' LOOK TO A BRIGHT FUTURE... f EVERYBODY EATS ICE-CREAM Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at St. James' Lutheran Church for Morley K Tonmn, who died suddenly at his home In New Dundee on Friday murmng. Rev. D, J. Glebe omel- and and Interment was made In Nc" Dundee Union Comet“). The law Mr Tomun vowed away just five weeks alter his fa- ther, Moses Toman. He was " years of use and was born near New Dundee on April 25, 1896. 2e was an employee of the B. F. 'oodnch Rubber Company Ltd. Active in church work, Mr. To- man served on the church coun- cil and was also secretary-treas- urer of St. James' Lutheran Sun- day School tor many years. Sur- uvmg are: his wife, the former Martha Egerdee; one daughter, Mrs. Paul (Dorothy) Jolkowskl of Kinzsdale; two sons, Cameron " Waterloo; and Delmore of New Dundee; also seven grandchU- dren; three brothers, Lloyd To- man of Toronto; Florin and Jacob Both of Kitchener; and one sister, Mrs. Leighton (Flossle) Rosen- Uerger of New Dundee. Mn the afternoons of Aug. tttth .md llth, sponsored by the Wo- men‘s Institute Branch of the De- partment of Agriculture. The Nurse is open to the public. The r.oixt regular meeting of the In- :mule will be held at the home -1 Miss Laura Erb on Aug. 17th. Mrs. Anson Lang, convenor of the Home Economics committee was in charge of the program. Twen- ty members responded to the roll call by telling, "How I'd like to "send a holiday". There were tulsu 14 visitors in attendance at we meeting. _ The July meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held at the Home of Mrs, Howard Fried on Tuesday night. The president, Mrs. Wilfred Sararas presided lor the opening business period. Announcement was made of an i-xtensiun Service course, "Make H Right" which will be held here District News From Our Correspondents New Dundee t The motto was prepared by Urs. E. S. Brown and read by urs, Roy Tschirhart. Miss Clar- wm- Haas and Miss Marion Sherk gut» an interesting ftannelgraph "smomstration on "The Cutting Tin-WWI“: coclo-o' tts LI 13735311576 Yrm.t.o.srilthsdtu-tor 'e'i-reutia-errasm-r. Us the coupon â€on; w... IS, in... 0.3.; Place and me The 1atrhtus WES-1'92“ .otter.d ...Ilno|etlenm Miro-all wuhimwwldmud-m Wammmdma CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. atBir-tuoudnitr-errt "ThUCIiloriamndo Ian. Youirilld‘uoovarum (Chi) 7atrf, t,gt"hSrg, P00 tttmrs A - aydopulnnlhcolhp. but any educatin- can. Immlm....' “Th-Imminent“.- [or-youth...“ _ " lb. Ikh- Elinor- tttro/u Guru-Wuhan KEN -MAR COMPANY LTD. 1231 ST. CATHIIINI ST. W. â€an“ (can? (nu-J _ I (not) (an? Hind Cooking of Beef which they hid presented It the Achieve- ment Day. The girl: have teen mined to give the same demon- stratum ttt the Canadian National Exhibiuon and at the Guelph Area Women's Immune Conven- lmn this full, Mrs, Lang then introduced the $2551 speaker, E. Ptutpott, Field relary of- the Kitchener Branch of the Canadian National Institute tor the Blind. Mr. Phil- The annual picnic of the Unit- ed Brethren Sunday School we: held at Knlptel's Park at Peters- burg on Thursday ','J,ghc,tte'r' an attendance ot ninety. pper was served under the direction of Mrs. Oliver Bean, Mrs. Robert Hellman and Mrs. Wilbur Shana. Softball, races and game were enjoyed in charge ot the .'3th1', committee, Vaughn Sent-s. yle Eby and Mrs. Kenneth §_hantz. pun gave an interesting taih and also showed a Ucles used by the blind m ever; day- life Mrs. Phllpolt and Mr. and Mrs. John- son of Knchener were also guests mine meetings. ._- _ Mrs. Arthur Musselmln thanked the speaker. Lunch was served by the committee com- posed of Mrs. Elmer Poll. In. 1.ng Bingeman and Miss Sylvia The Charity Sewing Circle met at the Blenheim Mennonite Church on Wednesday. A devo- tional period was led by Mrs. Gordon Shanta and the remainder of the day was spent in quilting for relief. The first class in a study course on "The Life and Work ot Christ" was held at the United Brethren Church on Wednesday night, sponsored by the Christian Endeavor Society. The instructor is the pastor, Rev. C. K. Nichol- " was "Good Neighbor Night" at a meeting of the Bethe! United Missionary Young People's So- ciety held at the church on rhursday. Approximately 60 were in attendance. The presi- dent, Mrs. Lawrence Hoover oc- cupied 'the chair. Elroy Belbeck spoke on the theme, "Who Is My Neighbor?" and Mrs. Jed Mont- gomery gave a talk on the sub- Jed, "What My Neighbor Expects of Me'". Musical numbers inciud- ed: a vocal duet by Miss Gloria Nauman and Miss Virginia knechteWa selection by an on chestra; and a piano duet by Rev. P. G. Lehman and Miss Mary Lehman. The members of the Drumbo Women's Institute toured the New Dundee Creamery on Thurs- day. - ---_i-- w,“ There will be no services held At Bethel United Missionary Church for the next two Sundays â€wing to the Camp meeting which will be in progress on the Kitch- ttPrtsWyt Highway. A __ _ Miss Ruby Srigley of Corrie and Miss Mary Lehman played , piano and organ instrumental number at the Sunday night ser- vice at Bethel United Missionary Church. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goodwin of Detroit, Mich, spent a few days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Areli Goodwin. The trend towards automatic lrarumnssmns has reached the point where more than 1,500,000 Chcvrolvts In Canada and the United States are now equipped tttth thc Pouwrglide. Mrs. Albert Egerdee of the United Missionary Church was guest soloist at the United Breth- ren Church on Sunday morning. Mrs, James Brown accompanied " Miss Delores Petzold of Kilch- oner were holidaying at Mon- tree) and Hun, Quebec. last week. Rev. and Mrs. David Hilbom and children. Gloria and Diane of matings“ Mich., were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Hilborn last week. Bobby and George Kinzie of Barrio spent last week with their grandparents. Mr, and Mrs. Omar Snider. L‘ "u'mo-druo'e-rauer For an interview write to Mo dishwashing . . . no help or ice-cream experience required. A thousand printed words could SMALL CAPITAL REQUIRED Lo rge profits assured operate your own self-service ice-cream franchise. You can own and msdomktee6rm"oqraa. tell you no more. Mrs. Charles Hatt and Mrs. Ar- thur Hatt opened their home to members of the Women's Associa- tion of the Doon United Church for their July meeting. President Miss Susan Eshieman conducted the business. Reports were given by secretary, Mrs. Robert Pteit- ter; treasurer Mrs. Art Halt; cards and Bowers, Mrs. Joseph Kinzie. At the close of the busi- ness refreshments were served and a social time spent. Rev. H. J. McAvoy of Galt coo- ducted the union service held at the Doon Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kinzie, Stank; Kinzie. Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph inzie and children Janet and John, Miss Susan Eshleman and Miss Paulina Eshleman at- tended the Kinzie-Bean family reunion at Victoria Park, Kitch- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wolfe are spending a week vacation at the, home of their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Wolfe of Callander. They also look Ricky Wolfe back with them. He spent a month here in Doon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wolfe and children Dorothy and Eddie have returned home after spending a week with the former's brother, Mr. William Wolfe and Mrs. Wolfe of Callander. Mrfand Mrs. Donald Wolfe and children Dale and Donna spent Jimmy Strume of Welland is spending a vacation with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Alias. Miss Grace Hosie and Miss Beatrice Seftet are Spending a vaggtiqn " Wnsaga Beauty _ Wesley Pearcy spent Saturday and Sunday a! the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pearcy of Rockton. _ my" and (ma elk-J Hanna chicken Ian-I any Ii New Pot-ton Curran. Conn-bet» Cclnr'y Green be.†Cnrm and Tom-loci Omelbtu‘ Appk “a Gin-cm â€Bonus“! Dan-04w Mums-Id PRU-dud- emu-mama‘s Cant-lous- kncm Cunt. at “In, w M Noe-Mo - In“ - Chou (Chm on - Put-I310. â€on 6-H ad In! W! Car-cu '03..“ I.“ Baum Cook“. mun..- l Inga-cognac» scale M29 mu» " 3f 7M7? halal M1430 Salad WeekJumla l _ Com scub- . mu; but. CANADA maxim or A4atMRIMNMtlllt “C. We: CON-A‘s m:- and (lac-n3“. an.» - - an"... and brand or roll.- to he actual '11: All - “In. Lon! haul/ml. In... tum-1031 In. Colt-“I- Dunc; Mr. J. Guillette of Galt spent a few days at the home of his son, William Guillgtte. --- _ Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. Liyipgstony1ot 11oro.rtto. - Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hamer and daughter Miriam of St. Cathar- ines spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Grim- wood. Mr. Ltd “is. John Perine of Buffalo, N.Y., spent a few days at their home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Karges of Kitchener were visiting " the home of the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karges on Sat- urder. _ k Miss Joy Preston spent a vaca- tion at the home of her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Preston, of (Sign. _ _ _ VViQéiifél Maleénr'Ian spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Holmes of Kitchener. -Miss Susan Hillyer is tre,'g a week with her parents, r. and Mrs. Hillyer of Ojen Splapd. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Whetstone and family have returned to their, home after spending a vacation at Manitoulin Island. Clarence Kinzie of Kit spent Sunday at the home and Mrs. )0}ng Kinrie_. Howird Gibbons and Jack MacDonald were visiting ttt Te- viptdalepy1 Friday. - - Several stock car racing fans attended the International quar- ter mile championship race at the Pinecrest speedway on Wednes- day 'evening. Lennard Pfeiffer of Toronto is spending a holiday m the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Pfeiffer. Mr. and Mrs. George Ternant and family and Ray Kenmir were in Toronto on Friday when they met Mrs. R. Kenmir and son Gor- don, who have returned from a six Week vacation in England. Murray Gibbons of Clinton spent the week-end at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Gibbons Mrs. Wm Toot spent a few days ttt the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clitrord Hall and Mr. Hall of Freelton . _ helping to Who! me hats Ind am of mnemonic mite, and Alan is busier thatt ever - plyin. aluminum roe (M‘- berry linen“ plums and other metals men looking for light- 'tmnrtnd_trmtath...orre tiem of the - that the Wright Broaem odd. Aluminum Com. pany of Car-(h, tad. (Aha). WMIN m Wright â€he" hm took on " Kitty Hurt fifty yuan ago. “sight-um aluminum was My in on the act. Their tiny amine ttad a single as aluminum mutate and crtiodev'tFct. Muminun hrr hear growing with the lit- cratt industry an time Now sit.diii(, -- Walled lij2 mucu- w.~Ju-u Inn-nu can...“ Wuz :Nah. sun “can: In“ v-tate and fauna also with [m "M Chum - N at I“ unu- I‘m-dell... madman-uni. lamp-lunch.- Whit-Imam Kitchener me of Mr. Ionian all out. “and“ Wall â€mt-d â€W0.“ PM†-_-- We... WI Clo-bun 'ala, 73-7-5747 M4545 “mg '-sarameu3 cream sandwiches for the porch supper on the {ollowigf day. Between slices of, {out cake, Was there a surplus of cake at the summer picnic? Your left- ov_er angg! food, spoxygg 9r pou.nd place a serving of ice cream or' a layer of brick ice cream. - flail - IOIVI o. "" MIMHAIMAI '00.: I". WHJIAVWH‘IIIKO m.(AIA(AS..m tte n.0,. sao umo...m m.womwuo luv. 0' V†ChNAO'AI l0“: WAWA. ,IW , Vt: A few months agoJose Caballero, noted Spanish artist, sketched his inpreuion of The Seaman) Collection of Paintings while they were exhibited in Madrid at the famed Caqtellarta Hilton, Like Senor Caballero, 30,000 people of Spain took the opportunity in the next two weeks to view these original canvases of 22 of our cities and to see. too. (or the first time. a new aapect of a great and growing Canada as resected in these impressive portraits of our mtion'l thtiving metropolitan centres. Everywhere these paintings went .'. . north and qooth of the equator . . . on both aidet of the Atlantic . . . they won new friend! and favourable comment for Canada. In sixteen cities my!“ "te0anuenitreaauum #4qu t' lt Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Huelstein of Wellund port who are on a brat- 'cation in these district visited Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Green. an. ',,gt'teAtg.e th- atâ€! "Cl -' were our luc- o v. mm". G, W. Kaiser. In Health»: mu Here. The Run "union was held on Mr. end Mga. Orwell Header- son spent I day recently at Urr- bridge where they punchned a house. They expect to move the early patty) My“! . the Igciou hm of Mr. and Mrs den Hendenon in Plans- ville on Sandi, with the toliow- ing (amines attending: Mr. und Mrs. Juhn Zurra, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross Lynn and Due of East Zorn. Mr. and Met. Ruben Roan and son Mutts of Hick-on. Mr. and in. Glenn Ulla, Sandra, Ctrri, Donn: and Jams of m. Catharines. Mr. and In Howard Murray, he} and Jimmy Ga Cherry af oodnock. Chm Laugfteld, and “in Wind: Ban of Mr. E. H. Strome of Elmira called on his sister, In. . Http- mer and Mr. and Hrs. C. Hannett- berg and o1her_relttlvey lien. 33m --uu Woodstock General Hospital, Jury 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Ward Edging-518. a_dagghter. - Dr. and M.ris. E. Siemens and daughter Anna Louise spent the week-end at Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson, Miss Eleanor Thomson, Ricky and Jimmy and Floyd House of Ayr left the past week on a three weeks motor trio to the West Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pen-K and sons Brian and Wayne le the past week for their home in Mon- Strathroy and Mr. and Mrs. Art, drew Pollock of Gun. Mr. W. S. Ferguson spent sev- en] days in Toronto guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferauuon Ind family._ -- -. - __ . Leland Grimes and son Robert of Niagara Falls, N.Y.. have been holidaying with the Crimes fam- ily and other relatives and friends in town for several weeks. tunily of Hinder were' Ascent guests with Mr. lnd Mra. J. H. My part of August? Mr. and Mn. My: Kennedy and aitiatt ttnd In. Kennedy. Sung†visitors; with Mr, and Che House of Seagram of mud tl tt in} "£675.79. George can,“ I vat-Cd at 'tr_iitue. , Mr. and In. Don-Id Pnye 3nd lamily of Niagara nus, NFL. were recently holiday was with In. Roy Bewm and immy. River. Mu SehieN and um of Kitch, em spam! the past amok a: the home ot hee parents. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Comm. Mr. and Mm. Stanley Handel of Toronto visited the. week with Mr. and Mrs. David Hall Mr. Ind Mrs. Rd. Scott 3 nt tly put week holidaying at gap Ilong I 30.000-mile international route through " foreign lands, more than I quuner of a million people came to visit them; to observe the skyline of our lend. and u) try on their lips the unlamilizr more of our Can-dine (Zines. Accompanying the Cottection were 4R-page booklet: containing reproductions ofthe paintings. These were "nibble to all who visited the exhi- Moon The Sugeun Collection is now back home . on a two-rear Canadian tour but El it continues. through that booklets. r,5d to build goodwill for C-nndn Ibroad. Mtl In many thouundt of hornet, the Q1†tut Ind pictures of these hookleu it! are keeping Canada talked lhnul the world over. m KING s. WATERLOO PttOttE 7-7138 " C'Cr.t5LiyotLuer 5., Shakes " spent the aa an] at her 5:» here. m. culled on Mr. - "F.AarooteeimtattttnstMetad" Mr. and In. John Nick!» was! on n trip to Build». NY, to: the week end. Mr. and Mr Elm. Brndex are holidnying at Perry Sound um wuk. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth and Elaine were amonf than who unaided the tunera ot the late Shirley Buahart at the Nat. use: Poo! Church on Monday In“ [him Heirntath a! “I“ .ualm' a!