st'iArfitlt.t06t The Baptist lumen Bud pn- sented an Easter program at the church on Thursday mum under the directtort of the supenntem dent, Mrs, Emerson “star. The ttrs: part, presided over prai- dent, Mary Joyce Buck mcluded tt responsive scrwture Imon. recl- tations and exercises, MISS Buck ulw played an accordion solo, “-th A ctsndle-ltght servwe featured the second part of the program with the musk being provided by a ti-voice children's choir Mt whne gout»; Colored chalk drawings depicting the Easter Story, made by Mrs. Lawrence Hoover formed an attractive background on the platform much “Ln centred Hum a decorat- ed cross surrounded by Easter li. hes and sprute itowers Muucal number, memded: al toad solo by Donald Path; a vio- lm solo by Allan Sherk; a girls" chorus; and a vocal duet by Mary Joyce Buck and Sylvia Snares, The concluding number was a puntorntne enutled. "The Cross u! Chnsl", followed by prayer by [he pastor, Rev J. E. McCauley, I'lgn Evangelistic Tour, Five )oung people from the United States who are planning an evangelistic tour of Germany m the near future presented a musical program at the Blenheim Mennonite Church on Weft-nesdaxy night. John J Overholta Union. town, Ohm who had bein a re- het worker 1n Germany for two bears showed pictures on his work there and gave a short mes- sage. Others m the party were: Francs Overholt and Muss Lucille Schlubach of Hartsvslle, Ohm. Miss Lena Bechey of Flam City. Umu; and Miss Vera Summers of Uniontown, Ohio. Several munc- al numbers were given m the German language Easter Musical Program. New Dundee t The Wilmot Fellowship Chorus presented an Easter Musical pro- gram at the Blenheim Mennonite Church orr Good Friday morning, The chorus was under the direc- twn of Miss Nancy Burkhulder. teacher at the Ruckway Menno- mte School Bishop B. B. Shane ot Preston delivered the sermon and Holy Cret:trturaion was also ohserved ThoteT-itgeHeodaehqst.Aq dmueted - ot We no. my be "lt-od by ' NOTE: ilGd - "raw; trdiii%itidudG _ ar. than "Neo" so a" on in M going! [in wgndroyu dial fp- " King N, 100 Tablets $5.00 Redford Something else {RUMAC TABLETS the man" (and does 2m t no" for his!) SINUS Mail orders will be delivered the some day as received m U?! "MIMIC! (OWAIIES IN CANADA Com.--"--.- m-uwmm "Home; make the man", says the old adage, But tod-y more and more men are learning that they can also enhance their sanding wuh cerugrt people by muting In}: Banana“. Take employers, for instance, To them, I mnn's ownership of life insurance sugars» that he is breathed. thrifty, realist" Above all. " refrects willmgneu to new re. spmmhuluy - an "mud: thn impinges every employer. in but '"rht""' who learns that 1 man own: life “nut-nee regards hum “uh added respect. They know that it apn- sems one of the most Import-m assets my can can have. Yet perhaps the most important "ect of owning life insur- ance u on the pol-whom" himself. It - him a an. of urhsevcment. For m no other - (1n he create such a valunhlc estate for so little in '" short I time So life unmrancr (In do more than provide {antacid security for your hmdy Ind yourself in [nu yrs" II the "thence, people m ways that help win mm! g N. Wuetloo Phone 2-1672 " " " 0000 CHIIWSN" ro OWN I!" [NWIANCI" DRUG STORE on Good Friday 'g',"ft"oittt,t which tune the Sacrament ot . lated', Supper was own/ad with the pastor, Rev. C. K. Nichollon oat. ciating, an; Vaughn Saran:- sang a soio. one": My Can-III... Holy Communion was celebrat- ed at St. James' Lutheran Chunk on Good Friday night in charge ot the pastor, Rev, D. J. metre. The Junior Chou rendered special mum. Ptertl Bauer _ 7 _ held n the tmftmt i Church. Animus“!!! 3 A combuted Sunday School and Church serum: was held at the United Brethren Church in the ‘murnmg vuth the superintendent. Allan Cressman. presiding. Chu- (ruws were sung by the children or the Junior Department under (ty direction of Mrs, Keith Ni- cholson Muaical numbers includ- ,ed: the iyrls' trto composed of Vaughn Sararus. Audrey and (Elaine Fiedertein; a vocal duet by Phyllis and Bruce Nicholson; and {the male quartette comprising ertun Sararus. Nyle Eby, Kw hub-Walla“... wan; 3.1: “mm": any. Anni“ we a... you An Easteraruunt ot IIon was present It the April meet. 1ng of St. J Imes' Lutheran new Aid which was held at the church on Wednesday night, Those tak- mg part were Mrs. Jack Schmidt. Mrs. Morgan Haltman, Mm. or- land Bierman. Delmore Toman. Dalbin Eserdee Ind Robert HAH- man. A lm entitled, "He is Ri- sen" was shown by the pastor. Rev. D. J. (Hebe. Mrs. Arch Goodwin presided and Mrs. Earl Emwecmer read the scripture lesson. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Donald Jacob. Mrs. Glebe and Mrs. W, Goettlmg. Attend Short Celtic. Twenty-two ladies attended the short course on “Cooking Short- cuts", sponsored by the Women's Institute and held at the home of the president, Mrs, Wilfred sara- ras on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Ruth McIntosh of the Women's Institute Branch ot the Depart- ment of Agriculture was the In- structress and ttiso showed slides. An Informal discussion was held on “Household Hints". Personals. Easter services at the five churches m the Village and dis- trust were 1artieiatte_su1ed, _ Mlss Anetta Nicholson ot De- tron. Mich, and Murray Nichol. son of Port Elgin were guests of Rev. and Mrs, C. K. Nicholson on Tuesday, - _ - H Mr and Mrs Gordon Snider and daughter, Linda Mae of Bar- ne usned with Mr and Mrs. Omar Smder on Good Friday. Easter Services wen Attended. During the Sunday School hour ut the Baptist Church a program of recituttotts and songs was pre- sented by the Primary Depart. ment. Shirley Trussler played a planu solo and the superintendent. Ellwood Tuman presided. Rev. J. E. McCauley occupied the pulpit tor the church service and the chotr sang. A _ A male quartette from Eastern Mennonite College in Harrison- uurg. Va,, sang at the morning serum: at the Blenheim Menno- mte Church. The singers were Wilbur Maust, James Gingerich, Kermit Derstine and James Bru- bacher, The devotions were led by Victor Stoltzfus, also a stu- dent at the College. Rev. Arnold Cressman, minister of the church. delivered the sermon. “no? T'..')?, "t'fr1'"T: nu» ma}? Mrs] Ulitrord Hall and children Lehman. and tfits.. Joanne Reist of Freelton spent Easter Sunday played a vtolin trto during the [at the home of her mother Mr, Sunday School hour at ll', 'tttt Wm Teet ' ' United Missionary Chum . ev. . q . r., . *' P".. P G. Lehman, the pastor, was in) Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pun) charge at the church service and -------- -e"_-- -- v - - ‘~ the Girls' Che!†sane, A _ kn-O Baum“... A...1 An. ., 's....., The Pansh Choir rendered sev- eral Easter selections at the mor- mug serum at St. James' Luther- an Church. The pastor. Rev. D. J. Glebe occupied the pulpit. A Members of the Luther League held an Easter meeting at the church In the evening, with the president. Larry Schmidt. presid- mg. Miss Joyce Weiss read the sctupture lesson and Rev. Mr. Glebe showed a film entitled "He Is Rlsen", An Easter pageant of worship was also presented by Mrs. Jack Schmidt, Mrs. Morgan Hallman, Mrs. Orland Bierman. Delmore Toman, Robert Hallman and Rev, Mr. Glebe. Miss Erma Coleman, Miss Mary Lehman and Miss Joanne Heist Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bryce and family of Freeport spent Satur- ‘day at the home of the iormer's humus, Mr, and Mrs, John Bryce. Rum H. G. Ctrattoru ot Preston conducted the Easter Sunday, up vice, “use Presbyterian C urch . "2'dtudtttt-, M Howl. lav, H. J, 'teat' Gm WA: in charge ot the ter Sunday and“ In the Doon United Church on Sunni-y tstternoon. on Sunday artterndon. Kerr "OMAN-HI Tyra. Mr. and Mrs, George Humhak and Mr. and In Louis Rousset of Kitchener were Sandi visitors n the home of Mr, nnd 'IC. Rich- Gilbert lefunhns a patient In South Waterloo emorml Hosp:- tat, Galt, where he is undergoing treatments. lli. Sherrie Till ts a patient " the South Waterloo Memorial Hospital. Galt, where she under. went an operation Her many trieuds wish her a speedy recov- Miss Isobel Sapsworth " a pa- tient in South Waterloo Memorial Hospital, Gan, where she under- went an Trf/gg,"',', operation. Her many nends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gibbons and Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Pearcy and daughter Sandra spent Banter Sande at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Nyelson Redford, and Mr, and Mrs. Murray Schmm of Hanover Mr. and Mrs. John Perine ot Buitaio, NFL. spent the Easter week-end at their home In the village. 5rd Jones Mr. Humid Meyer of Kitchener WIS a business visitor m the v11- lue on Wednesday. Mr. Frank Heftron of Kitchen- er, assessor for this district, was visiting in the village a few day., last week. ‘Murray Gibbons was a business vititor m TOWN" fyeledne_yifat Mr. and Mrs William Wolfe and children Kenneth, Larry, Ricky and Linda of Callander spent the Easter week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wolfe. Ahrnald Fuher was a bussnes, manor in _kytfhtner on Sigurd†Leonard Pfeiffer and Douglas Smith of Toronto spent the Easter week-end at the home of the fur- mer's parents. Mr and Mrs Alt Pteitter. Mr. and Mrs. William Grim, wood spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs Cyrulmar mer of St. Catharines. Miss Helen Hillyer spent the Easter week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hillyer of Owen Sound. Mrs. Leonard Holmes spent Saturday at the home of Mr and Mryi, Don Sp?etzel of Waterloo. _. Stanky Jones was a Sunliay visitor at the home of Bert Win- terrpeytr of Centreville. bert Hallman and Allan Cress- man. ttev. Kath Nicholson de- livered the message and the choir also sane an anthem, A pnanu and organ arrangement ut the "Hallelujah Chorus" was played by Mrs. Allan Cressrttan and Mar- iam Hiiborn. Rev. D. J. Clem showed films at the bi-weekly meeting of the Children of the Church held m St. James' Lutheran Church last Thursday night. Match your dollar bills with the list of Canadian one-dollar bill serial numbers published daily in The Tely . . . Anyone can win $10, $25, $50, $l00, $200 or $500. Ten new numbers published every day in The Tely. Sixty new numbers published every week in The Tely. See today's Tely for details . . . TB] WATIILOO (mt-b) CHRONIOLI 9nd gang: “up! - vyv Mrs. R. Kenmir and son Gordon ot Port Erie 13 em the Easter hou- day week-emf“ the home of the lormer's " Met, Mrs. George Termini Jfltl'/ Temanl. Mr. and Mn. Rm)! m: â€and dung." Susan ot Hugh spent the ter holidlg It t e homes ot Mr and Mn. hula Tilt and Roy Gibbons, lick MacDonald. David Home. Howard Gibbons Jr, Ind Bob MacDonald were visiting fritnds_in_Hamifton _on Frlday, Wain“. V r 7 ' Mies Ethel WIUON It ttie humor of It CMord ot Wilton Von '" FRIUBURGlERS A ll Orderor A re Dvlirvrml HOME-MADE HOME-MADE I'liihlltfilhliiSfi . . . h. Me SUMMER SAUSAGE lb. COTTAGE Il0l1 . . lb. 69e BANANAS h. 15: FRUIIS and VEGETABlES "Min'tlTtlotJtb" * lEPWM'IlENT * sauna; FREE Mr. and Mrs, Klan: Wellord at Montreal wete week-end viaiton with the lattesâ€: parents, Mr, and In. Edgar Stevens. Miss Frieda Guenther ot To, route spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Erwm Dahmer. Mia Guenther, who u the vvs'.'ug"l,i'ir, daughter at Mr and Mrs. " n Guenther, was born In this W- In: Conestogo t Excavation work (or the loun " in... In» (Chronicl- out.“ (1lt)lflhiliills 2 for 25e EXIRA thfllit SPECIALS dawn toe the m hum. ot Mr. Ernst Huhborn In. boa on.- plant. Work on an foam“ mu 9:00.04 chart! . Mr. um. Vega ha w. cha-.' tht' “Mom! Mun - acct-tried by Me. Ind In. Call In M, and tally. Mr. View Ibo Betqtttree gem of land and is planning "tmtaive tenant-ion. to the house before moving in. Mr. und Mrs. George Murphy, fropnewrs of "Train _End" Ho, el, appeared on Television, Wed. neuhÂ¥ in the prognm "Welcome True Ian". . Mr. and Mm. Nelson Shelly were midweek visitors to Orillia, FRESH TENDERIZED OUR OWN BLEND PICNIC HAMS HAMS . .. COFFEE . . . . h. s1.13 Order The Toly NOW from your nomdulor, the Barrier on vow "no! or phone lMpln $-601 I. THE TELEGRAM $llhKfllillf 10 for age ORANGES 2 ar. SSe SUNKIST J o 'e, an luv-nu Inâ€: In! (that. won at?!" In how of the My of Mr can» Bchwartxeetteutrer ll hia home on the lute: wool-0nd, in, eluding Mr. Ind In. Punk Bud, din and family from Toronto viarted the 8ehw.rurntruber on My. Visitors on Suturdu we“ Mr. and Mrs, Dun}! Lichty and daughter Jena ot New Hum- burg, Mr. und Mrs. Earl Schwa- tuntruber, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schwartzentruber. Mr. and Mrs. DAIY Plus WIIKND Toronto I, ...|b. Me REMEMBER . . For Free Delivery JUSI PHONE YOUR ORDER TO 3-3641 I: and In Acton and funny at Vk'orhbm Inter Sunday with Mr, Ind Emanuel Schwartaentrtatte. cl " l,, PePrsbum, _ _ anlly allowances now coat m Canadian taxpayers 3350,0005†At the home of w. and In. Walt“ Eeutein, Sunday vuitmB wen Mr tad Mrs. Lorna Eehquirg ot Waterloo, Mr. and In. an.» What ot Kitchener And Mr. and Mrs. Suntan Gaming and funny of Kite enter.'itNNtt lisy, Gre Iiiiriri," Hair? h. PM I." 'i.