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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Oct 1954, p. 7

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1. METROPOLITAN STORES lTO. secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Sam Rohr; and asristant, Mrs. Oliver Bean. Mm Charles Woelite was in the chair tor the program. Mrs. Wtl- bur Stunt: re: the scripture lesson Md Mrs. Rumahn offered grater. Mrs. Wallace and sons, amie and Alan, sang after which Hrs. James Cressman gave a retling., -- --- Nt-e Convener: NEW HAMBURG-The month.. Mrs. Woelfte spoke on "The Women of the Congo". Refresh- ments were served by Mrs. Wes- ton Sararus nd Mrs. Wilfred Barnes, g M iiiairGikTC 15-73;}; presided tor the bust lath-:3 ttuiutir%hlsoi wdrtlirtd u ttte home of Mrs. Pred Walla“: Mrs. Romahn Elected Church Group Head Sponsored by the Ladies Aid of Redeemer Lutheran Church m, hum- APRONS - BAKING Saturday, October 23rd 3 pm. to fl Pan. at Redeemer Lutheran Chatel- " John St. W., Waterloo one“; elected Included presi ant. Mrs. W. H. Rumahn; vice- resident. Mrs. Wilbur Shanta; 'eretary - treasurer, Mrs. Sam 0hr; and as-istant, Mrs, Ollver (I, amid- Coma) m DUNDi--qhe annual #tte"""" , ..-,, T"'ame"'""li'l'-? - mu!” _, ___- UP, k --' ' _ " - ' -- ' ' . "_- 'fii5gThgtsfeh% a i " / " - . 'N "SI" I F' ta}! “ ' T . _ - 1” 1 u " 1"c'5Tc?l'2EgWemt " _ _ ', up. 'llt5 _ - - t"9tgtsv-ui'LiU,iis'r'" _ K.G King Street West Kilrhenor Tab-phone: 3-3656 Only 55 Shopping Days before Christmas. . . . Use our Lay-Away Plan to assure the purchase of your choice. A small deposit will hold any - article until needed. this: an ' ' Piece 80"! 'tts Important Notice to Holders of Government of Canada 3% Victory Bonds FEM!!!” cm. of Ge United GREEN IVY DECORATION Shell Out I 25 King St. S. Canada Savings Bonds, Series Nine are always worth 100 cents on the dollar. They can easily be converted to cash " any time " their full face value plus accrued interest. Canada Savings Bonds, Series Nine are available in denaninaliona of 850. $100, 8500, 81,000 and $5,000. Each individual may pur- chase up to 85.000 principal amount. We strongly recommgnd the purchase of 3AR, Canada Saving: Bonds. Series Nine, either for cash or in exchange for Govern- ment of Canada 3% Victory Bonds. The investor receives an increase in income of 82.50 per $1.000 per year. And the proceeds from the sale of Canada 3% Victory Bonds not only cover the coat of the some amount of 3%% Canada Savings Bonds, but also leave cash in the investot'l hands. Holders of Canada 3% Victory Bond: on get M been. by selling them It the current premium and reinventing the proceeds in 3%% Canada Savings Bonds, Series Nine. asc lb otderrnsrahrmaitetrteteruaetodqr. Plan Supper DoON.-Menrbers of the W0- men's Association ot boon United Church held their regular meet- ing recently. President. Miss Su- san Eshleman. was in the chair. Reports were given by the vari- ous otticers and plans, were made to hold a turkey supper at the church on Nov. 10, Mrs. Victor MacLennan will he hostess at her home for the next regular meet- mg. Services Well Attended . NEW DUNDEE-The closing services of the Evangelistic cam- paign at Bethel United Mission- ary Church were largely attend- ed on Sunday, The messages A game of musical hats m en~ joyed with Mrs. J. O’Donnell as the winner and refreshments were served by Mrs. L. Schnarr. Mrs V. Reid and Mrs. J. A. nueh, er, Convenors for booths and tea tables for the Christmas banan- were named. Decorating of the booths as w be done by Miss De- iores Scherer and Mrs. Ed. Scher- er. The bazaar is set tor Nov. 17. Reports wire given by it”. John A. PUeher, In. L Ruth and In. W. Scherer. A letter was read from M. Father 'ettt "ertarr to pi- shop Ryan ot unilton. m which he acknowledged the donation sent to the Bursa for the educa- mm of young men to the priest- hood, A letter exprem . ' re- cxuuun was also read 'flu/Et. Sntsler Lia of the hope: Colony in A meal parish had " members and he visitors in new. The 9nd- dent. In H. Helium. opened tre meeting with Wynyqu. Wood, Gundy dk Company limited 1y meeun; of the Canon: Wo- men’s beau: of Holy M11 1.39 Set Plastic Crepe 603705153 SPORT SHIRTS Reg. 4.95. SPECIAL PRICE MENS RAYON OR NYLON Hollowe'en 1.98 Lutheran Women's Missioxihf} were given by Rev. Kenneth E. Geiger of Elkhart. Ind., district superintendent ot the Indiana Conference ot the United Mission- ary Church. tn the morning special music was rendered by the Floyd Sherk family. At night Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamacher of Wilmot Centre favored with a vocal duet. An accordion ensemble. comprising Mrs. Frank Toman, Mrs. Glen Shanta, Miss Elinore Rosenberg" and O. T. Coleman. also played. stytdtltutrypytr, -- W External Alain Mtahter II... but" B. r_e.rs-,ieotot_c,rr-.tr.-ertoc-.ru. rmm-W-~ruuuemnm'umu.s.mmumm+muumm g Painting: " Canadian Cities The 52~mvu collection I: now MI; In [3-month but at - Museum EMS 195w HIMBU8G. = Trinity tadlee' stut ttttttttttN 33¢.Zic'pn.cs TTe Hallowe'en Kiss (MUD/£3 Boys’ Sport 5'!!!ka Wan-Mm~ The program included a sing- song, led by Mrs. Cameron Hon- derich; a piano solo by Mrs. Ralph Hiiborn; a violin solo by Mrs. Wallis Bean, accompanied by Mrs. Oliver W, Kerr at the piano and a skit on Thanksgiving with the following taking part; Mrs. Jack B. Garsland. Mrs. Mer- vin Facey, Mrs. Oliver Caplilw. Mrs. Howard Weicker, Mrs. J. ' DesMarbois, Mrs. A. F. Christner and Mrs. George Diamond. 29cm Mrs. Austin Zoeller, president, was in charge of the dinner meet,. ing which commenced with a banquet sponsored by the losing side of the roll call attendance contest for the past year con- vened by Mrs. Edward N. Klink- man. Concluding he stated that "we as Institute members. can foster this spirit of Thanksgiving with a cheerful and willing mind we will have made some worthwhile contribution for home and eoun- try." In his opening remarks, Rev. Watts spoke of his early know- ledge of Institute work from his mother, Mrs. F. W. Watts, who was a leading Institute organizer and lecturer in Women's Insti- tute work in Ontario almost half a entury ago. . _ _ - The speaker said that no other land has the potentials for pros- perity that Ontario has and it its citizens understand and appreci- ate these values and blessings there will be still greater riches in the years that come: _ HAYSvILLE.-"The Women's Institute has done almost incul- culable good for our people," said Rev. H. W. Watts of Bright at the fourth "Winners-lasers" contest banquet held by the Hays- ville Women's Institute at the Olde Homestead, Shakespeare, on Wedneeday afternoon - The president, Mrs. A. Bueh- low, was in charge of the busi- mm and gave the highlights 6f the Western Conference of the Women's Missionary Society which was held in Toronto re- cently. P'alsesAmstitastea Mission Beids in Mllaya and British Guiana were the topic and evangelistic work in W.L.C.A. missions overseas was described by members. The leader stressed the need" for more workers in the fields and drew attention to the program book of six character studies of women of the Old Tes- tumult. Society met at the home of Mrs. Reuben Ruthie with the program in charge of Mrs. H. Schawb, as- sisted by Mrs. C. K. Smith and Mrs, Gordon McEtiistrurn, 1.47 ‘Thus. spin-I displacements cm after! the nerves that inttuenee both heart idiot: and the now of blood through the coronary vau- eh. cm can pl- - nnne citing up. alien}! --, body “all, m'hmqlnilhutlb Chiro lactic doesn't make un- reuonngle claim. Its achieve- menu mun trom utilizing the hump) tlterarretatieg of the human more tuneful], ad “a In": lbmoverwhlehmnh’uhu pushes-sebum“ (amulormbhodlowb 'lhw,'t1't"ug"tu"gTd nettvttrttnvetheer In“. ortrat em - .' The health of the heart muscle, as well as the health of the heart linings and valves, depends upon adequate nutrition through blood circulation into the heart sub- stance. Blood is supplied to the heart substance through the cor- onefy WIS. H an"? Pun-b!- - to iieiriki Wool-dam! tArr-eat 2'lll'l',"l'h'ut'lt'tN'S'Nt muscle, one can”! begun: - action. Yes, there are precautions which each individual can take to preserve the health of the heart. The ”no. of much- h Inla- eneetl by mus. This I: he ot heart nuclei, too. More. " then b any Ingram with the "ee ol the nerves that trr (carbon-nah . Y which tt'e"', i'i'h"iiit: r'itui?ir' a y I the but! I: deer-coed. " rent I. manual [or new“: Inn I db- eased hem, lean-able rest In essential to the [lineman at a 0(3)!”pr heat. hear! more work" to do." 7 -e" The heart - beat tmt; (on; but! a (by. Yet, when one.. should.. be" making sudden, mantis of It. Excessive weig the result of an I hits. makes more heart. High bloc which a person's limes contribute. hear! more work 1 the power to do the work that it is ordinal“! eattert upon to do, Plus a reserve toe owning-l grate! demands. “In 8 tme for heart muscle too. But. when we read: middle age the reserve ls "otaare-tveasuroetttnmt cannot be called "oidrt' sudden- U. Tan-trek!- . was: nae-n The purpose of the heart is to act as one of the (ow which cause the blood to circulate. Therefore, the chief tissue ot the near! js muscle. Moderate, consistent exact” is good [or my muscle, Including the healthy heart. Much has the power ta do the work um It Much has been written, in ma- gazines a n d newsp a p e r s 'rl?, and for deliv- LI e r y through . b' other me d 18 FQ of public in- "d ‘ to r m a t i o n, IC'. a b o u t t h e “ great preval- _ ence ot heart d is o r d e r 3. Such informer. t i o n should not scare us. NMts.t%rrtr.B= But it should but" cl “We“: cause us to be concerned about the care of the heart. has its physiologic capacities and limitations of work. And each of us has a mummy to tinsel! or head! to recognize tho-e limi- tation in order to - the bean me, too much "wear and tear". jrg" P, Healthy Hearts I Announcement was made by the anniversary committee that the November meeting would mark the 40th anniversary of the Haysville Institute and commem- oration take the form of a tea to be held in the Library Hall in New Hamburg on the Brst Wed- nesday afternoon in November. Gives Report _ NEW DUNDEE. -v4 report all the Baptist Association Rally held at Stratford recently was given Fifteen dollars was voted to the Penny Round Up for Mental Health in Ontario. It was decided that Mrs. Edward Schiedel should place the Hayaville Women's 1n- stitute wreath at the Cenotaph in yew Hamburg on Nov. ll. A A minute of silence was ob- served in memor of Mrs. Ed. Snider, who Manny recently and who was t member and for- mer president of the Haysville Institute. Pt hymn, yey other___organs, By Neil 3. Hunt, D.C.. Waterloo. Ont-Ho essive weight, frequently asull of an individual‘s ha- makes more work for the High blood pressure. to a person's habits some- contribute, also gives the more work to do. (Advnumau) . Announcement was made of the semi-annual Deanery meeting to be held on Oct. 26 at St. David', Church in Gait. A letter of thanks was read from St. Paul's Scyool _at Cardston, Alta. Mrs. W. Oliver Kerr read a poem. Mrs. N, Roth resorted two cards were sent out an a sweater knitted for the Mohawk Institute of _Brantfurd. Mr. Jonés Adidi firing-meeting with prayer and a social hour was enjoyed. During the iiisFgeis,eirit,i, re- ports were given by rs. Wallis Bean, Carmen Facey, Mrs. Fraser McMillan. Mrs. McMillan was appointed program cunvenor tor the November meeting and Ed.. ward N. Klinkman, social c0nve- Refreshments were served by Mrs.. E. Z. McIntyre, MSS. H. Hil- born, Mrs. E. Capling and Mrs. Edward N. Klinkman. Announce Meeting ' HAYSvrLLE.--Nrs, A. E. Kerr was hostess for the October meet- ing of the Wilmot WA. on Wed- nesday afternoon. The president, Mrs. John Marsland, presided and the Rev. W. A. Jones, rector, read the scripture and led in prayer. Readings were given by Ed- ward N. Klinkman and a piano duet was played by Mrs. Mervin Foray and Mrs, Fraser McMillan. Mrs. Viola Capling presented the 0“}:th t"yylts, paper. . _ E. Z. McIntyre occupied the chair for the meeting and Mrs. Mervin Facey presided at the piano. Prayer was offered by El- worth Bean and the scripture reading by Fraser McMillan. The speaker concluded that Thanksgiving leads to a happier personal life, to share life with gthers, leads to a re-discovery of I.) .w-" t, ,I. - P - -*‘ God ahd in Shari iGTGyii'iii with: Wiggly year round. Md" Faith HAYSVILLE. - “Thanksgiving as a way of life can be a philaso- phy of life as well as a deep feel- ing of emotion after a bountiful harvest," said Mrs. H. W, Watts in her Bible study at the Ever Ready Bible Class meeting of the Bethel United Church which was hey in the Sunday School room. The but pn 1Tusaagivi " wuinch e"C'oL"h'l'tSl"l'f .re'l'l,Gf,'l.1%t'r2'g wen iven by an. M. Bechtel, li- god and In. L Zinten. “Went: were served try the ham. menu assisted tsy" siUsheTircri, and Mrs. Donald Wolfe. Mia. Iu Ross gave a talk and showed pictures of her four month vacation in Northern and Sqqthem Ireland. Mrs. teoriei9reston will be hostess for the November meet- Will loll In" DooN.-mu Lidia’ Aid of the Deon Presbyterian Church held their October meeting " the home of In. Ivan Butler last week with the president, Mrs. Gilbert Wilton, Sr., in charge. Plans Tum formulated to hold a (all sum"; the church. Miss Margaret was amnted con- venor with Miss In and Mrs. Htttud Jriee, assistants. _..--.. WV ...v.-., a», All cunt]: Reports were given by the sec~ tetary-trrasurer,' Mrs. George Mm. Mrs. R. C. Drager gave I Ending. - - m lr. tux-1"“. M..." WK...""~EZ‘33 tttlt, IMM wo I gterimi. many an» an... oMiyylrtvbnoetreostrteao. yarn-u isG"'ii"iai .1 van.- WATERLOO STOVE, A Kellvimitor ELECTRIC RANGE 96tthq as. - SPECIAL CONSIDERATION FOR CASH WITH NO TRAttbtt4 - hm Sim/ed, refresh- will perform "Kitchen Magic" xi AND APPLIANCES GiuCiiiirad; '“nan's. My. and: It, an; Ln: LT',',? St am} “II-V a WCIKIND Tomato! ords.Turq'rt_ttt.-r--s-.--m.- " than. Muir. 3-60". .'.r-"eTrt1etrart"er. 'ttttr-trt-bas-hu-er-h-tr. SaMafsTdyford-uls. MatchmrddlubilsvhimthMuc-WII“ 'rt'rtaeesrsbhuddsitrisrTuTetr... Anya-cm 6.310.325, $50. 3:00, 3200,5400, $5B0xtr$t9tttt Your Dollar may " worth $10, $25. $50, $100, $200, $400, $500 or $1” Sim in... the Mental Inla- ”Jan-pus "lltiislf,liiilullli,ololyy,lli,, lo along the first " own these NEW Easy Terms tenor/fa! "WEAR-EVER" W0". MW 2'alriret-thrMra-rtasettve6ttrseet Anodized "Conan-o" (ours or all-01m satin fhtish "Ali-flu." THE TELEGRAM FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE aa., Alumina;- ttmaria, FOR YOU! Only " lnchu wue--ret In: --ake “Glut Beot" oval. Deluxe (nature: Include Auto- -t$eovenIuter...Mmtte - (6. cycle only) . . . Speedy Climatic: Slit!“ out: no dim contact switches . . . Ap- pliance Outlet . . . Oven - Light . . . Sun-cc Floodlight . . . MetrtLtehoeeatDoortreqt... Fill Width Share Duvet. ml he attikin"tiiiTv- Eng-m Sinclair style" . and many others on display in our store. See this model Modelil354

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