F255;, Tho haodlew on thin article. (If. Your Boaptttt", VII ul- . d W m: much thought E:3'a,'i,,i'i,1i,i'i' ', or: pd)“. mu! m On- .lo I- built. maintained nu "%tret-------., . . --- - -- own richly-endowed Province offers the holiday seeker. This summer the open road beckons every Ontario family to enjoy the best holiday ever-- sight here in Ontario. Rates are reasonable at resorts . . . there are More than a thousand to choose from. Pleasure opportunities abound. Send in the coupon below for valuable information. “Vim VIAWL '00“ "t a we: sr, Tommro, MVAMO‘ "A" SKID ME A FREE now - AND I rum. NORIAIOH All)!" ONTARIO. I Bob Turnbull, leading authority on Ontario's outdoors, knows from happy experience what his '1rAtts'rasttiiiiitEtFr 3mm m l Aut' T W o In ‘ pct :11 Y< Won eiatea, Every at 1 at, m anon " r con Tho h puts' to ho "My Ontario†l'ry WW WW ttf 2ve,thatii" MY ontarto,tU Ontario of thtyttder, when rainbows I- eomi Jud, it! ttui',?,,',',',',,':,,', ml #, fag: _ue.te8ts'tlo%ie'Oiri iuiei of jitrel-tiS lake: -tuard,e1y,rgett! PM bout - t3I 1 Sex-ltd for tho poopk and by . poop]; The “people" an YOU, you: family. your “(than your business u- eiatea, your “quinineâ€. Duty public hoapital, oe- Irdinz to government ennet- ont, mm In" A board of woman or trustee: In none G. HARVEY AGNEW. Mo. amt. 0mm HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION I or other. The hospital in u community In no except- . Tho individunk Minn of :1) public hospital e1enrfy in- Ite how directors or truste- :3,†â€asp/mt hunt-pm. ag KNOW ftiit5 Contrary to the belie! of many people, men and women who serve on a hoapital's bond of trustees receive no remun- eration or recompense. Their onlv reward is the mammal: which comes from serving In the cs" of s municipal!!- med hospital and non-Cath- olic valiant-:1 hogan-k. tho bonds of muses on that luv-richly in full control of the general policies. Cuticle hospitals are med and oper- ated by various orders of Sis- ters; here the Board is com- posed of hymen and women who usually not in an advisory capacity only. Theao ptth1ie-arpirited men and women who give freely of their time, thought and energy to keep your hospital Nnetion- ing " houn daily, shoulder I heavy responsibility. They are the one: who establish policy end no feminine for it nd- mlnlstntion, mmattr through the superintendent end his In- sistunt. t: your community, n In every other community. the directors or trustee: no av looted from amongst the citi- zen who ere known to be in- tereeud in the community wel, lue. Some menu! the mun- icipelity. none the supporting or other voluntary ammu- tion, some have contributed generously of their "mum and others an Jot interested. willing worker- who want to do lamenting for their hos- u no to be quetod or unclut- ed. Furthermore. than bylaw- mm have the approval of the mum: as am); for the Province ad m, o. 94 King St. South Mom Swim Trunks & Boxers --br melon null Custom lather - {my & plum - all types. - hy roman and Arrow - plain & [any - Priced "on. - try Forsyth Ind Arrow. All styles. whites, plains & stripes. - by but“. All qantttles & shades, Including Viyelln-Plnkls. HERB $3.95 to $5.95 $4.95 to $750 $4.95 to $9.95 $2.00 to $5.00 Dress Shirts .r , - , t' ‘ - w T . iO "'edPP. . "AMr. - . ,1 -__ee "., i: 'mrrrr, L.‘ Tye, WV). 1 r -e -"se___p_. . Tis V J: :91 333;!)- . . ir. t a & Fir' ‘ Pi F J.“ ', ‘A 'rtAat' ..,. Pajamas Belts From my own experience over the years, I know tut frequently hospital trustees In" to dip deep Into their own pockets to meet deficits or supplant.“ other funds to reaeh In objectin. Further- The com-u do not generally consider a honpltnl liable for the individual unions of staff doctors, provided due cue Ind Judgment has been exercised. in their .ppolntment. Hence medic-l mt! appointments must be approved by the board of trustees and no usually for one yen only. It is customary to base such npproval upon the recommendation of a creden- tials committee of the medl- ent tstaff. This is sound. Much of the work of boards is conducted through commit- tees; chnimen and members are often selected because of their reunited thility and background of training. If any of our readers aspire to this honour - and it is I real hon- our - let me turn you that it should not be lightly underta- ken. tt new: lots of hard work end may long nfterturon and evening sessions. Opinion varies " to the size " . hospital board. Gem. erally meeting e bond that is too large becomes unwieldy and the work In“: lergcly on u: ennui“ committee uny- 'mr tf e bond is too smell, in work end "teetive- an be hundicnpped, caudally dur- ing the holiduy meson. Prom nine to sixteen " eighteen is All Gifts Attractively Boxed Q0Au'rratrrNEs - by Fol-"Ill. mehoeh & Anson - mm. new sets. "at: a tie bars. - In wool worsted, ,ntrar- 'l,tra,'dl.""""' -d fi, W $18.50 to $24.50 -4r Wembley. Forsyth, Ar- row. Berkley a Park Lane. Hundred to choose from - - by Porryth, Arrow, Ted “not: (long and short slee- no). Wellington of Canada, and L Mitten All styles - a urge an}! pleasing variety. $1.00 to $16.50 THIS ORIGINAL "fh'l1NF.NT l tus io $10.95 WATERLOO $1.50 to $3.50 Sports Shirts Mens Slacks It's my to shop here tor men . . . rot, should make your gm buyiglg hm 1 habit - We welcome you and assure you u kindly JUNE 19th 1 OUR STORE is POPPIN’ WITH GIFTS FOR TOP', Observe an: stores altering: - Its 1 new store . . . complete with new merchandise . . . well chosen, branded quality lines . . . neatly displayed . . . reasonable prices. .... Jewellery FATHER'S DAY Prior to devotini berm]! time to the public practice of Christian Science healing, Mrs. iEiseman was very active on I',',',',",'.,',',': philanthropic and civ- ie hoards. During the Second World War, she served on the Christian Science War Relief Committee. year, more, if elected, he prepared to devote this extensive time, thought and energy without expecting much in the WI; of a "thank you" from other resi- MRS. GERTRUDE W. EISEMAN d W! a! The Mother much, he Hm Church of "irbt MI, in Baton. was. " the Annual Hum. at The Mother Church CW by church members 1mm my pun of the world. In. Dunn has been active in various capacities in the Win Science movement for mm, years. A native of New York City, the is now a Christian Science practitioner in Boston. Her appointment was announced by The Christ- in Science Board of Directors. The term of office is for one - try Jansen - manly styled, elastic luck - extended waist hula. - by Penn-ans, lntcr-Wovan. ' Lyons - all qualities - pulls & fancies. - by Fuller Knit, Kenley Mills, Re- gent Knit, Jantzen, md Penman: - all smartly styled in the newest shades. - Plain or monogrammed - E.V. her- chick In pink. mint hello. sand, etc. IN $1.50 to $4.95 VERY POOR CONDITION Handkerchiefs .85 to $2.50 Mens' Shorts .25 to .75 $5.95 T-Shirts dents in your community. If you era a trustee no your commitments prevent yr from pulling your weight, . might really aid your “hospit if you let someone who h the time and energy take I" place. In these days (rur- boards need all the help pr: ible. We once knew un aged elergstrn well past ninety years old who conducted a furte-' =crvice and entering the LL" 'lertaker's Auto excllime' "What a buntiful day.†Th vnderuker looked 'round ar' saw he had that inst-n: pt1SF" ' from cut}: to heaven in the twinkling ot an eye. Enoch walked with God And " VI. no! for God Rook Lil. -Aun. 5:24. PLAYING CASEY 30NRB-Ahroouotr, an Eskimo boy, live. on Baffin Island in the Anne, but he still likes to play train engineer Just as boys do the world over. Ogootqto& is Rum ing the control; under tutoring of engineer Harry Beach, The train is the new Super Continental, which recently went in- to Canadian National Railway service between Montreal and Toronto and Vancouver. A BIBLE THOUGHT OF TODAY Phonic 2-7572 m"-""'-.- Sh, Once again Fond brings you advanced tractor models. And this time they're bicycles! Two great power series . . . both fitted for throw and brow front mounted cuttivators and planters. and for brow and 1 -row mounted corn Pickers. The 900 has full 3-plow power. The 700 handles 2 plow. with case. And jut look at these features..- lord'u Beooomhast "itod Tiger" oetghaos High Clair-nu, whh Sar'oev--mg, crop clearance, um: low not. ‘I’llbrod fraction with Ford} outdo-In Vodo Weight Wm. (Wning told -rou'rk Power-Ilium Whale on 900 Series - 1mm... on 900 Soda. ".. Mot Into-OI on model 960. Drop in today and Bee the new Ford Tricycle Tractors. See how much better tow-crop fanning can be with I Ford! See Them Oo Display (ill;,,,',,,),,,}.,,!,,,,,))"'):":',,)' llllllo)lllFtllllt, M "tttttp,,),,),,,!,,,),,.,!,:,,':,,,;,.,, \\\ try, After three cu model you-u. the Autronic-Eye produced by Guide Lamp Division of Gener- al Motors remains the only automatic headlamp control used by the automotive indul- TI King St. N. WATERLOO Phone 3-1433 Vi STEVENS tlil/mls THURS. - FRI. - SAT. 55:22:} Tttrp, Home of The Ford Tractor and Ford Farm Equipment JUNE 9-10-11 Until 9:30 p.m I with Ford}. LIMITED ihitiE an even but} Milan baton. " can Seas ttegg/iz:?,.,':'.".'.;,",,':,',':',,',':".".':,':':,,',',".",.; 1tuintmtseh-hite...artdatarwte.-ttecaus.e it linen“, cleans inc“. For n unmet. mote economic! paint job. use TRUTONE WHITE. tt “(JILL HARDWARE WEICHEL new» wash 'e"." 11.5mm Your C.l.L. Paint Dealer 'st'l"iii'i'iiir-eil. “15.13313