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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Sep 1954, p. 4

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Mr. And Ins. Earl Israel and ”but Ann of Rummeihardt sc- companied Mr. and Mrs. Oscar 1.101 to Fergus to visit " the bane of Mr and Mrs Mark Ttst- “It. loin. Kirk ot Minoan h tttIii.':",',",?,,', weeks with ladder. rs Sheldon Melitzer Ila May bylt',e'n mp:- nied her sisters, r: Andy lash- nun Ind Mm. Wmme Anderson b visit friends in Erumusa A number from here attended the funeral serum.- fur the late Jas, H. Woods at Waterloo. Mr. Woods tanned In this community for many wars before retiring to Waterloo where he was engaged in the North Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Mrs. Cora Letson and Harold and Mr. and Mrs. George Ground. water and Thelma spent a day In the Niagara fruit district. Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Calgary and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Elwyn Cherry of Glenallan were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ion Martin. Miss Mildred Somers gent the week-end with Eileen artwick at Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Knarr and Donald and Miss Addie LeLwn were Sunday visitors with Miss Clara Herman at Elmira, ' but Monti-one t Hollywood and its attendant glomor, intrigues and disillusionment are sharply displayed in Ted Allan's comedy "Goodbye Hollywood, Hello New York", the Playbill drama for Sept. 2l. Allan's story takes place on a train speeding from Hollywood to New York. Film actress Joan Caufield and Barry Nelson star in "My Favorite Husband", a domestic comedy series which returned to the CBC tele- vision network recently and is seen every Sundays at 6.30 pm. The characters portrayed by the comedy team are Liz and George Cooper. The plot usually involves "bird-brain" Liz as the charming young house- wife who copes a little over-enthusiastically with the rigors of married existence. The program originates with CBS. Canada's most imitated Television . . . combining three "xclusive G-E engineer- ing features to give tho most roulishc pic- tures in televismn with hlax'kor Marks. whiter white: plus all thr in-between shades of grey. 96 King St. s. 660530! HECTRIC ltlteetAtiislittt " "The Chronicle Reports" tgutltlkfialPatu, WATERLOO STOVE t APPLIANCES G-E Ultra.. General Elechic's lam: The "Whitehall" Model C2 1 C9 a s T 8 9 tot, 'tt$StatBtetTttt 192021 " " " " 2027282930 TlllillLlllliNrllISllllON NEWS Vision A program designed to keep Waterloo County posted on the week's interesting news 'tet'",', as reported by our network of district corr ts, special writers and general stoH. (wok - - - " o’clock AND EVERY SATURDAY MORNING Wilkin- SEE IT ON DISPLAY TODAY AT r. and Mrs. Fred Fetxuuon an tumlh of Toronto in Mrs. Merritt It, " ol TLuun-aful'd nut ed the past week a! the Fez-awn home, Yo Mr. Mel Lucian-n, who u in Brantford General Hanna! and Putz Rush, who is hoytitalred in itchener, were with“ tor Mrs. Ora Burkholder ot Detroit spent “next. week with her tus- ter. Miss Zinken. ienewed health Mrs. Arnold Wengnnd, son Ar- nold and daughter tfg; and tg',eh,t.i"i,nt Bots and om of leveland, Ohio, visited the tur- mer's sister, Miss Clara Selma the past week. Miss Janie Shanta, youngest daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Cam- eron Shanta, underwent an up endectomy the past week at the POW Hospital, Kitchener. _ Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Green visited the at week with his aunt, Mrs. (green and Wheeler Green at Detroit. We regret to report the latter ls seriously ill at his home. Misses Phyllis Ann Smith, Patsy Pogson and Anna Louise Stevens left the past week to at- tend Alma Ladies' College at St. Thomas. Left, to Attend Alma College Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryans were: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Aiteheson and family of Harrison and Mrs. y. McLean Rab!) and sons ot Bo I. manvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Grimes and "PaMtglut=L, Waterloo m‘mimWGh-m 'th"lgnWttf?h'g,Tg'lluf qumnu- ttLt'2M tkitrqthqoettye_ttydro.ta family have moved to take up ro- nidem-e in their nu: hunt on Main Street East and IE." and Mrs. “may Rum and - have moved to the home on Main Street vacated try the above. a?" - iiGfiG Shh]; by £5.21... at Kan. Cpl. Jack Brown of London spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown. Mrs Lydia Gilchrist of Kitch- ener " assisting at the bedside of her brother. Mr. leham Fergus- son, who is quite ill at his home following a heart attack. Alt'. and Mrs. Fred Wr" ‘rolt and Mr. and Mrs. William Bell, Putts- ville, have left on I busine- and pleysyre, mote: trip to ye wtf Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harrison accompanied by Mrs. Jane Calder attended the Bethel Church anni- versary service held on Sunday. Mrs. William Quandt Sr., ac- companied by her daughter, Mrs. Charles Rank of Woodstock is spending this month in northern districts at Hall's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Harmer and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harmer were among those who attended the anniversary supper held on-Tues- day night at Bethel Church. Mrs. G. Smith and Phyllis Ann attended the 60ttt wedding anni- versary dinner of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gifford at South Cayugi. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harmer at- tended a presentation of radios and television sets at the Catholic This Saturday Morning _ etutariejeiiG'it i au GriiEat'itiiir iiiiiiaV" “ __ Mr. 'tfd%% nut ttt 'i'iihit'4'ii1113h1t/t.Ef, t tho week-end wi Mr. and Ey.: Grimm. c . t,e,Pgr, PgNhttu', If tStili'lg'. mm. mm mm- Mr. atnd In. Syd Howe; and son Hnwlrd of Ottawn npcat a week at the home of Mrs.‘Flor- ence coekertoo. , Mr. Willard Martin left 'Nurs- day for Goshen, Ind. where he will attend College. The Vesper Circle met in the basement to sea relief Work. Mrs. Lorna“ man enter- tained thefewing circle of Trial ity Lithia, Church at a quilting Ttesday, -. - -._ - -. _ "ms: tdith' séhne'idex. My’me and Eva spent the week-end with relatives at Wilmot Centre. WMEHWO CHRONICLE TELEVISION LOG Mr, and In. llmet Doin m a few days the Eh' week 'il/W'. falo and New It. -'iftii"Evangeticat v.3. Ladies' Aid held a quilting at the home of_Mrs. Myitttt 1ir.sies. Thurs_d_ay._ _ Mr. Lester Bauman has re- turned to Harrisonburg. Im., to resume his studies The sewing circle ot the Men- nonite Church met in the base- ment Tuesday to quilt and sew for relief work. ”00 tl.10 Floradalc : 9.30 [1.00 ”10 10.30 “.00 Ii.10 11.20 Il.20 Hao 9.30 1000 i0.00 [0.30 5.30 6.00 4.15 4.00 4.30 8,00 9.00 4 l5 4.45 5,00 5.15 5.30 6.00 0,30 6.40 6.50 4 00 4.15 415 6.30 6.40 650 350 4 00 £5.30 7 .00 5.30 7.30 3.0!! 3.30 7.30 CKCO-TV Kitchener - I'lIoGBAMMI: SCIIIEIDIJLE - Sept. 19th to Sept. 24th By Int (Rum Bowman (Chm-ml: Conundrum; (Candles) Come Into The Kitchen LP Melody Home " Hobby Workahop N5 Tale-tune tbs Prairie Pm LP [40 Talk hat " News ( rm) u: Human] New III Playhouse ALP (Bender and Gwen) Hop-a-lnng Cassidy LS Fearless Fnsdick ALP News Magazine NS This is The Lilo *lS Our Miss Brooks NC (Gen Foods) _ Sunday Serenade LC (Dominion Electrohnme) Toast of the Town NC (Mere. Lincoln) Four Star Playhouse -- H ___ (Singer) Programme Preview Women and the News (Guudies) Come Into The Kitchen Melody House T'e1estory Time Junior Sports Club Tele-tune 1 Prairie Pete Let's Talk Sports News National News Farm & Garden Show Living Vic Obeck (Export) Sports Specials Dragnet ' Inner Sanctum i Studio One A (Westinghouse) To Be Announced i News (Morrison's) Three Star Sports Final 1 Sign-off Programme Preview * Women nnd the Hm LC Family Theatre News Three Star Sports Final ' Sign-oft Programme, Preview * Women and the News DC Come Into The Kitchen LP Melody House Ls Small Fry Frolic: NS Talc-lune th Prairie Pete LP Let's Talk Sports 15 News II: National News NS Amos 'n' Andy ALP The Visitor ALP Milton Berle ANC (GMC Buick) Phtyhill Paragon Playhouse What's My Line? . fRvmirtgton-Randy International Plowing Malth News Three Star Sports Final Sign-on B. F. Goodrich) oJtr.U. Football AIS Film Featurette *LS Burns and Allen ANC (Carnation and All times listed are Eastern Daylight Saving Time. l - Local Sustaining NS - Network Sustaining '. - Local Commercial NC 4 Network Commercial ' - Local Participating NP - Network Participating * Program Changes Walla-day Monday Sunday ANC ALP ANC {NC N8 ALP ANC ANS 6.50 Nat * 7.00 Pig , LC Tao Liv n LP 800Playl LS 9.30 002 NS (Ca iLS ION) Cm. LP (Gi 15 1045 Spa IA: ”.00 Ne, NS mo Thr ALP Fin ALP “.20 Lat 6NC 12.15 Sim Si ALS NC NS NS LP NS LP LP l Cy,'""?"'.:.;,,'-', Tm 'vw," r'.) "tr? r..' ‘.""’3. “"O V '1 out! cannon. [ . New Budge t Mg In} in“ aa _ "w .'"-'-" In: Willa Gunman. on the teaching an of the Dawson St Rubin: SchouL In Turoeto, Iv two months' trip abroad and went the holiday weekend with her' mother, In Simeon th-- man in the Vilma. MTU Crus- man who was when” by Miss Ruth Bum of halide, tra- rt-ll d trrourrh the Briticin ISM, Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Glebe and daughter, Donna left last Friday for Boston. Mass., where Rev. Mr. Glebe will attend Boston Univer- sity Cradgnje Schgo) Iris year: but] I Mud Ht In”. dur- ipgPtegrdorat mu- Behem- bet; in the 0. A. unwind- last wen): His who was phced ‘Lloyd 'tcmentserger ot Canny, Athena. spent the past week with his parents. Mt. and Mrs. Eli Ru- tienbenrtr, - Ida Snyder ot Detroit, Mich. was also a guest of her sister, Mrs Eli Rosenberger during the week. II.” It." erland and Italy Miss Dorothy Bean, a former resident of this district who bu been a mission worker at the Mennonite Mission in Chicago, Ill, fur the past ten years, visited at the homes or her brothers, tiorddn and Oirger Bean and fam- ilies last week. Miss Bean leaves for Goshen, lnd., this week where she will attend Goshen College. trFifitifiiiia iiitiiidii -iriiai -- Liiit. ILM 5.30 Teie-tune *IS coo Prairie Pete LP 630 Let’s Talk Sports 18 6.40 News 111 6.50 National Newt NS 7.00 Pigskin Pointers LS Tao Living NS 800Playlmuso of Stars AMI 9.30 Dear Phoebe ANC (Campbells) I0_00 Cavalcade of Sports ANC (Gillette) 10.45 Sports Feature LS Ii.00 News (Harrison's) ll} ll.10 Three Star Sports Final *IS ”.20 Late Datc LP 12.15 Sign-off 10.30 11.00 11.10 1l.20 “130 ”.00 11.10 4.15 4.45 5.00 L30 Film Featurette Ard' I55 Big tour Pnn|hall ANC Hammnn vs Ottawa (N F. & Prestone) 4.00 Cactus The-sue Au, 500 Wild Bill Hirkock NC (Kaunas) 5.80 Chuck Wagon Tales LP 6.30 be“ Talk Sporu LS 6.40 News LC 6.50 National News NS TOO In! Hours LP T30 Holiday Ranch ANC (Aylmers) 8.00 Stage Show (Schick) NC 0.00 No On The Aisle LP t.00 New: LS no Three Bur Sports Final tbs I.” Nile Owl That" " 3.50 4 00 4.15 4,45 6 30 “.40 6ao 9.30 4.00 8.30 9.00 7.30 5.30 2.30 3.30 t Graduate School this year. llwood Toman left tor London Programme Preview * Women and the News 113 (Goudies) Come Into The Kitchen LP Melody House LS Roy RQgers _ - _ NC Programme Preview * Women and the News LC Come Into The Kitchen LP Melody House 15 Hidden Pages NS Tele-tune Ard' Prairie Pete ALP Let's Talk Sports LS News DC National News NS Dutty's Tavern ALP Armchair Theatre Aiap Racket Squad AIA. (lmwm-ys) Douglas Fairbanks Presents A1Al (Colgate; (Blue Ribbon) Kraft Theatre NC (Kraft Foods) Rhythm and Moods ANS News LS Three Star Sports Final its Sign-off Captured ALP Monarch Star Showcase (Maple Leaf Milling) LC Dangerous Assignment, _ A Liberate ANC (Robinhood) Hollywood and Vine LP Conestoga Trail Riders LS News (Morriturn's) LC Three Star Sports Final its Sign-oft Thursday (General Foods) Sauna-y 'iie,',t.1',t.-i,e. E'IFA'e!lt gaygxfifi£ occupied the pulpn'! 6f gt.UiGG' Lutheran Church on Sunday merring: __ Miss (tyne: Hildebrand of the Mennonite Brethren Church. Kitchener and Nyle Eby contri- buted the music at the Sunday evening service at the United Brethren Church. Ted Montgom- erLdelAvered the sermon. Mrs. M. B. Border b Mr't,'t a week with her niece. Er- elyn Diner " Gm. Rev. and Mm. Keith Nicholm and daughter, rum: ot Hunting- lor?, IPA., visited " the home od I M. "Mbuu or C" "Lil‘day. "v'.. U, Je.--, was. r , oted at me Blenheim Mcnnumla Church on Sunday 'edges with Bishub Curtis Cream” o, New Humbur. och-lam. 'the Harvesters Band met It the United Brethren Church on Sun- day morning with thr-president. Durward Romahn, Framing. Re- ginald Cressman ed in prayer and readings were given by Lynn Sararus and Beverley Hullmln. The response to the roll call was "The Name of a Man in the Bi- Cbuuh hold it the u non'l 'lsii"tti,h,,t on the - banana“. _rittMta.v.hptat-td Mia? '.up.iJ?ier, IW. Ina-II- m with; Ctyua. a, Mozitréél L, the A . enact Mountain. 818t', 13% Mr. and In AM . of cw Halibut. in” n- turnss4 home Hum a week? mo- Static them: 6 appliances Following is the schedule of remaining games to be telecast over CKCO- TV in the Big Four Football loop. Clip this schedule for handy reference. On-air, l:55 p.m. EDT/EST all league-season games; On-air, playoffs and Grey Cup game, 12:55 p.m. EST. M03, "ttst tt0ttat " Kb. M. S. BIG F011“ FO0TBALL TlELllliNrllisMtN SCllllrllEiDUlLllE UNIIED 'it,l,t,l,U1iil"sl,t,,llls, Budget Terms First Come -- First Served OPEN an 9 p.m. “by Sohmky " 1.00 pm. Set., Sept. Mr-AN-t of “omino- Sot., Sept. 2s--tumtttmt at Otto" Sat, Oct. 2--Ahtmre at Homihon Sat., Oct. 9---Ttteoato at Monika: Mon., Oct. II tTh+irtv5rqr-- Honiltoo at Toronto See., Oct. T6-tumtttoe oi Main-l Sc... Oct. 2B-Mmahmst at Tm HALOIJGHT is a translucent [nine of Garment light surrounding the televilion picture. HALO- I.IGHT redureg the sharp mount between the bright swoon and outer claim. Thus viewing is for more restful. Here In truly Ickhlillc (yo comfort -- and only SYLVANIA Ian it. Mn. 1Nttttdt " HALOLIGH': Your Northern Electric Dealer llvllel Y.- " LIVE Dim. HALOLIGHT r J MIR F.. -% - g 5,:- - ”ff Ii-l, . g a?” ' 'o" . '.NN FT," . .. t" ', ' PN H " ‘~. .r... - I; " P5RME ERB? r. - v; . T _ _ . + in» . ", r'r' _ Ct In, _ 'TV' iliikii'ii' " 60'" _ st t .t . _ _ F ' k. " q T _ L ----- ___-__-__, - - T - f, A “I with exclusive ot Toronto, UNITED HOME TELEVISION The tum! of the lat. Luca-rd Atahllt.saqt, rho was GM victim new a: St. Jame; Lutheran cw op Squad” 91pm "EGG Tu? ciGuariiiiTi, -_. GawGo Mr. and In Chrence Leis and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Ursa William Roth near Hamp- slea . of n that --V diaruni LTafGriii Honey "tor on Sew 5th, was ud WC. q attUded. Rev A. L anmgm John" Luth. can Chunk, Wank», conduct- " the and“. The pullbeuen were Doug” Mr, Earl Ha- moeher, alvin Hottxhauer, Ro- but Bl‘shtun, Roland W..,l.tors a, ,4 Jack 'rxubtrlt, Ina-run“! “a: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bender and Grace spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kuepter in Cmshill. In um New Dundee Ulm tery. Kingwood ' Mr. Chris K. Zehr and Velma of Wiverton ' ot Sunday with Mr. and Hrs. gm N. Schultz. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Leis were Sunday visitors with Mr. Ind Mrs. Geo. Bast in Wellesley, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Wilhelm and M" Console TV LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE RCA Victor . . . Addison . . . Manolo . . . Admiral Reg. up to $699. '. " - Nov. " TV OFFER Sat, Oct. Mb-tummm at Ottawa Sat.. Nov. 6--Mqmi1tort at Montreal Sat. Nov. 'b-Mo-eo? at Ottawa Walt, Nov. Tr-euro" (all stations) Sat.. Nov. 2B--ehsrir" (all stations) Watt, Nov. M-c-P- (if necessary) (all stations) Set., Nov. 2r--Grer Cup game (all stations) ever made s299 ALL BRAND NEW A " powerlul 2t" Pletore Tube with Super rum“ POWER Mum-Milk Chu- nk. ”nanny, Wnlnul or In its ptants m the United States and Canada General Mo- tors maintains 118 medical depart- menu. GM employs 138 industrial physicians and 730 nurses and medical technicians. About 4,000 employees are assigned full time to plant protection and fire pre- vention. can} animals»: In. ffd'NitrUll"Widtt Buich's new power brakes are equipped with an electrically- driven vacuum pump which in- sunes trutBcient vacuum for brake operation whenever the ignition is turned on. The pump automate icallg' cuts out when motor speed reac u 300 RPM. and cuts back in again if motor RPM drops be- low this level. magnum 1m}: Giruir.%rii all} Pred Homage: of Goshen, Mr and Mrs Dan Yutai and Mr, and Mts Chris. Hon-fun! and .~.e-n of Newton t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W/L,' Junta near New Rumba“. t?eieFet'ijr4e Sundny visitors with Mr And Mrs. William Yost were Mr. and In. Fara Bart and daughters. Ffts.Ntsttcy Junta. all trom South THE KIIKWOOD " an”! Jul": Mr. :mers Jul" iiirii "an. “I" Huh an? Mr and , WITH,"

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