Most storekeepers are accepting ua. silver at par, although m are suggesting to customers that l"ey9..Tort then $1 be paid tor in ceuuidiG ME; bills tor silver at home, thus cir~ cultivating the discount. The American dollar now is vn~ lued " 95% cents Contain: cur- Banks Charge 2% Discount on American Silver Canadian banks. burdened by I ttood of pet sum out: I t i . to ' mum the Cannomm on us, um. are i',hrg'?'ht, discount on American silver. ntil now. a Bank of Tomato omchl said. US. coins have been .septed at par. but: up to $1 will continue discounting he added, but I two-percent discount will be gauged on amounts over that Toronto Mon Nomad Assistant Waterloo College Professor Stlet,iteti,iSegihir'id, -. _ -- a; gppoighnem of _Id If. EUyn- Instruct“); primarily in the phi-3a] memes, Mr. lineman Bgaeeeeda Charla Carmichael who Wed whet in the yen to In. eqttapoaitiortoetthestattotthe University of Western Ontario. A native of Alberta, Mr. Ellen- ton received his primary and sec- 00 am?!" to new, Wm,- u “Wu In: mm tii,.roroou?, u assistant Protea- Ior In the department ot science at the college. "ital†to u’im‘ V Ut 'lei?iiCiix', blow out... from on.“ to can -Ntndlinhinthatr-oeh- Manon CELT Tqroettr-_ltr "tummMywl No Fee for TY Until 1953 CERTIFIED '0!le ACCOUNTANT " King St. S. - - Waterloo, that. Phone 5-5077 The ‘omcinlr said some touruu R. Buddell, B.A., C.P.A., pr. It. rpm-m» 1"t?rroo,oMary, dengue-n "an. Warm. RUMMAGE SALE Ladies“ hid WATnhoo MAI “with†Sewn] We seek the co-operation of customers accommodating themselves to this change banking hours. For the convenience of customers, all banks will be open extra hours on Fridays, when banking hours will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 4.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Commencing SEPTEMBER 13, I952, the Chartered banks in Kitchener and Waterloo will be closed each Saturday, to give the stoff the benefits of the five-day week. Formerly known as Kirby F, Harmon and Company BANKING HOURS CERTIFIED Mot ACCOUNIAIIIS Knoy gregsbypgrian from' 2 to" if pin " KING " N. PHONE: 5.5075 1t1luamttt--urTEttt SALES All! 35W i2iiirrE0llEtErttt BAIuAAn fan/I Trucks need/met fires - F WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE WATERLOO FIRM br R. BUDDELL it i7TiaD:Ei:aT:trLt.Ti0 It takes speck“, built truck (in: no claim Quinn: nib-p and Iowa: con-per- nilc pygmy“:- on small Knacks. That's w it,'.ewi.seeoymi, manna-uh an Goodyear Hung!“ 'tiu-6e on: thick in =tltgt.""" for and! curl now proctising Goon/Vega Hl-MILER mas m’uw wmc Dir PttrsuG'Cyeie Both MeetHead-On fiop Cluuessptedtr orientation" lectures" are Dr. Leh- mum. acting dean, and Helmut Binhammer, actirt,regiatrttr. Senior stiden'ls will refiner Sept. " and M. Lectures wi i be- en! Mayday, Sept. M.. A _ uni attended the University of Weston: Ontario. no round his bachelor of science degree from Western um M. was“: “no from the Unlverdty ot Tomato tn 1950. Since then he has and u a meteorologist in the qerviee ot the Ontario government. Mr. Ellentou u married an 0:- Kit to take up residence in the . Cities shortly. Prof. km W. Kelley, with whom Mr, Elon- ton will be especially mud inhkworhisheodotthede- partment oLocienoe. , Ifâ€: 8m " Regina: n of {re-lament " Waterloo College will take pace Sept. l7, followed by orientation lectures and ychologial mu the 10}wa te'. .. . Mummmrduao ttUtin'ltatut'ier2't: . numb-nap.» nun-â€nub!“ gM'f.'hr."fdt%l'lful'frAt'l !i5ilt'iit'iii9vtal'ulrc' am utpodalhlwi- who Btsttte-dttsattttq Gov- magnum-hobs "eAttrmnttanewentartai-t -umtofootthettiltdorita- mum. Medidnotindieatott- port Road out of the city. Suddenly the other heard n dull thud and stopped his ve- hicle beside a dead canine. The dog, possibly terrier. but more probably of the "Heinz" variety was in the midst of pursuing I speedin 3 motor- ttrele headed towards Water- Seems u Waterloo PD. member was hurriedly chu- ing I speedster who wu pro- media! rppidly tyr Jtridge- An unidentified cruiser with an uniderttitted cop It the helm meshed into an un- ideatiBed canine Thursday night with disastrous reruns. That's the way Bridgeport Road residents tell the story but there's more behind the stay than that, _ __ __ In pig-tie: bf registtsgon -aryt OS in in Slow Clocks Prove Puzzler To Tardy Students at K .C.I. Twenty-six tram this district are Imong the 1,400 Ontario help- ers going west to mist in har- vesting the 1962 prairie wheat Sixteen of the smug received their tickets through t e Nation- al Employment Service once in Kitchener. The other IO left on that! own aging by en. Wet Gairir" i; if); west he: temponrily halted the movement THREE MINUTES IX? GO 26 From " District to Help Harvest Western Crops Some diiGiaion was had on the possibility of a senior "B" hockey entry from Waterloo. It Commission President L. J, "Ty" Shane had written the 0.H.A. for clarification on the use of the name. O.H.A. business manager William Hanley replied by letter pointing out that the Kitchener team could not use the Waterloo in its name since team: are not allowed to be known by the double name. The Waterloo Arena Commis- sion went on record as being op- posed to the use of the name Wa- terloo in the Kitchener Green- shirts junior "A" hockey team's new name of the K-W Green- shirts. The Kitchener team advertised recently that since no Waterloo entry was being made in the ju- nior "A" series this year, and since several Waterloo citizens had invested money in the tram, they would change their name to K-W Greenshirts to give the team a [win City tuvor. 7 Greenshirts Barred Use Of 'lhterkn' In August, 1951, 36 transters had a value of $191,339.37. The July Bgure was $250,116.80. The majority of property sales last month involved homes. Waterloo property transfers last month represented a value of $253,991, the assessment depart- ment reports. There were " transfers. local Ptopeljy Iransfers Up Councillor John T. Schmidt. who argued heatedly against re- scinding the original motion, said he had learned that an npplica- iG"Tiil 'a"li'r'r, 'ttturl",,',",',: l P o ll 0 w i n g . debate between Board if any 'ctltl'llidd m ,Counciuor Schmidt and Reeve E. been made to establish an addi- l†Freer, council, v.o.ted three to tional beverage room here. new 85811151 rescinding the mo- This move came at a special _ non. terk G. s. Dalrymple was meeting called to rescind a simi- .lnstructed to contact the Liquor lar motion passed last week. :Control Board about the matte; There was evidence that no action 3 Councillor Schmidt pointed out had been taken on the original j he sponsored a motion at the last motion to write to the board. meeting that council should go on Councillor John T. Schmidt, record as being opposed to the who argued heatedly against re- establishment of another bever- scinding the original motion, said ‘age room in Ayr. No action was he had learned that an applica- taken on it at that time Noam While some pupa. m mum-ed It the who bourd’s thoughtfulness, Phn AYE. - With the town hall jammed with spectators, Ayr Council Monday night decided to m the Ontario Liquor Control Board if any app! cations had been made to establish an addi- lioga) beverage room here. 2t'lt liter school opened, student enn to notice that if they happened to be the odd minute lute, the echool docks seemed to have pity on them. When their wewhu "fluted ' aan., the school tie era contmdieted; it “I only two minutes to the fate- tul hour end they sun had Hugo“ those in attendance came m a dutanee--aome from Waterloo and Kitchener. On the chain; night pastors of many lo- cal churches gave brief testimo- nies, expressing agpreciauon for the campaign. amily Bibles were given the couple married ml hour Ind a)? sun had gym u! at ._drfrsl and will ldnurely' io ihzii'7EoEve_ {in}; A t to Check Establishment (ll Additional Beverage Rooms tt Waterloo students and the clock: ttt KC]. just a lit- tle slower than Butttorieed time, they an be sure it wty.n't font on W. 7 . 8an Stokes At Goshen, Ind. More than 100,000 ple It- ttiiiiitiiiirii'i'ii'iky2iiee 'att, at Goshen, Indiana, Total com- mitment: were reported a nut- IYJM- - TOWN HALL EACKED tltitrrqoveneettwillarrani. "urtherloantortheCSCtoa- 2h.uvletI,nrk1gtg: then-continued“- and“ --the-tatrli.hmentotstatioasat 'g,rttt'iuhTa,"tcti.ugrt Withsmkulymi witltt-r. Vuncouvcr, Winnipeg and Hall- Wttt Attend v'eatrtt',Pt2',tittg St was: meqat “now These applicants with others who may apply in the meantime will be sent on to the west when the movement is resumed it they are 'tileguittd. The NEg%ifde here reported the response from this area has been excellent from Ontario and as a result about a half dozen applications ttt the NES othce are being held in was felt that a tie-up could be made with the K-W Dutchmen. Commission members will meet with the Dutchmen executive to ttnd out further details. Although the institution has been known as an orphanage since its establishment in 1897 members were reminded that the present building was once known as Button Hall when it was occu- pied by the seatr.rarrt family. It the name is changed it is likely the change will be made before the annual meeting in No, vember. _ Suggestion was made that the new name be put up on a sign near the gate. The superintendent also stated that in her mind a stigma is at- tached to the term orphanage which could easily be avoided by giving the establishment a less pointed ngme. Miss Dankert told the meeting that the name orphanage is mis- leading in View of the fact that the majority of the children housed there are not orphans at all. She stated that most of the children taken in are trom bro- ken homes. A move to change the name of the orphanage to "Willow Hall" was made at the monthly board meeting Monday night by Super- intendent Lydia Dankert. Move wen Received The suggestion was well re- ceived by the board and altho h no definite action was taken f'lti'l cation was that the change may be made within the next month or two. K-W Orphanage May Be Renamed 'Wiiiow Hall’ The K-W Orphanage may have a new name 1n the very 'near fu- ture. Mr Phllp mentioned, how, ever the clock: were purpose- ly iieirrii some three min, mu In! winter to allow dia, tant Twila to arrive in time for c a... cipal Cy Pill, had another explanation c said that " though he had been too busy to notice the Illeged time In, if such were the one. it In: probably caused by lament than on purfxue. Many rooms in the old wing have been equipped with new clocks and sever-l rooms boast tickers which before were “modes; Arpanntly the multitude of cock: has some effect on the main cur- rent and is thought to have caused the disruption Bum}, who were tom to Ber- lin, Ohio tor one aig t 0,5211%“. and then to Harrisonburg, Vt, tor n campaign of three or tour week. From there they will so to Morgantown, Penn, For the cooler weather heating equipment will bf irystallrkin the big tent. A single altering tor the evm- genus and their families was tak- en during the campaign. All other offerings go into a non-pro- m corporation which conducts the evattgeliatic campaigns. tion had been made for another beverage room here A crowd of never-l hundred u- thered on the morning the troup left Gonhen to bid farewell to the tvartelisty, George arid Lawrepce “a tdlp,','; 2%,“ :; o c * _ - - Len", tho bond um I he l “L tou,',". "P. W“!!! M valve 1 longest, " yep“. and to the m! recently married, In: than u your, tl',',',', "ttt , QUALITY m " ‘Colku'au hoard. 1tt, mm“. it “-2., ml ml: wun'! the only (new: in the move Mu of the rules it an“ â€Manna-m Hickman. roll but». tst the 'dll' be but III 'A‘IIILOO Established In It†it an __ WRIT IC 26 inch square diapers In good quality "nnelette Andyemry Sale Cotton broadcloth millends m a wide range of colon". Approximately 10 yard nieces. Regular value We, Anniversary Sale I yard $ 43e Mercerized broadcloth mill- Anniversary 8.1.50: and: at better quality. than of shades. Values sign. Grey, blue, wine, beige. Sizes 4 to tr. Regular price $3.50. Anniversary Sale, $2.43 Boys' wool pullover: with long sleeves and crew necks. Decorated with Tindeer or star Jacquard de- 3 43 per I pair Beautifully tailored ttne rayon marqui- sette curtains in a delicate eggshell shade. Double stitched side hems and 5-ineh bottom hems. Each curtain approximately 42" x 2% yards. Anniversary Sale 'v...... per pair $3.43 Drapery Department A 3rd Floor Crib-size (approximately M" x 54") Rannelette blankets in white with pink or blue border. Substandard: Anniversary Sale ......__....r... $2.10 Babies' Department - 2nd Floor FLANNELETTE DIAPERS Babia' Department _., Broadcloth BOYS Pullover Sweaters Anniversary Sale ..Fe_ (FV9F.._ Assorted plaids, Barat de- signs, or solid colours. Size It" x It", Bubstam dards trom 3 line regularly costing Me each. Loose fitting winter coats with gored backs, taffeta lining and chamois interlining. 100t'e pure wool in choice of Barrymore check. English Elysian, or nov- elty cheek. Excellent workmanship and smart de- tailing on the wide turn-back cuffs and pockets. 4 or 6 utton closing. Grey, wine, green, gold, blue, natural, rust. Sizes IO to 20, _ Anniversary Sale King Street Main Floor Small Children': Department -"e 2nd Floor FLANNELETTE Crib Blankets King Street Main Floor TAILORED Marquisette Curtains Face Cloths 3 for BSc 43 Years SERVICE 3.43 tQ WINTER COATS 43.00 2nd Floor Fabric: -- " Notions -- for 2.43 2.10 Women's Coats - 3rd Floor 3 for q3e Women's tune toe you. During out 3rd Anniversary Sale - My, September " to Saturday, September " - is the ideal time for you to stock up (and save) on home fumbhinga, clothes for the whole family - even Christmas presents. Come In during our Sale, visit every Department and figure your sn6U-. 39:1?5; Anniversary time at Goudies of Kitchener 3-piece modern style in hard wrarmg frueze, Chester, field and matching chair in dove grey and second chair in turkey red. Regular $329 00 Anniversary Sale 'rr T "rrt $279.00 2 piece large curved Chesterfield and their m medium green boucle frieze. Regular $3l900 Anniversary Sale wrF .. T . . $270.00 2-piece suite wrth shaped bark Upholstered in forest green damask and fringe. around the base Regular 3239,00 . Anniversary Sale Anniversary Sale TV 98e Special purchase whste cotton Nature's Rival Brassieres. Sizes 30 to 38, in A, B, C. cups. Nat urea Rival Brassicre Foundation Carmen! Department Queen Street Main Floor Kroehler ' Chesterfield Suites Sth: King a Queen Ms Dons 2-piece ehestertield suite. $2.43 Doll - all rubber. She thinks, she wets. she tat Comes in rradle- k box. $1.03 Jet Plane Pinwheel on 14" stick. 2 for Me All metal wagon with red box. $5.43 All 'eta, steam shovel Walking shears m assorted Fall shades. Substandard,; from a reeu- lar $1.25 line. Sizes ttl, to ll, Anniversary Sale "_'.'-..-'........ 89c with oiteriiiGVaUs, WOMEN'S Nylon Hose ttSc Tailored nylon tricot slips with fitted bodice and adjustable straps. Straight cut skirt. Pink or yclluw Sizes 34 to 42 Arulo- standards hum a regular $5.95 line. Anniversary Sale '.'Vrrtrr_ _-'r'rrr_e $3.95 Hosiery "cpurtrttettt Queen Slum! Main Floor Fa min: re Hosiery Department King Street Hui" Floor NY IA DN Trieot Slips Toys --. 3rd Floor TOYS $43.00 3.95 T - J'3'i"?, f Telenhnne S 36.11 4th Floor (‘hndren's one and one ttbbed lung hose In wool and mum: mth Toasty and Ny fawn shades. Sues ti to w Substandards from regular $100 and $1.39 Lnes. Anniversary Sale .. 69c Hosiery Department A King Street Main Floor Rich velvety-looking bedspreads made trom closely tufted chenille. New wavy line dais}? Sides and foot are finished with attractive mate ,i,',yi,tt.o,u,,'S. 4" fringe Solid decorator colours of green, lue, me, peach, gold, American Beauty, Imported. Double bed size. Anniversary Sale Telephone 3-363! Kitchener Children's Long Hose $3.95 CHEN ILLE BEDSPREADS 7.43 69c $2.43 ttorue furnishing; - 3rd Floor $179.00 Anniversary Sale .. Terry towels. striped on beige ground. 20" x 38". Substandards. Anniversary Sale Good quality all-linen glass towels with red, green, gold or blue borders. "Shop with Cortfide" Pumps, gates and tie shoal in that, brown, blue leather. Cuban been. Made by Beaumont, Aint, WoeMe. Values to $11.95. Anniversary Silo $...'_r_r..e.w w." NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE - ALL SALES FINAL Good quality white tunnelette. Singhtly Imperfect. 36" wide. Anniversary Sale. per yard, 39e fabrics - King Street Main Floor TOWELS Ann: Street Main Floor WHITE . Flannelette 3Sc ',% Shoe Department - King Street Main Floor Dver-the-knee or W length snuggle: in 157- wool SutrstaruuraU. White mly. S, M, L, XL Anniverury Solo mt., Dc Vests in white in S, M, L; " tea rose in L and XL Anniven-ry Sal. F.T. I: WOOL SNUGGIES and VESTS SSe each Lingerie be - Queen Street ion flow SHOES 7:43 Garment bags to hold " garments Clear plank with ttoral from panel. Alumni-Inn Sn]. (F . F.wtr.,r. II.- Fine wale corduroy in beautiful rich Fall colours: gold. red, rust, urine, copeu. smoke-grey. purple. pink, navy and black. M" wide. Anniversary Sale, 31.95 in]. _ _rwqr.,r. 81.. Notion; - -- King Sheet Main Floor WOMEN’S King Street Main Ftoor PLASTIC GARMENT BAGS Corduroy 1 .98 1.95 Fabrics EE 3 for a.“