WORKING WITM CANADIANS IN EVERY watk OP LiP§ stNCH 1917 MORE THAN 200 service clubs, associated with the Ontâ€" ario Society for Crippled Children, conduct the annual Baster Seal Campaign to raise the money needed fo provâ€" ide lengthy hospital stays for crippled children; to send them to camp; to provide transportation and many more things that these children require. Annual campaign runs until April 10th and has an objective of $550,000. 102 KING ST. WEST KITCHENER C m}rï¬ns 6’F FI' /Ze THERE‘S MONEY FOR â€"FI FITTED at the B of M EYES EXAMINED Waterloo Branch, Cor. King and Erb Sts HENRY ALLAN, Manager The purchase of fertilizer is sometimes @ headache. Because the need for it usually comes at a time when there are a lot of expenses and little income. 10â€"Bcottish siver â€"â€"â€"â€" $1â€"fadefionts mahde 13â€"The sun $3â€"Neverl (Answer on Page 8) Avoid that headache this year. See your B of M manager about a loan. Repayment terms are easyâ€"suited to a farmer‘s requireâ€" ments. Drop in at your nearest Bof M branch today, or as soon as convenient. Bank or MontTtrEAL Map of the W orld O PTOMETRIST FOPR MERLY s1E3 FERTILIZER 41â€"~SBedets 44â€"Greck letter +3â€"Danee step $1â€"Mexico produces the ._?'ofl of this metal :lâ€"-l:m& range of the ppalachian system §6â€"Bebold1 2â€"Alfate aty (bom ) poss. $â€"Tibetan river 3~â€"Independent Peru FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 2â€"1936 47 42â€"Possessive pronoue 23â€"Continent (poss.) patrot 29â€"Close friend 30â€"Name applied to one who rebels 34â€"O1d Indonesia (abb.} at an easy canter 37â€"I 24â€"Oreck letter (poss.) _ #1â€"Public conveyance 117â€"MNorth Americans 20â€"Provines of India 16 (abb.) OPTICAL REPAIRS Control of the joint departâ€" ment would be in the hands of the elected representatives of the two cities, with personnel likely to be drawn from the respective fire and licht comâ€" mittees of the councils. That operation expenses inâ€" cluding hydrant rental and all other expenses be nroverly chargeable to apportioned on an assessment basis. That each municirality conâ€" tribute its existine stations ~nd equipment to such a board; That a joint board of manâ€" ~rement for a united fire deâ€" nartment be set un, with each ~‘ty represented by members of the appropriate committees of its council, renresentation to be on an equitable basis: To accomplish the joining of the two units the subâ€"comâ€" mittee recommended; It was emphssised that imâ€" mediate action was advisable because Kitchener is now =»id to need an additional fire station, while the Waterloo Fire Chief Pavel is due to reâ€" tire in a few months. To facilitate apportlbnment Open Every Friday Rverntng Untii 9 pm. 114 KING 8. WATERLOG® Phone Tâ€"1012 AT 9.95 amit _ Lloyd SCHWEITZER SHOES Residents of Waterloo Confidence will appreciate the convenience of our location. FUNERAL HOME 171 King South Phone 5â€"! WATERLOO Edward R. Good waop PmIsSRE®S | _ E. .J. MULROONEY Co. 125 Weber W., Kitchener, Ont. Phone 5â€"5326 Free Parking ioen Saturdays All Day All Kinds _ C=t to Size HARDBOARD MASONYTE FTIBRPLY CEILING TILES TILEROARDS PEGBOARD PLYWOOD MADE TO ORDER SINGIJ'!: PLY YENEERS Captil investiments in vessâ€" els, boats and gear in Canadâ€" ian fisheries stood at $102,â€" 942. 600 in 1952 double the figure of 1942. Of T77 new vwessels built in Canada in 1953, Nova Scotia yards produced 39. The two boards of direcâ€" tors avoroved a suerestion th« subâ€"comméttee should remain active to brin~ in re~orts on oth»r phases of Twin City serâ€" vices. PLYWOOD Bill Gadsby of the Rangers, to the Leaf‘s Tim Horton last Saturday night? The check, which Gadsby said, "was his best this year." â€" sure was. It will cause Horton to be layedâ€" up for over a month,.with a broken jaw, and a fractured leg. the hockey wars this year. First as playing coach wtih the vum Braves, and later as a ddemin‘ for the Cleveâ€" land Barons Bl;Ottflmjdnedth.rror-nhbukxnlm. !o: lfA_my_ nu}honuttu are correct, that‘s just 26 short Continued from Page 3 terms of trades, to build a winning team for next year. In been: lotal Kâ€"W Junior entry. This year our friend Mr. Btaff Smythe, and coach Turk Broda have done right wel a the local players, such as GAREY COLLINS, & “Afl and ex Siskin JAKE SMOLA. Another COAL cCo. 130 Park St. Kitchener MENS PASTEL SHADE ANKLETS T9c¢ ars ago. That‘s more than the average age of most players. t big Oftt‘s still going strong. w Ye gads! What kind of a body check was given by that At 44 years young, the Eternal OTT HELLER returns to MAUVE, YELLOW AND â€" GREEN. SIZES 10 to 11% CHRISTNER 5909¢ pr. : â€"â€" If they‘re playing for you, they can‘t be used REG. $1.19 METROPOLITAN STORES wars this : ea. subs. RornrerLs > 25 KING ST.S. 95¢ to ]0( &1 TO BRING YOUR EASTER SPIRIT TO SOMEONE DEAR C from 1.98 to 4-98 Ladies And Misses Straws Sugar Eggs ... lb. PANNED EASTER Complete Assortment Priced to Pit Your ASSORTED SIZES defenceman for the Cleveâ€" 35¢ treats for... travel 1.98 Budget Ib. TAN, BLUE AND GREY SIZES 12 to 18 Not to miention, the loss of a tooth, a slight jarring up, and {| a few bruised ribs Now who said? "You‘ve got to Keep your It looks like the Eimira Polar Kings should have suve@$ a few of those eleven goals they potted agrinst the Seilors in Eimira on Thursday night for the return sudden desth game in Sarnia. It proved once again â€" The team with the additional home game still has the advantage in a five gam# series But you‘ll still have to prove it to the Siskins! lr.ommmâ€"swsxnuâ€"non‘!m As they in Swedish it‘s "Adjo./Pa aterseende/* Goodluckmd.goodbotu! EASTER EGG COLOURING AmQ 4: Cotton Viscose Blouse % PKGS. FOR KITCHENEAR BUS TERMINAL 3/4 Length Sleeve GORDON E. WALZ 25¢ Yellow And Pink 4.98 24 Gaukel St. Expert Clock, Watch and Jewellery Repair Sizes 14 to 20 2.98 (Formeriy of Harold F. Wals Jeweller) For Pickup and Delivery Phone 2â€"4750 or 2â€"2686 * ‘Atfuraday, Marcs 17. 190n * Tickets and Information at MARSHMALLOW MLLED EASTER EGGS PLAIN or DECORATED 12c to 31.49 TAN, GREY AND BLUE SIZES 8 to 16 IO( ca. CHOCOLATE MOULDED 3.98 Phone 2â€"4469