Hit By Car, 63-Year- Old Fractures Leg " Booth, waived I fracture] a when “wet down by 9n auto v9 try Coal Fun ot Linwood. at King and Herbert Streets, " tl'loo. Sammy. Police said ellet nu cream; In. ttt. towards the bun stop in hunt ot the Waterloo Mannhe- MEDMCDW Ltd, He was admitted to F- Boqpnal. _ --- _ _ to EN iGGiih Ave., Hamilton. hit the mu ot In A cut driven by Mind C. uutomobile opeqpted by Kenneth Preias. 67 Ellis Cm... Waterloo, Rush. 40 Deuborn St. East, Wa- meived about $150 damage Sat- terioo, P? the later Mowed dowtt My when " straddled a man- at the uttersecuon. Rush told po- ttale on . secuun of Oxford St. llce he slowed down when . car where road work " being done, )1†fr ont of tyn auceen_ett UP to A mishap at Crowstoot corners, turn left ott King onto Bricker. near Coneitdeo, Sunday, resulted,' The Ruth vehicle received 8150 in about $500 damage to a can-{damage and Buck's car about $100 driven by Willie Weber, CM damage, halved about $150 damage Sat. urday when it straddled 3 man- hole on a secuon of Oxford St View road wurk u byng done, The shifting of frequencies dur- mg Hydro's 25 to tio-cycle change- over in Wellesley will cause all electric clocks tn the town to gain or lose approximately ili mm- utes each day, from September 10 to September 23, Ontario Hydro Chairman Robert H. Saunders said recently. Clocks will lose time at 25 cycles, and gem at 60 CY?!“ _ _ The chairman said 350 season’s tickets were sold, Two hundred children received .swxmmmg m- struction in the past two muntns and about 75 youngsters attend- ed the tree awnmmmg persods Time Slowed Down V Hydro Changeover in Wellesley Mr. Saunders said tunepieces would also gain or lag durmg this period for customers due for changeover m the pornons of the Kitchener, Stratford and Elmira rural operating areas served by thedyeuesitt sub-station, The swimming pool m Water- loo Park, operated by me Water- loo Lion, Club, attracted over 30,000 paid admissions this sum- mer. W. E. Patson, chairman of the chtb's pool cornunttee, gave the report at me first onn's Club meeting of the season last week. This year's attendance iS report- ed to have topped an previous marks. "The problem arises," he ex- plained, "because were Is only one feeder carrying power Into Wellesley. Since bum 25 and 60- cycle wtll be needed during the changeover operations, frequency changers m}: nave to be used to swncn from one cycle to the other as required; lions Pool Draws 30,000 A 9-1031-on .Wut-flodxmt No itasatta0ehd-.htfkatumttane. "ce--:::---.--"-"---'- APPLIANCES- " no... b. s. Wm... M “noun: Coleman RECREAIION Also all HUNTING SUPPLIES “- aunt] Jinn-loch 8.950191! Kelley, of p: DOUGS " King St. South WATERLOO WATERLOO STOVE OII. Floor Furnace “Whamm- The pool otTicially closed last "Sunday but might re-open on cer- ‘tam days it warm weather re- "urns. I They are Mrs, Frederick CresS- (mart of MacGregor Home and School Association, Mrs. Cyril 'Phin of Elizabeth Ziegler and o. 3ra. and an at want m . bank and roll“ out “(a the brake- and. PM? tetrlutLMein- w: 13y 1111mm)? mick, 07 Beuhwpod Other speakers outlined " the council meeting of vice-presidents and past presidents at the home of Mrs. E. F. Schafer. " Young St West. Waterloo, were three association residents who will gwe "lllt'lutt from the federa- nun conference at Lake Conchi- chgyr - Leadership training courses for members from the 2t associate groups of the K-W Home and School Council are being offered hegmning Sept. 26 at MacGregor School, Waterloo. chum it In]: tti. North sad 'tte' Ave., sterloo, Sam! as; g These slight changes In cycle are sutBcient to vary the motor speeds of clocks, and the opera- tion of the motor naturally affects the tune shown by the clock. At 24-cycles clocks will run at I slower speed, and faster at 62U- cycles. _ Thirty children qualified tor the senior swimming award; 20 fur the intermediate and 55 ju- mor. He said the wading pool, although installed late in the sea- son, has been successful to date and the playground area around the wading pool is undergoing renovations. A proposal that a Waterloo swimming club be formed met with no action. This club, com- prising possibly the 12 best swim- mers in Waterloo, might compete against outret-tTyy orgatlizgtions. The guest speaker will be Mrs. H, F. Foster of Galt, district No. 5 chairman, Ontario Federation ot Home and School. The gain or loss in clock time will be caused by the tact that when switching tom one cycle to the other the special convertor, required do not produce power " exactly 25 or 60 cycles. In one case they produce 24-cycle pow- er, and In the other Ella-cycle power. eac_ly day Edward Good, first vice-presi- dent, presided in the absence of the new president. Bernard Has- New -Pas,t president Charla; 11315;; worth outlined his work during the: past season. " Home and School Council Plan Courses The odd frequencies, however, will make no noticeable differ- ence in the operation of other do- mestic appliances, such as wash- mg machines and refrigerators. The temporary timepiece trou- ole will cease when the last cut- over to 60-cyelea is made on Sep- tember 23. Agordingtg pqlkg_a_cu griveq New Hamburg’s 'Slimy (ll',',',':',') Rides Again.' y The sump. men in color, " dug lay on the left a bobbin trom ','J'tf, thread; unwind through an old-fashioned Tinntng wheel to appear at the right is folded cloth The new issue will be the an. sin n the proton! â€Jump. which depicts the oil Industry, Doctor lists ll Health Rules Accept others as you tlad them; don't try to "make over" your spouse to suit your ideas of what he_or she should be like. OTTAWA, - A new Mreent stamp will be ittaued Nov. I hr.- "ntrrtg Can-dis tum: in Ill- tries, the Post ofwte Department angounced Ian week, VANCOUVER-Eleven rules tor keeping good health were pv- en in I pu he lecture here by Dr. Waiter C. Alvarez ot Chicago, former consultant in medicine at 1339 Mayo Clinic in Rochester, JUDGE PRAISE t0tht COPS "I'm surprised that in a county of this size that there was no crime during the summer. It speaks well for your law enforce- ment oMcers They are to be con- gratulated." Heart Disease Takes MM lives Mrs. Norman Wombwel] of Sun ny§ide. Many physical sicknesses orig- inate in the mind, he said, in giv- ing the following rules: ‘Avoid such violent emotions as worry and hatred, and keep your temper under control, bean to make decisions Jet.'; then stop fretting over e problems in- volved. Don't retire from your occupa- tion or other, normal pursuits if you can possibly help it.. These were the remarks of the presiding judge. Mr. Justice G. A. Gale after opening of the fall as- sizes of the Supreme Court of On- tario in 5it.cheyer Monday. TORONTO. -- The Health De- partment reported that heart dis- ease, taking 1,044 lives, was the main cause of death in Ontario during August. Cancer took 45) lives and there were 254 violent and accidental deaths. The recent taking over of par- ent education from the Ontario government by the federation will be the subject of a speech by Mrs, Schaefer. . Plan New Slk fertile Stamp Make a conscious anon to like tht people you meet. Avoid tUF-L' especially fear ot disease. 7 -_. Presented only when there are no criminal cases on the docket. a pair of white gloves were hand- ed to the judge by deputy-shed! IP" S. Rankine as court open- ed It was the first time in "three or tour years" that he had been able to participate in such a cere- mor1yt he said. "Crime has been rather mm- pant in Ontario in the past few years, though I believe there has bggnla slackening oft lately," he Another communication was re- ceived from Maxine 11r8ptig, who " studying in India for 0 mission field, She thanked the group for it: birthday card. Practice" 3033 GGiiri hygiene by_gem_ng lot; of sleep. -Aioid ‘useliesrsi TGrwork and minus mental strain. Don't coeiiurirCiitrout your everyday problems-just at out to_remedy them. Don't iveriGiage In food, to- bach Pf liquor. 7 added Films wiff also be shown on home and school work. The group Eon-ted monealto and the building fund of the .A. Coronation Church in the diocese of Huron. A letter of aprreclation was re- cewed from ormer secretary, Mrs Wesley Stanley, who ha moved to Hamilton. Acting sec- rmary until the end of this year will be Miss Lilli: Freeston. Plum were made for the Little Helpers party, Oct, M, and Ir- rnngements were diuuued for a brmg-and-buy sale being held Two new members were wel- conned to the Ewening Branch of the Women's Auxiliary, Church of the Holy Saviour, Waterloo, at a meeting Monday night. m: were Mrs Shirley utter and Mrs Irene Hnig, Waterloo Church Group Welcomes New Members u'2S"t2tlttAltt'ttg " - mmuwbhbl- lovin‘ Account of the ta- ribl: ma doings u tr te1dediroGermaEm-- New Hamburg Police Chief Thoma ttrt Mu: Under date '12t O the mumm- scher animus, North Germany, pnu an. . . Uit- etal tranatationr minim -. blow-Vail tue breyettf to 1ralreue. A New turntniri," Clam: The chief of police of the CI- Bttrra, Waterloo Man Fined $50 Charles McArthur, Peppler St., Waterloo, was fined $40 and costs when convicted of careless driv- ing in Kitchener police court Tuesday. He was fined an addi- tional $10 and costs when he pleaded guilty to driving without a permit. Society Plum October Shou The charge arose trom a mis- hap at Petersburg. The court was told that McArthur, alone in a car at the time ot the crash. had a beginner's license which had trItt1l.tet has since gained RECORD BUSINESS YEAR SEEII BY BAIIK OFFICIAL Mr. Git/su-ten "next year should be I good one, but prob- ably not as good " this." FROSI WARNS Of llOUOR [AW CRACKDOWN The premier said beer parlors are "not above the law, nor are other liquor licenses, and viola- tioh of the law will lead to the suspension and cancellation of li- censes and other action." his operator', licenie, of app the m cent tl hardt, mittee, the am of tha: Forecasts for the Canadian business scene by noted observer: ot the trends general]? supported the view that 1953 wi 1 add up to a record for business. But there were more cautious predictions about the future. 'TORONTO-A crackdown on liquor law abuses in Ontario ho- te s and taverns will be enforeed, warned Premier Frost, Wednes- day. He called on private citizens to2tetrt in reporting Violations: The warning, he Idded. "refers not only to the enforcement of liquor regulations as such but also refers to the general moral at- mosphere surrounding licensed premise: " The Waterloo Horticultural So- 'ilu; It I direetom' meeting In: W newâ€, proposed to hold a showing of moms and slides in October" on vuiou horticultural subject. EDMONTON-This year will probably be recorded as "the best in the Canadian record" business leaders at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce annual meeting were told by J. Douglas Gibson. supervisor ot the Bank of Nova snPh'rs tcoemics..deptytmet. Views of the riarwinning gardens in the Socgcty'n comes} In early summer will be ahown. The directors gupporled. t, vat? of appreciation to reco‘xu n o the work done regarding the re- cent Bower show. Joneph Eber- hardt, chairman of the show com- mittee, and Mr. Beer. president of the focifty, received special vole: The program ot the Evening Branch conference to be held in London, Ont., at St Paul's Cuthe- dul. Sept. l0 and 20 was read. Mrs. Howard Weir will be the delegate. Mrs. Milton Helmbecker and Mrs. Louis Stechenreider cloud the meeting. Sept " Members WA. will be gunk. 'tttagent.. - Wit-ho ORNAMENIAI IRON RAILINGS fl! 757331.00 593d.) OIIOIIOLI mag-w tliiif2tiPSt In [no u- citauut. cm.- m j.- bidden to play our the rim where the month: My lives. The chic! it who. said that in at tumour]: half claim." The mm half aiming." tuGaaa itrtiid, 't,ht"P (lll"fdat't ver of the museum of Tomato" m ot the opinion tint the slimy monster probably is only a M say“ that a all-y. CLEMMER WELDING , society, thanks. AND waist-bind. of the senior According to reports the coun- cil "hed for the chief's rain-- tion uvonl wool: up when two mmbln vm durum Church and School Week Set for September 20-27 The council gave the chief one month', ulnry, plus three weeha' p.) for vacation and on: we!) pay for 9min. responsible for the swifter pro- gress of trade south of the inter- national line. The sneaker was introduced by W. J. oblett and thanked by Clifford N. Hill C. F. Holland. club president, conducted the meeting. This year's Church and School' Week will be observed through- 'ty the provipce from Sept. 20 to At I weds] mean-1 of Water, loo Township Council Weed-y night the resignation: of Police Chief H. J Schedewitz Ind the township vyolk! aternographer, Mn, Fred eber. who Ibo served us junta of the peace, were ec- cepted. Both resignations are " feggiye Sept, Mr _ Neither the chief nor Mrs, We- ber Ippenred before the council Their letters of resignation were read and it w“ moved and nec- onded that may be Acceptpd, Franklin Davey McDowell out- lined the imsact of the railways on Canada's Tttn?) at Tues- day's meeting ot t e K-W Kiwa- nis Club at the We] r Hotel. Kitchen.er. Mr. Massive" is author ot the “Champlain Road" and recently retired as public re- lations representative of the Can- edgy: NetiomIRti.iwa.rs.. A - The special week, designated to impress children of the import- ance of attending Sunday School is now in its aeventh year of exis- tence. This year's slogan will be "Every Child at Sunday School onfyet,hv, Sep1 37". . Former Railroader Addresses Kiwanis He referred to the Isolation of Canadian communities a century ago and to the obstncles to trade wtish hhtt.1 isoi!ttioreprttsented. _ "ter. McDowell said that news of the Mackenzie rebellion took 12 dara to travel from Toronto to Penelon Falls, a distance of Ibout 80 miles. Rdilihys developed in the Unit- ed States prior to a similar de- velopene.prt fttt Canada were Iownship Accepts Chief's Resignation An oMcfal advised that letters have been sent to boards of edu- cation and public school boards throughout Ontario. Minister? Sundafr School superintendent o Water oo. Kitchener and district churches and principals and tea- chers of Ttvin City and district rublk schools have also received can; asking for co-operation in the week's observance. On Friday afternoon of the spe- cill week, pupils will be urged to “lend some Sunday School on the following Sundny and take n friend nlong, if possible. School principuls and tenchers were asked to Impress upon tlt its the importance of Sun " ll'cf,oo'l attendance Ind contribu. tion made by churches to the cum munity. It's Wild soft, can wool pray that drapes Mt t'lrrt','g't'v,i.'ed ig '° 'ad':"."" w ll . , In vlbtont Fall colours: t. KELLY GOLD RED AQUA ", J, CHARCOAL GREY MIX BOTTLE GREEN BROWN NAVY BLACK ' Approximately Ar'" wide. ' A yd, 2.95 Choose a populov, easy-tom - . Butterick Pattern . q 't (Two style. shown) , "5: v 'l . _ _ BUTTERICK PATTERN " i a fu, ', ' 6685 e ., ‘ p, t Fabrics . I “Quick & my" cudlun l I _ l suit. Practically seem-tree. ( t Butterick Patterns F Sizes 12 to 18. Size " takes _ . g i king Street Main Floor " ynrds tubule: teraey. j . PC Stte , , 2,, . i BUTTERICK PATTERN . ' l, _ ' (" 'I ,, Gracefully designed to go . ' A places. Semi-chemise style. 3 Fabrics Make Fashion Headlines I Telephone 3-383] King Ind Queen Ste - Kitchener r', The cut-atone monument wean-ed. with inscribed, brow me "tred, is typical of the hiatork marker to be unveil“! at The Bell Homeland, Tutelo Hugh“, Sanford. KIICHENER ACCIDENI TOTAL UP Traffic mishaps 1n the twin city of Kitchener jumped “all: in August with an increase" of " over Augouu of 1052. The t August, 1053, mumps 5. Widespread mutual aid agreement based on actual prac- tice between Bre departments of geographically grouped communi- FIRE CHIEFS tlil IORNADO DISASTER NEEDS The emergency requirements visualized by the panel of ttre on- cers on the basis of their experi- ence included the following: I, A system of'wttrnirtg. 2. Extensive organization of trained lugging! tame workers. 3. Careful listing. kept up to date, of heairy construction equip- ment (bulldozers. crane) tow trucks, first aid 3nd hospital ic- commodation. iiei. 6. Careful arrangements for the identification of victims of disas- ter. TORON'N.--rire chiefs unend- ing the International Aarociation of Fire Chief in the Royll York Hotel. Wednesday, listed xix needs in handling tornado dinn- 4. Provision of two-way ndio for tire departments on wave- bands separate from the police radio. ten. In a cereal breeding program the 1Tetgett, of a new variety usually ea trom ten to twelve years. Canadian plant breeders are saving valuable time by grow- ing two crope in one year; e sum- mer crop in Canada and a winter crop in the Imperial Valley of Cehlornia. This increaae of cer- eal breeding material is super- vised each year by the Cereal Breeding Laboratory at Leth- brkdtre, report, M. tf.. Grant. tidy "rVrGriiieiiuiartaow.. in. the harvest season. phat We? Ist the Experimental SPBBDINO-UP NEW reminded ofthdGimGiiiiiri FiiiiiritVii, have their most valuable and Peaches weie aetiihd 11753110.: I basket and potatoes remained " $1.65 a bag or 30 cents a baahet. sent the 1953 total to 1.223. The Agure is 235 more than in the same period last year. The August accidents, " major and 106 minor, eluted minds to 17 per-eight drivers, " pu- sengen and eight Mum. 'tatt.' damage was eumaled " MAKE Mil The winter uric? of "ting apples made their at upper- nnce at the Kitchener mark“ "Ems!!! vitamin“ . _ The Mcintosh E'riety brought no cents a six quart basket or " a bushel. Wealthiu sold from " to_T5 cents a six quart butâ€. 't"teittmirha-..athat-r... Hns only , pattern pieces. Size-11w". Siuliukes 1% yard: tubular jersey. It in felt by the ex on: that I!!!†the many f,r2,17,,',', can ch in). pre-pockui . "nun eiettt Inn-mom has pmbndaly been paid to the produd In." Thin seems a commonsense pro- cedure In it can be combined with the aortingmand trimming of the ffoduct. liendling vegetables n this manner introduces some complications, " is known that moisture mistant wre het to prevent leafy vetting?†gum wiltl but they a , by sustain- Ing as†moisture levels within the package). favor the growth of bacteria. me measures have al- ready been taken to curb this moisture by using loosely-seeled perforated bags and by holding the roducts wherever possible m 'i"ilii'i'il?' storage. Some open- tom ave even resorted to water cooling. though more particularly when wilt iauthe chief problem, Recent studies It the Norm-uh turel Division, Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, on pre- packaged spin-ch indicate that even the beat [tr-em methods would be further improved Prom test: it we. found that spin- och in bulk. moved directly from the Beld to " defrees F nor-(e. produced unusue ly high bacter- iel count: after one week's Mor- ue The name vegetable when Dre-cooled at " degrees F im- mediately it was reeeived from the Beld and stored u 32 degrees P, in perforated transparent Mm be“ for one week, produced ex traordinarily high munu end de teriorated to urban- "ter I few hours exposure to room temper. ture teg, of food of all kind: has deve oped rapidly. This sales method has become popular and considerable study has been made of packaging material: and equip- ment and o the point in market- ing where Ti-,etthtimr should met lpakal y pg done. rteatCGiétaisiei' Grd 'gl,",:".',' pocket! by grower or w ales-let Luther than at the retail store, ,--._. - v";- new lcrnclsr Such rapid increase as this is of tremendous advantage to the plant breeder. In the early gen- erations ot a 4?rotts the increased yield gives the breeder larger po- 1iaiif..iifiir' from which to choose eiratrle-nppearine plants. In the jlatter stages of the breedin pro- mram the California crop users a means of swiftly increasing seed Iota for distribution to farmers. hamplea of this latter procedure are the increase of the sttwitr- resistant wheat, Rescue, in the 1940's. and the increase last win- ter of the yet-unnamed rust resis- tant variety, CT. 186. In the ten to twelve years normally needed for the development of a new va- riety the winter cropping Krklke can mean a saving of t tee or more valuable years. With the rapid fourth of super when 1nd " invite groce- telflu g. tttltd, toy-5d Jr.rerptck- III-PACKAGING or man can "dkETantate ,_-_. _.._ a-.. u w.- wnrded to Lethbridge and in mid- October a sun member of the Cereal _Breeding Pt"t,fig ac- companies the seed to Cali orttin to Itt,8ttftt.is proe.rly seeded to see that tt Bfrowrly s on irrigated Ian . heat, barley and ttax may all be I tented. Last _ winter oven staple! wer? included. The Imperial Valley is actually I desert region with only two to three inches of rainfall per year. However. irrigation has made this are. into one ot the most produc- tive loaning nears in North Ame- - a--. "n“...u; pun: are seeded in rows two feet apart. With irrigation. fertilization and long hours of sunshine the yields are large. One wheat plant often when; 30 to 50 heads with a total! 'tf ove.rrso0 kernels. “midi-I'm“: 8yirntsttt.. The seed is for, W beret] incieasg plots over -goo