That is where my education darted. I didn't take a call and Ted didn't take a gun. He didn't have a permit to carry a gun in this country and I was more than willing to do the shooting it he wanted to do the calling. _ While we have never excelled in the art of crow calling, we have always managed to get some shooting. Ted didn't brag about his ability, but he had it in great gobs. Not only could he bring the crows into range but even after I had knocked two or three out of a flock, he could swing that same ftock around and get it to come Lack. Ted isth chap who makes re- cords of calls for attracting crows. Having such a short time, we were only able to-hit a few bush- es adjacent to Waterloo. I didn't have a great deal of hope that we would get any shooting. The crows close to town are pretty well educated. Ted Glebe who hails from the Us but whose parents live " "W King North 1n Waterloo, tur- thered my education in the art of crow calling last week in the couple ot hours one evening we were able to work on the black buys. (iilblmsliqtti,ilt "mu [from Monday - Wednesday Friday and Saturday Hours ROHER SIM TING - It. l. _ “my" " Ill-o St. South, " II mend 'Mor. M - VIM, ONT. MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY 8.00 pan. to ttt.3tt lel. FRIDAY Only - 8.00 p m. to ".00 p... Whmlt00 MEMORIAL ARENA coming moon and many of “mm are l sen n. V. “van“; dulcccnt vicini- ttes in the hope ot locating I good spot to hunt the tooth- sume webfoot be 7 (“Sick e (has Lighting m Whataquicettnd-ytop'tybilt+ "ptirs,buythethingsyo-detm+ No bankable security needed. Money on your own signature. Up to 24 months to repay. Phom or come in today for fast. (My, one-daysetvicc! $Stt-.tSeRr-ttFt--ot- "We got a quick In. of HR...» can you!" Some of Mum's M complicated â€Nauru om In the must! form: of lift. This astonishing no cream tthe Rodiolorieml, for exam, can thr soon only under a tttgh-powered Moscow. At The "No Hunting" signs have been posted at the corner: ot all sidemads and some where there was a long stretch of farm land, in between. We understand that there has also been a man tp- pointed to police the section " though from what we hear, he is not too fussy about the job. We don't blame him. Despite the tact that they ml know their discriminatory bylaw will not stand up in court and that a court case witt auretr can the taxpayers of that tonight I fair amount of money. they ve persisted in sticking with the original bylaw as drawn up and hope to prosecute under this same by11rw. -- -- . __ . . In a dictatorial manner gun- amoed toraisethetreoteventhe farmers. East Luther Council bu gone ahead and erected "No Hunting" signs over most of the towmthip. hey have Biread, been ordered by one tnrmer to been ordered tit one tamer to tracthe sizing Aiy farm. tt is likfly not; win (glow. Some 113 guns consisting ot single barrel, “we hm pump and automatic moms“ at rsttes will be sold , . Those hiding on m have gradually Matted the [the each year, but you can still ob- tain a gun " one of these Idea tor u' lot less money than if you had to buy it new. A mama-:31“; an; A tale of otiUctated hem " J::' be Mid sh Aylmer upâ€: (it? an: “a of the Dept“ t o Lanai: and Furesu on Sema, " and lb. WNW???“ b'"""'"."."), . o didis't iri,rgitTitu -tiUU Tihiid ve- Looting _ tam to Emma's; ' tilfi1ttiii'iilth!ei, 'l/tre'.; '?i?1ifttil?litfittt!!ifrt! good mun-Mu on no- hunt no at to at“ max-loan. been 1'P'at,T, an to o W - m 1'tr'_, 1titltitttt'llt't,c'i?r'r'eel,ti',tF, _ a??? I' ‘~":‘.‘..*3?&:d.fav§rmt mam 1tseirFdtobrseat.qd.. m 1-: “at! will tt th.e, buw as! to it ad ssfP' line that moves 50111001011; new. a neck calibrated from . to 1’) 3.9.1:. indairy " an used ifir/itiiiiE in "M. r'te'lflll.h.Te'U'tu"fd Did you knOIv human bel lived In Canada baton the bk": of Chrlat? The nude: "The run Canadian". resting the lam: W's-.NW' -tluteryeet Inn-r A I" type (II BPeeGomee 9"!†ttuyngttoutthiototNe Twentrnve year: no, Penicil- lin was di-red-the that of wonder drup. It has and the lives of thou-Ml. and its use to- day bu not been wperceded. Star Weekly. thin week reviews in his- tory and in.» how Penicillin'l future ttgt to a whole develop- ment o aMLhiouc medicine. in this with Star vacuum}. The next regular Chats meeting will be held at the Chm house on Hominy September mm. plan now to attend, the more the mer- rler and ioll help to make I bet- ter meeting, to sell the†tickets. to out and do a good job and help support your chairman and the Club as a mic. _ __ " t,'Tc",,'tio'.'"i"dg,"gg',e,"g,',',? n the piano. which was to gen- emully donated to the Club by Keith Brown of Westside Dairy. a donation that is veranuch IP- prggitted by 9!; Club. _ _ A the crow shop! to be held some lime in Sertember and tickets will be IVIi able in the yer near future. When PY are calla: wot! evening at the Club Home last Friday evening Ind from all re- ports reaching- this correspondent they by“; wonderful time. Pur- When the time comes to throw the switch at our omcial opening I am very doubtful as to whether we could have the Duchess of Kent end her charming daughter do the honors. For one thing their sojourn in our province will not be long enough to permit it. After all they have had I busy time performing their otllciel du- ties and attending several omen! functions. So after giving‘ the matter some serious thought. we think it might be better tor us to obtain the service of, some lo- cal personage to throw the switch out at the Club House. " "Ateworourmemt,emamt the'twivrr Ind. girl trlgmls go! he should throw the swiwh too far, he will be around to help look for it and thus save a lot ot Con- (new: Mr tn i - m got-ill evening at the Club Home In! the Duchess of Kent and her daughter. Princess Alexandra However, Irwin Clemmer. our benefactor, has signed the con- tract for our power out at the Club_Koune and ‘George Page] is Progress is being made by our own Hydro Chairman George Pagel. Of course our project of providing lights for the Club House is not quite as tTut the prpje_c_t at #2 liir Adam -- I: yr- iirifPiant B: Queenston 1ttli,t, his! [ecegMy otFeittu-rs! _by now busy contacting the maori- ties and finding out our necessary r waiter-tent: - ,. your sport for next year. . . Bell. pike, My and picka season remains open after the beginning of the hunting season. If you are fishing in the vicinity of men 'hunting ducks. don't hang around their blind and decoys. " isn't sporting tor one thing and if a duck is dumb GiGFtl to come in while you are paddling around, boa could be picking shot out or lywrownhide...thisisthe (ee of year to sharpen your shooting eye. It pays all in a big ‘way when the season than op- ‘ens, not only in bag size, but in the atgtisfttetioin you derive tram making clean kills. Remember. a wounded bird is lost to both your bag and to that of other hunterl‘ . . . do you have a retriever? You‘ll enjoy training him and he'll pay you back ten-fold in finding your winged birds and in pushing game into the air for you to shoot. Birds such as pheasants are hard to move after they have been shot over. but a good dog, working under control can tind them tor you. A phen- sant can and will outrun a nun. He can't get â€my tron} your dog. made of a mewlut similu‘ by- law passed by the council at Ar- thur. Tttia one is also discrimin- atory, although we understand that no attempt has ever been made to enforce it. m or speckled trout are now starting to carry spawn and should not Be ' amen they are at trettey than olfdin-ry size. passed by this council witf grot sand up in own, tnat.ot-t migratory .bu'd‘ 'opf. 'snfer. the tiieiiitgiUst and council reuni- ted: of whom they wt, an- ppt_¢ovem the taking ot there "When In in» is man made of this bylgw A “gen _Io Certainly it all). itittiveiai does not Mulder into 3-3 mm undis pk‘kodnpudlnw made 1 ' prosecute him undcr Hm “why, men sportsmen “emu-Hy um band cw Ind damn:- [uwly challenge this mm " win [who but}! audit ‘9... were to khan tor the tow-ii, ux-wotSdttteestt-tog- totuathotutrtto-otaara of their ooegteii. hunted duct: or any other pm in East mm. " " dmrbtgitl it we ever shall. Rom. ll .. wanted to ban} migratory birds in that town-mp. we would can thinlydow. Fel.sarttt.iprtoPyttr beeaut we_ pollen 3112 Ariat' Plans are: atilrgtingMytrtd for WW Rod and Gun Club "A" ARIA!) POI INN? A Rousseau tea mus held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ayres in honor at their daughter Jane. Miss Susan Tilt opened the door to the guests. Mrs. George Myra and Jane welcomed the guests. Mrs. W. C. Barrie, mo- ther of the groom, poured tea ‘from a table covered with a lace tablecloth centred with lighted candle: in silver holders and I silver bowl of buby zinniu. The three-tier wed?†cake um on display on the et, Miss Char- mmne Kauk disrlayed the wed- ding gills. Miss sabel Sepsworth the showeuilts and In. J. Wit- ton; show the trousseau. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Peters of Oshawa were visiuw at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . Pttsrxry on Supday. _ Mrs. Ivan Battler and sons Brian Ind Wayne spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bthtier of. Fyutittytistsurtr, _ Mrs. James Hosie and daugh- tera Punch and Beryl have re- turned to their home from a we cation n! 0mm. the homie of Bert Wintermeye'r of Cenlteville. Mists Judy Pteitrer spent. a va- cation at the home of her grand- Lnother. Mrs. L. Cnskinette of Little Bonnie Dawson of Galt spent 3 few days at the home of her gmdmother and aunt, Mrs. o. Goddard and Miss Louise God- Mr. and Mrs. L Kaiser and Mr. George Daniels of Call were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mm. Richard Jones. Mrs. Charles Reader at Kitch» ener spent the week-end with Mr. and_ Mrs. Joe Reeeh. - _ Patsy Pfeiffer is spending a va- cation at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of Toronto. dise Lake. Miss Lela Reap ot Detroit spent I vacation " the home ot her sis- Mr, Mrs. Charles Tilt and Mr. uttut Hogarth is spending a va- etiott Itt the "Y" camp at Para- Mn. A. Stahie was visiting at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Janina Johnson and Mr. Johnson of Toronto. N Mr. and Hrs. Wesity Pearcy and daughter Sandra spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Itusaelt _G_a_le_a_ot Hygwonh. Leonard Pteitrer of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alt. Pteit- mmtzy exhibit: entered at the . National Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. [com-rd Holmes and daughter Deborah ot Kitch- ener were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Limo on Sat- in Kim on My. Mr. may“; Balm sum: and .39 pave taken up residence in ltd Prawn. The evening wu meat in phyin' bingo with suit- ‘able pm given. Isobel theioge enegi has: many lpvely 'ttty any several days in the K-W Hospi- tat. Kim. where she under, went In operation. In. John s-oem and Mm. Charla Hut were with]. friends tnAutdter, “inâ€!!! A . miguio, NHL. Spent. the week-end at their home; here. “old-In . I damn Ju"UTd lu I?, . I " I "ral." t Mr.andharwtu-tt'rtit.nsi otaetehtarata-nodRie*t-dHiU Mg.tuTfit'ULthtdtt I .aetdMmcttrriera5ltane aetmBtttrtWithme. 1Doetatdrtatserir-atreasi- viaitt.istaloestt.twdnr. . MmArttuarHntt-tto.t- ntt-ttomentami-ti-outr 'howeeyelord.ttvmtimt_i.n) hmtor'otMia.uttttut9worth/ Mann-inn mam-econ Baturdar,i%gtttts.tttthePtn- teeoqtalCtuuehtokegtgtethUe "Thole-huh-“ tnrt-rc..." 'r ad, - I. a. H..." You. In. veil-IO. “a an: Indian-om “Whmmaaq. Dalton-pow. ii%16Fi rat “I. afiigtT- . “" r'lrh"vrdl - hr. In Inâ€. an. - tteat in A - down qr.rt#imgqtH1rtt-t-l6d'ihsit" mun-nub the homo the hm went: we Wir, o! N amrhw und Mr. and Mrs. LCWLED Aoues 5Cteis',vl,", huh: "t Prtsu,. 1" Mr. and “A. G. Well: is WIM'IM ='ttfgr2uit.tgtg,', I]. Eden Hub. tear as! not and Marin-law, of honor gt a miner rout‘hcld Mr, um Mrs. Gstlus:" Wt'sfe ol My her hunt; and fellow-work, Calludm as u' y.'"', , “1:510" \k’cdwduy _ . is. be It. Ind evemng. It» Jet was ze- L'far."Le.'r, JI 'ldtl,2l', “minted with a love? wool when -ittheq.qi-adntthqttmnqq .ndastarterreto m nah-l q-thor-q-rt-a-r. 'r-th-h-mu-elm cmmtaRMmtat-tmat, -muyml f'Tlv-alnh-‘n‘ ' Stynley JAtyeste.nt. Sunday at .1th Tilt†"is 7 spenfling _seve_ral Vii-ad dad i'Jl'l'lh"u'tl'dtp, .uhulk cc a. a 'rl'l"T nifllï¬i’ï¬d '2oo? - at PiatG/iiiiC7ferapa llis Funds Ferguson of Putuviue, daughter at Mr. and Kn. Rune) rel-gluon ms . visi» tor my week at Toronto and “hand I luncheon held at the Royal York t't,ttu',,"t', event was apoetsoeed y e Indian Junior" Red Cross and Princess Alexandria was guest of honor where the met so teen-age mem- Hy Sch-cl Hale loll. he Warsaw nebular: ot in Putuvilie Sunday School of the United Church held their an- nual picpic 3n Wednesday alter Piatuviile t SHIT eat " 2 only - Size 40 Toll MAR" WEED $29.89 Att Wool Trad. - Finely Tallond Sate Price Reg. $1695 - Sole Price 10.39 I Group __ Reg, $27.50 Sale Price I Group __ Reg, $29.50 Sate Price Reg. $12.95 - Sale Price 9.89 Ian-kn" iiiFd Silk 'ttttttttt BILL ALLEN Selling Out Entire Stock ‘of WOOL GOWNS With Plaid Collov and cw, M King St. S. LIGHT WEIGHT Reg, $1950 MEN's WEAR L, Sale Price - - 3.89 Dressing Gown: $16.89 $19.89 Mr. and It. Edward Penn and was Teomgreti.ed. by In. Ad- Rennick of am are oriaiting with Mr. and . Jack Logan nt_l_lontregl.> Que. _ l Mr. and Ian. Stewart Green ispent the past WLEK with friends in f,'1'lt,,'l'"t,"uik and Mela returning to some time with Mr. and In Donald Slim neither: of Port Erie. ' Their dunking, Judy and Susan, re.. mining the week with their ndparenh. Rev. Ind Mrs. H? R. Rankin in Wolhndpon. Mr. and Mm. Rex Runner Ind Sundr- and Neil were my visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wit-' my} Punt It Stratford. Mr. and NHiGeor‘e Stewart (formerly Ethel Clarke of Plans- Mr. and Mm. Clarence Bryan: and son. Alec are spending a ho. May with In. Want mint, In H. such-m Shaun-0y, In. A. We chi-iii '37 [Mon and Mr and Ira. 'dur, Campbell ot Milvenhn. ekahd to M' l tl F av“ In. '.'; and t wry um‘ was no Mrs. Karim! Dunn and (and); in their [Ix-cm bereavement Recent visitors with Mr. and En. Inga Baum [erg Mr. and a at tho homo a! I. We -ttn, Mr. and In. W. S. ne. m. . Do? and sincere may h " " In M ll f I-N‘ I _ Fvr t't,'ptt'tMgagt 'Yr' _ - a." __ - ttttrd an Jsr, 14.89 ,l, 2.89 3.89 J, 4.89 5.89 In Main Shades and Checks, Reg. $7.95 :1: In. m by. [ [trqy -.-u-I vane-3': EIDERDOWN DRESS artitrf Made by Canada's better ShirtrManufocturers. PLAIN SHADES STRIPE and WHITE Reg Reg. ' I695 SALE PRICE Reg, $15.95 SALE PRICE Reg. $9.95 SALE PR ICE m MIME an " 4.39 - 5.89 7.89 at Greatly Reduced Prices SALE PRICES 7300.96â€: MEN'S $7.50 7.89 12.89 14.89 Mr. and Mrs. J. u. ses:," In thoir mu on Sun Mr. an! If". Fred Anderson was of London. ted FM: iru'ufjrai, 1105353? WetetaMtte* were May quests as the home of Mr. and In. D Hi-tl. Mr. and In. D. Honda-1h " C,l'atttd'gtd at the late Ar- . visit with friends in Tdmnfo. '"H Ws.ayyt Mrs, Baud H. K-rn In. Lloyd not...“ mu u “whaling a week aith her bur ther lulu: Ptpter an f Mrs Potter, .51.": .icrsiv1Mrt 4.11:0!"- " nu Mm. Cglyin Aherrer and Me KING Br. NM EYES EXAMINED 'ie off "j9r'at eie: MENS WEAR 0 m Ill HMS? manna "gun 2.89 and 3.89 All JEWELLERY selling at E Ne 3.89 mam: Plain Shades - Stripes FLANNELETTE “ad I“! BROADCLOTH Deep Rich Stripes WATERLOO SALE PRICE SALE PRICE I God can wanjonger :13“: It (t [ Hig ph (may no , neg†(tss., .wv; m " J.‘ lift" J†mine. yut my my not “ml- stand his Pt"* at in? an. M we 'etitefy, leave the" iii-i; e! tht .rnivetytte.God. (fur hug- we: man will (unioéaip? a. a - "amen Pox robin" M he that We“ anâ€! mutt, â€not "rw-a. _ Mr. “a. 0m ,41uttA'ru'tffhtd and iirtiirftrtiiia "WT. ,',','h,Ntl'.'t,"d't't in ttq_ttmii. MWâ€! 4.89 ' “a; it. can: "on: Bas" Sttc ssc IDA“: m