Meats: Pork sausage. fresh, ltr, 75; Pork sausage, smoked, ltr, 80; Blood sausage, 1b., 60; Summer sausage. ltr, 90: Head cheese, 1b., Sli; Liver, pork, lb. 55: Liver, Ve‘ehbles: Potatoes. small basket, 65; Cauliflower, each. IO to 30; Cabbage, each, 8 to 25; Ra, dishes, bunch, 2 for 15; lettuce, head, 10 to 15; Beets, basket, 40 to 50; Celery, bunch, ts to 25; Carrots, bunch, IO; Corn, dozen, 20, 30, 35. 40: String beans. bar. ket,_60. Butter, In 62 to 64; Eggs-Ex- tra large. dozen, 68 to TO; Large. dozen, 65 to 68; Medium, dozen. " to 60; Pullets, dozen, 48 to Mr, Dngle y_u_lk, dozen. 75. Tomatoes under volume pres- sure dropped to an average of 50 cents a basket They were 20 cents higher two weeks ago The prices: Saturday’s market at Kitchener registered pracucally no change in prices from Wednesday's whe- dules. Eggs held tu the use of a week ago With grade A large sell- ine tor 65 and 68 cents a dozen. Good going Thursday, Aug. 21 to Saturday, Sept. 6 inclusive. Return Limit - Sept. 10 Putt information from tttW agent Eggs Same, Tomatoes Drop in Price at Market TORONTO cIIIIIIIIAII itlmthuL EXHIBITION WHICH Coach Parlour Cars' 'Partour Ca: or Btu") Fare Extra. Jesstc),,i,l!ae,yn ktTCHENER _ .. 0m... St. SHAtElis, " Brid s3.15 Go by Train ht the FARM NEWS Aug. 22 to Sept 6 Low Rail Fares s3.75 Butter solids: First grade " tenderable and 57bi-57% non-ten- derable. The Toronto egg market also eased again yesterday in dull trading and grade A eggs were off lractionally at Montreal. Grade A large size N.FFPF___.._ " Grade A medium size .F._rr__ 6t Grade A small size " Grade B '_."'.-......'.,,......,,......-, " Grade C """_"FF." 21-28 Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade GRADE A DROPS TWO CENTS AGAIN Due to lack of interest by out- site buyers, local paying price on grade A large eggs was reduced another two cents yesterday, E. R, Honey, supervising poultry proglucts inspector, reporgs. JESSOP AND WHALEY “55; Chickens. young broilers, m. 80; Chickens, milk ted, Its, M; ‘Oheese. mild th., MP, Medium. m. 55; Old, w., 85; Honey/clover, In. 35 to 40, Fruits: Apples - Duchess, bar ket, 65; Transparent, basket, 60; Melba, basket. ts; Tomatoes, bu- het, 35 to 50; Peaches, basket, 60. 65. TS, 85. b m. no" w. nun: ,uuu, "r, M_ smoked. th., 8;; Beef, GORDON YOUNG up. Egg Quotations Dead and crippled Farm Animals removed promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect Guelph - - - nu Elmira - - - '" Butter Prices DEAD SIOCK “Melanie to Retail large size, .. me mm SIZE small sue .. WATIILOO - " BrWorort " HAVE THEIR SCHOOL CLOTHES IIIGHT AND S'OTLESS " SENDING THEM TO All too quickly for most boys and girls, the summer holidays have passed . . . and now it's tune for school again. 64.65 55-58 4041 45-48 34-35 27-28 Send 'hole Dunes - Skirts Coats and Sweaters N; Fri., Sept. tit, tsjtoFiLUiiouse. hold effects for Mrs. Saugel at 78 Moore Ave, (Charon St.), Kitch- ener. Rrdit.," Sept. IO-Grand Holstein herd for Arthur Adamson, 3% mile nertteett 1rATratalgay, Wed., Sept. "i--%iitrirHoisteir, cattle at Summit View Farm, Brigggpop. - A. B. BRUBACHZII " P013: Av... Phono 44510 Every Saturday morning n: my auction room Beside the market Fri, Aug. 29--dersey Herd at Woodstock Fair Grounds, _ Flax: 1 cw, 33.90%; 2 W. 33.34 3 cw, $3.65%; 4 cw, noted track. $389112. Barley: I and 2 cw li-row, $1.- 41%: l and 2 cw 2-row, $1.361a: 3 cw Brow. $1.37%; 2 cw yellow, $12758; 3 cw yellow, t1.25U; 4 cw 6-row. $126M; 3 cw 2-row, 31.33%; I feed, $1.25; 2 feed, $l.- M; 3 feed, 81.18%. Rye: land 2 cw, $104%; 3 cw. $115955: rej. 2 cw, “31%; ' cw, $1.50%; ergoty. 31.56%: track, $13436. Cash prices: Oats: 2 ew. 82%; 3 cw, 80%; Ex. 1 feed. 79%; 1 feed, 77%; 2 Feed. It%; 3 Feed. 72%; Mixed Feed, The grain man near Canora said [farmers he met were not too un- [ttapps about prices. After all, he said, you have to consider the ( ability ot ignpquers to pay, Leamington 75's $135-$350; (rich, iGu(ers,ritirlit iriiiiid N.B. 25's, "OO. I M Some farmers thought labor pushed its wage demands loo strongly and thereby pushed up pripes. 7 Machinery High The man on the tractor near Kamsack thought machinery l prices were too high, But then,; he knew some farmers who paid more than the list-price just to get scarce machinery tir?st. r Yet} won't Elia}; Ed; farmer to admit he's getting enough, he added. He may wonder a tut about where he wil store his crop, but he doesn't seem to have too much complaint about the, price. One farmer near Mortlaeh. west ot Moose Jaw, said he was getting along pretty well. Ot course, he had a fair amount of land and mate a smaller farmer wouldn't tin things so good. Still, he thought, a farmer like that would be_3ble to, get along tof. Travel through vast stretches ot rural Saskatchewan and talk to the man driving the tractor 1n the flelds nod you get I sample of the thoughts of the farmer. Saska- tchewan’s most numerous and im- portant resident. He's not mad at anybody His gripes are being carried away by the warm breezes bIow- ing across his tlelds of thick, waving grain, REGINA. - The average man "out west". Isn't talking politics or toothall or summer vacation these days He's talking about Wm" his ,fv"t " ready to cut an ow many ushels he's ltke- ly to get to the Care. Crops Please Western Farmers; They’re Not Mad at Anybody 1 Choice steers brought $26-8Nt Jud medium to god sheen. at $34.50. Good heifem sold trom $350414 with common slackers and heifers downward to :13. Came: and cutter cows traded from $1341.. Bulls sold from 815-816. common downward to $11 Choice ted yearling; brought Cam; aiif, REESE. tiriCTiir, sheep and limb. "It. The estim- ale_d_ Achiever was 2.100 Trading Slow at Toronto An agricullurist at Swift Cur- TOBON'IO. - Ontario Stock- mt phag- ederdoworrnrd to- Auction Sales Potato Prices Grain Prices f‘A'v'o. 33% Fhery Thursday . 1 pm --At Kitchener Stockyards Limited, Guelph Highway of came, in, horses, sheep. poultry, protruce. Wellesley Community Surle ev- ery second and fourth Monday a! 7 30 p m --Calt1e.calves.hogs, etc, Sat, Aug 30, rao pm.--At anrnsc Livestock Market of cab tle, pigs, horses. poultry and farm machinery, Every Wednesday at 9springe Livestock Market-Cattle, Pitts, poultry, etc, Aug 29, Friday at l patr--Live, stock, farm machinery, feed and some household, effects for Mrs. Joseph Carroll, 2% miles south, east "r Breslau, 1 mile south of Freeport, HERBERT M. BEINBAR'I' Rat. It, Breslau, Phone 2-3653 Every Monday at Ancaster Livestock Market ._- Cattle, pigs, horses and poultry, Every Tuesday at Galt Live- stock Market 7â€" Cattle, pigs, horses, poultry, etc. cattU, SoksrciiiGi,' implements. etc, ttl burn. Every Thursday, at 1.00 pan.- Cattle, Ems sheep, calves, homes, tte., ttt itaiiiiii Stock Yards, No. , highwafxradjoining the city. Every i, at I.30 oan-duto M _ Every Thursday. t trrrt.--At Kitchener Stockyards Ltd., of cat, tie, pigs, horses, etc,, on the Bras lau Highway. Wed., Sept. 3, 1.30 p.m.---rurni- ture, household effects, Cobbler'a equipment, etc, for the late Wm. Heidlinger Estate in the village of Baden. Wed., Sept. M, 12.30 sharp- Clearing sale of implements, farm stock. feed, etc., for Roy, MacTavitrh, 4% miles west of Wellesley, " miles east of 't ping. Every 1yeui/dssGTiiiGring at FYeeiton Livestock Market of cat- tle, hugs, Egultry. etc. - FARR. & SON Alma P.0.. Phone SSS-h†I _-_--- -"-'". “HUI-“w. Phone Baden 47-h: Esvry Mon, 8 p.m.--Uommun- tty Sale of Livestock. Implements, household effects at Baeehler's sales Basn N,ew Hamburg. III l Sat, Sept. 13, 2 p.m,--Auction sale for Aaron Sander at soutn limitt ot St. Jacobs, Highway 85. of furniture and household ef- (eels. Tues., Sept 16, l p.m -Farm- ers' Livestock Market on No. 2 hsghway, 2 miles west of Ancas- ter of cows," calves, young cattle and pigs. 'A. s. SNIDER, Auctioneer Bridgeport. Phone 2-2304 - mm.“ â€w“. mum. mu. Mon., Sept, 8, 9.30 aan.---"Elmi. ra Fair Dayr--Community Sale at Farmers' Shed of horses, im- plements, furniture, clothes. etc. l After ali, it looks like a boom- lhurvest year in Saskatchewan. Tues., Sept 2, L30 pai-S-car load of stacker cattle from 400 to 900 lbs, (only smoker cattle), at Kl‘tchener Stock Yards, Ltd.. ED. GE1SEL, Allah-net Phone 932. Elmira Every Thursday, 1 t"laTtl Kitchener Stockyards Lt ., cattle, pigs. horses, em. on the Breslau Highway. Wed.. Sept. M-Entire herd of H.o.lstttin gattle tor Elmer Diet- Major worries of the farmer to- day are the weather and the keep- mg of machinery in repair for the next several weeks. - "r-te" -__- "'".r' Another Indication is in the sleek. modern one-storey farm house with picture-window that ls gmng up on many a farm, The farmer near Montmartre hald he was living in town now. He hoped. though. to get build- lugs on his land and move out mere Wanted to be closer lo it, he said. A symptom of a move back to the land? Nobody could tell, hut at ieast It was an indication the movement was norall one way: One farmer sand " hadn't ramed m hm dlslnct tor a number of weeks at one time during the growing season. How many bush. els would he get to the acre? Apgut 25, he said. Little Change The pioneer near Lloydminster said the towns along the line would never change very much. They wouldn't gruwuappreciably. - u 7 v -W'W- -_._...,. The farmer near Nipawin said there wasn't much sense in a strictly gram farm, even though " tnight let you live m town, “I; suew:'lui" ierr"m"iaiiTii'tarm without cattle." ers weren't too disheartened by present payment levels. Some of them thought last year's pnces were too high. What airoutTG% de-populauon the experts.ta)k f? much about? A livestock man collecting stock out of Keiyineton_sud cattle rais- rent though! farmers were secret- ly pleased about grain prices. They knew they were going to have to take less sometime but they hoped this their†occur too soon. Culls traded trom $13-$30 with cvnxmon sheep trom 35-88. M. R. ROTH Auctioneer. Tavlsmk. hone u-w Calves were steady Bt m tor good to choice valor: Vim other grades lower nt 811-813. Hugs sold at “I tor grade A and mun-A ---- - --- Hog: sold u as ti, GL A and eased now: " 'to. Sheep brought an tor good ewes and wethers Bucks were $27 'N-tio with medium tr _ down to :23. Common to Mm: “other: were 816413 with good up to "s, curl? JAN)“. Auctioneer. '"IILOO (can), mount“. i, in. Iainird-7faie of res, shag, hisridd , at Art ur Sales Mr, Howard Bearinger attend- ed the Mennonite Sunday School Conference at Goshen, Ind.. over the week-end, Mr and Mrs Charles Wealth and (sung visited Mr. and Mrs. Stewart tsummary " Waterford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Angus 'lh"ttresr. spent Sunday with Mr, and rs, Milton Phol at Perry's Corner J Ross Goodall ot the House of Friendship. Kitchener, occu- pied the pulpit of the Mannheim Mennonite Church on Sunday morning. Inatructrod; for dispatching the harvesters were received at the N.ES. once in Kitchener last week ' Mannheim t .w uvuuly urinal"! noun: tor the and applications Ire still being western haw-l left t,s'i'irt'ir2rtie',iv?,il u the walem bumper night by CNR, It numbered " crop ts creating more Jobs for and comprised “iguana who ar- Ontario helpers than were avail- ranged for jobs t rough the Na, able . cu Mo. tional Fep1yTent..seFvisr. 'g,1'cG transportation rate,. The (In! contingent ot Water- C. w. Boyer, loo Countyhhrmers tttod tor the (Cl applications wanna-n s-....o 'F . 1‘74 1, _ _ _ 18 Waterloo County Farmers To Heln With Western hrvest _ _"'"-"'-' "V I - ll Butter It. " to M; "ga, amps; Duke: large, dozen, an to TO; Etas, large. and] bad dozen, " to " his. medium.(buku. do, dozen, 00: Bugs, pulle ' dozen, " basket. 50. all ,, "_-_"- ___--, -_, new“) in the medium' in; variety. than nun. from . to " a ballot _ . TWP“ hold In: In - will 0- rgy-Eh!» mum-t mummy MAB' Peaches Pretty Plentiful tri mile west ot Trauma on No. ' Highway) (Midway between Toronto and Hamilton; Fresh. springing and fall calving cows and heifers, Open heifers and calves. ambuding 20 top grade females, mostly from Fully Accredited or s. " no... so. 5...». hflirtlltoPolLllTAN STORES ZIPPER THREE-RING BINDER!) SCHOOL BAGS q A complete "In of school stationary, pom, loo“ he! "Mk, no, on. SHORTS and SHIRTS per garment ANKLE SOCKS HANDKERCHIEFS WOOL TROUSERS SUSPENDERS Thursday, September 4th, at WOOL PULLOVERS WOOL GOLF HOSE SATIN JACKETS THERMOS LUNCH KITS 1.19 JEANS PLAID SHIRTS Mu. Fern. HIIIqu- (Clan-kl: Col-Inndcnn mm 45 a; si-Gnu-. Gia " REGISTERED - " GRADES Accredited - KOA'. - Vaccinated SOHOLSTEINS Apply for further particulars to: HAYS FARMS LIMITED - Sula Managers n 64 Olivine, Ont. Phone: [308 FOR THE BOYS HAYS SALES ARENA - . ,_V, m -"-", w w w. ruin. finding. tee S " to, ts, M, Plum. Selling in with colored border GENERAL SCHOOL NEEDS Mr. Seth Bansa from the Gold Coast, Africa. a former teacher In Liberia, occupied the pulpit of the Lutheran Church on Sunday morning, Mr, Hausa " at resent a student at the Waterloo fume:- an College Mr, and Mrs Clifford Rhine- hart and family are holidaying at Durham this week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byler and son, Ypt7, of Brando, Argen- tina and r, and Mrs. Eli Hall- man of Akron, Pa., spent Thurs. day and Friday with Bwhop and Mrs, Manasseh Hellman Mr. Daniel an. Miss Ellen Eby. Messrs. Edward and Glen any Ire t,'fi'lf, a few days With Mr. and rs, Dyck at Leammg- An unmatporGiriroup of har- vesters took on early last week by motor hay"e “en ,Fiaai Boo-y. I... as to m. N h in“: Reba, but“, Tr, Duchess, basket. 00; Tomatoes, yntu We", " to 60; Pucchu. 10: Col-n; m1: to use; bunch, lb, Cum but 'iihctt'tiAt, ttt to tr, mi: ttr, bi: than. milk Bi,"C%t Stltut, 'tetolf, lb, 86; Clover C. W. Boyer, MES. manner, id --_Il_-A:, _ . n. . . limpoylalion rates 2.98 1.95 ttSc 3.98 93c pr, 45c 3.69 29c er 20c mt 49c -- ALSO -- THERMOS BOTTLES I.†and 1.95 PP"N 'rrypueyy, FREE PARKING l, pencils, "can, scribble", exercise books, Halon no ’6 White Cotton HANDKERCHIEFS GIRLS' HANDBAGS sfocxmés Plaid and Corduroy JOCKEY CAPS Rayon and Cotton lull length Q-A-IAILAA- RAYON ANKLETS COTTON BLOUSES " WOOL HOSE PLAID SKIRTS WOOL CARDIGANS For best results, " King St. S. You can save substanttally on your Gilson home freezer by buymg f, cheapest and best and by avoiding soon pay tur themselves.» II WOIKINO VIII" CAIADIANS IN (VIII VIAlK 0' UPI BANK or Mourns“! “374-4“ STOCK": ELECTRIC "And: felt uvu I Farm hapwvcmem Loan with you: taunt B of M mung". Perhaps FtL an "Apply I good put " (b: «can HOME FREEZER FOR THE GIRLS Alvin-my alum-um l A“? Ana-m mum-my Your favorite foods are always in season, always handy, when you own a GiLSON bmmd 8. A P P L I A N C E S WATERLOO man. in The Waterloo Chmldo Next door lo PU C, METAL LUNCH BOXES Me and 6Se many on your annual food but with the by buymg foods in quantity at their x by avoiding spon'age and waste. Thur pair 49c 1.98 and 2.9. 1.19 and t.%t _rer,.A-t I. In. pair WATIILOO to 2.59 SSe SSe ttTe 'SSe â€25¢ Sth: 10c Phone {4118 IINCI, ""