a walk! in the ditch. on returning to her home the and her mother took the $6t which was the will of m she found and the wallet in the local police who in turn minted with a gentle Du hvlng advertised the loan .‘ money in the pup". After W htentitieattmt wu made' 'Tr PAYS To BE HONEST - the village "cop" as he ‘pltted a 12-year-old girl on the back in one ot our not too distant villagos just after she had been p"s.'-'ntettwith $20.00 for turning in money and a wallet which she found. The young miss in question usually baby tits on Saturday after- ‘noon but a week Mo her ser- vices were not required and die decided to walk to the out. Ildrtn of town and visit with 1 (Ir! friend. Imagine her man» in]: seem Want to do they W it by licking and eight of his cows succumbed to the hill "teets We under stand there are some firms doing barn painting etc. and using ally nonmoisonous paint and . mtght be wise if we would nerds: a bit of caution and but“ that such brands be us- od where animals are apt to come into direct contact with Important job to be done in our Sunday Schools one does not wonder that he has been chosen to conductt such can- ventions throughout the entire province of Ontario. Unfort- unately the one in Wilmot Township was his last in Ont- ario for he leaves next month to become rector ot St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Halifax which is the oldest Protestant church in Canada dating back to 1749. “ll BAP!“ would be a slogan adopted by us all. Last year a number at farmers in the district experienced the lou of some of their came which had been put out to pasture when the cattle dis- covered an old discarded paint can with I bit of white lead in the bottom ot it and proceed- Cd to lick it. Recently Mr. Blake Hyde had his farm yum. painted and as an- KEEN ENTHUSIASM mark- ed the 56th "mus! convent» ion of the Wilmot Township Sunday School Association and this was in no small mea- ture due to the efforts of its president, Mr. Wallis Bean and the guest speaker, Rev. Harry Hilchey, of St. Elizabeth's Anglican church, Tannin. At- ter listening to Rev. Rik-hey conduct a most interesting dis- cuslion on many of the prob- lems of Sunday School work- ers Ind give a very enlighten- ing address on the vital and hmum‘o.¢ mun an: intent one-melanin it itttt2U',ett murmur» new ad the we who had import- tttedt-tare- / bull. th, than "dt cranium the a†girl's livestock ty, TM!!!†Inna-nus but. “my; alum Mr. I. L ',ttd"l'h1tat't,fi' at !. Nts.' .Ion Mn .1an - thinrMChUItlI IMdmO‘A intttl-oepartr- qttisftrstinteraat 'M. 'whlch origin. 'hart " It. not": 'lel', tl'dtif'2t" oi tho toil: Who-awn†'s was I) ISTIIQI' 833mm and some tom the urban realm "and themselves of the Farm M Home Week sponsored by the Ontario Agricultural â€Collar. this put week. A host of la- formatiiht was available an my ttuNeee'ertairtietsrto I‘d- cultun and home eeomtmieq,, a livestock review, several tractor and" safety demonstrat- ions and bus tour; not only throughout the grounds but out to the experimental farm ‘also. Minute planning and thoroth Malian keynohd \everyday'n nqtiVitiu from the well- arranged bag lunch pro- vided to everyone free of charge right down to the herd- ing of not one, not two. but three noeks of sheep.» one "ather small and insignificant- ooking sheep dog. AT THE TIMI: op WRIT- NG the cause is unknown but n the early hours of this Mon- day mor4iing the large and very modern barn belonging to Douglas Hart and son and located on No. 19 highway en route to Woodstock was burn. ed to the ground. The estim- sted loss will be very high " candy and food. Cam and a million mat of foil I... m, ALUMINUM COMPANY op CANADA. LTD. (mu) Hag district n W the 'leieetton possibly beau. an. in! the cnhdldltu am tt (advisable to hold a may In (heir habitat. mm. dashing -- an.“ "t bulb: '? “will for â€Macadam PPmrarurnirmmroiooamd â€'H' _ d in no Mr u its “MMI' "'" . tho-vet.“ farmi- tmart-. m “up, _ there mu "t some a. '"Wd‘v'" .Qm Wimens m the meatir -ithtr m Ind more than an IV' “a â€.1.“ Ch. " ' . her of bone |overa Church Wt won-n MW 1l1'l'll; is to put their . ' through its run be- in M an of 'mrtr "meqr an on eyes at the judge. acceding to the an. m up . . ., madly (livid-d in: do" 181-3. nemamnw- cm W poNticalty irstto#s. _ sunns seem to be client: it) simi-ektet M MGM of the day. " we tty PP"'.'.?., ttnd - W an gut in on the first, at ponsible. Which are we in? tttttsat the kids wish we Ask the men. r,A,t't2e,t,'?. would. maybe we can all tove; seemed to be very It w . My It some time or other) '."use shown m the gurrmatt& In the others and See to it that! It,', fruit! I w the mu. has . share in m.‘ at m. J'."dfd'l'.'d An...†" M that - along. bottom or their up In} JG aluminum, they‘ll sin; though the darkest day. The light geeterted from the m 'erf'iuiveoteirrmaaii “0W! Mgr sl perhour , A. All m a; Canaries. too. Theyimt hon-t tm'gushteist.shrtnow-o,od Tttor cum W}?! Dark. dreary din depee" [ONELY 1’ '-for “353‘ m. AND VIEWS m AND mm “DIN mm TOWNSHIP MA! ‘40" PART or ITS FARM MIDI to the village of New Mum. An effort is being made by New Hamburg to ttm. nu some 296 acres lying to the East of the village for a factory site and of course it might be expected that houses would eventually find their way onto the new site also. The proposed annexaton in, cludu parts of three farms. Full Length, All Wool Spring Coats. Sizes 11V; to 20 .. 20% OFF - Priced from [iff? / ’5‘? [0N6 DISTANCE Mun IMII LN†and sum . one man drew and and atthr'uttr, them by SPRING COATS One Group Of All Weather Cons Sizes 10 to 20 REDUCED TO CLEAR HI I S 1Jelt,'INAl try, has had an option on elev- " um not. or le- for I... new and they have a" - antennae-u. to wake. the land. Since the will provide eervicea il/S, new punt it is only me to (include the property will! that of New Hamburg but what Wilmot Townstup Council would like to know is why the viltnge want: 290 acres when the factory needs such a small portion of that acreage. New Hamburg has within ita prea- ent boundaries plenty of lend for residential sites. The in- crease in population over the past 12 years has Been onlv Mt. Density of population nt the present time is only 2.4 persona oer acre. Just recent- ly the Munieipat Board rutedl ,, -T "r-'-- "e'"'""'"'""" "e.""' ettMtrrstr-. Att. mm It... a â€any: New Hal-hur- I.†blur 'At muu:Fs Tn WAI‘ERL00 tO "f an" "van . In KING BX. WEST [OI APPOINTMENT mama PHONE 2-1333 EYES EXAMINED “3555 gyf'WO' 2557.6: Such-404m!†also on S~minuu all. (um "rcMENER.WATmturo lo: _,cN; \ ’\////-/ m) 2 h) he 'fii1iiji'r"i':'r'i,i,i-rs-; IT COSTS SO â€THE! Priced From All Wool Shorty Coats. Latest Color And Styling. SHOPTY " Omaha “DI!" and Post OHieo " [In N. Interim than: 2-5088 Open Friday evening until 9 pan. 21.95 to 29.95 Sizes 12 to 20 20% OFF Other localities are taking all new possible to conserve their farm lands. Sluh and. mum a qii%rttaii, at icing on to lib-U 1ii"iu?'i, to“ vmmmum Liijii, a... not '5.- tods null-bulb“! tttttle that 'WW I... "' “mourn chem to he" tun Mt m. “than“? ‘new plant It will be - WWhthenudmml edtotheviliqeartdtoth- ot the pun-um ttte' Mankind Board that so other day that the when .cm L. aided g. the Tunrefhrthernorttt.Xhd.eot town. " I. felt that um. us who have son the not" ttte futon in only bur- country know that this in ri in; in the neighbourhood dlculoou. of ll acres the township would I lulu Good one of th be more than generous in nl â€were concerned with th, lowing. without objection the l annexation and that he would amazing or 00. A number ot inever have told his llnd to the fume in the towtsahlp will (iiiiL" Bra" if he had known Ion vnlugble land to the new that he was going to be forced highway known " the Wilmot into the village of New Ham. Cutoff: new it would "pear burg by doing Mt. At the time u if the, a" to lose mor for of the sale nothing was a!" no reasonable purpose what- about incorporating the lam soever. with New Hamburg. "I didnt "trthing that would you ttes [imam chum to In". tun new plant It will be and ed to the village and to the Ila-kind Board that 60 not“ be added to the town. " is felt that Jim-e the ("any in only buy- IN VERY $25.00 to $45.00 "i, chrs OPTICAL REPAIRS ION f 'ai-um. gimmupmp‘ ', ,, , ' ( . â€"_--â€" --W. “Ivy-’0 “mu-DWI! 11mm concerned with th. annexation and that he wouln ‘Hahn Bun if he had known that he wu g to be forced into the tall',, New Ham ‘l-hvh burg by doing Bo. At the time “mama-mum'umm of the sale nothing an; um" "Iâ€, M. about incorporating e him with New Hamburg. "I didnt M'ublu Huh-nu. no...“ know that my land would be -"-"""-------r---- il[?i]lil[lji)iirlt ,', Goudies of Kitchener _ti4", I A SHOPPING CENTRE FOR WATERLOO COUNTY mu tttr' - ',?t?/'tgttPdg,tryhtt'td lumen ' awn-*0!“ Jd'te,pt Buy-Io.“ again-um; My m u nah . P 'o-ered-erm-utr-Lat-s- “hurl III-HE] I t, Niod-ov'Bitutrsrerrcattgmtsttdtrrt SLOW DOWN and STAY All" a Jllr2Bd"ia-Att â€seconds â€In lull; at the risk of killing yourself-your paucity: --another motorist-a pedestrian Whit Moving on his GREEN. t FOR ONLY " SECONDS EiE.EfE3lll THINIL whammy ONTARIO 'adhlhMaB-you may save 30rerxm& AMF.- you may lose your life Remember your signal light is GREEK Remember the REDwitl heaping!“ ON’T try to boot the traffic light t'kafrd!is',u,1'fs: THINK {Hi