". FARM NEWS u, uuuuu. emu, no; rant“. data. M; Double yolk, dean. " Vegetables: Potatoes. and! ttas. hot. 65; C-ulidower, each, " to M; Cabbage. each, a to a; BI- dishes, I. bunche- 15; Lettuce, head, " to 15; Celery, bunch. " to 3; Carrote, bunch, 10; Corn, dozen. 20, Mb, 40; String beau. Batu: Jtr., a to M; "as-IU, PP. 12555.2, dee, 66; 1+5“de 're-tutr/KiVi/tara-i, iqtorasrlowast6eenu. Pouches 25c Basket-at Market M was. we. - on W 'tld' Mthe a m 'du2tecl",tfr,',tQUtt gnu-ijhdouclodu . sun with careful phi-In. aided " "an vb. In" hi lot-(experience munch. u. 'r" -: tprrd "nrt with mm. 'h'"o'""-rv'e--trretre.,.sr-a-, -rore'oaeb-reuq. LET RATZ LUMBER EXPERTS HEP you CHRYSLER .. "your†mmmmwwi'y GORDON YOUNG 159 Erb West - Waterloo 'H.-E. 1tlfll2 [UMBER PLANNING YOUR OW Smshine Motors Dead and crippled Farm Animals r-ttmme' promptly fity"itorv ELMIRA ROAD " STOCK disposal. FARGO Free Consultation Service Before you decide 99 build Rye: â€his; tt.53%; 31.16% F Flax: l cw, $3.84; 2 cw, $3.78%; icy: 3.60; 4 cw, unquoted; track, The jenboas. small jumping to. dents, are said to be able to tra- vel faster than a galloping horse. Barley: l and I cw, b-row, $1.- SMU, l and 2 cw brow, 31.44%; 3 cw 6-row, 31.51%; 2 cw yellow, $1.345"; 3 cw yellow, $1.33%; 4 cw, 6-row. 31.36%; , cw t-row, tt.43%; t feed, $1.33%; , feed, $1.32%; a feed, $1.28%, Rye: l and 2 cw, 1.7656; 3 cw, 31.11%; rej. 2 cw, 51.82%; 4 cw, tt.53%; Ergoty, 81.57%; mack, 3116* " Flax: l cw, $3.80; 2 ety,93.t8f, Oats: 2 cw, 86%; ex. 3 cw, 84%; 3 “1.83%; ex. 1 feed, 88%; I feed, 80%; , feed, 78%; ' feed. 7556; any med. M, A WM to ma Grade A large size F'..___..__.r Grade A medium size q..r..' Grade A small size wrt........ Grade B ._.........rm....r-..b.rrq...... Grade c ....r...rr..-.....mr.t..vr.r-. Grade A Inge size F.. Grade A medium size Grade A small size ... Grade B ...."_.....t.......-t.t. Grade C.. ..e...H.......m.ttt.re f6; ')rattiti?ht! I1: ,7 :37 t%.ugrurt,,Pi; 1te',T: and. ninth. tb, tru': In; "Your 9-th grim Egg Quotations Grain Prices - when. will ya - n- with; mam... WITH THEIR in the Lumber Business" ‘sale for Allan Leis at tarm, 4 miles north of Milverton. then 1% miles west ot Ptetter's Cor- ners of implements, livestock, teed and furniture. Fri., Sept. 12, 7.30 p.m. r-AUC- tion sale of Lutheran ehurch shed, situated on the Hessen Rd. Every Thursday. I t'tatl Kitchener Stockyards Lt . came, t B, horses, em. on the Bream hill-avg. . it egg 12.) Jt.m.-_Auctiort Wed., Sept. M-Entire herd of Holstein cattle for Elmer Diet.. rich, 1 mile south of Dorking. FtC)feiiinii,7iir {171.3%- hold eitrct, for Mrs. Sauce] at 78 Moore Ave. (Charon an. Kitch- ener. Mom, Sept. 22, L30 It/grae": stein herd for Harvey ettutm, 4 miles west of Galt on 92 High- In] - EM" iiVaFiiiiii - GG, aeti.atrmyt1 mg: the market. Ontario new local ott Huck. " 75-3185; to trade, $343.25 Peach when Idvmced slutst- ty If the midweek Kitchener Inu- ket, Vedas-day with the ttrat 1',',"g'tu,'dPrua selling tor " cent I " Other laden: Butter, Its., " tu 64; Eaps--Ex- tra hue. dozen, 65; Large dozen. " to 68; Medium, dozen," $5; Pul- lets, dozen, " Butter solids: First grade 58 Magenble and 5755-5796 IRS “my “I all!“ “can low. In“: Ctt- tle, 8.060 culv- OM My, aw. weep and lamb. “0., The enum- nod holdover was ’l,100 came. Chalet - dad at â€-88.50 with medium to good " $24- .â€.16 and weighty at 835415.16. Good hitters were at was with good can» at 810-!" and com- Trading Slow in Toronto Peaches Show Slight Advance slow wag " in Btoeh- yards In weakly than ulna. LERNJEQAY MARKET Ex"! Tleur .." In}: hic Fiiairias" Potato Prices Butter Prices llMITED 6-6771 GIVE US A "BUZZ" AT Wed., Oct. 8, 12 pam-parm stock, implements, household ef- fects for John Bender, 3rd line Wellesley Twp., lot 5, con. t pi] Every Wednesday evening at Freelton Livestock Market ot cat- tle, hogs, poultry, etc. Every Thursday. t ttae Kitchener Stockyards Lt " ot eat. tle, g 5, horses, ete., on the Bres tau in“; Wed,, Sept. " 12,30 sharp-- Clearing sale of implements, farm stock, teed, etc., for Roy MttcTavish, 4% miles west of Wellesley, 3% miles east of Top- Octoher-Auction sale tur Mr. Rupert Straus at the tum west of Bumbag ot implements. live- stock, feed, etc. Every Mon, lt patt.--Commun, my Sale ot Livestock, implements. household enact: a Btseetthr's Sula Barn. New Hamburg. - PARK & SON Alma P.0.. Phone 3384-22 Elan Sat., Sept. tr, 2 p.m,--Auetton sale for Martin Schmidt Estate of furniture. household ttteeta and real estate in the village of St. Jacobs. ggglbsviuoo l Tux, Sept. 16, l p.m,--Ptsrm. ers' Livestock Market on No. t highway, , miles west ot Anus- ter ot cows, calves. young cattle and pigs. ---' â€-0, w w w, rtâ€), basket, 75; Peaches. basket. TO to cr, Blueberries, pint. 30; Plums, basket, " Sat, Sept. 13, 2 p,m.-Auctian sale for Aaron Sander at tenth limits ot St. Jacobs, Highway 85. ot furniture and household ef- (was. basket, 60; lie-"51g, ball romaine}! byket. to O0, Ptt..tg Potatoes. until bu» 'th ENE"? t2 ttttttt w, Ce ery, unc ' o helm bunch, 10; Corn, dozen . to 40; String beans, basket, as; Agrour-2 Mcln Osh, basket, tr, Aieiander, Easing, (mi Wenlthy, ball“. .5; um bucks and tLeGGCat""ii'i. Common My sold It “-3. with I few at $t0, man to Indium downward to It Good bull. Nona! 'dat. Calves brought $86- tor choice val.“ with common to medium 'll', .1e"s.good atoeh only. cocoa at . with unnu- a. low " 810. Hog. no“ at m for "Pff A with 393st dr-d. Sheep were at m tde good aa use trtttters with} by at m.“ Every Thursday. at 1.00 pan.-- CLINT IAN' WATERLOO NT "NT%L Am PM Baden 41-h: â€him aGTG ith I few n um ttrst in the Bull el while the other mutton mental. stood second in tho clu- for three-yeIr-old b11113 but“) In (has only by the and Cham- pion of the show A get-of-Sire by undoncld Rag Apple Aux. _ The Waterloo Cutie Breed' Association, Waterloo, thug": two of the bulls in their Artttt- cinl Breeding Unit, one of that FP?yir_ott, ".t?.e.nd. tummy llama of A. Sewn. Ila: stood 3rd in the Junior bun 'cii't elm and 6th in the milking two- year-old elm. Fred M, Snyder, Waterloo, showed the Reserve Junior Champion Holstein female at the C.N.E. 'ft',',',,, this honor on Air- vue Rag App e Adeline who Mood next to the Junior Champion in I strong elm of " senior 'ttM heifers. Mr, Snider also tho the flrst {train unior Bull cult the 9th pr Junior 2,iiii,iitiiijiil ad the 8th and 7th prize m In; two-year-old heifers. Waterloo Heifer Wins Reserve Junior [Championship at (NE Guests at the Hewlett home over the week-end were Miss Barbara Bram: and Mr, Paul Pbstian of London and Mrs. How- ard af Esterhaay, Sask. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Leis, Elaine and Marilyn, i'ril" Sun- day with Mr. and rs, Willis Bender in New Hamburg, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Schultz were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oesch of Milverton. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Hart and Ro- bert of Hampstend, Mrs. Sam Yutzi and family of Gadshill, Mr. Ivan Bennewies of Setpringvi0e, Mr. Allister Cook, Gadshill. Mr, and Mrs. GG. -Erras spent Sund'uy with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Lighty in Millbank. Mr, and Mr; Noah Schultz visited with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Yutzi iTy.use'rttsurg on Syndyy, West Montrose t Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gerber of Crosshill, Mr. and Mrs. George Albrecht and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lichty spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ohmer Leis. _ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hart ot Meadville, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Schultz and family of Top- ping visited with Mr. and Mrs. se: N. Still-l": 2n Signing. -- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swan and family’of Brucetield and Mr. and Mrs. James Hart and William of Hampstead spent Sunday with Mr_._and Rena-Max:521} Sieggey. - Mr. and iiririiWeTf"rGiise, of Lisbon spent Sunday with Mr. anA Mrs. Walter Kniesel. Mr. and Mn; iiiGRi7i'i, Bar- with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Zehr '"W, Trvi.st?sk oe .Sur!d9. - Mr. and MEG: fiaiiiiriiiGnson of Stratford were Sunday visitors with Mr. guy. Mrs}.__Gran_t Siegner. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Jantai and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lichty re- turned home after spending a week with friend; in 1ameaster and_ Bellevi_H_e, Ptytitstlvspia. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wagler and Roy of Minimal: and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jantai of Tavistock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lichty. - - -ie-iee_ _.. -........,. Mr. and Mrs. William Yost and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alien Yost in Port Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jacobs and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pred Jones in Kitch- ener. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bender visited with Mr. and Mrs. Corners us Zehr near Newton on Sunday. I... --" II“, w...... -- V _ Personals. the Shoe itersiir irtaniriiii= late of the late Sidney Glements m the village of New Dundee. Thaw, t. m, 2 pan.-uV lion 3.819 gm†yuterknowu as Every Thursday . l pan.--' Kitchener swokyuds Limited, fieertrtt {hallway of cattle, pin, . . v _""'-" v'w-"c auction ale ot farm stock, im- plement: and teed, , mil.- mouth ot St. Clements, t mile em ot Rugby; 1" .10pr Runstedler. Wed, Oct. IS, 15, " 'tooo- Clearing auction sale "of term stock. implements. feed and fur- niture, 5 miles northeast of Turi- gtock for Peter Brenneman & horse's, "cu-u cannula! sue ev- " may.“ fourth {Cauchy MK ri; p.t-Chttu, lien/re, qte. l Sat., Sept. It, Wm. T--Aue- t non sue ortbe “Magma Geet. eul store and dwemng, , mile. out at Platuvitte on No. " high- wg for Paul Perk. cl um" Ja-wa. Everty Friday a Livestock Bale. M31}: uounnum,u than,“ â€when?" "T a 1-35- i'tEtiiiGiii! Ev, 'Wt-gt-ttug- unwraps†A. B. SKID“. Am Brianna, PM: 3-2!“ " Mer. B. C. Wei (Ciro-Inlo Cancun-dun New new. ' - -e'. MW"? -- ---'r.- v. “lu‘, nu, 'r, sheep, GGirr, warm, M.......- plondny at Ana-u: live- n the Sutton: at the Liston! The Wnerloo County entry stood third in a strong group of ten in the County Herd clan be. ing baton only by Peel Ind Hal» Other Waterloo County prize winners included: Bert Oliver, Branehton, 3rd prize Progeny of Dim. 8th and 10th rize dry Aged own; Edwin S. ng', Kitchener, 2nd Junior Bull Cl f, ar.sf2',r Bull cult. 2nd Junior er Calf and Tttt Junior Herd; Ward A. Slant; Waterloo, 50: four-rear- old cow, dry; Floyd Becker. Ayr Sth senior Jen-ling heifer and 9th Junior enrlin; heifer; Wm. H. Gillespie & Son, Galt. 6th iu- nior heifer calf; Rom, J, Steckle. Kitchener, 4th milking three- yen-old heifer; Orville G. Sny- der, Waterloo. tth milking four- year-old, one of the Unit Bulls stood 5th in the Senior Getof-Sire elm while the Get of Elmeroft Royal Aan. bundor stood on: in the Junior Get-ot-Sire class. The W.M.S, met " the home of Mrs. Howard Wittich on Tuesday with a good attendance. Mrs, Harold Israel and Mrs. John Snr der were in charge of the pro- gram. Mrs, Snyder introduced the study book on Africa, written by Rev. D. H, GallAgher, who 3 at his boyhood in our village, Ilrr',1'. Knarr. the president ha ch: e of the business plans were mge to hold a fowl supper in connec- tion with the anniversary service early in October. Mrs. Snyder gave an interesting talk on her recent trip to West Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller re- turned from their honeymoon trip through Algonquin Park and Ot, tawa and will reside on the gremhfyttrt in North Woolwich. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Israel. Sylvester and Maude Israel of Kitchener were Sunday visitors My Mr. and Mrs. Harold Israel, Miss Leah Brubacher of Beamsville spent the week-end with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Christian Brubacher, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B, C. Woods were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schneider and fami y of Jfeide:t?enr. l General Motors engineers say it is poor economy to try to save ga- lsoline by coasting down hills in (neutral. A free running car can- mot be controlled as easily and safely as one which is in gear with the clutch engaged so that the engine serves as a brake. thus saving needless wear on brake linings. Mr. Howard Spies sold his gen- eral store to Mr. White of Hamil. ton who takes possession this f month. ' Mrs. Kaye Armstrong spent the week-end at Elgin House, Mus. koka. IRAPS thet WIIH 52" WING SPREAD However. this is the largest owl caught in this district to date. Mr. Bean and his father. A. E. Bean, raise about two thousand chickens a year and are accustomed to having various kinds of "marauders" such as crows, very large hawks and the proverbial skunks. Ellworth Bean's trap in his chicken yard has produced a "prize specimen" in the form of an owl with a 52-inch wing spread, _ 7 AM Ill "V I t; I a l I V , & ... '?2t Ile) " ;lilllllll-l-leit "-,-,-/di(ssacc.i ...ou voun 510m CROPS N,. SOUTH WEST WILM0T', (It Chronicle 'YM MANAGE“ Cone-00min.†_ljijllljiifiTiii NOW I.“ IAIICIT COMPANY, [IMI‘IID Halifax Saint John Montreal 1m Winnipeg Vancouvor V Will last for years P V Go on over old roof v Are fire-resistant - V Come in many styles and colours TAKE YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS to YOUR BARRETT DEALER For best results, advertise in The Waterloo Chronicle fittllt Roofing Co. " Web“. Si. S. Hogs Coal Co,, Ltd. Besides Asphalt Shingles, your Barrett Dealer has a complete line of roofing, insulation and weather-proofing materials. NBA“ KFTORONTO WATER LOO "50094-8467 You won't have to postpone any person! plum or put otr buying things you need for your home . . . The Bank of Toronto will lend you I substantial portion of the marktivaiue of your slated products. Mount local manager today. Uou'l hold up your plans unlil your crop is "rid- . Bank of Toronto Loan will give you money when you need it. See your loud Bank of Toronto mun.“ when you want [0 borrow against uopa hdd in storage for a more favourable market-or spins! produce waiting shipment until traaspoemtion it "nibble. s-dC2t, ASPHALT SE'ttt _iitiiiiti-, iii2iit SllllilllBll6lluis WATERLOO, ONT, 24032 a - Til. Mal KITCHINII