PLATT9TLLE WI ELECTS OFFICERS But was te-etacted Phtuvlue Women's Institute gamut at the annual meeting Putt-ville United Church Plans were made tor the ulen~ don service course in home are of the sick which will be held in the church blame!“ Monday from 1.30toqp.m. Andean..- day from 10 um. to noon. A pot luck dinner and more course stu- dr. rill_eyyt_inuq until 4. - - In. Mel Cryderrnan, Mm. Gor- don Monte Ind Mrs. George Smith were appointed to arrange tor supplies. Mrs. Smith then handed out the materials and pat- PAM CrrtriG" EXPERT EYE CARE (I, Gnu-bl. Corr~uonu mmvm - In Eidtto "TTER VISION GLASSES “mums: wmmm nun-1m EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT JBerheleQ Square HAPPINESS SUPPER DANCE / ", ,/ (Z) Bride .. - be /j/,'s,ii,_,/,l,,,,,),'i",,",)',_' l SURE to W. J 0t0se/,i;,.f-j;sesisj; :i:s'" As a MATCHLESS Optometrist Serving the Knchenehwuerloo public for the put lat-gun Wt mum» ///Ԥg§\ TRIBUTE ’4 'i,r'/"'./',"(_"_'_' ", A for Your // 0‘6?ka RONNIE KING'S ORCHESIRA FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 2-9485 UGO-01’ KING ST. "" FINEST QUALITY East End Trolley Terminal Kitchener YOUNG’S C. II. NIMMO Dancing to Sold exclusively at pm; tor the handler“! woke! which the want. in Menuhin; for the dune: Annual mm. Mrs. I 'iid"tt,2t, 31“,. a; rt on e o neednuk Hmk. Ptoaen tooda and homoentu were chosen for the extension uh vice next you Mrs. Wi nun Bell was wint- ,, presiding other tor the elec- Reports were given by contre-. non. The treaaurer'a report showed over 8600 had been rated during the past yen. There is a 8t8f_balance, .- ._ . Omcers elected are: President, Mrs. Eldon Baer; itrst vice-Preis- Priced from 350-“ up MATCHLESS BEAUTY nan; "erstary-tr-urer, In. Bigtis Bulloct; mum EMT We, In. Wllllun Bell: um director, In. Clarence hull- man- branch director? In. Id- iiiiaiiGritiiiri'rirad,iiaiird In Irene Rainy ; tttuttue't 7iaua' Barnum In. no Sinner, In. Ilium mu. and inn. Clarenca W, L ..t,s,'iteii?i,tl,, ',iotv"i'llie,e,fdt,1 . . u I am u - We. Mm. A. trickler und In. E. [ Kitten; auditors Mm. Kenneth {Smith and My. (II-rent! Bryant, It/fly committees. publicity, Mm. C a: Harmer; uriculture and Canadlan Industries. Mrs, Frank King, Mrs, Wallace Brown;' citizenship. Mrs. John Shearer; education, Mrs. J. H, Lederman; home economic, Mrs. Burwell'; Harrison; public relations and community activities, Mrs. M. Falls; health, Mu. Reginald Schrane; resolutions, Mrs. Mel] Cryderman; historical research and current events, Mrs. J. C.) Woolcou; ways and means, Mrs) Bert Waldle, aa: .biGiuii 3.112;?me . ierer. A short program followed with my" tty yr.s_.__Fr.§nk King. - Mrs. t C. Woolcott spo'ke on the motto "A sighin' and a wish. in', will, never change you; tale." Lunch was served tfy airs/tten. neth Smith, Mrs. Shearer, Mrs Baer, Miss Seipes and Mrs, Wool. con, The Waterloo County Branch at the Ontano Department of Agn- culture, recently issued a release PROJECT " CORN CULTIVATION METHODS on a project of corn cultivation methods. This project was carried on fur the purpose of comparing the results and cost of various methods of cum cultivation in- cluding chemical spraying _ Eye-acres were Leit m' demon stratum as follows: Acre No, 1 - Cultivated twice and soya beans planted as a com- panion crop, Acre No. 2 - Cultivated twuce. Acre No. 3 - Cultivated twice and hoed. Acre No, 4 - Cultivated twnce and sprayed with 2,4-D when corn J we; smog} til high, _ _ L Acre No. 5 J Cultivated four times. Ohcsrvalion and Casts ', Acre No l-Although the soya) beans added a certain amount of) feed value to silage, they were in- , effective in preventing xre'i'i) grqwth. _Costc-8d:00 per acre. _ - Acre No, 2-LThe lieastr exiren-i sive, but gave the poorest cunth Very wttrdy, Cyst-troll per acre: L Acre No. 3--Gave the best weed control, but was the most expen- sive. $2.00, plus 9 hours labor at 90c per hour, $8.10. making a to- tal of $10.10. Acre No 4 -- Cultivated twice ;mond, presid and chemically sprayed, $2.00 plus "he worship tl.26, a total of $3.25. Gave very 'was played 1 good control of annual weeds, but (the call to w did, not ggntrgl Cralrs. ence Facey. Acre No, 5 - Cultivated four times-i00. Gave very good control, and proved economical. The cost of cultivation was set at $1.00 per acre JNILLIIS FOft OVER " YEARS KITCHINII EXQUISITE DESIGNS SOUTHWEST WILMOT. - A certificate f or accomplishments successfully completed in 1953 was presented to the Misison Band of the Bethel United Church at their regular meeting in the new Sunday School room on Sat- urday afternoon. Miss Alice Dia- tnond, Irrts,ident, presided. During -utorat "Multan Photo HAWAIIAN INTERLtJDE--Mr. and Mrs. J., E. Frowde Seagram of Waterloo are pictured during a Hawaiian holiday as they attended an informal picnic outing in the country. They greeted Canada's Prime Minister St. Laurent, when the statesman and his party spent two days there enroute home from his round-the-world tour. BHHEL» UNIIED MISSION BAND (iff CERTIFICAIE the worship service quiet music was played by Wilfred Bean and the call to worship given br'rlor- enff Facey. Mrs, Gordon Mordue told the next story in the study book deal- ing with the church in Mexico and entitled, "The Closed Church". Prayers were given by Florence From YOUNG’S 'r11ilAr1"hoet (on-u.) cucumb- (By Chronicle Correspondent) ( I (l/Cris)",] I bi' W I " ‘ _ (do _ gmce Rover ‘ed a member 13 no need to a motor trtp 7..-.1A'; Aumn‘ xFacey, Marilyn Bean, Florence Mordue, Alice Diamond and Mrs. Clarence Diamond. NEW DUNDEE.--Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Good entertained at a family dinner at their home Sun- day on the occasion of their 25tl, ‘wedding anniversary. Aproxim- ately 50 relatives were dpresen! from Lowville, N.Y., Al ershot. Millbank, Waterloo and New {Hamburg -- 1 (In If he is on canned dog tood,) 'alternate his regular diet with an†all-beef food, to Ptovide variety. {It's more econom cal to feed him "atsle scraps, however. Simply l Vclrry wax or celloghane _ ,which can be Med in otel or Ft) "utchena. Most places are glad to G, it " little 9r no charge , ( H) Allow the dog all the water ‘he warm. Ind stop at lent twice ‘daily for exercise, (5t Some hotels do not permit Wt so be certain to check ahead. f ost motor courts, however, have ‘no oNectiontr to dogs In mild “we-1h", you can bed him down In the cur trunk, using tt mull block of wood to keep the trunk anen {ch for Itesh ltr, The scripture was read by the; worship twin for the meeting? Miss Florence Facey. otrerintr, was received by Beverley Anne, Diamond and Earland Morduef while Marilyn Bean played the, en',: Beverley Anne and Doug-) as., Diamond sang.a veal gyet. , Special guests at the dinner 1: were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Shanta, of Waterloo who will celebrate}! their 20th wedding anniversary" March 24 and Mr. and Mrs. Mah- 3 Ion Shanlz of Aldershot who are , observing their llth anniversary l March 26. I Reports were given by Harold Diamond and lorence Facey showing that the balance on hand was $10.73. Mrs. Mordue, super- intendent, announced that the work and worship twins for April would be Wilfred Bean and Doug- las Diamond. After the repetition of the Mission Band gurpose, cre- do and the singing o their hymn gscomggnied Aby_ Marilyn Bean, Mr. aiid Mrs. Good were the recipients ot many gifts and con- gratulqtqry cards. (2)_Allow him about iwoiurds of tys _r_egular food augment: 7 Work was done on the senior scrap book under the direction of Mrs. Mon-clue but due to the ab- sence of Mrs. Reibling, Junior scrap book leader, stories were told to the children by Mrs. Clar- ence Diamond. Games were played and refreshments served by Mrs. John Baird and Mrs. E11- worth Bean. There was an at- tendance of twelve children and four mothers. gince Rover u generally regard- ed a member at the family, there Is no need to leave him behind on a motor trip If you follow my trreptrs, simple rules: _ _ (M Attach to his collar I tag been†his name, and your full name Ind ndrdess The words. “Reward for Return", may help recovery If he I: lost A doit uenernliy "may: a Mi and. with these 'ard,',',',',',: he make I arte (rival " companion Mrs. Ellworth -Bean closed" itil; mgsting with prayer- _ _ ilt Feed 'your dog mrrly in the evening-with little or no food duryutctua) 'ratellintr 7 NEW DUNDEE COUPlE FEIED Tips onTouring (By Chronicle Correspondenll - By Caro! lone -..l _ Women's Travel Authority 2 IE Dogs are better), ‘ travellers than most‘ _ . human beings - or a; l i G so claims Yh old-J r"-ir2-r. timetravel ing) ar "tr, salesman I k n o JI 'ree' who covers 3 40¢ mile route every _ week with his con-[ stem companion, Ttl Crt _ ii),',1',t,sg Me Not" was sung. Me,, w sionary sayings were given by L various members and readings ' iwere given by Eden Hilborn and " [Richard Poth. a ,Wul Show Colored Slides. _ Colored slide, on the subject l. "'Beautifytng Canada by Land- e Lscaplng {our home" well be shown “an Kave man's Hall next Monday y ‘ night, March 29th, by a represen- tative from the H C Downttam eiNursery Company of Strathroy (rand under the auspices. of the Wo- men's Institute IB.Y.I’.U. Meeting. I The B.Y,P.U. met a! the home} lot Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pnth on JMonday night with the president, ‘Mrs. Stuart Rosenbergcr "ecum- Iing the chair Barry Harper read ythe scripture lesson and Miss Mir) _ry Joyce Buck and Mus Sylvsal Saunas sang a duet. The topic,: "Missions in Indm" was m chm-3% Rf Mrs. Path with readings being, igiven by Mrs. Emerson Harper, sMuss Hazel Dinger and Roy Gild, , lner. Miss Eleanor Bond told the‘ story of the lite of Fanny Crosby [ miter vylnclLoge of her hymns, Mr, and Mrs Phlllp Suppel and sons, Robert and Jack " Dear- born, Mich., were guests " Mr and Mrs, Anson Lang on Sunday, There wu a three-sewnd pausr Then the little fellow mud 'Bill could make I lot of money shnv- etling other drives ownimd) wants it done I'd do yours right now " By Ambrose Hills You-c Sumn- There was an trnpPrtous rlng of the bell I opened thc door and saw a huge shovel standing there, "Shovel your drive an" he told me. It wasn't really a ques- lion. It wls limos! an statenwnt, us " the deal had been completed save for the formality of handmg (we: 50mg "Jonex I didn't quite C, the loan of the propoettton hum-ted It was h'eld up by a smiiu bory wrth I heckled nose Just showing und_ef his, hooded parka "Sorry," I said. "my sun Bill wants to shovel it." New Dundee : By "In Mirum [inborn "Chronicle Correspondent, OF MANY THINGS Come one come all! Little girls and grandmothers, too come see our gay, colourful showing of the prettiest Easter fashions, ever! Never were our dresses so deliciously pretty! Coats _ _ so wonderfully flattering! Spits _ _ . so new, so beautiful! Easter's a wonderful time to be pretty _ t to be elegant! Spring is the time to be bright and beautiful . V _ as you ore sure to be, after a trip to Kitchener, to Goudies, to choose from the exciting, thrilling fashions in our new spring collections Visit the Queen Street Floor the King Street Floor the 3rd Floor Fashlon Section Men's Shop At King Sheet Entrance I Telephone um KITCHEN“ In. And M - He did a pretty fair job for a; buy his size and I was glad to) titvi' him the dollar. Not only had 1 he shovelled my walk, he had )glven me a feeling of optimism} (about the world. "Some other kid shoveued my Aim, drive." he said. “Dad gave him a w m. w dollar!" Aron, I gave In promptly "Go ahead, " you do a good job there's a dollar m it."' Canada needs salesmen today. and we don't seem to have them. Or, if we do, we are not using them. Instead, the government sends politicians around the world to try to makes sales for us. They flop. Some of their trips bring re- sults less than zero. Our wheat piles up, our dpork piles urF--Arr they are union ed at a loss Poli, ticians don't have the knack of trading The lad could teach them a lesson, I hope that boy with the big shovel is typical of boys {rowing up m Canada today. A ew like Let's help Siskins win the next round with the Seoforth Baldwins Prob-Mun of â€punch "gun 5‘0ҠAet Moon Adults 75c WATEILOO AIINA - SAT COME EARLY Port A 00 Bring the Family HELP SISKINS WIN SISKINS NEED YOUR CHEERS Manley night 2,000 fttoqrlq km m a his help in winning the - MK no!" Woodstock. - COME ON WATERLOO - An Easter Special For The Men: First-quality brondcloth. 100 x 60 count. Sanforized tpre-shrunk). Regular fused collar, and the popular Windsor twider- out) collar. Button cuffs Breast pocket. All extremely well made and finished with particularattention to all important details. Each individually wrapped in cellophane. Shes 14% to 17%. Helpful saving for they.» planning Easter dress. up needs on C. thrift budget! SHIRTS 2.79 ti, All-While - Ind Solid Colours: Students Mr Blue. Grey. Fawn. , ‘him. given a chance to turn a kt a ( fit, would soon sell our goods. is lgeneration hos tTopped; our ales- , imen have tttken a back seat and gilt-t the Bolitiaiuns do the selling il hope t e new generation will be a ‘smarl enough to put selling back 0 I where it be one. in the bunk at 'd l, men whose business it is to all. d Incidentally, when my son Bill 11 came home with his shovel over his shoulder. and he saw that our drive had been done. he asked. F', "What did it coal you, Dad?" 1 (T. confessed that i'd paid a dollar g He grinned. "That's about right." " he said, "That's I big driveway.†d These youngsters of today are ' ; no tools! Hope we don't spoil " them before they get. a chance to 3, lake over Canada's selling job for (us! - SATURDAY NIGHT on A GOOD Mar With today's 9yichrdrving loc- quers, developed by the chemical industry. an automobile can be finished in hour instead of weeks required 30 years Mo. T TAKE Children 15c