- A010 ACCESSORIES . Appliances t Repairs ... W4. uTE-hm 27705»- b um». nun: - I... “on nil-h- id“ bo " _ BUSINESS DIRECTORS "1:2‘3; lurch-w. the w "I; if M (II. (Mini-I- ensue " no" wiml. l “a mum.“ u. a... no Tbe chunk " cat- aun. , mun-1mm IMAM The biased value tor you: “venting dotiar. PHONE 6-6401 or 2-0594 THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE Dbl 2-34†- " Newt DONELLY - PRACIIAR 3-1974 - Phone - 3-4443 Kitchener WAIERlOO SIOVE Iwin City Delivery Service ELECTRIC ' APPLIANCES You! ADMIRAL REFRIGERATION HEADQUARTERS an. (it‘ly'T-Wm faithâ€: (to “Luna-eat I. It“. Sign Inn-bu- cl blunt.- eu-d. For your next RADIO REPAIR See . . . AND APPLIANCES as King St. s. - Phone 2-03“ FOR You . . . Norge Washer, Refrigerator, Range of TV Set . . see all Indies ofrashers" SO mum St. I. - Illa-cur dhi. in“. a. on RADIO and T-V SERVICE Phone 4-4223 " King St. S. - Waterloo M King s. (Next to P.U.C.) Phone 4-4116 - Waterloo “re stork perrIler. and repair 'toor vane". All about - "bum “In". Bre our new home "than "I! tt"rgttMmoV N. 838me ADme USE THE CHRONICLE ."WANT" ADS Mfll HUNGER ElfCIROlUX Sales and Service CAR or WUCK Your Waterloo Mover and 1rarttypt Drive Yoursell Vehicles Canadian Tito Corporation Auction Sm Equipped for Moving Refrigorale?rf - HERTZ Refrigeration KELVINATOR Oakland Mam, Prop " King M. North. Phooe 2-3444 WATERIJK) R. A. HENDRY Phone 8-8119 STOCKIE Phone-'13?" MOVERS APPLIANCES A)... I... 3- I“, Service " In“ IL Norm - Inuit. Tel. :4!!! John A. Real Fstate & Insurance Since 191! 217 King St. w.. Riki-cur Wm. Hogg Coal Cd Dial 2-itjii" "Wéiurio N. I LlNOLEUIl . LINOLEUM TILE 0 PLASTIC WALL TILE o DRAPERIES . VENETIAN BUNDS comm "tt or mama Phone 7-7923 Ive-Inn PI. 1-1,]. 337 KING BT. W. INCIIINII Home furnishings Schmolz Agengies Limited INSUIA‘TIIIN OPIOMHRISIS (Walling alum... W’s Farm Properties Apartment Hansel Industrial & Commercial Residential Sales Mortgages Insurance Appraisals AND DOORS CARPETING WALL TILE T AWNINGS ROOFING FLOOR COVERINGS RUSCO WINDOWS I'D-DAY Phone tr-t DERBECKER'S Hairdressen J3Il2lWl PHONE 2-tt3Tr “Blowing W†Insulation ’2an gihulio fr a nun n. B. - Window! "r,tgT2ctttp7TyeE-r>DeiwsetV. 'e"27='rC,,','i7d'L'LC"LT tt y q Commercial and li A I_.IA...A..:~‘ ETu.,st.rs.e-G.. PM“ 8..“7 5-5058 Radio INspatched " HOUR SERVICE 4 Erb St. E. - Wa S. " JGDYCE WATERLOO TAXI For a Cab of Your Door - PHONE q Commercial 'ttrd Industrial Photography . Photographic Supplies Phone 2-6262 Srrrihtiehq in .' Open 8.30 mm. to Midnight Closed Monday. - Television Cu. Kill I - M I-Im St Regina N. - Phone I-IM Watetloo 99 King " s, General Mm Heating and Tinsmhhlng TWIN CITY CAB co. m In]!!! Omitted Service Beautiful “and Wm- RUSS q Stairway Rugs . Bedroom Rugs . All Colors. . Ideal for Cottages Prompt Pick -up Ind Service Delivery cumin WATCH-All. Watch Repaits Urban Schwartz SCOTT'S CABS Photogtaphers Phone 2-3214 WATCH SERVICE " Anon St. E. Waterloo ait'i"ih, Upholslering Restaurants rag-acup- Such-um Taxi tabs 4-4764 RUGS Waterloo Waterloo or Waurloo Montreal. That's what you are looking tpr? Just sell our Mt (blunted ne- ct'ssit.ies in your 1u,rgurntiat Openinfs in your dim W te for tut particulars. FAMILEX. 160:) Delurimier, Dept. t, Mont- rea . A WAY m MAKE Magnum} Prints, magna, enlargements. 24- hour service at Geiger's Drug Store, 408 King St. E., Kitchener. Dial 2-2127. Dominion, Simplicity, Eureka, Locomotice, Thor and Maytag Washers Phone 3-3202 - an King St. East Kitchener Kullman Appliances Kullman Appliances We Guarantee your Washing Machine Repair For a 90-day period OUR SERVICE IS PROMPT Our rates reasonable. '21-, It L=ii3IE52= AGENTS WANTED Pttruatoehedforgtil PHOTOFINISHING DRUGGIS‘I'S [iiiti' kt 'tif - - - ‘ iii/ “If?!" / Ilfl'il g: “A We Ji)' ti; LI t, -~ It e MF ' , ieyCg7 rr2 , " 4 fD kits, ii- I 'iiiii?, eCtGrt, ‘ '7tC'y$7iE 5% -. ,qtssvyctsMets) G. L. BRAUN We pic. all .IIPI ot 21. Inc It. . "one 2-219! Kitchener [KY8 "ADI LOCKS 2ft2tttittttttttg: mamm- i lacy. H - ivLrtiietrt. a',tii'il2E't1,'id a.†£135: nest mugs-z fit1i'tlt Wt "Itei'ht Janey mu u, on~Scud st"a'.' pa! hundred, Pullots 315. r hun- dred: Aysyurtet Breeds JG; per Lumin-d less. Wrlte Leghorn Pal. let. $27.95 per ‘nmdrcd. Aaaortud Heavy Breed Coekereig $11.96 w, hundred. Iurkeyts-Bronre, o-died JUt, Hm mbt, Toms .49t; Aaertqd Herr Jtreeyis ll" REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE EN pun" less. "2 Weeks ou tome Hens .95t, KoiSexed .or, Assorted Breeds .ooc my poult less. Shipped C.O.D. Whether BUYING or SELLING New uni Used Duplicating and Adding Uachines, Filing Cabinets. Desks Safes, Complete OMee Equipment 3.59 In»; Jrryt " Own tu, thee, WATERIDO, ONTARIO 102 King South - Phone lt-ttttM Every Kind of Insurance Fire - Lite - Accident wopnwoon' maintains 0'r'"rta' 093531??? For Sale and For Rent b ihe his: ngmnwunnmc Sanctum Rea1Estateand%auranee tmiftritWiRTiriariiiFifii6 W - I’m Ontario Health C' mm on. E. G. FRY, D.C. 44 William St., Waterloo Phone 2-1357. Ammo" bile iara'ilu -"_e" "ltliTr,'eeug,1,',id' DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Boilér We: Transit Insurance "WRITERS New and Used _-_ iCibiiaa "if 'ta. NU Sen-u Liked. -if'iiimr- Phom. .4“. 5&3: uiqua; FC- irv7-iau"iieEir: PEI!!!“ Wrtto [or hut-nil.- - SHIT" '"'"'Wi'WJ" m“? “D King in" . "m. M Ada-cod qthod in w m 'rtlr.ur.'l Ila-hath. Nol‘hlI-I. Yo, P's-"5.03- - .0! Iii-.9, â€I!!! KITCHENS!) - Phones-m Fuse Flynn-b Annual " Allan E., Wanda. PHONE 2-5148 Sun. knives. cum - "teat - plan RUPTURED? J. GEO. STREIEL PLO-2 L-th" _" a " w. DOWN WIS Hum: it Your Inception Is In: EWDYQAIUI Phone My for (l t appointment! We Gum-tee 0n Wain 86 King St. West Next to Capitol Theatre Phone 4-4162 SHARPENING 2.00 pan-Saturday. All-request musical program. Jol- lit-Maw 1.05 to 1.15 pan.-9Eomuy to Friday. Farm news and reports, III-in! Sunni-c 3.10 to 4.00 pan.-9Eonday to _ _r'Yiday. Request program. directed to Aut-ins in clues and haspi- Sou-l up. Bino- 10.30 to 10.45 ttart.---)" to Friday. Dramatized radio aerial. M- & Con-Ir, Club 12.45 to 1.00 pm. and 1.15 to 1.30 pan-Monday to Friday. K JAff to 1.09 Pan: and 1.05 to F 6.05 to 6.15 p.m.-Mondto to Saturday. Sports news, scores and inter- views with Ross McCaw, sportscaster. Easy Listening T. 6.45 to 7.00 part-Monday to w.w Hospital Chips! Service thls. to 900 a m Mervin; In Mon-lay mam-amt? Morning devotions from cha- pel of the K-W Hospital, con- ducted by ministers of Twin City churches. 1.1. an: 8.80 B.m.; IMth I.†Pan. ad tt.00 pan.--.- to Saturd- . 9.00 an) ', fi " and ll 00 p.m. Sunday. ‘l'ursc an trur mljor mews- cnp. (Wing the luau local“ regional and world news re- ports; plus sports more: and) weather. _ I02 KING ST. WEST WERNER EYES EXAMINED if? tor/ro' eie: FITTED up†In URI“ manna strut! The "Sweetest Music mu Side of Heaven", with Guy Lam:- do. Sunday-dm-ts Sam-ll.“ am, and 7.00 pm. Services from St. Matthew‘s Lutheran Church (3111.) and Benton St. Baptist Church (p.m.) F Sunday-Bar" r11'tro"t,a-iie,vgg second Sunday--9.00 pm. an end of concert. Band concerts from Waterloo Park. Monde-i, I.“ â€I. 830 to 9.00 p.m, Music by Guy honing-do “I his Orchestra. . , Tuesday. Thursday 3nd -rtftue- - run- " to 7.6â€. Latest sports news Ind igiee views, conducted by sport“- er, Ross McCaw. 7.30 to 8.00 pan. Wednesday night servic- in. St. Peter's Luther-n cm Saturday-qu, In.“ - I.†Wednesday-St. Peter's Ch-b-- OH The Jami-m 5.30 to 5.45 pun. _ Monday, Wednesday and Baha'i-7. 7.45 to 8.00 pm. 'e _- Tum. Thursday and Friday. Request program toumme" Songs). Lo 8.329.111 1.00 to 115 pan.-a+ Saturday. _ Song, by Bing Crosby. M'm'. FEATURE PROM PHONE 8-1“ [13211:]