.. i: " Lights The lifhting system comprises twenty isms shining from six poles placed It advtuttageous po- sitions. throughout the park: . tonne min-nova; 92612 of The nu... when ttte [new {Lama wmvuud for the Brat time It'the Balt park._ _ _ -- - About two years Mo a special mun, was called for thengur- you o discussing the advis ili, ty a Ioodlighta‘ A committee was appointed consisting at; W. H. Romahn as a representative for the rural district; Earl Ein- wechter, the Board of Trade; Roy Giana, the Park Board, James Man, the softball team; and In. Bert Chapman, the Women's Institute. The committee has worked tirelessly to secure funds for the project, In addition to do- nations received, three plays were produced under the direction of Mr. Romahn. A hue iirodd anénded the softball game between Moore6eid (D: $3hregrh.u Can-nuns†I" DUNDi-The cumulu- tho of I long-cherished dream ,mereaetsm1 pn‘suuxdqy rum New Dundee Ball Park Turns- On Floodlights first Time [LNG-PLANNID EFFORT --.i.f.,yAle1-r99" POT ROASTS Fresh FISH SPORTING, FISH & GAME NEWS KLAEIHN's SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED â€no... as. " WATERLOO STOVE 8- APPLIANCES WEEKEND SPECIALS Waterloo Stove SERVEl WATERLOO'S FIRST 60- CYCLE HOMEZOWNERS CHOSE V ' _ A S'Ldt REFRIGERATOR RUNS ON EITHER Cycles " CE OR Phone 3-3641 (SEE FRONT PAGE FOR PICTURE OF HOME) ed and New Dundee which was It's been a fire-free week for Chief Albert Pagel and the boys at the loci} the hall. The last call occurred over a week ago when a Bre broke out at a downtown residence. Firemen unwed to find a sofa smouldering and were compelled to carry a man to fresh air to aid respiration efforts. play under the new brodiighta on turday night. The score was tVO tor the visiting team. This wu the second game in the but three out of five series in the W.O.AA "C" cup gluon; The Brat wu played at ooreBeld on Thursday night when New Dun- dee was also detected Villagers are proud ot the tact that the local team won the Tip Top cup in the Oxford-Waterloo League this season as well as the "C" Cup in their own group. Week F ire-F ree Smoke and sofa asmage result- 8: APPLIANCES Wh‘l‘lophlu ON FRIDAY 50e lb. u! the WomTei'a Am _ .- 110893} Waited Church was held on To.- Idat “term with 35 mange†Mrs. Irene Main who recently underwent an operation at Wood- stock General Hospital has re- turned and is recuperating at the home of her sister, Mrs, Guthrie and William Guthrie at New Dundee. Observers in this district report the! many wild ducks lave been seen about the village in the vici- nities of the marshes of the river Nith. While strollin about the river areas. number 'lf ducks have been seen to rise and take Bight. The duck season which opens next month will be looked for- ward to by those interested in this. sport, -- -- _ _ _ Congratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs. Hugh McCartney on the birth of a son on Sept. 2nd. 195]. at Woodstock General Hospital 7 Ducks Seen in District. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Slanlake were week-end visitors with the tormer's father at Exeter. Friends are glad to know Mr. Stanlake Sr., who is on the sick list, has made progxless toyard rflcovery. Miss Ruth Hall entertained about 30 ladies on Tuesday even- ing at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Gloria Abernathy of Ayr, whose marriage to Donald Hall, Plattsville, takes place this month, Contests were conducted by Ruth and Edith Hall. Francis and Carol McCartney brought in gifts in a white and pink basket. Miss Abernethy made a suitable reply. and tour visitors present In. Carleton read the ecu-image and In Henderson led in prayer. In; lube) Penn IN a tour, "t Shall Not Pu This ay Ania". The WA, catered to a wedding on Saturday, Sept. ttth, Mrs. George Smith ousted a lace table cloth for the table, Miss Penn pin ed a pnno solo. Rev. G, W, linker was guest speaker and gave an interesting and humorous sketch ot their trip to the Western pro- VIMei Mrs. Kaiser closed the meeting with prayer and lunch was serve by the hostesses, Mrs. J. B. Pt lish, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs . Goetz and Mrs. Carleton. Dr. Sandy Mrs. H. W. Nurse' Fe- turned the past week from a mo- tur_ trjp lo the Wetter? provinces. Ottif, Harmer. who ishn a visit in these p.arts from Trochu, Alta., is renewing acquaintances and visiting relatives this week in Call. Kitchener. Breslau and Hespeler. Ayr Girl Honored. Plathville t Wu honing - Gow-od fvlco on [on a Any OM â€Moreâ€! rrttpt - FU" iiFiLtu LuiWririi - â€any“ fiiii/iiL'ievt 12t.2t "3‘ P. b " tttre ot CW ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rank and Mr. and Mrs. George Squire at- tended the Quail-Stoltz reception held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Weber, St. Agatha, on Sat- urday evening. Miss Viola Roth, Miss Annie Brennemm, Kenneth, Edna and Esther Roth and Omer Wavel- at- tended the Graber-Bell adding in_KerttucM' just -wtrek.., - _ Mr, George Goodridge of Wu- wane“, Man†Ind sister, Mrs, Sa- die Knieht and her daughter, Mrs. M. V. Sullivan and Mr. Sullivan ot London called at the homes of John L. Hammond and In. Fos- ter. Mr. Goodridge arm his boy- hood days here and as not been back since he left " years ago. Woolwich Township Council set the rates as follows: " mills tor county and township; .5 mills public welfare; 3.7 mills high whools; " mills tor road pur- poses; 3.7 mills tor general school purposes. The by-laws also provide for a levy for Federation of Agricul- ture property of two acres or over. Mr, and Mrs. Christian Z. Ger- ber and Murray spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jantzi and daughter at Wel- land, W00twlth IWP. Tlot RAIE SIRUCK The total tax rp.te is 22.2 mills which does not include the feder- ation levy. The 1951 tax rate was 19 mills. Each school section has its se- parate rate according to its needs. Ti"aiG GAT, M iiruiia" .u. t,rfautth1f. P Ite, a tte, h and M will. " ht- with, iron cold. tnd a (an at “In ' which an: to be rev-lent in a number ot districts. Batman.- in manual. have commenced clam their - den: and come '/d',VUflh' trait GM" -.... iri.Taaaau “mu Benn: After " Venn. ... firTiGii"sirE - guiCPenngt of Wellesley visited at the home of Aaron Gerber on Sunday, _ any potato crop. Crossbill t Arr Rey 'IFA, JrArEhef? In.» Qua-tau Here are the new 1952 open seuon rules covering upllnd birds 3nd small animals We would suggest yr: clip this and tee that it is placed where Â¥ou know {on cm ttnd it for re er- ence. f you wnm an extra copy, cull this column at 6-6401, Those wishing to attend the draw for prizes after the crow shoot will aim meet at the Haci- and. and will then-ape given di- rections as to where they should Competition for the best crow shooter may be fairly keeh this year so thoae competin: better get their shooting eye in 5 up: now. Draw for the prizes offered by the Wnterloo Rod and Gun Club on their Crow Shoot will be made September 13th. All those mem- bers now holding books of tick- ets or money for same are asked to get both tickets and money in togammy Shank: by this date. We would like to take this op- portunity of commending the committee looking after this event on the new clause the in- serted this year. This stipulated that all crows entered mast be shot by the person competing and not by his friends, relatives or shooting trg,",git'd'; While this has been In nwritten rule, it Wis felt bÂ¥ many that it was not be- an;r to lowed, Now there is no ex- cuse tor conditions being other than those laid down by the com- mittee, There are several very tine prizes being offered as well as the money which goes to the shooter killing the most crows, Better get in on this fellow: The number of Crows killed by each shooter will be counted at either of these places, but they must be taken away after count- Ing, Neither Cammy or on (an- cy having a bunch of dead crows lying around their places tor ob- vious reasons. A Waterloo Rod and Gun Club held a well attended meeting on Monday night of this week. Sor- ry we didn't get there until the tail end, fellows, but we had an important call we had to make out of town and thought we would be through sooner than we were. During the meeting it was de- cided that a Fowl Shoot would be held on September 27th and that there would also be a Fall Dance. Date of the dance was to be de, ctded at a later meeting. Looks as though there is going to be a good race for the crow shooting honors this year, with a number of the members intend- ing to spend both time and shells on_the black boys . . Thttt's the way this event should be. There hasn't been enough real competition in the DES} couple o.r.yet . . . Those ahooters competing in the Crow Shoot, are asked to take their kill to either Cam Shanta at 17 Roslin Ave., Waterloo, or to On Hofhnan It the Hacigngax " Oahu-h Open Sean-n - "" thll (It-e Bird- und Small (la-e Anhnl- t HII‘II'III We: Sept. 20 to Oct, 13, incluiive: Throughout Ontario (except Thunder Bay District), In the meantime, the weather which had been warm and balmy. gradually changed. The aouth wind switched around into the northeast. and the temperature (heaped until we were cold even wit our hunting coat on over our iUhing vent and wool shirt. It was the weather that Mally won out and we moored the boat again and drove across country to one of the streams we Knew; BahLimil: 0 per day; Posse.» sion mit: it. . an... tRuffed Grouse, Sharp- mm Grouse, Strum. Partridge): (I) Sept " to ov ls. inclusive- In Northern Ontario including Manitoulin mud and in ‘11 part: The on: hit like tools for the first hour or so we wue out and we Tttl tour nice trout on tive ~asls. his time of the year we are not interested in regular size trout and gg,'.t,'/'UT, return-, ed to the water in e hope that we would tie into a reel butter: p.m, we decided it would be nice to just take our time going home and drive all the back roads in- stead of the highway. Eventually we got home, and because we did drive the backroads we now have another spot where we hoge to bounce a couple of big lack ducks come October the 4th. learandtlukey bimbo“ In: sittinguhome. Aarohadtah- G particular palm to lock up the wheat in a name: which would defy otheu attempt to nae It. We Mum havenuaatdeal olhope that we would be able to over- come the lock and chain without the aid of the key. The fact that trout were dlmp- m the water at refular inter- vals did not make u eel any bet- let, but probably added a certain amount of stregth to our ettorts. Finally after t an hour ot prymfuand twiating with a car jack mile and a machete. we managed to get the ring attached to the boat open far enough to slide the chain out. l Here it was considerably warm- er because of the protection by the bush trom the wind. Again the trout seemed to be on the teed, but they were also exceed- ingly wary and would only come once to the IV. If you missed them the first time, you didn't get another chance We did manage to catch a lair number although there were no his ones: About 5 Ge ttsite,,',"?, 5?de to? our (B) Oct, " and Oct. SO in the Township of Pelee (Essex Coun- ty). lb) Oct. 31 and Nov. I in the townships ot Markhsm in York County; and Pickerm, Whitby and East Whitby in Ontario Coun- Bag Limit)ottoistail rabbits-- 6 per day. ford, Peer, Prince Edward, 'Slm- coe, Waterloo, Welland, Welling- ton, Wentworth and York. Squirrel (Black. fox and gray): Nov. 17 to Nov. 22, inclusive. Datum“: ' per day, Posses- sion Unit: 10 ll any one time. ‘l'ox: Aux. ts, "st, to An. H. 19$, inclusiyyr, _ A elusive ‘lallhlts: (a) Oct. M, 1952, to Jan. 31. 1953 inclusive: In the Township of Pelee (Essex County). lb) Oct. 29. 1952, to Jan. 31, 1953, inclusive: In the counties of Essex, excels! (a), and Kent. NOTE: on-teddents not " lowed to hunt rabbits in the um ssreetttef In (In. (cl Oct. 29, 1952, to Feb. 28, H353, inclusive: The counties of Brant. Elgin, Haldimand, Hanan. Lambton, Lincoln, Middlesex, Norfolk, Oxford, Peel, Welland, Wentworth and York; the town- ships of Burlington (Durham); Hay, Stanley and Stephen (Hm ron); East Whitby, Pickering and Whitby (Ontario); Adjala.- Te- cumseth and West Gwillimbury (Sigma; Wilmot (Waterloo); and uslinch (Wellington). (d) Sept. I, 1952 io Aug. M, 1953, inclusive: Other parts of quriqhexcep} ta), up saga). One Accident Sole Mishap This Week "1303385121. Limit: " in the an- gregate at any 'itnr. ty "-special Township Hunting Licences are required to authorize the hunting of pheasants, rabbits and foxes In specified townships in the counties of Brant, Durham, Elgin, Essex, Haldimand, Halton. H ron, Kent, Lambton, Lincoln, M?ddlese)§. t3otfolk,_9ntttio, Aht- Pide " to How 1, Inclusive: (t) the counties of Brant. Bl- gtn, hat. Balding“. Hal- ton Kent, lam-Non. Lincoln, ( Middle“; Norfolk, Oxtord. Peel, Welland, Wentworth and York; and Aii) In the township. of [at Whitby, Pickett? 1nd Whit- by lin Ontario "tlt" Ad. jab. Tecumneth an West Gwititmbury (tn Simcoe County); Md Dullnatou (in Durham County). Bag Limit: Pdi"t,t ot 5 per day except to t c counties and township: listed In (c) where it is_sperd.ar... -' . - ’mu: Open season: 8 am to?pay, -- .A. "ihl (in In the 1ownshigs ot Hay, Stanley and Step en (in Hu- ron County); Wilmot (in ws. terloo County); and Puslim-h tin Wellington County). (d) Oct, 29 to Nov, 1, Inclusive: in_all other. pa_rt§ of (_)nlar_io, ' Giirairi -___ EV"““'ua'“ trr, m aka-5‘ 1urt. ttat aed kw li Ct) "BI; 1331317 jieiee-a cock phea- sants and l hen pheasant in the bug days. _ A _ . " . Other parts of Ontario--3 cock pheasants per day. Fur-alum: Sept. 4, 1952, to March Al, 1963, inclustive. _ Hunted Grouse (Prairie Hen) No open season. s'2,yii,fii'ti'if2 per day. Posses- sion imit: " at any one time. '6wiaiuttuiiFaitttrtttrFia bound- of Durin- County, tt-ituthtotheCP_tiii Ustttvietai9 egg-Anne. tut-fowl w in the tar north, but tho than. dill h dit- team. (6) Oct. 4 te liov. IQ. lgdugivo: in (c), The om can " um e'trtt,'tt'ee,L1tt'tx't, tertowl, but the caning date is Monet - -- _ _ _ 1c) Oct. 29 and M and Nov. 1: b In the counties of Brant, Hal- ton, Oxford and Wentworth; 2?)? no Wynn tho RSV. 1 to Dec. 31, in Rev. and Mrs. Knuth who is a daughter ot the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G. Miatele of Rodney were married at the home ot the bride Sept. 4, 190'! by the Rev. W, M. Sippel. Following their marriage they went to Naperville, Ill. in preparation for the ministry. In I911 Rev. Mr. Knuth received his first appointment at Morriston. During the intervening years he has served various churches with- in the Canada Conference. He has been pastor of the Roseville-Wil- mot Centre churches for the past seven years. Rev. and Mrs. Knuth have two sons and two daughters. Carl of Weland. Victor of Shakespeare, Florence (Mrs. Alasdair MacPherson) Detroit and Marion. (Mrs. Nelson Hal]. man), of Toronto. Have Hullmw wu mm of ceremonies for the eveniuf. Duck wete Jung by Mrs. M. Poll and Mrs. T. Brodhuchr and by Mrs. Louis Holm and Mrs. A, Fil- singer. Readings were given by Miss Pauline Eschelmnn of Deon and In. T. Brodhnecker‘ Mn. Carl Schiedel rend en address address and the presentation ot n chrome kitchen we! was made by Lorne Fried, Jack Hallman, Mei- ville Veitch and Harry Brod- hacker. Both Rev. and Mrs, Knuth ex- pressed their thanks for the gift and short speeches were mnde by several members. A soon] hour was enjoyed. Seventeen members were pres- ent at the September meeting of the W.S.W.S. and Ladies' Aid held in Grace RUB. Church. Mrs. Carl Schiedel and her ff/ll',? led the worship period ba on Stewardship. A discusswn on “I Have a Stewardship" was presented as follows: “I Read the Bible", by Mrs. G. Fried; "I Pray", by Miss Emma Lepp; "I Give", by Mrs. H. Schreiber; “I Otter Thanks", by Mrs. Ted Dedman. Mrs. Schiedel Rev, c. R. Kauth is in attend- ance at a special session of the church on “Strengthening the Sundaé School" at the New Ham- burg vangelical United Breth- ren Church. Thursday and Fri- day. A joint service for the Wil- mot Centre and Roseville congre- gations will be held here Friday night when the pastor will re- port on the sessions. held. On Sunday morning there will be a' special speaker In connection with tht, 1tee named project, . ' Forty-three puplu are enrolled in the local school. Beginners are Sharon Snyder. Glenda Fried, Barbara Neitzel. Jimmie Phillips and Ronald Wolinski. Prepara~ tions are being made for the an- nual township school fair being helq here Tyysdty, A __ REV. C R. Ktusth questioning on stewardship and tithing. During business session announcement was made of the fall rally to be held at Olivet E.U.B. Church. Kilchener. 38(1) in Octpber. Rev. and Mrs. tirEi. batuns of Sebringville were recent visitors Mr. and Mrs. treivitie Veitch were Labor Day visitors with Mrs. Emma Grenzebach. i,"'""""'-"-'"---- led an interview mm the" ?a§tBi-, REV C R Ttauth annx'inn no on members a in; 'iiir.idtrit,iiis2h. Grace Church “the n the Unwed Wins M Despite Member of Parliament’s How ual'lgr, u. .-- mm momentum-haun- lo: tho W.O.AA. Mb "A" an. My In.» at on mull.†“I. r“. iiiiirr"oeTt%mouautoen.. '.'fgt"agT2agtg,htet m. Marceau-mm intttalrattrameoattsrd. '2lett2tttrtl2t.'dttat, y.ru'srttreroteough inmttttr%hit.andtwo.rr7rm plus out ,riehti_ittrhaeud At Ibo Ind- Ma A pleasant 'ttit wu given ReteandMra.C.KKautttahttse occasion of their my. wedding anniyerury: Sept. tth, whey Mt): Roseville t {CAM‘MNANAW4 runs by Vows: in!“ "9922'!“ 3 woSBBINE i RACING Sept. , - Sept. 20 Queen St. In! ai King-ton Rd. Grandstand ms'r “ct AT 2:00 PM. Punk- Pull-g " but End " 0mm TORONTO Enclosure ADMISSION TAX INCLUDED with Mr. and, In. mum. ledl. Mr. and In Hm. Hill-.- tted ',,fu'dd"h 'fate' m t w " I gnu: of Mr, Bad In. Clam c y, Mr. Ind Mrs. J. A. Mud and Umily visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alina u Pruithnd. Ilia Isobel Crumble ot TM was . weebend guest of III Lois Shelby. - v - u. - aa;ituieTiiLi"iTuiiTtaGT. weinaerioustroutth. did-tWG-to-ik New.“ got pull) oe? mm iihiyt't, tttttil E: two - Myth; A.“ Br.. rot. thie il this JririiJG Tu“. Ens-gm hm by no". In.- my a on. pom m iiiki-iaTGi' an and. will a. ttetd we may nun. Gttl - tilk" iraiCUiGi"" any" dog wound; mu TRADE-IN STORE 92 ONTARIO SOUTH l A lOVz' Wilton, blue $109.50 TRADE-IN STORE 9'x IO' Walnut Secretary Desi: $69.50 Kneeholc M, Walnut Tu w, New Hail Trates Reg. $6.95; Special “.25 S-pe. Folding Metal Bridge Set $22.50 Black and red. Real . Honest-t0- Goodness BARGAINS Audion", green Willem, gray Wino-I, green Ann-inner, green SP x 8' Wilton, green Wilton, wine Walnut finish Wilton, rose BUllAS’ Miscellaneous Values V BULLAS' no... use: “wasâ€! RUGS ran-Am $12.50 and up AT ".15 511943: $34.95 $34.50 $59.50 $99.50 $19.95 8".â€