Even? Thalia}; iii tTr.iiGan.-.. Bale o cattle. pigs, sheep, no†out q86TWA, PM. og. 3-215! Every Thurs., 7.15 p.m.--Com- munity Auction at 38 Water St, South.' Gait, Ont.. of furniture, tools, produce. appliances, etc. EAIIY rm O MN All- PD. a... 831+†hm Every Thumb! at 10.30 Km-... Sat., Noiiii'l pan.-FUrniture, household effects. etc., for Mrs. R. J. 1hyeron_inreuatr. - Sat.. NOV. 20,1 iGiriCrniture, household effects for Mrs. Clara Orth, 29 Dunbar St. Waterloo. Sat., Nov. 6, l tram-tartist, household effects, etc, tor Mrs. Daniel Lemp on Wilmot St. in New Hamburg. Augiion Far.' RE; Sat, Oct. 30, l p.m.-FUrnihue, household effects and, lumber for Mr. Earl Flewelling, Kitchener. Tues. Nov. 2, l pap.-9'arm stock, implements. household, etc., for Mr. Clifrtrrd Tosh, 3 miles norty o§_Fergus. -_ M Baden IM Eve? That-3., 1 p.m.--At Ruch- ener Wizards Ltd., Guelph gm"- ll',,'."',',',',','; m .2“ eel». pou ' p nee. e Every Friday. T.80 p.ac--nsmi- Pree.tetettold 3ttreety, ett., at the Sat. Oct. 23, I p.m.-rumiture, household etteets, dishes for Min Elizabeth Hoerle in the village of Wellesley. Tues., Oct. 26. 1.30 gum-Com- plete dispersal ot 30 head Durham and some registered Shorthom cattle for C. D. McDonald, 2 miles north of Baden. Bat., Nov. 6, 1.30 pam-Auction sale for Mrs. Barbara Shirk at Chum}: St., Elmira, of furniture and household goods. Wed., Nov. 3, 12.30 pan.-Aucs tion sale for John J. Huck on the farm I mile east of Maryhill and , miles west of Breslau of imple- ménts, livestock. feed and furni- tun. Farm is sold. V your. pf ooh. chives} $512035! tell',.",,'.",',, iol),'fd1a,,ibitat.'uu . pou ' P ' . Fti., Oct. 22, tt pan.--Attetioo sale for Home and 561001 Club in village of ftrt,lgit of fruit, 1tegeutples,_mtpdy. clo es, etc, " SOL. Oct. 30, 1.30 p.m.--Auction sale for Mr. William Malone at the home in the village of Cones- togo of real estate, good furniture and household effects. Every Tun... f gran.-9aie It Men: Livestock. Margret, AY-. Wed., Oct. 27, 1.30 pan.-Atse- tion sale for Mr. Fred McDonald on the farm, situated on 86 high- way at Tralee of zoo-me farm, livestock. implements. feed and furnitur'e. Toimship Haul Sat., Oct. eil,?t",eaAgitt sate for Mr. Ralph very on the farm, situated 3 miles west of Wttilenstein on as Highway of fuceitertsartd gouge-hold goody. ht. Oct. " no.“ naae-aab. MIuttd'Lt"gh"xttdttT, M whWNooeku mt.uatHgutteettu.itqrieto. 1Wet, tht 21,1.†'ran,--) etfBetSt.int-dgtsrtttkutut.U Wy.ft.lerlbtqteuterThvirtqtle. M. Nov. A t.3tt par-Sale o! Gum cattle at Alex no may. turn, Woodstock. Mtutd2nrfgig, a. I: an a e ov de!!! cattle tor Inn Shunt. Souths-1. of Alan. Fri, Nov. ts, 'ftfrfltlt, of 80m cattle st ex McKen- 'tidltoir. isr,ViGr.Lahe Isl-t sate, of Holstein Cattle " Bridge- as} Its-n WoodsuI-ii. Jtmenrsieeetetekphooeand "rqehaerouwistttobtsr. .mteqretiotthteeriett and no you was; CMADAMVIWW "ethe_-estrrse- tnnbur;ther'eeah-mxh tat-ttthee-rr-d an! Wm. an, Oct Mt, tall 'un.-95ouse- hold deck for In. Seaman It "IL. M00151, magma. A - coetieid emu: will be " "srirne you and i. Wood, Guild, ' (5-way u-lt“ It's easy to order your CA NA DA SA VI N G S BONDS fom us! a.tLtBtBtM+lt&MN' .mAmMI-IIO cm I tait2tg; l pan.s--At Kitdn- I Wards. Lat. Guelph 12sKirtqstmeeWese I'd.“ 5-5666 it A. s. 8ND“. Am ' menu, M â€at ( Every Thun, l pan.--At Kitets IP/E fletpt'ts, Lat, Guelph Highway. 0 cattle, pigs, hornet, sheep, poultry, produce) etc. A.B.C. Shamrock Mildred won the Holstein Grand Championship at the International Dairy Show, held October " and 13 at Chica- go, for the second consecutive year. She is owned by Dr. Hee- tor l. Astengo. Brampton. Ont, who was also named Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor of the Show, the first time a Camp dian has won either of these honors. Dr. Astengo maintains a Kassie herd of Holstein: both in Canada and his native Argentina. . T. H. hicGee! Norm], showed, the JunileiuiaiG" ERIE edtecta, , miles new. a! Station! for Ciara Adams Tue... Oct as, " gtottw-Cie.r, Jng auction ale ot farm nod, im- plements and feed. a we; weet of Shakespeare and 4 miles est trt Sgtgttogi 29 than“: , and tt Canadiah Holstein Grand Champion At Chicago Sat., Nov. 13, 1 p.m.--Auetion sale of furniture and household etreets, 1 mile south ot Tavistock on the 13th line tor Louis "L. Wettlaufer Estate. Tum. Nov. t, 9.30 aan.-Aneer- ing auction sale of fun stock; implements; feed and hounhold effects, 1% miles northwest of Shakespeare for William Hohner. Tues., Nov. 9, 12.30 pam-Clear- ing auction we of homes, he“ poultry, implements. 1 mile south of Tavistock on the 13th Line for the Louis t',t'fit"p,'iferr hate. Wed.. No . 10. 1.30 P.yt.-tAuer tion sale of 40 head mastered and accredited Shorthom cattle, " miles north of Shakespeare on the Steamy Road for McGillnwee lull-HIM,“ calves and poultri Every Mon. at Am Un- uqck Winn“ attic. pip. for John E. “and? sale oy turniuire ind houatad 239 Kilt St. N. tumnis [IKE NEW Swan (lyenners! T"t"tral'hTalr"" Pia-mm SWIM Clemens Dry cleaning methods improve each year . . . and Swan Cleaners stays ahead of the parade with the methods that are best and safest for your clothes. . . You'll be annexed at the fresh live feel of the fabric in a dress or suit cleaned by us! It looks like new . . . because we‘make it new! 'irlliycs(Qigartii Phone WATKILOO M 8-432] The International Dairy Show ‘was brought to the attention of the urban people of Chicago by a monster mile long parade at which the mayor, the Illinois gov- ernor, and Ezra Benson, U.S. Sec- retary of Agriculture. were on the reviewing stand. Since the day selected was the anniversary of the great Chicaf: fire, a ttoat fea- "urine Mrs. O' ary's cow kick- ing over the lantern occupied a prominent spot. Directing the attention a children to the bene- tits ot milk was a Boat on which Joe Louis, former heavyweight boxing champion and now owner of a milk vending machine busi- near, sat enthroned surrounded by boxing gloves. The Grand Champion cow headed a great clays of thirty-Bve aged cows in which Maple Lea Sunset Sang, last year's winner for Lorne . Reid, Ring. Ont, was forced down to te place. The entry of D. . Shively. Springtteld, Ont., was gym. How- ever, Mildred’s chief opposition for the Senior and Grand Cham- pionships came horn the winning three-year-old, Gray View B. D. Skyanne, owned by Harvey A. Nelson & Sons, Union Grove Mis, who was Grand Champion the previous week " the US. Nation- al Holstein Show " Waterloo. Iowa, and was made Reserve Grand at Chicago. Judge Trim- tar, said both had marvellous ud ers and were sharp, smooth, and full of dairy character. He particularly xraised the head and neck: rib an rump of Mildred. Other Ontario winners were: Harold James, Sarnia, fourth prize four-year-old cow; Gordon Ainslie, Curries, and Harry M. Clark, Blenheim, fifth bull three wears old or over; and J. D. Innes. oodstock. twelfth three-year- old heifer. The latter was tho by A.B.C. ReBection Sovereign. In addition he had the third and fourth prize Senior Yearliny, third prize thr-r-old and the third prize bull all. Dunno stood second in a do: ot ten name or provincial hauls. being nosed out by Wisconsin on what Judge George W, Trimber- rf, ot Cornell University, Ithaca, yt, called "an extremely close -tt6qrx1e-miot*rrrtertmtq tutttritttrataeti-trdArat cum ttlust which I. dud brAB. . le- 1rf8ldrtgti't2ttmttt ahmtt7ttiiitbier.i1n trst-titti?lt.?ytrottoey.t.t0.0.x the coup were log-1e Shamrock m. the All-Canadian three-you- of 1953. and We Shamrock Bonnie, the Basel-w “Claudia: tti-rear-old of 1053. Top we: atth and Bonnie nventh m the very strong 'gri,atfir" ch- that m bended by t. bred by exhibitor classes, and was third "n the Junior Gavel-Sire. At the to click! - "W -___ -.._.._. column Agtd I inn the dub- ttoHd dun m. I: he'- on attuned 109$. will an no“ place: tttue, In, willing to Winn food yawning. The more he sleeps, of coume, the has "Dig: he H M might like to k into the very practical portable mm my being made. Ono kind on; be used " I regular mattress on one side, as I home chair gee,,', tag, or even doubled up to cm to mm? "Tia ._"__ -_. _"'"""- lf punt": it II the m M, (south: “In“ mun .lL'ttg'. "ltd t a _ i'iiiiiiiii tft gamma PIPING IS NOT INCLUDED tketlemMtatmrregBee. lat-sullyo-lcwlnpleuwmbe tom"enattraMrttr.a-tt-rr-se, Mt Victoria N. ROzlllii)ll.lll.'s And Plus Greatest Value in Modern Oil Heating sae-USC-i, ELI-5H“ Tern- 39.00 Down and 21.00 a man for DELIVERED TO YOUR BASEMENT ASSEMBLED irrfttiii. _ _ to; A fuel Contract with Advanced Engineering in Every Detail - Delivers15,000 " at ihe Register $385 Oil Valve fir Fuel Tank Oil Filter Automatic Duh Correction Tank Gauge 200 Gallon Oil Tank Vent Alarm Thu. Standard Burner Controls " Oil Fill Stand Pipe and Cop IMPERIAL OII. LIMITED 'ar'lqtr.'r'"tJzt-" ml humaï¬rahnlgcdhvfla -4ttteirdiaii6i'ei'iil 2legttSg.1'td,htgr'3,tii'iu2 KITCH ENER Built by Beach of Ottawa - Fungi; for 908;;65 “Elder: of fine Hooting Equipment. tion air. Sturdy and powerful motor-blower assembly, conveniently placed for easy adjustment, supplies circula- Flue pipe extension placed so that it pre-heats return air after tttter- ing thus- using every possible heat unit before hot gasses escape to chimney. Fiberglass air fttter--Mt0 square inches in horizontal position for maximum emeieney. Self-contained, baked hammerstone enamel cabinet, effectively intru- lated, houses the complete unit. ot warm, filtered, humiditled For 1 wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the bride wore a tet rose tweed knitted dress wit white anger: trim, navy hat and memories and pink carnation 'Nrrpe. - It costs four times as much to build a house in Canada as it does in Germany. On'ghe couples return they will live in Wellesley. Following the ceremony I re- ception was held at the bride's home. The bride's mother wore a bum silk dre- with matching accessories and a W ot yet- low mums." The brideaooms mot- herchoaeabtueineidresawith a Rink earn.a.t.ion cqmze_._ - Glen Biei. friiibiaiJiaiidT. Es? Snider, brother of the bride, from KinmounL “Hatching In! an: nun. an car- ried bronze dry-Mun; Illa Gen! 'ne Sheba], Water- loo, and In. 21mm Day, Toto-no, were bridesmaids, dm-ed in em- emld grim-n“ “in arm: gowns sun mid of honor. They mid bron- " and copper velvet Chrysanthe- mums. Mr. Clittord Riehl. Manitoba, mother at 3he brjdegromn. Wu Ma cl M" "mm W in; burl. I we ot the Mn, and carried Ish-ttts-ttaiu Her that. Mins lurid Sunset of Student. an matron of honor. She wore an old velvet Irlh'.' with i?tryi'tfiri'iil Elwin. In! and than†“A a'."..., Heating t Air CondiIioning PLUMBING By Roe Farms Service Dept Khmer Mintâ€, (new Am Hoffman, "Milton 10m Food Mill. u-ood Radiators completely welded into one piece construction, are located at left qu right of heating cham- ber and conededn at rear by flue breaching. Matched performance, highly ef- ficient oil burner is Range mounted to heavy cast iron plate permitting simple, position adjustment. Raised seamen keeps burner free from Loo: 1tmImtirs and avoids clogging Combusion chamber of pre-shaped ftrebrick is teardrop shaped to fol- low contour of tire, assured highest degree of combustion. Long reverse flow flue travel sur- rounds 25 square feet of radiator surface. A scientifically engineered feature which achieves utmost fuel marry/5m sa-d aiGiG W 7-27.71 nth-$150 undamg n. cum.- sac; GTiiiiiilT on. Noon Sum Im- IS. (In. U.EA. an. n. "aaa' aTGuiriii; in via-poi: In can In. lay. "an lit up. ' ?%%J.thum -..~I.In-¢. “bu-J -eSne_ro.a-H-rbesriL “may...“ [or-y“ ..." Plugs-ands. 1-0;- Jiid - ia7ai"'lii a 'iyii?iif. "te. 7"!““4-0 sraaiiiiTt i1i%TiGiii'7Gr' ' Trio 'A-u. h a. mud- Phone 34 488 (“37 (II-03