â€Indium "sl mums nuns "LOVE FORTY OR FORTY LOVE" of participating cGUsiired to that of watching, many ot our sports in: would be cured. Among the games which are} more played than watched. in‘ Canada at least. IS tennu More- over, more players do the watch- ing than is the case in baseball or hockey or rugby, and that is a much healthier situation for both body and spirit, in tact. tor any- thing Ti't',ug the private purse of those w o are in game for the money's sake. " you're one of the grunt and ' groan spectators you will not find l enough ot the slap-stick element in tennis. Indeed, if you delight at all in the Herculeanian efforts ot over-sized humans to entertain, amuse and astound, you had bet- ter stay away from the general runs of tennis courts. There you will and that the great majority of players are of slim proportions and that their implements are light and even flimsy. This, of course, is conducive to speed, control, the quick and the respon- sive muscle unfettered by more than an extra ounce of flesh; thel speed and power of the deer as opposed to that of the elephant. This comparative description is, or course, extreme but it contains the fundamental elements of dit- terence Tennis is based on lithe, smooth skill while rugby. for in- .mw... .1..." n..." ,__,,,, stance. as we play tt, is another thing altogether. Depends what you like to see and what you like to play. â€was“!!! yryspsr/t!i).At,.AToRt_, 239.00 Brand New - As ASIAN As PREKLFLECTk'C 'teret, ITS" Y FGL. Brands - Aa Low As m....rt....rrm-r""'. - " PHONE 3-4632 FOR EVENING APPOINTMENTS ALSO OPEN FRIDAY EVENiNGS LOOK WASHERS ii NM 2151 King St. CITY-LIMIT LQEQIION KINGSMLE APPLIANCES ‘oes tor ever!- t h I n 3 t r o In checkers to po- lo and the term "Better" in- c I u d e s a l 1 ram: og View I more peopte knew the thrill sXves YOU MONEY SEE OUR VALUES South Side of King St. - “when" The WOW“ M can I many balm-c - Ji'ltd) non In may win. I†"I? they" ‘Idded aubatantUity to M club house Ind now It Wu- thetr members much W TM! the did u their own cm and by ythelr own mm. a 'ugthrr mean: ot stream at Club spirit. IEIILV ail-u v-vv .v. _-__ __ courts by the members ot the Teensters Summer Club which operates for senior boys and sf.',, as part of the summer 9 r- grounds program. This Bnaneinl _ltussisstartce puts upon the club a further obligation to be public- service minded, an obligation which they have discharged quite creditably to date. This summer's activities will undoubtedly prove additionally their willingness and ability to continue in this respect. Besides just playing tennis tor the tun of batting the bell from court to court as the beginner is apt to feet is his limit of still, there is chance it; imrtroetion. p ayers are mate in periodic contests against others in their class. The social element is, as i in all clubs, present and is quite strong and on a very wholesome ' plane. Out-ot-town trips are r" . of the seasonal program an so' , are visitations from other tennis t clubs. One word to those who claim 109-0° , BEGINNER's LUCK? - Ian Pirie, 13, and his brother, Don, pulled this 500-pound "Jew Fish" from Gulf of Mexico waters, off Madeira Beach, Florida, while on vacation there recently. Ian, who weighs about 90 pounds, is pictured with the catch. such clubs are snooty and cliquey r If you like tennis and want to a play tennis, if you don't expect people to go 90% of the way in I being friendly while you force I yourself to go the rest of the way. if you are willing and able to share the tasks as well as thel play and if you really want to get out of your membership more than you invest, you will tind that the Waterloo Tennis Club has all you could wish for. It has nice people and, I suppose, a few cranks. It has good courts with, possibly, a bump or two. It has a good club house but it ain't Buck- ingham Palace. It has many more l good features than bad ones andl more good features than many! other clubs, tennis or not. If you'm looking for perfection: you're going to be disappointed everywhere. It you're looking for your money's worth and a satis- tring, chart. healthful, tun-giving sport, join the Waterloo Tennis Club. Depends. of course, on what kind of person you are; but that's your business. Interested? Well don't waste time. Fees are reduced for pre- payment and you'd have that was WATI'LOU my; cutout“! rt'.?'- any; much more left to buy chewing "Fiione Bruce Rocket 4M48--or me or - Lillian Sole 241027: RIGHT NOW. MATERIAL OMITTED lAST WEEK Quebec's famed and scenic 5a. guenay River, at 800 feet, tret ably Canada's deepest inlen wa- terway In view of the - unu- tations in last week's Chron- icle we were mble to pub- lish our complete - up- rlcment. The Nance ol nterestlu stories are then- lore Included on til! we. -'s tamed an? sfe.nle Str a: fiiiiitiumanu Lament M 'te't,,'g, “m "." " anon u t - open“ no and tor ttu.uvHittye an - box tered with the Int-lxmllnd a. Baum treto tkoithrt.testse#ex 6ai'uGGttrikfiedt,tou_qhely "iirGisarri-roodisdr" Mo-er, he - had much M with MI ttahine trim Oh are. Walled out some big one: but?» In. you could cull I “real pr . But one day his Incl camper His eyes rested',', landed I ml dandy. e rippled with pride. After all mg" fun he could Milly call himaeit a real tutter- man. Boy, how the Inglen back home would enyyjpigna And) lu, wit: 68"" .%krird ie',',', ot him, Maybe next time went 1tl"d she hwgrldgt g'g','dt,t a 3 ate ' enem- stetdflgoy, what a click _ He awfully packed hU beauty in ice and took " home with him ‘He plopped it in front of his wife rm waited eagerly for the coro- nation. .. " _ __ T man My '"iiiir,'as we said before, this is the story of I very sad man. He woke up late next morning with the succulent odour of frying tUh in his nostrils. . . . He shook with a start and shot out of bed. "Good God", he shouted, “she's cooking my life's work. And I wanted to have it mounted," he subbed: _ -iiGGii,rdt of this little story is: Don't count your trophies until Side View Posture I ' ICI". m In?" w -.... 2Gi. Cam Shantz, Walter A trTf,trtingwietll tr,fg,1t and the tr,i,t,irgy1ey! Kg? u pon our quota of fish on opening " he cm: com-:without too much trouble, al- tea or Ji;d'Ctill/u"ill none at them were what C' for physic- lone would call lunkers. Reports "utmuc al activity/from other parts of the Tlsi'/di's' m'“m Improper pos-‘vai'ied, with. some good. can: e3 . _ ' b k he being made in some sections on ture Is a btysic, cause for _ac ac _ o catches in other districts, and m_any “maxi: wlf"hdf'i/! 17l)rt'vfll, more about the trout Imaging in_ ue . _ . . Poor . ure " the rrsult of taut- lasting g,tt,,.rae,ti.hue some ot us ty habits, occupations and lack of l 'ere away trout fishing. other understanding of the proper care tig,' members were busy working lot the back and splne. b_ix com- th club property. Your-l ‘mon types of posture whieh have out) 3:: . e committe chairman,) been observed by the Lhiroprac: Wl'lfflrumcl'l had his hands full tic profeseion, correct and faulty, reparing lunch for some of the are explained as follows: Tit but from all reports reaeh- No "ml 3mm - A subject ing this source, he did a fine job with 2'r1T of the body and no one went hungry. Topt! " IlrJfl ' the side tget',',', and his volunteer workers .also did; "C that the 'rriasai col 3 fine job and succeeded in mov- Illnll lave three waves ot cer- ing the club house as was lure,' Ind depth. Such planned. This Saturday isnnulher . must be 'rreerted In 0"-‘work day out at the property so tat In“ undue shuns to the any of you fellows who are not etMs and muscles of 1t2t gonng fishing come out and give dy, and In order to prevent - the boys a hand, they will sure f.t2tt./g.'tettt P.tu'.',y,te need all the help there-angel. t_, By Nd! B. Hum B.C. :IIuwIqu mm W Waterloo. - l Exhaustive researches into theIG o b N w s u b j e c ts ot ll n u e s Posture a n d _ Ll?: Body Balance The trout season started oft have tiemon-ilast Saturday with the weather | J tsiated 'lllol'illt'l about one hundred per cent Fa 53% of adultslbetter than the year previous, ' r h a ve condi- From reports coming in, several > cc, tions of poorlof the Club members had very 1' posture with good catches. Cam Shantz. Walter A resulting ef- eldman and the writer caught tects uponlour quota of fish on opening ay health, I,:),',,','.',.:),')",?,)',?,)',' too much trouble, at- fort or capaci- though name g lthem we: what ty for physic- one wou ca unkers. eports '2'y'ilthe.'ld', al 2rtl"v"ist"sT/lrnoem other parts of the province ooetoe on..." Improper iiei,'trx/je,it,d; with some good catches ture is a basic cause for backache i being made in someksectijms and _ 7AAL__ I, A; A- Lari,†Normal Posture - A subject with normal posture of the body " viewed from the side position mire: that the spinal column dull lave three waves ot cer- tain length Ind depth. Such caving must be preserved in or- der to avoid undue strains to the' “cement: end muscles of the bo-l dr, and in order to prevent barm- I ml - irritations. The apron": curving or the spine provl es the body with good canine and easy balance’ ot weight. When amo- einted with correct body bnlnnce. we avoid “accessory expenditure of nerve and muscular energy and provide the body with a proper Basis tor good health. m,. .-...- . your. pom _ => v' - - & - cor- ' 'd ‘ v In! “nor l Aiiilll l 8“ Till, 3 ma. - 15;: mtneou UH _ - 1 , ___A ~- mt) " According to bed tnatid-ttiat Bill layer, than about! tgMtdegtt b . iiiiiuuriiueteeiiBy- mm. mm - qsutertur_t.tiatt.ettetht tttetaiianaheadh-treetq' uretta.ndtMttodrtrtee11hr asthma». wanna. Sought“- ',',tuththtg"d'ghT2'.ec'ti, munstoMr, "erundiA'.1Cey you glue it but together Maint" ILWnterloo Rod 8. 326% Club News However, W m not att born under the wrong an. tte u lew angler: ouch noon " their prized cuch mounted. The Ng', M ever mud by Mr. ou- wuuio-pound mulklc L11trt by u Toronto nun. - Ttttt pnlaeccdure. mourn retat.iver- ly um , r an“ I uncut JL,t'll% olTlt', markings and My 1pfis'. A Enter cast'is Brat made ot) the h m.1‘he akin is then removed are in a noun- tion similar to t used by ten- ners. When the thin he: been treated II is tttted over the cut. The skin is then touched up with (e paints, as Mr. Meyer pointed out am has a tendency to [age it. k?ies of the colour mulling: are made even before the tiah " stripped and these colors fully re- stored when the skin ha been stretched over the unmet)! bedy. A thin layer of varnish is then applied and the artificial eyes in- serted. The body of the thah can then be mounted on any type of stand or plaque immagiaabie. The fish can be twisted so that it iappears in an action sequence or llaid fiat. __ REFER Generally the fish are mount- ed on wall shields, According to Mr. Meyer there lls as much work in mounting a Apeckled trout as in preparing a m “and. Woman In" Be sure to get your tickets early 1 for the dinner meeting Monday night at the Hotel Waterloo. It is not very often we are fortunate enough to secure such an out- standing speaker as Pete McGill- en, outdoor writer for the Toronto Telegram. " you read last week's Chronicle, you will have seen that Pete McGillen was made "Citizen l at the Year" by the West Toronto Civitan Club and International Service Club. Peter was selected because of his crusade to awaken Ontario people to the need for sound management of the Pro- vince's resources of fish, fur, game and forests and for his ap- peal to all outdoorsmen to prac- tice good sportsmanship. - Tickets for the dinner meeting are now available from any of yuur Executive, and do not for- get this dinner will get under way at 630 p.in. sharp, We should try and have a good turn out of Club [members fur this special meeting. '"iicrrouionday" " 3.30 phi. Hotel Waterloo. 7 ___ . "'iiii.-HGiUo" dinner will be served, so come out hungry, and go home full - of turkey, I mean. Ohsorvalmns over the years byl Ducks Unlimited fleldmen and) many other agencies indicate that speed of waterfowl is as difBcult to ascertain as a woman's age, - Recorded instances of waterfowl in ftight being paced by aircraft show Canvasback donut; 72 mph., Pintail 65, Canada can and Mallard, each. 6ir-- These are the |xop recorded speeds. Dim: Mn. Mart" - “EM. - WAN†Guest Spook“: PETE McGILLEN Outdoor Writer, Toronto Tm Just a Romindu - . . MAy " TURKEY DINNER REMEMBER MOIHER Gifts and Cards Wnnmo ROD & GUN cum OSWALD’S RENEE " an; St. E. 94 King St S See on: large assortment of Graduation Gifts and Cards 08WALID’S BOOK STORE LIMITED o.etuta3-hms KITCHENER BUS IERMIIAl KITCHEN ER .r25a . We have a I: 9 - large » Ef?, Selection of C6" _, plains. floral and striped cups and \uuu-rs‘ All are English bone china with a price to suit all Full range from $1.00 to $5.50. We will gift box and wrap your choice, and all you have to do 15 present it to HER on Sunday, May 9th. TM $1.Stt Phone 2-3523 Waterloo