Using a ritte where eithe- pheasants or migratory birds sue. . a: ducks or geese are being hung. ed ls only endangering the lives of other hunters and the law bar- nng the use of the long range weapon. is a good one under these conditions. Local. Game Overseer. Fred Merner, says this law will be en- forced lo the letter. The best and safest thing you can do is put your rifle in mothballs until after the pheasant season is over. After all, it's only three days. Wilma! Rod and Gun Cluh rat- ed a good turnout ot members at miles! ttteetingr. " 7 Now the hunting season is with us, we will probably get more news from these boys. Some ot them must be fishermen. but it they are, they surely keep mum regarding their piscatorial accomplisrytttais A ladies nigh“ the form of a Hallowe'en party and complete with costumes isVPIanned for the 29th of October by the Wilmot Club. Site of the evening will be the Baden Hotel and every mem- ber is urged to come and bring the lady ist, his life. law" has longer and sharper tecth this _ and If you are ertut taught walking about with a rttte in your possession and you are where pheasants may he Ne- gally taken, killed ur shot", you'll luse your rifle and possibly some cash in the form of a Bne. Souk Ste. Marie $31.25 Vancouver St. Louis Jarman as seen in d LIFE MAGAZINE (lloyd Schweitzer Shoes OPEN EVERY FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 PM m an} . wannoo a... non mom's Monty of fun and plenty to do when you go on o trip.Enioy sightseeing oittho View and arrive in the mood for euioymem --try but. uni-um. ..' Low ROUND I’ll? FAIES $20.00 to $23.00 iSotriect to Chancel [an Id. ting Wm: your mum during the pheasant Jea- son? Better not it your human; takes you to any of the I» (ions ot the country where pneasanu are btipe hunted, Tie "no ride on [men , a n t. 27.45 88.50 We â€NM tor mile: and rah-d a few birds here and there, but only one of then Allowed In "rose enough to be knocked down. Things were really tough. The other possible hold-up could be the Crown Game Pre- serve now occupying part of the big marsh. While recently formed, this preserve was nothing but 3 mp to East Luther farmers-who went ahead and closed ott all shooting on their lands anyway. While we can find no {unit with their present bylaw which prohi- bits both them and outsiders from hunting in East Luther, other than the marsh, there is now no reason, logical or otherwise for keeping a section of the marsh closed oll as a game preserve. There are literally thousands of spots in the marsh where ducks or geese could land in and where hunters cannot get near them, There is no danger of the duck population being overshot here for the good and simple reason that only a small portion of the duel; pupulallon can be shot at. There could be two good rea- sons tor-this scarcity of birds in the big marsh. One is the tee- mendous amount of water sitting in every field, A number of the boys report seeing ducks feeding in the ttelds and as they hnve both feed and water in then adds. there Is little reason other than habit, tor them returning to the marsh at night ', _ _ A _ All ur Crown. Game Preserve is doing IS reserwng a large mlm- ber of our local ducks for slaugh- mum at hula- to' b the ther lush. sun no nah. " m1 that we an at on our an and: and VIM all g: tor 0:- wet Net to M up. a tried three durum: lac-“on. All ot them good Int yen. Bach time we wou d put out decay: and hopefully Wan tur the ducks to show up. but they? They did Coming in at night, In loam! that we with one duck, had top score of tho few hunters t,reer,'txb. In other "ords, new» of t e oth.. (-rs had a bird, KITCHENER BUS TERI!!!“ Phone. 2-4469 It 'boys-ttbp." lFrom Toronto) RETURN we . Sighhuing and Motel Room (DOobIeI 5 nights Ash your - For detot" " OM: or other Posting. Your: Tickets and lnlonnallon It COLONIAL VIRGINIA Package Too. B, C, D widths $9.95 . to $15.95 Last week through an error of mine, I forgot to mention one of our very ardent workers who was working the day of the fowl shoot, and I know Herbie Hour will forgive me. at least I hope he will. You know how a fellow slips yp once in}; while, Hedger Quite a number of our Club members are busy these days pre- paring to go deer hunting in the very near future. Will Koch and his party will be hunting in the MacGregnr Bay district, likewise Cam Shane and his Lunge Bay party. Fred Brahman and his party will be leaving a week later than Witt and Cammie and will hunt in the Haliburton district. Clots directors please note: There will be a meeting of Club Dtrectors on Monday. Oct. 25th, at the Club house. There is some very important business to be dis- cussed at this meeting and it is hoped that we will have a perfect attendance. Well fellows. I do not know if you would call this news or not. but George Pagel is sending out this cell for help on Saturday morning and afternoon. George has succeeded in obtaining the necessary poles for putting in the hydro at the Club house, but from here on in he needs all the help he can get. Saturday the holes must be dug tar the poles and the poles themselves must be peeled. George has asked that we appeal for as many club members as possible to come out and give a helping hand, possibly mem- bers should bring a shovel and a draw knife if they have one. So do not forget follows we wilt see you Saturday morning at the Club house. news: See you all Saturday morning at the Club house. when we all will have the opportunity of exer- cising our muscles. ter in some American duck elm). The government, through the De- partment of Lands and Forests has made this move in too much haste. A little of the same speed should now he used in opening this area again. _ Newly married couples and small' families are enthusiastic about the newly developed ‘turk- tings' or turkey broilers now on the market. Weighing four to eight pounds, the small sized birds are broader and shorter, with smaller abdominal cavities. Don't do without your favorite bread stufting just because you can't stun it inside the small bird. Pack extra bread stuMng into greased mumo tins and bake in a moderate oven (350°F.) for Mt minutes. Then garnish the turh platter or individual plates vita attractive "bread Mullins mutt- ins". The choice of color, upholstery, decorative trim, options and Ill:- coswries offered by Cadillac make possible more than 300 mil- lion different combinations of features trom whlch the custom- er can choose. Power steering produced by General Motors not only makes steering easier but helps the dri- ver to hold the wheel steldf in one of rata, chuck holes. bow- outs 6r when a front wheel drops on the pavement onto an" shoul- Mere no the eight {hand - a! the United Nnuons General Assault], new how-c It. ninth sedan at um athl- Headquarters In New York. Top. left to right: Bela. Nleohn m [elem o! the Netherlands. Meat " the Ninth Ale-151,; Fund-a Unlu- .tCeumMn, Chnir- C J'ddtt Mr Doulu t'tdiu"te"a,'ltatet (fetid ht2itPdd',,tu'2 t'L2 on: ; . m: l" None- 1'ir2glr,get Chair-en 01 “again, mammal»: Cultural Congaâ€; In Asian y 2'rdrg"t Committee: c Sun , tuti-ratt.. Budget- ary Comm. and handset» . G-u-A-tat. at Cube. Legal Chan-ulna. Waterloo Rod and Gun Club Stendily increasing bushels necessitates uddmon to our Head Ofttce shalt We require typing, Magnolia“ and cloricul workers, with or without experience. ll yu- an but!“ ht PERMANENT salmon!!!" We otter good graded salaries, 5 day week. 2 woeks vacation with pay. excellent working conditions. _ TYPISTS, \STENOGRAPHERS tUlllG TH! EQUITAILE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or CANADA Waterloo. Ontario Write or nwly in perm to there are secondary purposes that are rather important and one of these is correction of mistaken ideas about speeifrc sicknesses. Sicknesses connected in any way with brain function (even though the connection be remote or wholly imaginary) seem to be the most set about with wrong notions. and these wrong notions in many cases stand in the way of preventative action or add new obstacles to cure and rehaisilita- tion. Ignorance about alcoholism. for example, creates a chasm he- tween the alcoholic and the nor- mal workaday world which he finds himself increasingly unable to bridge. Epileptics are another group who gutter and are some- times driven deeper into their trap because of the lack of un- derstanding ot people about them. Question: AIM "ttta-tsd comm-cum by m of 9b. motile-l who†board 0: Intel-l â€that“! “on of It. mm "luNl& EPILEPSY ( doctor can tind this out, However The primary purpose of Health l it is important to remember that Education, as conceived by the this is most uncommon, and epi- Health League of Canada, is of [optic seizures are much more course prevention of sickness, But 3 likely to be due to a more benign ALA‘A -r_____. ee-i-ie-V A_A_A 7,._,,, - ‘I, Ar -.. . A. _ ..- . _ i _ “I am heartbroken about my 13- year-old daughter. Up until now she has showed great prumisv. with good health. good persunah-J ty, and consistent high marks in, school. Lately she has been hav, 1 ing epileptic seizures. Our dim tor seems quite calm about it. but I I have been told by friends wiuii had epileptics in their families] that her mind will gradually de J teriorate. I can‘t understand this. k I thought epilepsy was inherited, for one thing. hut neither my hus- band nor I know of any in our families. As far as l know both our families have been quite nor- mal, and until quite recently it seemed that our daughter was a normal child-in fact "I sumo ways a bit-above normal. How can such things happen?" Amulet: tf epileptic seizures are due to a brain tumor, which is quite are. there will possib be a gra- dual deterioration of Kerwnality commensurate with tht amount of brain tissue attected. Your In the iirst place, as Dr. Prich- ard points out, epilepsy is no in- dication that your child is-or was-in any way abnormal. Ju- lius Caesar. for example. had the disease. hut it did not stand in his way. Moreover, Caesar's 1sio- graphers claim that he appeared more effective and intelligent to- ward the end of life, after having had the disease for years. than in terouyt. - You should read an article in the septemlscr-0ctoher Issue of Health magazine, published Ly the Health League of Can. da, ll is hy Dr. John S. Prichard, neuro- gglist. of the Hospital for Sick ildren, Toronto, and it covers the subject of epilepsy fairly lbgroqg'hly. AMMMJ WW 8HE HEALTH IEAOUE or CANADA III Ave-u load; Iona“ l. 'a-re-sro--.. affair that will not affect the pa- tient's health, intelligence or ex- pectation of life. A common cause is a minute scar acquired as a result of a head injury at birth or in early life. This may be quite unnoticed untll'years later when. as a result of its gradual contraction, it pulls on and irri- tates the surrounding brain. The normal brain then gives " ate normal discharges, but when these disappear theopatient will rvturn to his previous state of alertness. Epilepsy is not necessarily in- '...tim"stdsrtimtaaretr-hu-dtsstrritqrssB-oetattrhmmt-tf' Buy Canada Savings Bands “I have followed with interest your campaigns tor pasteurization of milk, and I commend you highly. However I cannot under- stand why you will not camngn Just as strongly against the gra- dual poisoning ot our population by tartrpering with foods. etc. I reported to you people at one time about the use of deadly re- frigerator gas as a preservative for dried fruit, the insect sprays used on fruits and vegetables. the addition of chlorine to pure wa- ter, the addition of iodine to salt. All these things. and many others, are forms of public poisoning. It cannot be denied that chlorine and iodine, for example, are poi- sons. And yet you people and even doctors, who should know better, appear to be totally indif- ferent. Why don't we at least fact the tacts and call poison by its rifht name. poison? Where is the o d crusading spirit you have showed in your pasteurization campaigns?" Answer: Unfortunately, the League's re- putation tor crusading has " trusted people with special and rather dubious taxes which they would like to have the hem grind tor them. Since not all at thew people have been clearly identifiable " cranks. it has been embarrassing and ditBcuit at times to tell them why an or- ganizntion like the Health League simply could not under- take to grind these axes. Perhaps the answer to the '/'fv""tetgt,tg-, tion will explain why the axue must appear sometimes a hit choosy about the sort of crusades n can undertake. Question: _ -- 7 _7 - at Ventral than». Liter he an the problem of persuading parents to humanize their chil- dren against diphtheria And other readily preventable disease. and this gave birth to I continual: crusade which bean with Tom‘ heel: in Toronto, am now a national program, I unmuon Week. - The Health League is a volun- tary, My organization. closely as- sociated with the medical and dental professions. The League 'rusades for public health mea- sures whenever there is concrete evidence that these measures will other crusades have been tor" Pasteurizauon ot Milk. 1sulustrial hum: pros-rams. Prevention of Alcoholism, to name a few. ** .,iaiiFi6rtti hangout. Parts", w My all mutated. 'lr'lll1'U2hltul'l'.'d a tt'hutte:rtii.o . .50 able 101C“. tiiiaaTarr. FF “tum-alum W. In to man-Nb. under no dun- Btttncea look arm but" (kw u an abnorm- eat ' or you any «at but to have emotioat.t au. turLancu which an lacunae an frequency of lust-kt Tim Hun-lion of "w wmn Lcagur u been hr uatun. In tts can) days " gamed lawman a) its (rung; for 1u.PrverRtioo Ihrerrtnehtts-thtrqrtttsrtmtor sing lee-schism" "krViGiiiiia"'at"- notion. Af- - "oiiGiriiiarT “all have had to watt ht'moro Goodwin mu tram the medic-I 9M You are akin: the Lane to crusade lulu“ something you cal? “gradual busing" mthout mm, nne ‘35" trtaetee of death w'nqriopy 'sOru.u: this so the Adi-MEREM‘ - cilia); who will present ream: HP" m-n‘. A»... -c-a ‘..__:J_A.__ melt dim: 'tsiiGoGdru'a {(16}?! do,ithout presenting a Mmaarnrt- can tiiidiiSi6 'iliiiN a; - Mhrnm'whbmhhwld t,/ It“. Aa I hv 2"d','ah'fdY, SE"... “3: iiRrigfziaT 'ii"G"ri; "a ... 'r'""d'l"1% "" - 't4ljlli5'frhilit,ti';t 'ii"iiiiijirt;7 inu'l"gut't a"; C Ir. aresLoik if Mai in tho mulled foam of life. This oMtsetishhtg no mam (the Whitman), for example, can be soon only under q Huh-mud microscope. Some of nature's most complicated m: on: The an! airplane [light - Cannda Iva in In). lemming ot Ge'tamt fr; um dam; in the 0mm: "." E and Canada and 0% top GI mret'tttiveN to If “in: on how to serve the m- " er: better. These “dealer coun- . d)!" were {tuned in 1934. Cilia- .. at various hii'u’are lepton-med. " at W - I Mammy†gaunt mm: then-u: "p a MOW