Pom read I poem. Rev. J. n ' (galley closed the meeting ' my". cuuie- ot - Moqttsq. Glut Otto at n In: B.Y.P.U. held It Chum“ on Sunday vreridertt, Wallu T and the striptmc it. by Arthur Otto. Mn ted in prayer. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Eldon Lehman ( and children, Eldon and Merla, ner. and Mrs. Lloyd Lehman and children. Kenneth and Rhonda and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lehman of Toronto rendered instrumental and vocal numbers during the Tuesday night Evangelistic meet- ing at Bethel United Missionary Church. The evangelist, Rev. Kenneth E Geiger of Elkhart, _ Ind., delivered the messages each night. . Iii-Weekly Meeting of Miss Charlotte Reid was in charge of the tsi-weekly meeting at the United Brethren Christian Endeavor Society which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al- - bert Chapman on Wednesday) night. The 100th Psalm was re- cited in unison and sentence prayers were given. Jimmy Ro- mahn read the scripture lesson and a piano duet was played by Ruth and Carl Wilhelm. A dis- ei.',',',",',".',','; was held on the topic "ihar1tssgiving'.', led ly, the lead- ' ' '7‘ I inn ’llnrv The Children of the ChurcM met at St. "mes' Luthenn‘ Church on hiding night with Mrs, I B. Bostsart presi ing and conduct- ing the devotional ireriod, Class- es were held under the direction of the teachers. Mrs. M. K. To- man, Mrs. B. Boshart, Mrs. Wif- liam Schmidt, Evelyn Knarr, Jean Siebert. Barbara Ann Ein- wechter and Carol Schmidt. Instrumental and Veal Numbers. llllllnDSIv-unu ' .__ ,_, er. The president. Miss Mary Kaster presided for the business period. Minis. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Weber and children, Orlan. David and Margaret were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wurm at Detroit, Mich., over the holiday week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sham: and Miss Beth Shantz spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Newswanger at Blue Ball, Pa. Miss Kathryn Shantz who was .visiting there for a few weeks re- turned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. William Goettung. Lloyd Goeltling and Harry Goett- ling and daughter, Ruth Ann were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Max Bogusal at Virgil. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Page spent - __. A. "_, JMNL “CIT: ILtAJI. _-re-'--- Mrs. Max Bogusal at Virgil. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Page spent the week-end with their daugh- ter, Miss Ellen Page at Brantford. 1vICytirE"Y" (ii) Housman Hume: -se. “autumnal-L L Mrs. Harold Potts Mrs. Stuart M- mrio and Richard the meeting with surtsiytitti,tyf,f,i.t.'r0RS gy night, htse r â€In“ premided It., v,Ir "as fell“ William Goetyiryp " Work Done By tttt"urletteed Associate Coma M and In“: m Trained Mechanic: ; when you need it Have Your Winter Changeover Home [union] I. l. Hui-or, Mil-09" .. " II mud new. .hooo 5'51†“ammo. ONT. tr-v-as-r'."- Mink-I- Safe t A um.“ hm tpe Mr. Bethardt mm â€A Human-unannounced m. an atid d-r-in-tor, Mr. and In. tBebmrd . him Guest: in 'ttteric' were Me. an" Mr, Wal' 1 kntbtVisett Ind luunly, Mr. and Mr: Arthur 1(5le madam“); Mr. turry Kalbmileh M Mr. and In. Harry KatttAeiacit Jr., an ot Riag- ara Falls. 10.13".) Goos, Su- kamon, sau.. Mr. Ind Mrs. Geo. Pennie and daughter, Debby, ot Ottawa. Miss Mnrianne Knit)- (leach of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. _ Bruce Omand, Mr. Ind Mrs. Chas. tDanielLs and Mr. Merle' Grotf ol New Hamburg. [move fault In. Lung. Little Denise Hobtetter. 2-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Hofstetter was removed to the KAN Hospital for X-rays when when u peanut became' lodged in her lung last Sunday night. Later she was liken to the Sick Children's Hospital, in To- ronto where removal of the pea- nut took place on Monday morn- ing. She was able to return home on Tuesday and has recovered la- vorably. Org-min Junior lied Cross. Grandview Public School re- cently appointed on1cers of the Junior Red Cross as follows: Grade tw-President, Marg. Faulhafer; secretary, Barbara Cockerton; treasurer, Gary Groit; program convenor, Betty Wagner; decorat- ing Convener. Judith Kunkel and social convenor. Peter Brenner. Grade Tr-Pye/ntl Iryau'2!,': quebefs vast gut-nay River s explored. ttoeag.nr=geEirt xttee. t area north of Sa- still is largely un- FORD - MONARCH Dealer WATIILOO of M'iqnno In â€My.†1ttAteyJil?ili,riiiiiiPi, gay-Illa†ittit1N11'flttttllllCJih"riilii - it toâ€. launch . Mr,pett.?ytettu'S"t1'f, 'iir7a-.orrtn,tttt1eo.ef “and "futtivem here during the Pregtms tttt Sunday at the ham: of DWI guru's. Mr. - w"... Mr and Mrs. Robert WWII“ and tuuril moved to mum on Siting, an! ".idigsa but for two nun In. Pred Scrum bu Rtat to her home from the K-W Km- pital, Kitchener, where she un- derwent a mljor operation saw an! weeks Mo. Luca] Bog-Scouts clan-0d tho district on turday (Apple Day). They gold ten bushels of may McIntosh? tor which they re- loeived 1total at $110.00. ' -._... l, -= _ ' a patient at a London W1. Mr. and .ra. More RI and ttunity span Sunday with Mr. Henry Hamel of Hanover. In. Hamel who was I that of In Ritter passed turn at the Owen Sound Marine In; General Hots- pital on Friday. 'MI-I. . aet.umoerrhett I'- . tattt Visit Relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Ffl', and family of Low/ville, N. " are spending a few days with rela- tives. The tormer's mother. Mrs. Menno L. Erb who spent two weeks with them returned to the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Jantai. Jinn-91 my". . . , -.... inv-w An Easter lily and two Azaieas) were given by friends to the folk at the post otBce and after the bloom had died instructions which were given in a newspa- per were lollowed and now the Easter lily has three Bowers and the Azaleas are in bud ready to Bower. Eur Tter, Auyrye.. "l7.- lwv. "Cw- Boyd W.M.S. held their Thahk- offering meeting in the Crosahill United Church, Monday evening, when Rev. Emerson E. Hellman of Emmanuel Evangelical Church of Waterloo was guest speaker. He gave his impressions of the World Council of Churches held in Evanston, m., at which he was ia, delegate. A ladies quartette, Mrs. . Steiger, Mrs. Gordon Weir, Mrs. Frank Tanner and Mrs. Edgar Chalmers of Millbank sang several songs. Rev. Gordon Weir conducted the devotional period. Doon t By Mrs. R. Jon-l (Chromch Comma!!!" Attend FuneraL Mrs. Howard Gibbons Sn, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gibbons. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibbons, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Holmes and daugh- ter Deborah, Howard Gibbons, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pearcy and daughter Sandra, Jack MacDon- ald, Miss Audrey Ermel, Mrs. Alf Holmes and Bill MacDonald spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Schmidt at Hanover where they attended the tunernl of the late Howard Gibbons from the Richardson Funeral Home. Interment was made in Hanover cemeter ' Neil fr, CCIllClCI . Neil E’vans spent a few days on business in the Ottawa district. Anniversary Service. The Doon United Church was decorated with fruits. vegetables and ttowers tor their anniversary service on Sunday afternoon. Rev. H. J. McAvoy of Galt was in charge. Rev. C. D. Farquharson of Glenmorris was guest speaker. Mr. Ridley Miller was organist, and choir leader and the choir of Lincoln Ave. United Church, Galt, lead in the sin ing. The members of the Doon K'h,vle"r'-' ian Church joined with this ser- vice. The service was well at- tended. In. L Irma (Ciro-Ink w icii"GrTiii.lijiit_etr'n '2Eietftt,,l . ITC.] r'c, (';3liiiileiiil5ti ItrrE2T. Fr.] In. W Weihnd, Mr. and In. Georg Bunch“ of Kitch- ener and TB. Stephen Hunchak of mrrinaweli, Man.. were Sun- day vigiwra " muhome datum --.A- .. IIn r3. - - - --_' _ i?rqNtms an! snub! " the we or - -rstr, Mr. and In. John M- Mr. and Inf. ',ii1't'e1t,'r"' and m o to ener were gga,',i'ta, Mrs. H. Gibbons on (Emery Emu! Jones. . Gilbert Willonf was visit- ing with friends in GI t on Satur- "li, . and In. Jos. queich and children Palsy. Rowe. Fern, “or my and UM: have moved their MIG . dock to Kitchener where they will rggide. . n . wu vmun; as um: um Alf Ham on Sunday Mr. undlra- Jghy P, Here. Mr. end Mrs. Art Eagle and daughter Jean of Preston spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bryce. Stanley Jones saint Sunday at m. hm of Bert intermeyer of -iriGidr Jules sl the home of Bert , Centreville. L UGnu’evunc. quite a number of people from the village attended the Interna- tional Plowing Match at Breslau during last week. Those attending the wedding of Miss Marie Hillyer to Roy Gib- bons at the United Church in Owen Sound on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gibbons, |Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Holmes, How/3rd Gibbons and Miss Aud- -rarErmer - I "r-...- ~.....,, I have been as- sured by psycholo- gists that, under certain condi- tions, the monotony of the white line may lull a drowsy driver into such a dull state of mind he may completely forget the danger of uncoming traffic or the sudden darting of a car from a side road. _ And there are few rare-but none the less retu--eases where drivers have actually been hypnotized into steep by the white line. The centre line is a top-notch safety device and a real lite saver when you are meeting the glare of undimrned lights-but don't let it give you a false sense of secur- ity. The driver who glues his eyes the line and ignores other haz- ards ot the road may he courting a much longer sleep than he in- _ tends. Take a tip or two from profes- sional truck drivers on avoiding "centre line monotony": rest the . _n -a----. 0.. Tipé onTpllfiIIQ eyes with an occasional glance tol the sides of the road; never look directly into the glut of approach- ing headlights; be curtain to dim your lights when meeting cars; check your speed, oil pressure,) engine temperature and other in- struments airly often as a men- tal exercise; whistle or sing, it you like. And remember: when that white line becomes just a line to follow, and nothing etse-you've had your driving for the night. Canadians as a whole spend close to $50,000.900 on dental bills, ii'TG-earrire dr a year _ Ww'nfmdm iiriTGteripe have Mala, NAC, alter week at their home 'iiii 3:35 ot Blair at the home ot Mrs. Is it possible tol hypnotize yourself into an accident by c o n c e ntrating on the white trittic line in the centre of the highway at nigh? . . 't"iGGiiTiiir] urriai Mrs, 'iic5riih Hardware Stores lb King St 22 King St Shoo 23 King St. N Appliance Stores 84 King St. S ' M King St. S. General Electric 96 King St. S. 74 King St. s. Jewellery Stem 'tii" Bergman attttlt!t, Gift award! â€craggy; 113 King St. s. iodine»? Gift 390% Weicltel Ilardwarg Tiara 6m: Slice; M’s Appliance: Sadie Electric Waterloo Stove - mill-m Your Westinghouse and â€mm? PATRONIZE CHRONICLE ADVERTISERS Sales and Service Dealer Phone 2-3321 Phone 2-310] Phone 2-0774 Phone 4-4116 Phone 2-0384 Phone 4-4223 Hm bit330 In this book _ sr-m-h-o-er-dad'".". oGiio-r--i-aing-rtr"u-- oiatiscu-"tromrr-ia--bo". s-tro-tro-ttoder""'"'"""' t-h--tt--tun6ti0to-ro" A Automotivg Parts Grocery Stores I30 King St. s, 14 King St. N. Waterloo Meat MCI/{ff Men's and Ladies' Clothing 54 King St. N Restaurants and Grills Waterloo Auto Parts I22 King St. S. Bicycle 91 King St. Fl Tobacco and Sam Where T o Buy-It Tobacco: - 60 King St. S. Check This List For A Handy Directory FREE DELIVERY We still have a few Lockers available Just Phone your order to 3-3641 "we“ “0"" 'tttt Mal Doc-sch! Freiburger’s and Sports Stores pagoda Grill; Faerie/(Cc and Accessories Store. Phone 2-01 52 Phone 7-7047 Phone 2-1953 Phone 2-504t Waterloo 2-9080