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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Oct 1954, p. 7

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“11' tab! b “I! he - w v - ' raf "e. WWW MAR-NOT ' Kiltll III HOUR [MIR ooe can: Inn-Ily can" tolidly . . . dries overnight . . . Provides an: tmmh medics. and rich III-um: bunny u the same time. Wear Ind unadul- resistaot. For kitchen, porch od pl- room 'oors. Shin. worn and hide-III . . . ha ha - a whim to In" or JiiiUii 'iiiiG,T. -Flrk iCENbMY Fort Imam-UL MT am mug gig-19g: ls ml camc- "I. mom. MAC" HA“ ”I”, Ken-Tone to your nun-Mia. VII-n than toe hone “condo“ In a. tired and when the cure-no rut- NI!" of 532-: Eeecr.oetyt 'eut mum” ee it. Alto Mel Weber, Kitchener; M. Kuntd. Kitchener; H. Gut, Erma A. Sula. Kitchener; N. t, Kitchener; [out lined. too King Street North and I Cteenmef, Waterloo. N “who. in an “and: ma and dun "his may draw H but Saturday in conjunction m the my aboot Other prim winner: the“: Lam- Solace. Want-loo; A. Me- Cauum. WateNoo; M. Bauer, Houdini-Is; Edgar by". Halal- berg; W. eldman, " King Street North, Waterloo; Clarence Biesel, - “Instant. vu- - 'IIII'K a!“ ”(p-vh- h an Vim-loo Rd and my: "Mb he!!! draw INo longer need painting be a long, drawn-out. messy and nmelly job. New type finishes and new methods of application have changed all that . . . Now-a-days aiming is fun . . . and (an. The Rollet-Kooter has revolutionize: interior decontin . You paint and use a room the same day. Walls and ','al'Cl,"S hold their new color and beauty after refuted washings. One coat usually does the work of two old sty e applications. 03$ colon are no problem. Proof? . . . Have you tried Sherwin- iihums paints lately? ttGey(igkomamulit, lloyd Schweitzer Shoes Karl!!!“ GLiiGGii; '" Kin} s. 112 KINGS. WATERtOO W! 1-1!” mm EVERY mom TILL 9 "A. '.i:jjtCC'Cc:m Suskwm-Wuum 20.00 to 23.00 . OPEN EVERY FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M "" MIN WATERLOO S WP tor your Winn union: excessive In. od aims. color ulutn. high din collection. rapid erosion oncootroBed chalking. checking. trucking. " mdrooolSWP' "seed'treu..take- trill can of diurnal)" of MW tse4oreiturertuioeduit-eutibe.wt- Willi-III lubel. WALLPAPER gt PAINTS qt .m - irti1utiiiNeiiiiii idiiiriTEi. m 7...“... “an.” a"; and other once“ an” , Ralph Schnau- Stucco. pred- dcnt of the Ontario '- in aunt-11119 2't)MltS,hT, Ministers 'terect,'," new. Wilbur Lotta, “n mu; Rev. G, N, Schngs. BtratNrd; for the med is. president. my - (Emit; Wsii were o'umnod and con-inc! iit mgeuno discussed. Rev. A. F. Pena, him ' 7 The Waterloo lag.» pg, but Alumnae-like 'inUh (up... ensierthao.o madman-ml. Comm: can"! No - uh ...drin3w§|ogn...o~wu Quin-i an“ Jtaau. 'i-: (but... a. n uni col-n. laminar. m, all" rat n-d luau-do- I... “kw-Mia! IS WEATHEIATED' W? 'tttter M“ .3 un- u - In In an! KIM-CLO TH! HART! "TRIPLE " HOUSE PAINT Phone 7-7Il2 31cm», ' ' Lunch was served following the sale. er. Essays were given by Carol amnion Elroy Good and 2Pg,e Bean. Rev. Moses Bowman e- livered a sermonette. Donna Kehl and Kathryn Cressman rendered a vocal duet and a girls' quartette from the Steinman A.M. Chumh also sun . Hold 'trlk PLArTSvTLLg2 --on Wednes- day evening. Mrs. C. Allen. assist- ed by Mrs. Roy Habel and Mrs. C. Shanlz sponsored a Christmas card sale in the interest of the women's auxiliary. The program featured a piano duet by Lorraine Allen and Don- na Alien. A reading was present- ed by Carol Hebe! and a Christ- mas skit by Donna Allen. Jane Ann Glendenning and Nelson Hotrstetter. NEW DUNDEK--gunior mem- bers of the Blenheim Mennonite Young People's Society presented the program at the regular meet- ing held at the church last Sun- day. Ralph Bean was the leader and Esther Baer was chorister. Billy Thrush led the devotions and gerald Schmidt offered pray- Rally Day was also marked at the Baptist Sunday School on Sunday morning with Roy Gild- ner presiding for a short program. Special music was contributed by the primary. department 'includ- ing a vocal solo by Donald Path. GiEe_9st_tt, __ - A wa films were shown to the junior department. Ted Mont- gomery, superintendent. was in charge and choruses were lung. Richard Knechtel sang a solo and Allan_Shgrk played? violin_ solo. WEST MoN_--Anniver- sary sen-Vices were welt amended in the United Church last Sunday. Rev. Frask of Belwood preached. Margaret Fair and sister, Marion, ot Guelph sang several numbers and Mrs. Ralph Hewlett sang a solo. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and fruit. tos It Belly In, NEW DUNDEE - Rallys Day was observed at the Bethel Unit. ed Missionary Sunday School last Sunday morning with a record at- tendance of 206. Rev. Harold Hallman, of Hespeler, missionary- on-furlough from Nigeria, Bd- dressed the senior department. The superintendent, Slain Heist, presided and special music was rendered by a mixed quartette composed of Mrs. Lyle Bingeman, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sherk and; Eldon Sheds, . _ l nerves! home - 'th,':,"?,,"?,",', Ber- vice will be hem at the la, eran Church on Sunday morning bd- ginning at ll o‘clock. Holy Com- munion will be celebrated during this service. _ Con venom included, program, Mrs. I H. English. Mrs. H. Men Cartney. Mrs. E. Donn and Mrs. D. Hogarth; decorating. an. Phil Grimm, Hrs. G. Smith In. . Steven}. 1fiss9tybt Mung; lung). Mrs, t L. Schnéider. in. K. Harrison. Mrs. June; Ferguson and Mrs. Jessie Pratt. with annqut and): nicks. on In!!!“ pm"- and clock. lu- tie was provided from an old can- cert roller cm. in the m we" armed wiagly. W,U,' at mention w a century old wedding dress worn by in. Begum A . During the prizes were given to “is Elliot Thomsaa and Mrs, C. Bryant The Judges were Mrs. Clarence Balkan. Mrs. J. Shearer and Mrs. Gates. an old-(m, _ - h to tri'ei?,f'ees'htatveL'lh1lrt teh.de. ot the put hut-‘1 h every com-I- and may and VI- ried were the union. in in wh- dows and on the can!” table and also m_an old-fashioned litieg T'ylr.""5t'" .231“... 1,a's.as_., a: ttttld by tttirq I§W& "'"imar"o-eetarra'erorea-gt CONES'I‘OGO. - The annual At gyeyug 404.5113“ J .ss-.ust-t ‘WWW we” 23m tie/ion?” , It all add. up to better telephone service-eerie that lupuongijngnonandmorenluetolhm. _ GT Making just that little 'xhe dim is part ot the tek. phone job. Bell people everywhere go out of their my 'oheordedr,atorteom,aligutr. Youc-nueinlhe my they wed they're "glad to be of “nice!” "No, Marie, the didn't. But [Always sweep up whenever I've Sui-bed a job. jun like you help your “III-l, by keeping your room tidy and alwayl putting away your toys when you're through with them . . ." faith Hear Ialk By Rev. And Erb Don Sanders led in a sing-song. Special music was provided by a vocal quartet comprising Helen Kopas. Joyce Sanders. Harold Good and Bruce Sanders. An in- strumental trio, Kathryn, Donald and Douglas Hellman. also per- formed. Rev. Paul Erb of Tavistock was special speaker at the annual youth supper of the Young Peo- ple of Waterloo Evangelical U.B. Church this week. Chairman was Mama Duval. With regard to the effect of storage temperatures on quality and consistency, teats to date have shown canned apple pie tttlines stored at room temperaturew-05 to 72 degrees-to be same for at least nine months. Nth both lad you“ _ '.'ahl'a'-Tg,UTr' WM " 1uitt, "0|d"at40,50,60? ilhrrlt)etiiritfqflttitt ',,it,%ttamr,rttiat.iattt 'lllhTll; '.a'lu5'rdl'tl TAt "2r,'.W., aiiaGGTaFaii"iara --- aFCaGiidT "7 hep. minim. invipnm Ind “II!“- mhl-u. Inn od . but cl and WM mam i'pliYas'h' _ 1:13! am.- A basic formula of so per cent fruit. 20 per cent cane sugar and .1 to .5 per cent thickener has consistently resulted in an excel- lent product. locust bean cum, waxy maize, a modified corn starch, arrowroot starch and Min- ute tapioca, used singly and in blends are the most ancient sta- bilizers tested so far. In some in- stances pie fillers of good con- sistency have been made without the addition of any thickener. This depends, however. on the condition of the fruit being med. Some processors add benzene of soda as preservative. If an ttde- quate process has been used this should not be necessary. Far too often the use of this preservative results in a masking of the fruit tuvor and imparts and benzonte laste_lo the product. Quality is further “in“ with high fruit 00th Ind .. kind and amount of W used. The tum content would range between 70 and 80 per cent, In an apple pie ttning a large per tion ot the sectors would remain whole and ttrm. The product should remain the natural attac- tive color and tt.vor of the plel themselves. which clap; to some exam on the M1 used. The color will vary ttmal a translucent white with the Blew [Mash variety, to a St yellow‘ with varieties such " mm and Newtown. In sppearame the Ming should be bright. with no excessive weeping. Excssive free liguid will 1ryrke , soggy bottom] pie crust. The other extreme, a filling that is too stiff, is caused try using too much thickener or thickening agents. A pie made from a tiiiing or this non will have an objectionable ti1ier or thickener taste. the! rtUting unle-aciditgttd or $321 with name any has [tt and ttrm." "rt,, id remain the new color and mm c ot the all)!“ 'GUI t.e'iri5l'ii'ii'i, on the "m tttth: gunman“. Marilyn in.” tri- te to Gus Ryder, due coach of the Lake-hare '.'t"gg'lteely at: was with her during en- ', 83$ TN,',','.",' new ttsie ‘exdushie Adele in' Octobei- and “1:51: on sale. an. 3Tg y; a or i'ttrg,2, [ Mari- lyn. Five pg: swim. pictures mummy article. aa, Ciirfkho - __ . only no DONE captured ttttttgt of the trttt wanna: beam? the ra ttemo" ry, mac or fqetr, fo trwiot ttet 323mm- .tmtiaiasecttoot own emriiUte ktoii W of her swim heron Luke Ontario. The MV "resid, 'vat - 10%. one , iett -steiwitrtenmrwortdot ,roademtaryoureurioutretiH. 'u.eoxrlar?dtMrrtt'uehyse HAIL!" 'mem' Y?!" Gt my ,toermtttr,.r.siiuye, "fg'2'ii"2iiiti,1i aiiti,evi2i,'dtr w (to. in or» t-hie hb cur- mat mm. M In ttilt,twi11ht,, an the m at up family, a study} My.) Mwndlg. 1Grprn ‘90- tri- " than. "iiiGftlirtiriiti -_ wince Prion hom: datum" "venom mu- oaAdbtt1tt9etoeieq ter. - MIMI“)! hr - FALL HAT from the wide selection featured at our Velvushocn, Vehqt, Veloun and oit other raw materials and styles. See and choose your of ”an”! 4.9. to 1.9. to” 'teel-ttaka-usa'.-" b . Wt“). 140.. W . a“ "hrqe GUI-0W n- Ititrttt ' henna-d. W. m. My was a member of t Sth. ttt tho Boots Fusiliers. orcduccawr u: V'nt m the M in tht. we: _.l, 1?t.ttyerfe.-iart A Winn“, od Toronto 1'ittli ale, to I: I magmatic mean at Elmira District High Sdmol He is married. .25: gre, the Tha,","'.'.'.". in u We!“ INTEREST WILL BE PAID. Interest calm due November lot, 1954 'tatd"coupomdneduterttsnnttamustt-cheatothette-hen they are patented for payment. Payment will be $101.26 for a $100 bond (and for other denomination. Windy). This payment includa $1.26 whichininteratat3%fromMay 1attooctoberut--th+odi-the Int coupon became payable. I?vrouHou"'ourtttvictmruttn3%Boatuti-t-q3ton- Ma. 1957) they W‘bepluented for It-ttm-after-tOtter lit tfremttatnrheanchunkisscamtac ArrTERTmanATEN0rmtTHgrgt CALLED FOR PAYMENT OCTOBER lst 4th win, lOAN nouns Winter cm: 339-95 a $99-50 Sizes 12 to l8‘/2 or WORLD-FAMOUS MATERIALS AND DESIGNS S("3: EMPIRE PUPllC George FM” 'vmat'tg, WI HIST. d light _ P,t1t"t.tevrtstereto1rrtmteiiie-e-, daily invite allcinmubmmomm Pedirti-ndmapeetioothenamoGrtmiiauoettui" Elwin Street. Elementary new to: ttseuGAuriiaiiiTiii,' it have been Price! from 25.00 to 35.00 OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 PM. “is? In Nylon, Gabardine, American Boucle, Flannel and Checked Boucle. - Sizes I0 to l8. With complete zip-out “may Sues I? to " PRICE ' NOW ONLY LARGE ASSOITMINT or OTH" COATS " ”(other Coats Nylon Gabardine. Sizes 12 to 20. NAVY MILITARY STYLE COATS COATS NAVY MILITARY SYYLI Chou. now while out 00ch in complete. Colors are: All Molaine Elysian Cloth Wool Boucle Ribbed Elysian Pengunio BLUE GREY RUST COPPER GREEN CHARCOAL 'RED Wool Fleece Don‘t“... Mathew. and many others 35.00 21.95

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