'-'Note Slight Egg Price Increase Tht. siopng pnsiliun is very important because a person spends one your out of three in bed. The bed should be Brm enough not to sag and soft enough to be comfortable. The head should not h1- supported on high pillows, A child should nut use pilluws, Adults should use pil- lows when on the side, little or none when on the back. Too much pillow, when an the bark, creates round shoulders. Fashion should be changed frequently. Do not sleep on um: side all the time; this wtll cause a curve to develop in the spine between the tshout- 'dee blades. - Over the last five years the fed- trat goverrtment's revenue from .ruNlme taxes has more than dou- The reasons for the high per- centage of postural defects exist- mg are due to: l. Undiscovered and nuance» " injuries resulting [tom tails and accidents sustained by the growing child. Egg gives worn up at the Kitchener market “at Saturday over the gallon: week. Pullets, medium, rge and extra large showed an average tw-ent gain. ‘.‘:drlh- [um-hr wrrr plentiful .vllt‘r r , N r t _.' "t! fr.'. Haven and Golden Juouec pram.“- m were priced at 00 and " cents a basket respectively. ._ . "eits"HTu."f. mechanics. "octate ot Chu-tle mean that the bony framework or supporting xtrnctures of the body have de- parted from their normal cellular. [Ills the organs. muscles. nerves and other ti-es which are at- tached to the homes tor support. lose their normal retaliolgship In sitting posture. the pelvis should be placed to the hack ot theseat withthechestandheed leaning forward, then lean shoul- ders but In chair. This places all structure in normal position. The dol'ts in sitting are: First. don't sit on the end ot the seat III. lea- Backward: this lave: the lower spine unsupported and thins the [rant of the disc im the wine. Second. don‘t [all to the - at the chair; this causes eur- vatures to develop in the spine. tension and other (anaesthet- In Important organ-a. " is beat m lo develop a habit at cross“; legs. This tends to move the pelvis forward. Correct Poslure kr Ihe School Child aa Ga Mini}. ram! thus tsafe lhdr [auction 48mm._ _ 2. Undiscovered injuries result- ing [mm birth. & Improper and detieieart diet which produces tatieae, making it (linen)! for the child to stand 'or Now, we must consider what normal posture IS and huw to mamtam II. First standing, we hold the chest out, the stomach pulled In. the pelvns back under the spine, and toes straight fora ward. There IS a truck to this. All you have to remember Is that you hold your chest out. If you do this, everything will {all in Its proper place. or mm. I know that render: an Interested In what an be done about the notions 01 [III- " pout." and its results. The met, like - other pubic-n all be solved by m an and edreatiotwhere {he child In con- B. Don't give your child highly rained foods such an candy, rakes, cookies, white bread. so". dtiniu. cu. Feed him (rah cooked cer- eal, meats, milkx em whole wheat bread, Irma. vent-blot, nu sugar, honey and dnrk mo- ltâ€. eat shuuld he varied to include glandular tissue such as 1ieer, brains, and sweetbrmgd, Corn prices showed a five-cent gain over the mid-week markeL They sold at 40 cents a dozen. There was no change in the price of chickens. B. The [act that very little pos- tare training is done in the home F t. Teach your child to take pride in good posture, Show him how to hold his chest up and at“. mach in. Tell the child how much more attractive he is when he stands straight, roach the child to sit without slumping. Tend- him to do stretching examines. to climb a rope, and to chin himself. Tire walks with children and practice holding your body erect toga} good hamplg. q f. "av; the child checked peri- odcally, at less: once a year, to cakh_gny mild_distortit . .. _ Lieu. HijrrAiw'ays have the child checked after any fait or arch dent ftf (my fr"nsequerlct?. . _ . . _ -earedrNow, what you do In -iioGun.'re-ser to at can, M Iggy. walk (all. All ove- At the opening _ ublkhed in the interest of Me health. By Neil S. Harris. 0.0.. Waterloo. can“. (Ad vertilemem) of any school year, no prob- lem involving the welfare of the child and his f u t u r e health is of more import- Eveiy Tues., l p.m.-AUte at Varmers' Livestock Hutu. An- gnster, pf cows. calves. sheep. tut Wed., Sept. 22, 12.30 pan.-- Clearing auction sale for Mrs. Louis Dietrich on the tarm, q miles west of Waterloo on Erb lid. of implements, livestock, feed an? furniture. Wed., Sept. 2ir--For Mr. Wil- iiam Kells, tith of Peel, registered :nd accredited Holstein Herd, tractor implements, etc. law's}; F'ridrv/iatr xii-4M- ture, household etrecu, can at the Auction Room. New Hamburg. EV?" “M! " no. siouiari" "ttuntrue 6331,"; Auction 800-. ' "his!†Ii "' 9W " Sat, Sept. It, 1.15 p... _ M', . t Who†M chub, M qqq"t.Rtytat and 1i:?t',rt'l,i!lkllisl.,itetitcrit mum-wag}... biery Than, I p.m.-At Kite. we; Stocktardf, Ltr, Guelph Sat., Sept. MI, 1 p.m.-Auction sale for Theresa Baty on the farm, about 3 miles west of Glen Allan t f loo-acre Jam. livestock, im- 1 leggwpts and prefut _ Fri., Sept. M, l p.m.-Aoetion 31110 for Mr. Thiesen OIL-the farm Lear Eramosa of implements, iivestock and feed. Every Thurs., 1 p.m.--At Kiteh- (nor Stockyards Ltd., Guelph Highway. of cattle, pigs, horses. beep, poultry. preitaee, etc., _ Fiji Greninid Sept. s, is: pan.-- Auction sale at Grams Garage, “(35! Montrose. Cu in running or er. Sat., Sept. li, 1 pan.--Reel - late. furniture, household cinch. do for Mr. Herman Ruthie at Lisbnn. Sat., Sept. Ill, 12.30 pan.-Real cstate, furniture, planing mill and t-quiprnent for the estate of the late William Swan in the village of Bright. -- - _ Sam Richardson, neu- lnnerkip. Sat,, Sept. ss, l pan.-A3ood dean household ettects, mum. no, tor the Matilda Graber E- une, 99 Gildner St, Kitchener. Mom, Sept. 13, 9.30 aan.--aema- :nunity “Fair Day" Sale at Far- mer‘s Shed. Elmira. of horses. im- l lements, vehicles, furniture, tools. ets. 7 7 - Sat., Sept. 4, 2 p.m.-Warniture, household effects, aux, tor the as- tate of the late Lydia Brenneman, 4 miles south of Tavistock. . Highway. of "tttte, pig's, innit, yhe_ep, poul_try, grudge: tte. Sat: Sept. 25. l p.m.--Furni- ture, household effects. em. for Mrs. Ann Heinman, Kitchener. Tues, Sept. 28, l pan.-Lloyd S Shantz's 25th Anniversary (Top quality) Holstein Consign- ment sale, le mile east of Bret. lau on No, 7 highway. see. At-.A1uersut any. tor Sept. 16--12ttth Brunt-her stale, CLINT JANTZI. Auctioneer Phone Balc- "' Enlgnsxj,‘ A“. " [in so. W. Tttt STORE IS eltltlttlttett WIâ€! . 360001 30PM!!! AVOID TH! RUSH . . . DO YOUR SCHOOL SHOPPING NOW! ZIPPER BINDERS I. ttsq Twht can». Real Values Priced from PENCIIS q MAINEMAIICAL Wi FOUIHAIII PEIS . . . " "do: “on: WATIIMAN - PAIKII - SHIAFFII - ISTIIHOOK J. C. JAIMET 2.95 to 10.50 AMO WWII. In km Show. More interest by the 'mme- stzi's, an anaemia:I and mom ya- n program I a population immune we largest, Mic. Don llama. recreational direc- tot, commenting on the We He pointed out that some Ill-ll- er otuldnen. particularly tho-e in the tour-to-six year class. are be- ing attracted to the playgrounds. The Waterloo recreation qtommis- sion, which sponsors the play- grounds, and the supervisors have spent much time in promoting pmgrams tor the mullet young- sttrs, Mt McLanm remarked: During the seven wed: . the grounds were open to city young- sters 1,191 registrations we: re- silvgd, compared to 1058 total ot In%taition, playgrounds have also been set up in some areas where there are no schools. Thcghwer via: a total attend- ance of 1,163. had the third high- est midget playground attendance in_&he city. - _ . he playground program this year included " enrol-town pie- Ma, six visits to a local soft drink gem. end tour trips to Gelt. The " trips were provided by the K-W Optimist Club. Other highlights were weekly rial event days, weekly roller sting at Waterloo Arena and a series of band concerts provided by the Waterloo Musical Society Band. Waterloo" summer play- grounds had their highest attend- ance this year. Total attendance at all centres an; year was â€.034. about 5.000 ahead of the 1963 Bgure. During the last summer there were 24,064 presem at the plum Registration who also consider- ably {have but year. A A . Mr. McLaren said new our grounds this year at St. Michae 'tt Separate School and Lincoln Heights have proved successful. These two playgrounds had re- gistrations od 81 and " rupee- lively. T"? ""AN'Mhtrf"'" ‘culve. and poultry. Wt. M 2-2301 Eve Thug, l tr.m.-9t Kitch- ener 'h?iriii, MIL. Guelph many. _ cattle.» m pone. Mon., Oct, 4, l pan.---; for Julius Wan], Us miles an of St, Agatha an WnteriooA5t. Agatha Md.. of implemenm, grain and household meets. NAM MYGIOUNDS - SAC. Not. l 1 part.--) in the furniture room, upstaim " Kitch- ener Stock Yards of furniture, household enacts and dishes. Shi'mii“ -iiittiiii, -- WK he: I... u A†Un- ste" Meet.. of cattle, pip, Tai amm III-uni. {an T My†new; WES?! 'i"iit2hiirit2litW"a "J: lt- "be" 'aliri" l mug-g- _ "t, "', .9, F A, F, SN")!!! hinting“ T 2ft 7‘7Ҡï¬rm â€TWIN“ if“: mu and. â€lair-915; All THE BOOKS Tho Local Hts" SCHOOL PUBLIC SCHOOL SEPARATE SCHOOLS have embodied for "do you. l be new two-story building will be U-shaped, with the base 135 feet and each wing 105 teet in length. It will be devoted to ‘the experimental work in tteld crops carried on by the Field Husbandry Department. In con- nection with this work will be several growth chambers and a greenhouse, the latter occupying the entire second ttoor of one wing. . tees, on the 10th Comeuion ap- “marinate†1% miles out of f, not, thence eat " miles to Monticello the point of com- 'lmts9srmertt.. . l This am ttt considerably larger than necenry to take in the 'ooded portion but provides a better description. Signs will be ‘phced around this entire section Which can easily be observed by hunters: ' Construction has now begun on a new plant research laboratory at the Ontario Agricultural Col- leE- Guelph. . .. .. Several cold storage chambers will be used in the, plant breed- ing program to test the winter hardiness of winter wheat, bar- ley, grasses and legumes. Others will be used for storage research on potatoes and turnips. Valua- ble plant breeding materials will be stored in vault! which will be proofed against vermin. insects and tire. A low and high-temperature dried will be another feature of the building for the drying of seeds and determination of the dry-matter content of corn. soy- beans and forages. Three thrash. inkrooms will be provided] e most modern seed-clean- ing plant in the province will be an additional feature. Foundation seed and plant breeding seed will be cleaned and treated, and a course in seed cleaning is planned shortly to train seed cleaning plant operators. 'tat': Chit]: Sitt%ti'tirg is wt . e o lowing boundary: Canada; at lion- uceuo math “on; the aideroad put the Luther km to the' ftrst mad known as the 8th Concession tine, thence tawny 'tM the 0th Concession line thro the marsh for npproximately 3% miles my! thence north along» the 1 migrant and "atoettsem"i" Imam: them b be my we. unters would be well itdvised to ni, he hare A the t-xaQL toca- non at the rescue hm. sth boun- daries before entering the marsh with.tirearms. No - is al- towed to be in possum: of a itrearm or to molest Willi“; within a Crown Game Preserve. This menu that hunters may have to and new places to launch their boats. -dair; - LHiii.i%rF* _ 'lli,i,ifiifiiltj7il'iiit ,il1llltlrl4'-', "ri"iirifiiii ‘ NEW PLANT RESEARCH LABORATORY We have tothetihoot til3i2= Gift Show Jewellâ€; â€I! “of: Appliance: For A Handy [Directory of WHERE T0 BUY-IT Check This List of _ 74 King St, s tit. We» Jelrttttt Hardware Stores Shoe Stores Appliance Stores 84 King St, S 22 King St. s, 23 King St. N M King SO. s Ila King St. s " King St. s “My“? ttttt 3m 1139000 Hardware aCITE tlhttiettet Hardware John was: the: WATEBL00 MERCHANTS Jackie fleclric Waterloo Stove Your Westinghouse DooIer at app/lam: w h!.'s'.HA"1rc,,!l!?u""rNt3, SERVING WATERLOO AND DISTRICT FOR 50 YEARS . . hag}: 'tttttl ï¬g full Phone 4-49t6 Phone 4-4223 Phone 8-8330 Phone 44116 2-0384 2-0774 2-332i 2-3IOI -_ __ P"% inch"; “1?th Wtt'i/',2g a...†and Us .9. _ aim ad the mam 1heg Sou. "omHs. Jr.4i'llNftlh%ahUf,T,t all; - of than can» '_torataii-ftiutuuii. h‘ijghj to In!“ fr-- if; EEFiiitidithi2"iFr'i tit King St. 15 Tgbocco and Sports Stuns Tobacco: - Sundries - HunNng Licenses 60 King St. S. Wer Merck and hee Stout Automotive Parts and Accessories Grocery Stores Men's and Ladies' Clothing 54 King St. N Restaurants and Grill: 122 King St. s, 130 King St. s 14 King St. N Waterloo Meat Market tllhtteeltt Attttt Arite [Eyck and spam SM FREE DELIVERY We still have a few Lockers available Just Phone your order to 3-3641 011ml Dora-M Pagoda will Freiturgerfc Frederick? . mm: 3», tteeeeetU " 2-332t ry Herd class, The donor h lu- ter Breeder L. B. Reid. Ripley. whoovertheyearshaabeeaimu of the leading exhibitors at West- ern, but who is dispersing his herd at public auction on Sept. I}. Four other Western Ontario Master Breeders are dieting bu» Hers for the champion: of the show. These are: T. R. Dent, Woodstock; J. C. Free! & Sons. Thamesford; D. W. Shively. t9printmetd and D. H. Hart, Wood- stock, Ontario. a ns" an; Pieiieiiifd ":1. tell exttrritus in Islam On- tpr.ie dutrifttimr.et 51-50% Tm 11ng Bruce arid Pia-in t'AG LrGUyTkiiriGGiit um.- zoom . new high for Iain-n Special mtereat macho to a trophy which is being ottered thil yen: for the first time in the Dui- Pair, cr, !!tRiiiEEEi ICI' “mural. if/ii) Cs'r_l . it _j'iaiiiiiiiiiiegiifiii oxh,, tt.%Usrdiiitiir'irT, i241, Kswr. I 'stdAoet, Phone 2-504t Phone 7-7047 Wohrloo 2-1953 2-0I 52