PM“ mun TELEYIS‘IOAN SANDWICH SETS 333 WINDOW BLINDS On spring rollers, tt complete with brackets. In white, cream or green Bestwear; laundry tested to give 104 washings. scammed PILLOW CASES BASSINETTES CRHONNES and DRAPERIES GOLD itht CONGOlEUM - - ttSe FLOOR COVERING SPECIALS GORDON’S Goon GLASSES MANUFACTURERS OUTLET m - 110 King M. S. Phone 8-3853 Waterloo’s Leading Dry Goods Store Draperies Various Materials DRESS GOODS, COATINGS, on. at Special Prices . REMNANTS . PLASTICS " ammo St. s. KITCHENEI PM 2-4131 2161 King St. E. TttATS WHY WI All ON! " THE LAIGIST OHM m TOWN WETTLAUFER’S Here you can chooie from 66 different styles Our wark is only halt dune "ter our expert lens grinder: In through. For our “from once" experts are skilled in helping you choose frame: whose weight and style become you the beet Completely made up with quilted satin covering, including the basket, mattress. pillow, cover and rattle. In colours pink or SOLID COLORS -- Regular $1S5 per Floral patterns in a lovely array of colourings. 36" wide and 48" wide .....__t.m.t TSe yd. to I " yd, HAND SCREENS!) - Famous for Quality from Values up to $498 per yard - For ft ft. wide, in kitchen and ftorat designs. IAIK CLOTH - Regular up to $2.95 - For .theyaretminedtottttt- Service for 4; 8 pieces COMPANY RETAIL DEPOT Open For Business FRIDAY, MAY 7th COME IN AND LOOK AROUND AND SAVE! Refunds ond Exchanges mode . . No questions asked Opening Specials DE PT. STORE 1.19 pair E. - - (Comer of Fourth St.) xrrcumn‘, ONTARIO a.m. to 9 pam 36" wide Time saving. No ironing. Material suitable for 4 pyjamas. nightgowns and kiddies' wear. 3 Extra Special! Quilted Plastic Blue and pink. yd, SEERSUCKER blue yd. - For Complete 11.95 Sq. yd, Me yd. " Other otBcers include: Hon. pre- sidents, Mrs. M. Kreh, Mrs. A. P. "Hahn; tlrst vice-president, Mrs. Ross Merner; second vice-pres/r Ment, Mrs. W. Massel; secretary, Pitts. C. Zarnke; treasurer, Mrs. R. C, Luckhart; district director, Mrs. 4 Emslie; branch directors, Mrs. (L, Hostetler, Mrs. H. Schaub, Miss IMabel Hahn, Mrs. J. Monaghan, (Miss Florence Puppicombe. Mrs. R. C Luckhart, Mrs. o. Pin†and Mrs. C. Zarnke' were appointed a committee in charge of the local cancer drive for funds. NE WHAMBURG.--T'he New Hamburg Women's Institute re- elected Mrs. A. E. Strange pres:- dent for the current year, The annual meeting was held in the library hall last Tuesday. Standing committees, agricul- ture and Canadian industries, Mrs. H. Berth, Mrs, Leslie Bow- man; citizenshop and education, Miss Scot, Mrs. Robert Binning; community activities and public relations. Mrs. H. Him. Mrs. Jenkins; historical research and current events, Mrs. Roy C. Luck- hart, Mrs. Ross Merner; health and home economics, Mrs. H. Ho- stetler, Mrs, M. Luft. Also, flower and visiting com- mittee, Mrs. J. Widerhold. Mrs. N. Gampp; publicity, Mrs. A. F. Hahn; auditors, Mrs. Harry Stein- berg, Miss Beatrice Steinberg; pianists, Miss Florence Ridden, Mrs. M. C, Lutt. 1 The bride chose tor her wed- iding a frock ot concrete tan, styled with peg-top skirt, and scooped neckline caught with brilliant clips. Her Jacket was of matching material trimmed with matching braid and styled with three-quirrter sleeves and rolled collar. Her hat was of natural straw trimmed with concrete tan and she wore brown suede shoes trimmed with alligator. The bride wore a corsage of yellow: rosegs. New Hamburg WI Raises Over 81500 By Serving Meals l The bride u the (11311th ot Mr. And In. C. K, Berg New Hun ‘burg and the parents of the pride- flroom are Mr. And Mrs. Wittred ohner of Tlviswck. The candlelight ceremony took place amid a saturate! Mod“: and hyacinth; q Clarence Touke arranged and played the musiqal selections with Mr. Mar, cel Glenna ot New Hamburg the soloist. grin yrmbti?tg who pr. John united Mt mun-(grun- rian Emma Berg and Mr, don Robust. _ 1t'tltt,tg, United (At anlelight Service She was tfiiemieaGJurCiio- (By Chronicle Conn-panda!) Other Committees 1.98 ',T. 1.85 ',T. 1.35 537 guyuunoo my) cannon Some of the outstanding mo- ney-raising events of the past year were Christmas Seal sale, $302.25; tag day for the blind. $100.60; Board of Trade dinners, $281.88; plowing match, $139.00; Derby Day, $990.98; bowlin club banquet, $62.27; Shriners, £83.85. The teport indicated that a total of 51.60632 had been earned by serving meals. A musical program followed the business sesion with Mrs. R. Schaub as chairman. Vocal solos, Miss Anne Reuben 1gg."ttr1"'I by her mother; piano solo, rs. J. Weiderhold; whey, trio, Mrs, Norman Hit Miss Grace Pea, cock; Miss Florence Riddell, Miss Shirley Myers. Mrs. Robert Bin, ning and Mrs. Ross Miner; piano duet, Misses Janice Gibbons' and Anne Torrie, _ Mrs. Zamke gave a report of the district meeting held recently in Galt to help plan for the Inter- national Plowing Match banquet to be held in Kitchener Auditori- um in October. the year Vith" GiGair"i"iiiaiiC ing to $3,130.08. Three of the larger donations made during the your incl de Girl Guides and Brownies, $11137; Community entre, $1,100.10; Ind library hall, $50. . rum", was served by the hos- tesses at the conclusion of the meeting. The treasurer's resort indicated 1u!t receipt; potaue $4,088.62 for Mum mo v53 unwound am mm and jacket with I drop noct- "ine enegurtqd “my: arm!- Ind puns. Her white hat was trimmed with. navy and the were navy and white wee-lotion Her Bowers were white taunted cu- natious and blue corMowers. Mr. Beverley Abbott of Toronto wt: the but mu. The album were Mr. Robert Bowman, Kitchw ener, and Mr. Lorne Rent of Wn- _ '"i",'a, t " w a." dinne r or Ret was held at Tush End otet, (Senator), with I reception tor. lowing or {35 sagas. For a wedding trip to Florida the bride topped her costume with a jacket. On their return the cou- ple will reside in Kitchener. The bridegroom's mother was in navy blue with white hat and mv " shoes. She wore a come of white feathered carnation. The bride's Tether was dread m navi'i cur trimmed with pink lace. er at and gloves were also pink. She choc: nnvy locu- sories and her col-use ot pink feathered camtiom. BE FREllllltURGER's ALL Orders Are Delivered A COUBTEOUS * EFFICIENT * SERVICE Tulip Margarine 2 lbs. " Tamarind Kam Hams Fileadeheese Shoulder Veal Rolled Heine-mod. Receipts High -FREE- roam: - Ma 1, Elame Therese Schetter, ‘xalerloo, to fit.'"' Howard Path, New Dun- 'tot't-rtaai--Aprit 14, Mrs. Ma- ry Ranch, Plattsville, to Milton Roth, Tavistock. tett.ts-steatsrb--Masr 1, Ruth Alberta Strassburger to Ken- um Norman Schatz, both of Waterloo. 'teehtord-Nentwu---May 2, Relin, 'hi-at " In†Ila-91m. Mull %to Mr, and In. [40 BfiiiiTcai' k tir; ' 1'l'l; m . 5 â€xi ' Apr“ " to Mr. MINâ€. m.- tee Dietrich, . St, Agatha, 1 " ht. vitit?,-.'i 1tatlPsdirtt'Wttt and In. Rock Vilnius (no. Audrey Charlton of Waterloo), 's. Waum Are, Guelph, a u. I. am.“ St. 'a Bour~ tal, m l, to llama". o- uph h er, RR t, Baden. I dun let. _ â€will mw no. "kl. April 'ii7aFi)tiiiihtiilk'rte1'i,i? ru,'t Bet, St. West, uterine, 1 $91: Vu At K-W Mee April so, to Mr. and In. lev- en lan Knuatum, no Rrt, St. We“, Waterloo u daughter. ohb-At K-W dawn, my I, to In; and In. Joseph Ohls. " Brldgepon Rd., Waterloo, I l daughter. Peett--At, K-W Hosgiul. April 30. to Me. and MY.., ar- ry Bahama". IN Cornwall St., Waterloo, I daughter. Yitattttg--At St. Mary’s Hospital, May I, to Mr. and Mrs. Sylves- ter Yuma RR 2, Btdep, a son. tu-ts-At k-w lime May 2, to Mr. and Mrs. t Shanta, 152 Belmont St., Waterloo. Bl son, 'u.g1s--At St. May's Hospital, May s, to Mr. and Mn. John Birch, " Dover St. South, " terloo. a son, Wittt-r--At K-W Hospital, May 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Wil- liams, 189 Mary St., Waterloo. ts daughter. Tfr8isLiresiir Your Installation I: As Important A: Your Set! Time Payments Arranged " Allan E... Waterloo PHONE 2-5148 " You Deception In foot " Might Be Your Auk]! Phone Eddy tor an appointment! We Gumbo Our Work. MARRIAGES Tin " * SllPllliCllliLs olr III‘I’HS lb. " Pure t.ard lb. " MAPLE LEAF TINDII'LAKI lb. " Shortening DOMESTIC The theories propounded by an- cient wise men reading the earth and its gunman- are laughable now, ut we do not know everything yet by I very wide murgm. m-v-u I. -'B."IH.. MoMenltauer, limb“, " you; MM†2, Emmi Ken. he RR i, 'eit,trta'd - May 1. Hrs. uh. Low, Wellealey, " - . "tppm Ie-ey .3: My, .1441- 'etiiidiri. iiidiric' A mummy: you TODAY M not God I!“ [coll-In 05 Indian " this ,.-ur..-g Cu. tgerkilhierrif tdiU St. siiGii,' Waterloo, " year; 1aiNediGiiriir ii, fgl1lt I? Gum. both of Wanton. STEVENS MOTORS Limited We Carry a Full line of FRUITS and VEGHABlES - TWO LOCATIONS To SERVE YOU 71 King St. N. - WATIILOO art King St, Film 3-1433 PM DEATHS Our Own Ilond Coffee Summer Sausage lb. " Homo-mod. We still have a few lockers left for Fruit Season ft Pays To Advertise in the Chronicle lb. " h. " (ill""""" - O. "Olin-I, CAI OI I'll"... Jtti'lttrnt'u"getetttat1 w h ‘ M-art-rt-o-rr---. ..VcI-mhhu â€can. 6509901000 -itiadtrtrr-r-at-dt (fHrliifTTiEfIIE R.5.thi-.t*-. "e"-teeieliiiiiijj-, __ wamo,m. art King St. E. - KITCHENEI Phone 6-6466 REMEMBER . . hr FREE IDEIJVEBY MI PHONE YOUR ORDER TO 3-36“ h s1.13 near,ttitrr,sattts"e ’1†“I. trstt